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Aloha from Hawaii!

My name is Christiane, and I am a new mommy of our sweet little boy,

Cairo Makana born on July 16, 1999.

I love breastfeeding! It is an awesome feeling to be nourishing your child

with your body. I had some major nipple probs the first few weeks due to

his awesome sucking power and latch on probs! (blisters, lost a little

pieceof one nipple - it seems to have grown back!- and a huge crack in the

other)Everything seems to be going well now. I still am a little sore, but

use Lanisoh regularly.

Several questions:

I am fairly large breasted and petite (around 36 E) and am wondering what

the best position is for feeding in public etc. At home, I put pillows on my

lap so that they are even with my breasts and lay him sideways across me,

but in a public situation or where I can't pile the pillows, the madonna

pose seems difficult. My nipples are kinda pointing toward the side, and

my breasts are very large so having his head in the crook of my arm

doesn't seem to put him in the right position (too much to the side) I can't

really describe this well!

What is the best nursing bra!? I have a Bravado, but I don't think the

sp++ has large enough cups. I prefer a stretchy kind of bra and more

sporty and comfortable than orthopedic. I have a playtex bra too, but it

doesn't seem to fit well. What about the Decent Exposures? Suggestions?

Our little guy seems to have developed colic-like symptoms, several

nights of all out uncontrollable crying, general fussiness and seeming

uncomfortable. It breaks my heart! After some research, I decided to cut

out dairy, soy and wheat for while and see if that helps and then add in each

one separately. (These are the only culprits I can think of... I am not

eating any cabbage -family veggies, onions or garlic ---makes it hard for

a veggie to get the protein and calcium!) Has anyone had experience with

this? Are there any other allergens I should consider... barley? How long

should I abstain? How long till you see " results " ? He seemed somewhat

better last night (I have eliminated these things for around 1 day) , but it

is hard to tell if he was just having a better night. Any other suggestions?

It is so upsetting to see the little guy unhappy! I have heard something

about milk coming out too fast can cause it too. I do seem to have a rather

fast " let down " but most of the times, this doesn't seem to bother him.

Thank you!


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