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Re: Response to Claire

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Thank you- I am entering a 3 day detox to rid myself of the ridiculous amounts of medications Doctor after Doctor have been prescribing me since my mother's passing 2 1/2 years ago. The uncomfortable feeling is worth "feeling" if that makes any sense. But I do need to go through detox with medical help due to the nature of the mixture of meds, and possibility of seizure. I am praying that I can stop tripping on the small stuff, details to make things perfect for my children before going in. But with your strenght and words of love and continued prayer Im realizing the best gift isn't a fake mom with a clean house but a real mom with maybe things out of order so I can get better first. Im so scared, I am soooo scared. I miss my mother and I know Im finally feeling the sadness I numbed, I cry all day my baby hugs me and kisses my hand. I love you. Thank you so much.

Hi ,

My heart goes out to you!

Just try to remember that a lot of the feelings will be "-ified" each day that passes, in a supportive environment. I've "detoxed" off of most prescription drugs many times, and had a horrible detox with illegal drugs, not to mention alcohol, so I know from experience what you are going through. Having gone to the "other side", I want you to know that you're making, have made, the right choice and this is the right time. You'll be astonished how incredible you feel, in just days.

Also, know that your mother is alive and well and watching over you. As you free up the space in your relationship with her, from grief to acceptance and love, the bonds and communications can be made between you both. It is our grief that acts as a barrier to our loved ones, our soul families, from communicating with us. The faster we can know in our hearts they are well and happy, and we will see them again before long, we also free THEM up to "move on" in the realms of bliss and joy they are exploring.

I remember, before I verified for myself that we actually DO "live on" after death, when my closest friend died in my arms of AIDS. I doubt there has been more "weeping, wailing and knashing of teeth", than what I experienced, mainly due to my own lack of understanding about the soul, and that those connections are never lost. We don't want to cause our loved ones "concern" from their side, through our own inability to know they are still with us. You will have a clear communication, once you're fully detoxed, that will allay and soothe all your doubts and fears; I don't know what form, but it will happen in time, and not when you expect it, nor in the form. It will be very clear to you, however.

I've also been in detox and recovery homes, and they are actually wonderful places to be. Try not to worry about those who depend on you, since you are working on being there much more fully through these positive steps. Trust that all is, and will be, well beyond your dreams. Don't forget to ask your "team", call them guardian angels, guides or spirit family, to assist you in each and every moment. We have vast assistance at our fingertips, but we must ask for the help, as "they" cannot interfere with our free will choices; we can be guided, yes... but the miracles are here, now, for us all.

Many blessings to you in the coming clarity and wonderful days ahead.

Love and Light,Zany Mystic

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