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Looking for God

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Religion teachings when understood bring about a spiritual

transformation that abandons any type of evil thoughts or actions.

But, I will say that many religions did not have adequate mentors on

teaching us how to achieve God within.

If we could learn to forgive and respect the way Jesus did, we would

be Christian completely too.

There are hidden clues just like that, kind of like those hidden

picture in Highlights magazines or in ancient scriptures.

That is the exact thing I am talking about is thinking when reading

the Bible.

I have nothing against any religious teachings. In fact, if people

followed his religion teachings, rather than worry about their own

salvations so much, they would be saved for sure because they would

have The Consciousness within them, too.

By " God within " I mean spiritual oneness and a deep reverence with

the Absolute Being through which we are. This is a more than a

feeling (a light that radiates from us) of great love that cannot

exclude not even a blade of grass or grits of sand as being part of

God and us.

When we achieve this consciousness, we become not as Jesus the man

but as Christ, or Krishna (the embodiment of God), or Buddha (The

awakened spirit).

All we need to do if to find Deity and Our true selves is to look

within ourselves ( " The Kingdom of God is within you " quote Luke 17-


Do you believe this whole universe is made up of that One

consciousness? And your very body, this mind, these thoughts,

feelings, everything is made up of this one consciousness, this one

Self? Has this belief somehow existed in your head?

Life begins when we step out of the mind, why?

By observing, by self-study, by being hollow and empty, love starts

blossoming, we become a channel, and we become a part of the Divine.

We are able to feel the presence of the Divinity, the One


Meditation is one of the ways to 'step-out' from our daily routine

activities. The Mind has to be relaxed. There are differences amongst

knowing, understanding and comprehending.

When you listen, see or touching, you immediately know about

something or an event. As soon as you have grasp the idea why it

happen then you understand; but in order to comprehend the event, you

need to understand the cause and effect behind any event. Once this

is achieved, then it can be said you have comprehended the matter


" Drop desire " is common to all paths to enlightenment. When a strong

desire occurs there is tightness in the nervous system. Desire causes

contraction and blockages of the nervous system.

Meditation is the reverse process. Total relaxation during meditation

leads to bliss. Desire causes shrinking and contraction of the

nervous system. Any spiritual practice causes expansion. Every one is

a part of the whole and is not isolated.

Mind is the thought having some or certain degree of awareness,

whether you want to think or not to think about it, it is thinking.

Aware of this situation/fact that the mind is part of overall

awareness, is called the Consciousness in the Human.

When we think about events, these events occupy our mind and it

becomes so big for us that the Existence loses its significance.

Events bring you small joy also events can cause pain and suffering.

When our mind is hankering for the future, continuously planning for

the future all the time, worries become imminent and thus playing the

big role in you then it is not joyful.

On the contrary, when Existence becomes dominant in our awareness,

events lose their value and significance; but Existence brings you

the bliss, Existence can only bring joy and bliss and truth.

The divinity is unity, it is always one; but there are many names

that have been used for this one absolute reality. Out of the One has

come the many.

When a child is born it is called a baby. As the baby grows up it

becomes a youth. After twenty years it becomes an adult and later a


Later still in life, it becomes a grandparent. But these are all one

and the same entity.

Similarly, the reality is always one and the same. To recognize the

evolution of the One into the many while ever retaining its unity,

you must constantly engage yourself in the practice of dwelling on

the unity that is behind all this diversity.

Only when you realize this unity, the One divinity underlying all the

changing names and forms, will you have achieved something that is

truly worthwhile, that the world is the embodiment of God and full of


God is not a person, sitting up in Heaven, in seclusion and separate

from his creation.

By letting go of even the thought " I " , what is left? Letting go or

surrender leads to relaxation while relaxation is the path to no


There is nowhere to stand and no one to stand there. No separation

anywhere. Pure awareness, neither this nor that, just clarity and

being One.

You don't have to know anything; that's what's so funny about it. You

get so simple. You're empty. You know nothing. You simply are wisdom.

Not becoming anything, just being everything.

Fear is the root of all insanity that is why we are equipped with


All fear-based perceptions are formed through ones feeling of not

knowing what lies ahead or which way one must turn.

