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Re: sorry Jeff ...................

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Hi Lynne,

Reading your post l wish l could reach out and cure you and all others in

this world suffering from horrible auto immune diseases. ls your husband a

scientist also? Having pre med is wonderful, especially with

drugs/chemicals. Have you talked to your doctor about going up (exceeding)

the required dosage? Perhaps you might want to look into another

antibiotic. Do you do IV's at all? My god it is in your entire family. l

know l have not been much help to you up to this point but if there is

anything and l mean anything that l can do, please let me know. l am

sending you a list of antibiotics, but for mycoplasmas. Maybe you and your

doctor can go over them and see which ones would work for you. Let me know

if you receive them. l am having trouble with my computer. l too am not

having much luck with the AP but that is no reason for you or me to give up.

We must continue. Life is worth it. Take care Lynne and God Bless.

Here to help you,


rheumatic sorry Jeff ...................

> > Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2003 09:36:08 -0500

> >

> >

> > Ginger,

> > Likewise my ANA was normal and then increased coinciding with fevers.


> > Sed Rate also increased. Both returned to normal after discontimuing


> > minocin, but I do recall my Dr commenting that sometimes they do not


> > to normal. Whether he knew specifically of this through a patient or he

> > only was aware of it, I do not recall. Regardless of how its classified


> > termed, and regardless of its frequency, an autoimmune response to the

> > antibiotic is initiated in some cases, and if not addressed, can


> > have long term implications.

> > Jeff

> > *******************

> > Hi Jeff,

> > Maybe what you were experiencing was effects of the minocycline


> > the organism . Sed rates and ANAs will increase when the AP is effective

> > the key is a good AP dr currently using this therapy can differentiate

> > between a lupus like syndrome which is NOT what you described and an AP

> > effective reaction . Having an elevated sed rate and ANA is not a lupus

> > like reaction. Are you currently on any antibiotic now ?? Did you know


> > can just about be effected by any drug ??? The other drugs that have


> > know to effect an individuals ANA didn't render a lupus like reaction


> > in fact no reaction other then an elevated ANA . This is very common


> > MANY of our labs . Did you know Tylenol when taken intermittently can


> > liver enzymes to be elevated .??? The list goes on!!

> > An auto immune response as you call it may very well be the effective

> > reaction of the antibiotic working on the disease . The long term

> > implications from the disease can have potentially long term problems


> > not treated in a timely manner which has nothing to do with the


> > . Warm regards,

> > socjog

> >

> >

> >

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Morning Ginger,

Dr Ts Kathleen turner is a " star " patient cause she is a star LOL . I am

not just a believer in AP therapy sometimes other drugs and the progression

of the disease are needed . So if he has Kathleen on conventional

therapy drugs I do not take issue with this as I know nothing about her

disease progression etc. I am a strong believer that we all if possible try

safe treatments first but if the disease is progressing faster then the AP

can work well one must do what one must do . Sometimes conventional therapy

drugs when used with alternative therapy choices compliment each other quite

nicely .

I am NOT in remission just close as I still am symptomatic and have some

elevated lab tests. I am grossly improved and close to remission . Im also

OLDER LOL and what old people have to say definitely counts in my book too

:) some of their life experiences are far more educating then that which we

read in a book .

I too really dont get upset with those that disagree with what I post . I

think if we all were of the same opinion well then the world would be

somewhat boring . I do like to try to stick to facts as often as I can and

it think when one sometimes quotes what a friend was told from another dr

sometimes things get a little misconstrued . Thanks for sharing this

dialogue and your kind wishes . I wish for you only wonderful healthy days

ahead as well . Warm regards,


Re: rheumatic sorry Jeff ...................

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > on 2/22/03 11:32 AM, socjog, at socjog@..., wrote:

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Actually, it's lupus-like symptoms that can evolve into


> > > actual

> > > > > > > disease

> > > > > > > > > or some form of it if not resolved.

> > > > > > > > > ***************************

> > > > > > > > > Hi Jeff,

> > > > > > > > > Nope never happened never proven . There was only one

> patient

> > to

> > > > > date

> > > > > > > that did

> > > > > > > > > develop lupus but again it was not established prior to

> > > > minocycline

> > > > > > > treatment

> > > > > > > > > if in fact she had dormant lupus to begin with .

