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cont. frustration with hc

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Sorry, did not know how to go find my post and edit it, so am adding a

new one to follow it. I wanted to ask about the thyroid med. You all

seem to be saying that you do not take it while getting the adrenals up

to speed. Then you begin to add it in...where? how? Please explain.

And thanks again.


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The Cortef isn't making you fat, it's the hypothyroid most likely.

But it could be low aldosterone.

You should be taking your temps at 3 hours after you get up, then 6

hours after you get up, then 9 hours after you get up. At the end of

the day, add those 3 temps and divide by 3 to get your daily

average. Plot that temperature on a graph. Next day, do the same

thing. After a week of plotting temps, step back and look at them.

IF you have good adrenal support, then the average temps should not

be varying by more than 0.2 degrees F from one day to the next. If

they vary more, you need more Cortef.

Yes, we say to not start on Armour (thyroid support) until your

adrenals have good support (your temps don't vary by more than 0.2

degrees) because ramping up on thyroid meds can put a strain on your

adrenals at first, since they are already weak. So it is better to

support adrenals first, then thyroid.

I understand about Almighty God, but the HC is bioidentical to what

your adrenals should be making - this is NOT some foreign substance.

We are replacing what has disappeared through environmental, physical

and emotional stress. At the doses we take Cortef, there are no side

effects. What is happening is that as your adrenals get better and

better supported, the hypothyroid symptoms appear more and more. But

you will treat those too, eventually, again, with a bioidentical

substance. You didn't get ill overnight, and you can't expect to get

well in an instance. For most all of us this process takes months or

years. Patience and faith.

hope that helps.

- Janet

> Sorry, did not know how to go find my post and edit it, so am adding a

> new one to follow it. I wanted to ask about the thyroid med. You all

> seem to be saying that you do not take it while getting the

> adrenals up

> to speed. Then you begin to add it in...where? how? Please explain.

> And thanks again.

> jaydee






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>>Sorry, did not know how to go find my post and edit it, so am adding a

new one to follow it. I wanted to ask about the thyroid med. You all

seem to be saying that you do not take it while getting the adrenals up

to speed. Then you begin to add it in...where? how? Please explain. <<

You add it in when your temps are stable, which means the average of three times

a day is not fluctuating more than .02 degrees from one day to the next.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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Hi Val and all

I have a problem with centigrade scales. My thermometer is in celcius and it is

very difficult to detect .02 degrees differance. Anyone has this problem?




You add it in when your temps are stable, which means the average of three

times a day is not fluctuating more than .02 degrees from one day to the next.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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Thanks Val

The problem is that it is hard to detect temp differance which corresponds to

0.2 degrees f with celsius thermometer.

for example

36.2 celsius makes 97.16 Fahrenheit

36.3 C 97.34 F

36.4 C 97.52 F

smallest increment we can detect with Celsius thermometer is only 0.1 degrees

Celsius and it is hard to detect the temperature differance which corresponds to

0.2 degrees F. I guess we should than use 0.1 degrees differance value for


bw and thanks.


Re: cont. frustration with hc



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..11 degree difference in Celsius is the same as .2 degree difference in

Fahrenheit, so if you can read .1 then you should be fine.


-----Original Message-----

The problem is that it is hard to detect temp differance which corresponds

to 0.2 degrees f with celsius thermometer.

for example

36.2 celsius makes 97.16 Fahrenheit

36.3 C 97.34 F

36.4 C 97.52 F

smallest increment we can detect with Celsius thermometer is only 0.1

degrees Celsius and it is hard to detect the temperature differance which

corresponds to 0.2 degrees F. I guess we should than use 0.1 degrees

differance value for Celsius.

bw and thanks.



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