Further from within this is more significantly disorients the self,

who just dearly seeks to find a way out.

Only through turning to the shining star of the light and help within

ones heart, may one truly begin to seek and navigate the self out

from within fear-based perceptions and ingrained patterns of thought

formation which no longer work.

Through scientific knowledge, we learn that more and more Solar

systems and Galaxies are found everyday, and we, Human discovered

that life form is not or must not only in humanoid shape!

Yet, through Spiritual View, we also found that consciousness is life

and alive!

Therefore the existence of the Creator only in Humanoid form is a big

exception in the entire Universe, which holds billions of Galaxies

that has in itself billions of Star systems.

Are we so special species? Or maybe we had all along the wrong

perception about the 'GOD'?

Personification of someone and equalized him/her as the creator has

been a concept of religious approaches, yet it is becoming

questionable as we tend to find broader meaning of what is life, what

are living creatures and what is consciousness.

How long can we " HOLD' on to such perception that God was a Human?

If you go deeply into this whole question you will discover that when

the mind is very quiet, simply no judgment, completely still, where

there is not a movement of thought, then that stillness has its own

creative understanding.

In that stillness, the mind is transformed into something else. But

the mind cannot find that stillness through any means or through any


The stillness comes when you understand the ways of the mind. It is

the mind that has created the organized religions, the innumerable


To find out what is real, you must go beyond the creations of the

mind. Deep into the realm of samadhi is where the true light exists.

Deep into that realm, where you as the only observer collapse the

waves of energy into particles of light, the pristine basic

particles. That is the essence of mind that we have never found.

You choose your own conception of God. Why and what is it?

Everyone has got big compartments within his mind, innumerable

compartments made in your mind. You have put everything, your

experiences in life into those compartments. You make concepts and

eventually later get stuck there.

Your ideas about people and about anything are all dividing your own

mind. Nobody is a statue so that you can qualify them as: " This is a

characteristic of such and such a person " .

No! do not judge for Everybody is always changing; every mind is a

flow and everybody's mind is changing and moving every second.

Your mind is a flow. Your mind is a continuum that is ever changing,

ever changing.

God is alive in all aspects of creation. God is in the smallest of

the small and in the largest of the large, and is also described in

the scientific world as mostly no-thing or nothing. God is existence,

then what is not God?

The Creator GOD if someone likes it, is no more than pristine Basic


These particles are common, same quality, same characteristics, same

shape, unique, present everywhere in all manifestations in the

Universe, it is the basic ingredients and spare parts of energy, of

Origin matter, of Sub-Atomic, of Atoms, of molecules, of Liquid

forms, of Solid materials, of any organism living or non-living


The manifestation of elementary basic particles from its origin

pristine state till the solid forms take seven steps of formation

processes (7 DAYS OF CREATION BY GOD as depicted in BIBLE).

These formation steps are:

.. 1. Pristine Basic Particles to Energy.

.. 2. Energy to Origin Matters.

.. 3. Origin Matters to Sub-Atomic Level.

.. 4. Sub-Atomic level to Atomic Level.

.. 5. Atomic Level to Molecular Gas Level.

.. 6. Molecule Level to Liquid Level.

.. 7. Liquid to Solid level.

Tonight, when you go to sleep, feel your whole body. As you start

feeling every part of your physical body, you'll see you are not only

the body.

You are the glow; you are that consciousness. You are that

scintillating energy, sparkling energy in the whole body.

Through practice you will be filled with bliss. Practice is not an

achievement, it is an unfoldment. Practicing is not gaining anything

new, or achieving, it is re-discovering the bliss within which has

been there since your existence as human long time ago.

Why is it said " ask and you shall get " ? How?

If you had comprehended the above explanation completely, it is

guaranteed to get what you ask for.

You are entitled to achieve whatever you wish, if you with a full

heart, dropping sorrow and be into that Divine Fold, in the moments

your sorrow vanishes, your problem vanishes, your difficulty

vanishes, then you are totally there then whatever you desire will

all be given to you. Should you continue to ask or just take it? that

is simple right?

In our very nature, in the depth of our mind, there is omnipresence,

omnipotence, omniscience. All knowledge is already in the depth of

our consciousness, of our mind.