> Minocycline

> > > > > therapy

> > > > > > to

> > > > > > > the

> > > > > > > > > best of my knowledge has never been proven to be caused by

> > > > > minocycline

> > > > > > > therapy

> > > > > > > > > . Warm regards,

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Socjog, you're just wrong here, the fact that minocycline


> > > cause

> > > > > > > > drug-induced lupus has been known for a long time. You are

> > talking

> > > > > about

> > > > > > > one

> > > > > > > > study which has been published recently, but if you check


> > > > > > literature,

> > > > > > > > you'll find drug-induced lupus has been associated, rarely,

> with

> > > > > > > minocycline

> > > > > > > > and a number of other drugs for years now. The one study you

> are

> > > > aware

> > > > > > of

> > > > > > > > happened to be among teenage acne patients, and easy group


> > > > isolate

> > > > > > and

> > > > > > > > study, because that is the group who has used minocycline


> > most

> > > > > > > > previously.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > To quote Arthritis and Allied Conditions, a standard

> > rheumatology

> > > > > text,

> > > > > > " A

> > > > > > > > variety of drugs have been implicated as capable of


> > the

> > > > > whole

> > > > > > or

> > > > > > > > partial clinical or serologic features of SLE. " Dr. Brown


> > > this,

> > > > > and

> > > > > > > > other doctors who are skilled in using AP know this, and


> > > > adequate

> > > > > > > > precautions.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Drug induced lupus is distinguished form idiopathic lupus by

> > some

> > > > > > > > differences which can be found in serum autoantibodies, and


> > the

> > > > > fact

> > > > > > > that

> > > > > > > > stopping the offending drug, as with Jeff and minocycline,

> stops

> > > the

> > > > > > lupus

> > > > > > > > symptoms.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Read the material on the rheumatic.org site, you'll find the

> > > > > information

> > > > > > > > there. Minocycline is also associated with autoimmune

> hepatitis

> > > and

> > > > in

> > > > > > > rare

> > > > > > > > instances a dangerous brain swelling. It is not wise to be

> > taking

> > > > > > > > minocycline and also deny the possibility of any adverse

> > effects.

> > > > > These

> > > > > > > are

> > > > > > > > quite dangerous if you are the rare individual to whom they

> > > happen.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Like any drug, one should be aware of the potential down


> > of

> > > > any

> > > > > of

> > > > > > > the

> > > > > > > > antibiotics we use.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > With this knowledge, I will continue to take my minocycline

> and

> > be

> > > > > > > > incredibly pleased it helps my arthritis. If I wake up one


> > > next

> > > > > week

> > > > > > > > with lupus or hepatis, minocycline will be the first thing I

> > > > suspect,

> > > > > > and

> > > > > > > > I'll stop it immediately to see if the symptoms subside.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > --

> > > > > > > > Jean

> > > > > > > > jpro2@...

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

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Hi Jeff and Ellen ,

Well I must admit that is the best grouping of words I have seen in quite some

time LOL Thanks for the chuckle .

Now as to your post and some of the comments you made here I 100% can agree

with most of what you said because I lived it and experienced it . It is very

hard to base ones reaction on what others say feel and or do . Unfortunately we

with auto immune disease unless you have rheumatoid arthritis there are no real

answers . Seems in medicine the money used in clinical trials and studies all

goes to the disease that effects most people and MCTD ( what I have ) LUPUS and

others are not in this grouping . RA is the largest auto immune disease and that

and scleroderma and osteoarthritis( Privately funded ) seem to be the only

disease to date studied . So yes we ,me, you, and medical professional do not

have the answers here for you . So what would be the next step ??? Testimonial

data . There is one thing to focus on here ,First what are your alternatives ???

Are they safer ??? If you doubt this therapy works but there is such

overwhelming testimonial evidence that it works and it can be continued while

on conventional therapy drugs if needed where is the issue and concern??? When

in fact this drug may help you lessen the length of time on harsher drugs do

you not see my reasoning here ??? If you could tell me there was another

alternative that was safe and was proven effective Id say go for it . There is

not any other alternative that is safer and just about all the meds prescribed

for us do NOT have clinical trials that say they are effective either. So in my

decision making process I ruled out since rapid progression was NOT an

immediate issue why should I try harsher drugs first when they offer no

substantial data saying they work either and we DO know they could be more

harmful then the darn disease .

Many clinical trials are based on testimonial usage . If you want to wait

until they decide to study Herxhiemer reactions and flares and everything else

with this therapy that is your choice and I can respect it but Im not going to

agree with it .

