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skin problems

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I can tell you that my Son who has Lyme as well besides Hubby and

Myself at times has the skin on his fingers peel if he's gotten them

wet for a period of time. The skin on his hands is very papery. As

my Aunt said...it's like he's got an old man's hands...and this was

said when he was 10!


> hi everyone-

> has anyone else experienced peeling skin? the skin on ,my legs is

> continually peeling recently and i just wanted to share.:)

> denise

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Hi ,

I have skin problems with lyme, my doctor gave me Metrocream, it is like

tinidizole (sp) in cream form. It really works, My problem is mostly on my

face, it get is hard, scaly, peely layer and that is the only thing that


When I first got lyme I had a ring of this entirely around my neck. As

the antibiotics worked it went away, but still get it occasionally on my

face. It is super dry and sometimes burns.

I do find the Metrocream is less irritating than the Metrogel,

Good luck,


Connie, MI

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The skin on my nose occasionally gets really dry and flaky. After a

couple/few weeks, it all peels off and leaves new smooth skin

underneath. I also get flaky skin in one of my ears, and sometimes

scabs on my scalp. My skin is also just real dry.

> hi everyone-

> has anyone else experienced peeling skin? the skin on ,my legs is

> continually peeling recently and i just wanted to share.:)

> den

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  • 6 years later...
Guest guest

Hi everyone,

I have some very dry skin problem and I had been doing real well with

petroleum jelly-e & aloe. then I went to Eucerin, changed to Aquaphor and I tried

Calendula cream. I also have put on lotion and then wore rubber gloves or cotton

gloves. It seems nothing is working well right now. I have RA and DM and have

been on the AP program now for 5 months. I do feel better, I just wonder if this

is some herx or just nothing else will help.

Thank you for any help.


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  • 1 year later...


> From my reading, it is pretty much a given that adrenal issues go along with

the Lyme and needs to be addressed separately. This would seem so in my case.

Also Candida is a possible cause of the sores/skin issues as well, so another

avenue to look at. And then underlying all of that is the heavy metals.....it

just goes on.

thanks for the reply - yes, adrenal issues is a possible factor. I think Candida

is less likely, I tried a lot of anti-yeast treatments without any result and

the problem is localised (with systemic candida problem I don't think just

face/scalp and shoulders would be affected).

Some kind of toxins could be a factor too. Not just heavy metals, there are

thousands of dangerous chemicals like all kinds of PCB's, phtalates and dioxins

piling up in our body. Especially the rashes at the hairline seem to be related

to bad liver function (problem with processing/removing toxins?).

> As for the collagen, I am now trying the Life Extension Fast Acting Joint

Support, Biosil and a few of what Buhner had in his protocol. It is a desperate

attempt to save and hopefully rebuild whatever collagen is left.

I tried all the stuff Buhner recommends, for several months, no result. Over the

last weeks I added pregnenolone and high dose vitamin C (like 5 grams a day),

which I didn't try before. But connective tissue just keeps disappearing, it

looks extremely unhealthy.

On the other side, I'm wondering if maybe there is a good side to this: the bugs

are hiding mostly in the connective tissue, if this disappears maybe our bodies

do this to get rid of the Bb??

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> I'm just tossing things out here, so if they sound off base, it's because I'm

not a doctor and I'm just being a sounding board...

thanks, a sounding board is what I'm looking for.

everything gets messed up in Lyme and the MD's often act as if I'm telling them

fairy tales ... that doesn't lead to any help.

> Spelt is just another wheat. Sometimes, just having bulk rice flour be in a

bin next to the bulk wheat flour in the natural foods store is enough for

cross-contamination to occur - especially if someone puts the wrong scoop in the

wrong bin. Unfortunately for those of us who have to avoid it, that usually

means total wheat abstention.

OK, at least I now know the english word for spelt ;)

they tell me that the gluten from spelt is a lot less allergenic than the one

from wheat; so it should help (and indeed with spelt bread I don't get serious

gut problems, but maybe minor issues remain). For some reason the health food

store is selling loads of spelt bread; I guess there are more customers with

food problems...

I'm not 'allergic' to gluten, just 'gluten-intolerant'. I don't get any

immediate reaction from eating gluten (or whatever), but after eating normal

bread etc. for a prolonged time I get serious gut problems (and probably other

related issues).

I haven't tested for other 'food allergies', I guess there may be similar

problems with other stuff.

> As a child, did your skin break easily, splitting between the toes after a hot

bath? Are you able to touch your thumb to your wrist in one direction or

another? Have you been tested for type 4 (vascular) ehlers danlos? It's a

genetic condition, and type 4 has been genotyped, so it can be easily diagnosed.

I never had such problems as a child, and as another reference: I have a twin

brother (who was not bitten by a tick) who has none of the problems I have.

However, he seems to be sensitive to some kinds of foods as well (but never as

serious as in my case).

> You could be manifesting a chemical sensitivity brought on by a combination

of genetic predisposition and duration and intensity of exposure to a similar


yes, I remember the Vapona ... and it could be a special chemical issue that was

somehow 'reactivated' by the Lyme disease.

