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The Yogi Detox Plan

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The Yogi Detox Plan


> Day 1


> Upon waking start your day with a glass of room temperature water and

> 1/2 lemon squeezed in it.

> Daily mantra: "I will not judge today".

> Morning devotion on your mat: do your pranayamas and asanas.

> Off your mat: dry brushing and a bath.

> Breakfast: detox juice recipe.

> Mid morning: carrot sticks with hummus or plain yogurt.

> Lunch: vegetable soup.

> Midday: handful of unsalted nuts.

> Dinner: steamed fish, half a plate of green vegetables.

> Evening devotion on your mat: deep centering meditation.

> Daily tip: no newspaper or TV today.



> Day 2


> Upon waking start your day with a glass of room temperature water and

> 1/2 lemon squeezed in it.

> Daily mantra: "I will honor my choices today".

> Morning devotion on your mat: do your pranayamas, asanas and include

> standing poses.

> Off your mat: epsom salts bath.

> Breakfast: smoothie with yogurt, protein powder, fresh fruit.

> Mid morning: apple.

> Lunch: chicken, celery, tomato and bean salad.

> Midday: protein bar.

> Dinner: bean and sweet potatoes casserole with parsnips.

> Evening devotion on your mat: mindfulness meditation

> Daily tip: Do not take any phone calls today.



> Day 3.


> Upon waking start your day with a glass of room temperature water and

> 1/2 lemon squeezed in it.

> Daily mantra: "I will love myself for who I am today".

> Morning devotion on your mat: do your pranayamas, asanas and include

> twists today.

> Off your mat: hot shower, followed by a cold shower.

> Breakfast: choose foods that are sattvic today. Detox juice recipe.

> Mid morning: yogurt with semi-sweet fruits.

> Lunch: fresh green salad with light dressing.

> Midday: a handful of almonds.

> Dinner: rice, mung beans and fresh seasonal vegetables.

> Evening devotion on your mat: use a color healing meditation.

> Daily tip: Stay in silences today. No music or tv.



> Day 4


> Upon waking start your day with a glass of room temperature water and

> 1/2 lemon squeezed in it.

> Daily mantra: "I will live with high self esteem today".

> Morning devotion on your mat: do your pranayamas, asanas and include

> bending poses today.

> Off your mat: take a steam bath.

> Breakfast: fruit smoothie with yogurt or soy milk and wheat grass.

> Midmorning: an orange.

> Lunch: baked sweet potato with tuna.

> Midday: a protein bar.

> Dinner: stuffed peppers with brown rice, onion, celery and pine nuts.

> Evening devotion on your mat: breathing meditation.

> Daily tip: take a midday nap.



> Day 5.


> Upon waking start your day with a glass of room temperature water and

> 1/2 lemon squeezed in it.

> Daily mantra: "I will count every blessing today".

> Morning devotion on your mat: do your pranayamas, asanas and include

> inverted poses today.

> Off your mat: take an essential oil bath.

> Breakfast:yogurt with muesli.

> Mid morning: a handful of cashews.

> Lunch: spinach salad with shredded vegetables.

> Midday: rice cakes with an apple.

> Dinner: chicken breast with sweat potatoes.

> Evening devotion on your mat: connecting meditation.

> Daily tip: keep your energy up with a daily vitamin, B complex and

> ginger.



> Day 6.


> Upon waking start your day with a glass of room temperature water and

> 1/2 lemon squeezed in it.

> Daily mantra: "I will give unconditionally today".

> Morning devotion on your mat: do your pranayamas, asanas and include

> stretches today.

> Off your mat: use a salt scrub in the bath.

> Breakfast:detox juice recipe.

> Mid morning: watermelon slices.

> Lunch: vegetable stir fry.

> Midday: celery sticks and hummus.

> Dinner: mixed bean salad with tuna.

> Evening devotion on your mat: instant calming meditation.

> Daily tip: honor the process you are going through.



> Day 7.


> Upon waking start your day with a glass of room temperature water and

> 1/2 lemon squeezed in it.

> Daily mantra: "I will remain humble throughout the day".

> Morning devotion on your mat: do your pranayamas, asanas and include

> back bends today.

> Off your mat: take a soothing candlelight bath.

> Breakfast: rice cakes, mixed fruit.

> Mid morning: yogurt with berries.

> Lunch: vegetable stir fry.

> Midday: handful of nuts and seeds.

> Dinner: egg plant with brown rice, onion, celery and walnuts.

> Evening devotion on your mat: mudra meditation.

> Daily tip: be grateful for all the good in your life.




> Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac

> http://www.peacefulmind.com/detox.htm

> Therapies for healing

> mind, body, spirit

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