I see your point, I hear you ,I have been there . Its a very hard decision to

stay on something when you just do not have the confidence it works especially

when you feel like crap taking it . Again ask yourself what does medicine have

to offer me now that can be better then this AP protocol ??? Can they prove to

you they have something that is safe that can remit this disease ??? Worst case

scenario you do both conventional and AP what do you have to lose ???

Im not trying to convince you to do anything but rather showing you how I came

to my decision making process of choosing AP and sticking with it when I was not

confident in it . Sharing this with you may help you make the right decisions in

your treatment plans what ever that may be . Today 6+ yrs on AP and thank God

for strong support from many here and locally that I was able to stay on this

med on a roller coaster ride for 2 yrs because that it when I saw the biggest

changes in subsiding symptoms etc. Im not in remission but darn close . Not

sure if Ill ever reach remission but I know one thing Ill remain on AP until I

do, unless they come up with a safe cure !!! Warm hugs I appreciate your input

Im sorry you are struggling with this , just know you are not alone most of us

had this struggle as well ,


rheumatic sorry Jeff ...................

Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2003 09:36:08 -0500


Likewise my ANA was normal and then increased coinciding with fevers. My

Sed Rate also increased. Both returned to normal after discontimuing the

minocin, but I do recall my Dr commenting that sometimes they do not return

to normal. Whether he knew specifically of this through a patient or he

only was aware of it, I do not recall. Regardless of how its classified or

termed, and regardless of its frequency, an autoimmune response to the

antibiotic is initiated in some cases, and if not addressed, can potentially

have long term implications.



Hi Jeff,

Maybe what you were experiencing was effects of the minocycline attacking

the organism . Sed rates and ANAs will increase when the AP is effective

the key is a good AP dr currently using this therapy can differentiate

between a lupus like syndrome which is NOT what you described and an AP

effective reaction . Having an elevated sed rate and ANA is not a lupus

like reaction. Are you currently on any antibiotic now ?? Did you know ANAs

can just about be effected by any drug ??? The other drugs that have been

know to effect an individuals ANA didn't render a lupus like reaction either

in fact no reaction other then an elevated ANA . This is very common with

MANY of our labs . Did you know Tylenol when taken intermittently can cause

liver enzymes to be elevated .??? The list goes on!!

An auto immune response as you call it may very well be the effective

reaction of the antibiotic working on the disease . The long term

implications from the disease can have potentially long term problems if

not treated in a timely manner which has nothing to do with the minocycline

. Warm regards,


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Hi Lynne,

How interesting and thanks for sharing these comments with us . I often think

we all are guinea pigs but I much rather call ourselves pioneers :) . We would

never have learned about minocin if people didn't try . I think this is true of

many treatments . The more that try and succeed I think that is now why AP is

recognized by the arthritis foundation and many more drs now then when I was

first diagnosed . I also do not think that medicine will EVER do clinical

trials using this drug and auto immune disease because there are far to many

variables and no 2 could be made to meet the criteria set up for most trials .

So we are it :) and when it is with a benign drug like mino I dont mind being a

pioneer either :) warm hugs,


rheumatic sorry Jeff ...................

Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2003 09:36:08 -0500


Likewise my ANA was normal and then increased coinciding with fevers. My

Sed Rate also increased. Both returned to normal after discontimuing the

minocin, but I do recall my Dr commenting that sometimes they do not return

to normal. Whether he knew specifically of this through a patient or he

only was aware of it, I do not recall. Regardless of how its classified or

termed, and regardless of its frequency, an autoimmune response to the

antibiotic is initiated in some cases, and if not addressed, can potentially

have long term implications.



Hi Jeff,

Maybe what you were experiencing was effects of the minocycline attacking

the organism . Sed rates and ANAs will increase when the AP is effective

the key is a good AP dr currently using this therapy can differentiate

between a lupus like syndrome which is NOT what you described and an AP

effective reaction . Having an elevated sed rate and ANA is not a lupus

like reaction. Are you currently on any antibiotic now ?? Did you know ANAs

can just about be effected by any drug ??? The other drugs that have been

know to effect an individuals ANA didn't render a lupus like reaction either

in fact no reaction other then an elevated ANA . This is very common with

MANY of our labs . Did you know Tylenol when taken intermittently can cause

liver enzymes to be elevated .??? The list goes on!!