Moses heard a shepherd on the road praying,

" God,

Where are you? I want to help you, to fix your shoes

and comb your hair. I want to wash your clothes

and pick the lice off. I want to bring you milk

to kiss your little hands and feet when it's time

for you to go to bed. I want to sweep your room

and keep it neat. God, my sheep and goats

are yours. All I can say, remembering you,

is ayyyy and ahhhhhhhh. "

Moses could stand it no longer.

" Who are you talking to? "

" The one who made us,

and made the earth and made the sky. "

" Don't talk about shoes

and socks with God! And what's this with your little hands

and feet? Such blasphemous familiarity sounds like

you're chatting with your uncles.

Only something that grows

needs milk. Only someone with feet needs shoes. Not God!

Even if you meant God's human representatives,

as when God said, 'I was sick and you did not visit me,'

even then this tone would be foolish and irreverent.

Use appropriate terms. Fatima is a fine name

for a woman, but if you call a man Fatima,

it's an insult. Body-and-birth language

are right for us on this side of the river,

but not for addressing the origin,

not for Allah. "

The shepherd repented and tore his clothes and sighed

and wandered into the desert.

A sudden revelation

came then to Moses. God's voice:

You have separated

me from one of my own. Did you come as a Prophet to unite,

or to sever?

I have given each being a separate and unique way

of seeing and knowing and saying that knowledge.

What seems wrong for you is right for him.

What is poisonous to one is honey to someone else.

Purity and impurity, sloth and diligence in worship,

these mean nothing to me.

I am apart from all that.

Ways of worshipping are not to be ranked as better

or worse than one another.

Hindus do Hindu things.

the Dravidian Muslims in India do what they do.

It's all praise, and it's all right.

It's not me that's glorified in acts of worship.

It's the worshipers! I don't hear the words

they say. I look inside at the humility.

That broken-open lowliness is the reality,

not the language! Forget phraseology.

I want burning, burning.

Be friends

with your burning. Burn up your thinking

and your forms of expression!


those who pay attention to ways of behaving

and speaking are one sort.

Lovers who burn

are another.

Don't impose a property tax

on a burned-out village. Don't scold the Lover.

The " wrong " way he talks is better than a hundred

" right " ways of others.

Inside the Kaaba

it doesn't matter which direction you point

your prayer rug!

The ocean diver doesn't need snowshoes!

The love-religion has not code or doctrine.

Only God.

So the ruby has nothing engraved on it!

It doesn't need markings.

God began speaking

deeper mysteries to Moses. Vision and words,

which cannot be recorded here, poured into

and through him. He left himself and came back.

He went to eternity and came back here.

Many times this happened.

It's foolish of me

to try and say this. If I did say it,

it would uproot human intelligences.

It would shatter all writing pens.

Moses ran after the shepherd.

He followed the bewildered footprints,

in one place moving straight like a castle

across a chessboard. In another, sideways,

like a bishop.

Now surging like a wave cresting,

now sliding down like a fish,

with always his feet

making geomancy symbols in the sand,


his wandering state.

Moses finally caught up

with him.

" I was wrong. God has revealed to me

that there are no rules for worship.

Say whatever

and however your loving tells you to. Your sweet blasphemy

is the truest devotion. Through you a whole world

is freed.

Loosen your tongue and don't worry what comes out,

It's all the light of the spirit. "

The shepherd replied,

" Moses, Moses,

I've gone beyond even that.

You applied the whip and my horse shied and jumped

on itself. The divine nature of my human nature

came together.

Bless your scolding hand and your arm.

I can't say what has happened.

What I'm saying now

is not my real condition. It can't be said. "

The shepherd grew quiet.

When you look in a mirror,

you see yourself, not the state of the mirror.

The flute player puts breath into the flute,

and who makes the music? Not the flute,

The flute player!

Whenever you speak praise

or thanksgiving to God, it's always like

this dear shepherd's simplicity.

When you eventually see

through the veils to how things really are,

you will keep saying again

and again,

" This is certainly not like

we thought it was! "

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Does anyone know who wrote this?