An auto immune response as you call it may very well be the effective

reaction of the antibiotic working on the disease . The long term

implications from the disease can have potentially long term problems if

not treated in a timely manner which has nothing to do with the minocycline

. Warm regards,


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Hi ,

Yes I do agree with you that sometimes claims of minocin to cause lupus can

and would scare newbies off from attempting to use such a benign successful drug

.. I do think when we exchange info the way we do here it often helps a newbie

gather correct information to share with their dr regarding this therapy and

their concerns . That is why I posted as I did because one word " LIKE " changed

the whole picture and it is important that our newbies are aware . Thanks for

making this point . Warm regards,


gincur@... ; socjog@... ; rheumatic ;


Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 12:07 PM

Subject: Re: rheumatic sorry Jeff ...................

Hi Everyone,

It appears we now know what causes RA and Lupus now the drug that works for

so many out here and keeps us well also makes so many sick???? Well maybe but I

have always heard LUPUS like was rare and when stopping the drug it stops. Of

course one could be wrong, I also have know many over my 15 yrs on this AP and

never heard all this. Also I talk with Dr. Sinnott from Iowa and he just said if

in doubt go to Doxy as it is safe and will not cause a problem.Just My View

here and NO I am not a dr. just a life=long RA and Lupus person who can now say

I have a life. I truely hope this does not scare some of the New people from a

treatment that has saved so many out here with enough trouble getting the Drs.

and the AMA to give it. I can only say I have talked to people all over the

world who have had the great results I have and I bet alot on here also. But it

is nice for us to have these great debates on here. from Ohio

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Hello Pris ,

NO NO NO this is why we must read everything we can get our hands on .

Pris there is NO ZERO evidence that minocin when used to treat auto immune

patients that this " Lupus LIKE " syndrome occurs in fact the opposite is

true . People with lupus can have a favorable and sometimes achieve

remission while on this med . All of this dialogue about a lupus like

syndrome ( NOT LUPUS ) a reaction to the med that resembles symptoms of

lupus but NOT lupus hence the name " lupus like " all the data involved here

was small in nature and case studies involving teenagers on antibiotic

minocycline for acne. This data doesn't pertain to us and even with this

data these events were seen as rare and insignificant . It warned drs to

just be aware when prescribing for teenagers and treating acne . This

minocycline / minocin was studied in clinical trials by the NIH NIAMS and

is approved by the USP and the FDA for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

as SAFE and effective . Plus with the above RARE occurrence it is STILL the

choice drug used to treat teenagers with acne . WHY ,because when the drug

is stopped this syndrome subsided . So no way should this dr be looked at as

something to scare one off unless one has an allergic reaction this drug is

extremely benign . Pris one last note in comparison to all other options in

conventional therapies minocin is by far a safer choice . I wouldn't be

scared of this I would be scared and concerned of the harsher potentially

more dangerous conventional choices . Look up all the conventional therapy

drugs versus minocin / minocycline at http://www.rxlist.com or

http://www.medicinenet.com and see or yourself . Hugs,


Re: rheumatic sorry Jeff ...................


> In a message dated 2/23/03 9:43:54 AM, gincur@... writes:


> << Hi

> Who is being critical of AP? Not l. Who is scaring any of the new folks?



> I am a little leery now about AP. I had no idea that one could get


> a lupus like condition) from it.

> However, I know of no effective " cure " for AS that does not have

> risks.....and bad side effects.

> So this is not a " deal breaker " for me, personally.

> I do think that these risks from AP should be discussed, however.

> I don't see any reason that anyone should be defensive.

> The more knowledge we have, the better...

> I appreciate all the comments...

> Pris's dime


> Show Biz tricks !

> Your pig can play golf, soccer, bowl, jump thru hoops, even " ham dunk " ..

> " Potbellied Pig Behavior and Training " book at

> www.valentinesperformingpigs.com



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Hi Socjog;

How right you are in saying we are all different.I think that is the reason

that researchers do not want to speculate on finding a cure for " rheumatic "

diseases as

everyone's immune system is different.I have not given up on AP yet as there are

a couple of other antibiotics I have not tried.Seeing the doc this week and will

try to get

him to prescribe Flagyl.Does anyone know the dosage needed?Mino with Clindy

along with 10mg Mtx have things well under control.Quite stiff when I get up for

an hour or so

but after that I can put ina 12hour day and only need an asperin every other

week. Lynne

socjog wrote:

> Hi Lynne,

> How interesting and thanks for sharing these comments with us . I often think

we all are guinea pigs but I much rather call ourselves pioneers :) . We would

never have

> learned about minocin if people didn't try . I think this is true of many

treatments . The more that try and succeed I think that is now why AP is

recognized by the

> arthritis foundation and many more drs now then when I was first diagnosed .

I also do not think that medicine will EVER do clinical trials using this drug

and auto

> immune disease because there are far to many variables and no 2 could be made

to meet the criteria set up for most trials . So we are it :) and when it is

with a benign

> drug like mino I dont mind being a pioneer either :) warm hugs,

> socjog

> rheumatic sorry Jeff ...................

> Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2003 09:36:08 -0500



> Ginger,

> Likewise my ANA was normal and then increased coinciding with fevers. My

> Sed Rate also increased. Both returned to normal after discontimuing the

> minocin, but I do recall my Dr commenting that sometimes they do not


> to normal. Whether he knew specifically of this through a patient or he

> only was aware of it, I do not recall. Regardless of how its classified


> termed, and regardless of its frequency, an autoimmune response to the

> antibiotic is initiated in some cases, and if not addressed, can


> have long term implications.

> Jeff

> *******************

> Hi Jeff,

> Maybe what you were experiencing was effects of the minocycline


> the organism . Sed rates and ANAs will increase when the AP is effective

> the key is a good AP dr currently using this therapy can differentiate

> between a lupus like syndrome which is NOT what you described and an AP

> effective reaction . Having an elevated sed rate and ANA is not a lupus

> like reaction. Are you currently on any antibiotic now ?? Did you know


> can just about be effected by any drug ??? The other drugs that have been

> know to effect an individuals ANA didn't render a lupus like reaction


> in fact no reaction other then an elevated ANA . This is very common with

> MANY of our labs . Did you know Tylenol when taken intermittently can


> liver enzymes to be elevated .??? The list goes on!!

> An auto immune response as you call it may very well be the effective

> reaction of the antibiotic working on the disease . The long term

> implications from the disease can have potentially long term problems if

> not treated in a timely manner which has nothing to do with the


> . Warm regards,

> socjog




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Patti McCool-systemic scleroderma since August, 2000 /Dr. Sentef's AP

" cocktail " since April, 2001

Hi Lynne,

I've been taking 100 mg mino 2x/day for almost two years, nd I have also

taken 500 mg flagyl 2x/day with 200 mg nizoral daily. I know that this

doesn't exactly stay with Dr. Brown's protocol, but it has definitely worked

for me! (Whether taking mino by itself all this time would have worked, I

don't know........Probably!!

Just my view---Patti

> Hi Socjog;

> How right you are in saying we are all different.I think that is the

reason that researchers do not want to speculate on finding a cure

for " rheumatic " diseases as

> everyone's immune system is different.I have not given up on AP yet as

there are a couple of other antibiotics I have not tried.Seeing the doc this

week and will try to get

> him to prescribe Flagyl.Does anyone know the dosage needed?Mino with

Clindy along with 10mg Mtx have things well under control.Quite stiff when

I get up for an hour or so

> but after that I can put ina 12hour day and only need an asperin every

other week. Lynne


> socjog wrote:


> > Hi Lynne,

> > How interesting and thanks for sharing these comments with us . I often

think we all are guinea pigs but I much rather call ourselves pioneers :) .

We would never have

> > learned about minocin if people didn't try . I think this is true of

many treatments . The more that try and succeed I think that is now why AP

is recognized by the

> > arthritis foundation and many more drs now then when I was first

diagnosed . I also do not think that medicine will EVER do clinical trials

using this drug and auto

> > immune disease because there are far to many variables and no 2 could be

made to meet the criteria set up for most trials . So we are it :) and when

it is with a benign

> > drug like mino I dont mind being a pioneer either :) warm hugs,

> > socjog

> > rheumatic sorry Jeff ...................

> > Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2003 09:36:08 -0500

> >

> >

> > Ginger,

> > Likewise my ANA was normal and then increased coinciding with

fevers. My

> > Sed Rate also increased. Both returned to normal after

discontimuing the

> > minocin, but I do recall my Dr commenting that sometimes they do not


> > to normal. Whether he knew specifically of this through a patient

or he

> > only was aware of it, I do not recall. Regardless of how its

classified or

> > termed, and regardless of its frequency, an autoimmune response to


> > antibiotic is initiated in some cases, and if not addressed, can


> > have long term implications.