In Lak'ech Ala K'in, Cheryl(translation: In Lak'ech Ala K'in -You Are My Other Self)In Lak'ech Ala K'in - the Living Code of the Heart | Spirit Libraryvisit me at: www.myspace.com/senegalady

May we learn to benefit the life of Earth with peace, humble in our needs,and generous in our giving.Joanne Sunshower

In a message dated 8/31/2008 1:53:02 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, enlightenmentchapel@... writes:

Religion teachings when understood bring about a spiritual transformation that abandons any type of evil thoughts or actions. But, I will say that many religions did not have adequate mentors on teaching us how to achieve God within.If we could learn to forgive and respect the way Jesus did, we would be Christian completely too.There are hidden clues just like that, kind of like those hidden picture in Highlights magazines or in ancient scriptures.That is the exact thing I am talking about is thinking when reading the Bible.I have nothing against any religious teachings. In fact, if people followed his religion teachings, rather than worry about their own salvations so much, they would be saved for sure because they would have The Consciousness within them, too. By "God within" I mean spiritual oneness and a deep reverence with the Absolute Being through which we are. This is a more than a feeling (a light that radiates from us) of great love that cannot exclude not even a blade of grass or grits of sand as being part of God and us. When we achieve this consciousness, we become not as Jesus the man but as Christ, or Krishna (the embodiment of God), or Buddha (The awakened spirit).All we need to do if to find Deity and Our true selves is to look within ourselves ("The Kingdom of God is within you" quote Luke 17-Bible).Do you believe this whole universe is made up of that One consciousness? And your very body, this mind, these thoughts, feelings, everything is made up of this one consciousness, this one Self? Has this belief somehow existed in your head?Life begins when we step out of the mind, why?By observing, by self-study, by being hollow and empty, love starts blossoming, we become a channel, and we become a part of the Divine. We are able to feel the presence of the Divinity, the One Consciousness.Meditation is one of the ways to 'step-out' from our daily routine activities. The Mind has to be relaxed. There are differences amongst knowing, understanding and comprehending.When you listen, see or touching, you immediately know about something or an event. As soon as you have grasp the idea why it happen then you understand; but in order to comprehend the event, you need to understand the cause and effect behind any event. Once this is achieved, then it can be said you have comprehended the matter properly."Drop desire" is common to all paths to enlightenment. When a strong desire occurs there is tightness in the nervous system. Desire causes contraction and blockages of the nervous system.Meditation is the reverse process. Total relaxation during meditation leads to bliss. Desire causes shrinking and contraction of the nervous system. Any spiritual practice causes expansion. Every one is a part of the whole and is not isolated.Mind is the thought having some or certain degree of awareness, whether you want to think or not to think about it, it is thinking.Aware of this situation/fact that the mind is part of overall awareness, is called the Consciousness in the Human.When we think about events, these events occupy our mind and it becomes so big for us that the Existence loses its significance. Events bring you small joy also events can cause pain and suffering. When our mind is hankering for the future, continuously planning for the future all the time, worries become imminent and thus playing the big role in you then it is not joyful.On the contrary, when Existence becomes dominant in our awareness, events lose their value and significance; but Existence brings you the bliss, Existence can only bring joy and bliss and truth.The divinity is unity, it is always one; but there are many names that have been used for this one absolute reality. Out of the One has come the many. When a child is born it is called a baby. As the baby grows up it becomes a youth. After twenty years it becomes an adult and later a parent. Later still in life, it becomes a grandparent. But these are all one and the same entity.Similarly, the reality is always one and the same. To recognize the evolution of the One into the many while ever retaining its unity, you must constantly engage yourself in the practice of dwelling on the unity that is behind all this diversity. Only when you realize this unity, the One divinity underlying all the changing names and forms, will you have achieved something that is truly worthwhile, that the world is the embodiment of God and full of love. God is not a person, sitting up in Heaven, in seclusion and separate from his creation.By letting go of even the thought "I", what is left? Letting go or surrender leads to relaxation while relaxation is the path to no judgment.There is nowhere to stand and no one to stand there. No separation anywhere. Pure awareness, neither this nor that, just clarity and being One.You don't have to know anything; that's what's so funny about it. You get so simple. You're empty. You know nothing. You simply are wisdom. Not becoming anything, just being everything.Fear is the root of all insanity that is why we are equipped with Love.All fear-based perceptions are formed through ones feeling of not knowing what lies ahead or which way one must turn.Further from within this is more significantly disorients the self, who just dearly seeks to find a way out. Only through turning to the shining star of the light and help within ones heart, may one truly begin to seek and navigate the self out from within fear-based perceptions and ingrained patterns of thought formation which no longer work. Through scientific knowledge, we learn that more and more Solar systems and Galaxies are found everyday, and we, Human discovered that life form is not or must not only in humanoid shape!Yet, through Spiritual View, we also found that consciousness is life and alive!Therefore the existence of the Creator only in Humanoid form is a big exception in the entire Universe, which holds billions of Galaxies that has in itself billions of Star systems.Are we so special species? Or maybe we had all along the wrong perception about the 'GOD'?Personification of someone and equalized him/her as the creator has been a concept of religious approaches, yet it is becoming questionable as we tend to find broader meaning of what is life, what are living creatures and what is consciousness.How long can we "HOLD' on to such perception that God was a Human?If you go deeply into this whole question you will discover that when the mind is very quiet, simply no judgment, completely still, where there is not a movement of thought, then that stillness has its own creative understanding. In that stillness, the mind is transformed into something else. But the mind cannot find that stillness through any means or through any practice. The stillness comes when you understand the ways of the mind. It is the mind that has created the organized religions, the innumerable beliefs.To find out what is real, you must go beyond the creations of the mind. Deep into the realm of samadhi is where the true light exists.Deep into that realm, where you as the only observer collapse the waves of energy into particles of light, the pristine basic particles. That is the essence of mind that we have never found.You choose your own conception of God. Why and what is it?Everyone has got big compartments within his mind, innumerable compartments made in your mind. You have put everything, your experiences in life into those compartments. You make concepts and eventually later get stuck there.Your ideas about people and about anything are all dividing your own mind. Nobody is a statue so that you can qualify them as: "This is a characteristic of such and such a person".No! do not judge for Everybody is always changing; every mind is a flow and everybody's mind is changing and moving every second.Your mind is a flow. Your mind is a continuum that is ever changing, ever changing.God is alive in all aspects of creation. God is in the smallest of the small and in the largest of the large, and is also described in the scientific world as mostly no-thing or nothing. God is existence, then what is not God?The Creator GOD if someone likes it, is no more than pristine Basic Particles.These particles are common, same quality, same characteristics, same shape, unique, present everywhere in all manifestations in the Universe, it is the basic ingredients and spare parts of energy, of Origin matter, of Sub-Atomic, of Atoms, of molecules, of Liquid forms, of Solid materials, of any organism living or non-living things.The manifestation of elementary basic particles from its origin pristine state till the solid forms take seven steps of formation processes (7 DAYS OF CREATION BY GOD as depicted in BIBLE).These formation steps are:. 1. Pristine Basic Particles to Energy.. 2. Energy to Origin Matters.. 3. Origin Matters to Sub-Atomic Level.. 4. Sub-Atomic level to Atomic Level.. 5. Atomic Level to Molecular Gas Level.. 6. Molecule Level to Liquid Level.. 7. Liquid to Solid level.Tonight, when you go to sleep, feel your whole body. As you start feeling every part of your physical body, you'll see you are not only the body.You are the glow; you are that consciousness. You are that scintillating energy, sparkling energy in the whole body.Through practice you will be filled with bliss. Practice is not an achievement, it is an unfoldment. Practicing is not gaining anything new, or achieving, it is re-discovering the bliss within which has been there since your existence as human long time ago.Why is it said "ask and you shall get"? How?If you had comprehended the above explanation completely, it is guaranteed to get what you ask for. You are entitled to achieve whatever you wish, if you with a full heart, dropping sorrow and be into that Divine Fold, in the moments your sorrow vanishes, your problem vanishes, your difficulty vanishes, then you are totally there then whatever you desire will all be given to you. Should you continue to ask or just take it? that is simple