> > Jeff

> > *******************

> > Hi Jeff,

> > Maybe what you were experiencing was effects of the minocycline


> > the organism . Sed rates and ANAs will increase when the AP is


> > the key is a good AP dr currently using this therapy can


> > between a lupus like syndrome which is NOT what you described and an


> > effective reaction . Having an elevated sed rate and ANA is not a


> > like reaction. Are you currently on any antibiotic now ?? Did you

know ANAs

> > can just about be effected by any drug ??? The other drugs that have


> > know to effect an individuals ANA didn't render a lupus like

reaction either

> > in fact no reaction other then an elevated ANA . This is very common


> > MANY of our labs . Did you know Tylenol when taken intermittently

can cause

> > liver enzymes to be elevated .??? The list goes on!!

> > An auto immune response as you call it may very well be the


> > reaction of the antibiotic working on the disease . The long term

> > implications from the disease can have potentially long term

problems if

> > not treated in a timely manner which has nothing to do with the


> > . Warm regards,

> > socjog

> >

> >

> >

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Hi, socjog!

I hope you know that regarding the AP, I am, was, and will always be in COMPLETE

AGREEMENT WITH YOU! My little comment had only to do with the unique figure of

speech Jeff used--not with any of the content of his message.


rheumatic sorry Jeff ...................

Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2003 09:36:08 -0500


Likewise my ANA was normal and then increased coinciding with fevers. My

Sed Rate also increased. Both returned to normal after discontimuing the

minocin, but I do recall my Dr commenting that sometimes they do not


to normal. Whether he knew specifically of this through a patient or he

only was aware of it, I do not recall. Regardless of how its classified


termed, and regardless of its frequency, an autoimmune response to the

antibiotic is initiated in some cases, and if not addressed, can


have long term implications.



Hi Jeff,

Maybe what you were experiencing was effects of the minocycline


the organism . Sed rates and ANAs will increase when the AP is effective

the key is a good AP dr currently using this therapy can differentiate

between a lupus like syndrome which is NOT what you described and an AP

effective reaction . Having an elevated sed rate and ANA is not a lupus

like reaction. Are you currently on any antibiotic now ?? Did you know


can just about be effected by any drug ??? The other drugs that have been

know to effect an individuals ANA didn't render a lupus like reaction


in fact no reaction other then an elevated ANA . This is very common with

MANY of our labs . Did you know Tylenol when taken intermittently can


liver enzymes to be elevated .??? The list goes on!!

An auto immune response as you call it may very well be the effective

reaction of the antibiotic working on the disease . The long term

implications from the disease can have potentially long term problems if

not treated in a timely manner which has nothing to do with the


. Warm regards,


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Oh Ellen ,

Thank you but I did understand your comment correctly In fact I also agreed

with your remarks about Jeff's way with words. I too found it quite humorous .

Thanks for being concerned about my feelings I appreciate that :) Warm hugs,


rheumatic sorry Jeff ...................

Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2003 09:36:08 -0500


Likewise my ANA was normal and then increased coinciding with fevers.


Sed Rate also increased. Both returned to normal after discontimuing


minocin, but I do recall my Dr commenting that sometimes they do not


to normal. Whether he knew specifically of this through a patient or he

only was aware of it, I do not recall. Regardless of how its classified


termed, and regardless of its frequency, an autoimmune response to the

antibiotic is initiated in some cases, and if not addressed, can


have long term implications.



Hi Jeff,

Maybe what you were experiencing was effects of the minocycline


the organism . Sed rates and ANAs will increase when the AP is effective

the key is a good AP dr currently using this therapy can differentiate

between a lupus like syndrome which is NOT what you described and an AP

effective reaction . Having an elevated sed rate and ANA is not a lupus

like reaction. Are you currently on any antibiotic now ?? Did you know


can just about be effected by any drug ??? The other drugs that have


know to effect an individuals ANA didn't render a lupus like reaction


in fact no reaction other then an elevated ANA . This is very common


MANY of our labs . Did you know Tylenol when taken intermittently can


liver enzymes to be elevated .??? The list goes on!!

An auto immune response as you call it may very well be the effective

reaction of the antibiotic working on the disease . The long term

implications from the disease can have potentially long term problems


not treated in a timely manner which has nothing to do with the


. Warm regards,


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