right?In our very nature, in the depth of our mind, there is omnipresence, omnipotence, omniscience. All knowledge is already in the depth of our consciousness, of our mind.Moses heard a shepherd on the road praying, "God, Where are you? I want to help you, to fix your shoes and comb your hair. I want to wash your clothes and pick the lice off. I want to bring you milk to kiss your little hands and feet when it's time for you to go to bed. I want to sweep your room and keep it neat. God, my sheep and goats are yours. All I can say, remembering you, is ayyyy and ahhhhhhhh." Moses could stand it no longer. "Who are you talking to?" "The one who made us, and made the earth and made the sky." "Don't talk about shoes and socks with God! And what's this with your little hands and feet? Such blasphemous familiarity sounds like you're chatting with your uncles. Only something that grows needs milk. Only someone with feet needs shoes. Not God! Even if you meant God's human representatives, as when God said, 'I was sick and you did not visit me,' even then this tone would be foolish and irreverent.Use appropriate terms. Fatima is a fine name for a woman, but if you call a man Fatima, it's an insult. Body-and-birth language are right for us on this side of the river, but not for addressing the origin, not for Allah." The shepherd repented and tore his clothes and sighed and wandered into the desert. A sudden revelation came then to Moses. God's voice: You have separated me from one of my own. Did you come as a Prophet to unite, or to sever?I have given each being a separate and unique way of seeing and knowing and saying that knowledge.What seems wrong for you is right for him. What is poisonous to one is honey to someone else. Purity and impurity, sloth and diligence in worship, these mean nothing to me. I am apart from all that. Ways of worshipping are not to be ranked as better or worse than one another. Hindus do Hindu things. the Dravidian Muslims in India do what they do. It's all praise, and it's all right.It's not me that's glorified in acts of worship. It's the worshipers! I don't hear the words they say. I look inside at the humility. That broken-open lowliness is the reality, not the language! Forget phraseology. I want burning, burning. Be friends with your burning. Burn up your thinking and your forms of expression! Moses, those who pay attention to ways of behaving and speaking are one sort. Lovers who burn are another. Don't impose a property tax on a burned-out village. Don't scold the Lover. The "wrong" way he talks is better than a hundred "right" ways of others. Inside the Kaaba it doesn't matter which direction you point your prayer rug! The ocean diver doesn't need snowshoes! The love-religion has not code or doctrine. Only God. So the ruby has nothing engraved on it! It doesn't need markings.God began speaking deeper mysteries to Moses. Vision and words, which cannot be recorded here, poured into and through him. He left himself and came back. He went to eternity and came back here. Many times this happened. It's foolish of me to try and say this. If I did say it, it would uproot human intelligences. It would shatter all writing pens. Moses ran after the shepherd. He followed the bewildered footprints, in one place moving straight like a castle across a chessboard. In another, sideways, like a bishop. Now surging like a wave cresting, now sliding down like a fish, with always his feet making geomancy symbols in the sand, recording his wandering state. Moses finally caught up with him. "I was wrong. God has revealed to me that there are no rules for worship. Say whatever and however your loving tells you to. Your sweet blasphemy is the truest devotion. Through you a whole world is freed. Loosen your tongue and don't worry what comes out, It's all the light of the spirit." The shepherd replied, "Moses, Moses, I've gone beyond even that. You applied the whip and my horse shied and jumped on itself. The divine nature of my human nature came together. Bless your scolding hand and your arm. I can't say what has happened. What I'm saying now is not my real condition. It can't be said." The shepherd grew quiet. When you look in a mirror, you see yourself, not the state of the mirror. The flute player puts breath into the flute, and who makes the music? Not the flute, The flute player! Whenever you speak praise or thanksgiving to God, it's always like this dear shepherd's simplicity. When you eventually see through the veils to how things really are, you will keep saying again and again, "This is certainly not like we thought it was!" ------------------------------------Humanity Healing,Healing the heart of Humanity,one soul at the time. <*> To change settings online go to: /join(! ID required)<*>To download our new ToolBar http://Network.OurOrganizationToolbar.com http://.OurOrganizationToolbar.com <*>www..net<*>Visit our Power Mallhttp://www.mypowermall.com/Biz/Home/151065FAIR USE NOTICE: This page may contains copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This website distributes this material without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. 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