When I was 19, I was exposed to a huge dose of CS-gas during squatting riots in

Amsterdam. CS is a nerve gas that was used as a riot control agent in the

Netherlands at the time; it is very dangerous but was used anyway for a long


The cops thought I was taking pictures of secret police officers who were

molesting civilians (they did that on a massive scale to scare civilians and

keep them away from the scenes). They fired five full CS grenades on me, I was

dragged away partly unconscious by some bystanders.

The few years after that I had very serious 'unexplained' skin problems (mostly

severe 'peeling') in the exposed areas: face, neck, hands. Later I learned that

other people had similar problems after exposure to CS gas. After 5-10 years the

problem gradually disappeared. My neurologist for Lyme told me that this special

gas damages the nerve endings and can cause all kinds of trouble. The current

problems started quickly after the tick byte (5 years ago) and are in roughly

the same area.

Could be coincidence of course ... But maybe the Lyme has caused the 'toxin'

problem to reappear? With all the strange things that are going on in Lyme

nothing surprises me.

> If you live in an apartment complex or near a restaurant, do you know what

they are using as pesticides? It might be worth investigation. I suspect

pesticides are even more appropriately regulated in Europe than they are in the

US, so it may not be problematic for you.

I'm pretty sure this is not an issue for me; also I moved to a new home this

year, no difference. I know for sure (from my environmental chemistry studies

long ago) that pesticides etc. are everywhere, even if you buy just the

biological/eko food. So it is impossible to completely avoid them.

> I get nattokinase from vitacost, the nsi brand. I've worked up to 6000 FU per

day, 3 caps @ 2000FU daily. It's great stuff. I think of it as a cornerstone

supplement for me. Your mileage may vary. Surely there are distributors for

something similar in Europe?

probably, but most supplements are FAR more expensive in Europe (even though it

seems most of this stuff is produced in Europe). Even with the shipping cost

from the US added, many products are cheaper than in Europe. Only some very

common stuff like VitC, Glucosamine is about the same price over here if you

shop around.

thanks ago, I think I will try the natto first.

Should I start slowly with this?

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Not that I know what they are but I have the same type of bumps on my face that

sometimes open up an ooze the clear or yellowish liquid that gets a bit crusty.

I also have the bumps mostly on my forhead but also some on my chin and back of

neck with the hard yellow thing that comes out of it--sort of like a blackhead.

And I also have kind of like pimple things in my hair mosty along the hairline.

I think these all started appearing after I started taking the Buhner herbs

about 7 months ago.

If you find out what they are or how to get rid of them let me know the

blackhead type ones are driving me crazy.

- In , " knot_weed " <tek0nik@...> wrote:


> looking for some advice/experience from others:


> After more than a year on antibiotics, and 1.5 years of Buhner protocol, I

still have a lot of skin problems that seem related to Lyme (started right after

tick byte or during treatment). I'm from Europe where skin problems seem to be

far more prevalent with Lyme.


> Most of my connective tissue has disappeared over the last few years,

especially in the face and the pads of hand/feet/shins etc. I have tried Buhners

collagen support protocol, but to no avail.


> A new problem that developed over the last year is a few sores in the skin of

my face. It looks a bit like a +/- 5 mm bump (infection) under the skin. From

time to time it opens and some clear or slightly yellow, very sticky fluid comes

out. The sores are not painful or itchy. The problem is that they don't heal,

the small wound closes for a few days and than it starts all over again. There

is no blood or 'pus', maybe that is why it doesn't heal. Really depressing ...


> I also have smaller sores on my scalp, mostly near the neckline and on top.

The pores, sebacious glands or hair follicles in the scalp seem to produce a

toothpaste-like substance on a daily basis. It is nearly dry, slightly greasy

material with grey or a bit yellowish color. This itches because the hard

material 'clogs' the pores.


> Reading on internet there are too many options to choose from ;(

> Seems it can be related to infection or gut / circulation problems (I have

those, so ...).


> I have visited a dermatologist who was not interested in the problem. He

prescribed acne cream (funny - he first lectured me that 1 year of antibiotics

for Lyme was way too much, and than writes down an ABX prescription for three

months for a skin problem ...). This acne cream does not seem to work at all.


> I also have an eye infection that has been treated with chloramphenicol ABX

cream two times, which doesn't help (so is the infection spirochetal? this eye

also has persistent floaters).


> Does anyone recognize these issues, know what it is or how to treat it? I'm

thinking of trying a topical Smilax preparation for my skin, as this is used to

treat many skin problems. No idea how to use it, maybe prepare a decoction or

mix it with Aloe Vera cream?


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Here is a link to doctors that have either trained with him or have been to his





> >


> > Jane,


> >


> > knot_weed is very underweight. The homeopathic remedy Unda #243 is billed as

being used " For the relief of symptoms associated with overindulgence in food

and alcohol " . Are you sure this would really help him?


> >






































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Doug, Jane,

Thanks for these very sensible responses.

> I am only throwing suggestions out there. I definitely think everyone needs to

do their own research and choose for themselves. I took the Unda 243 on a

recommendation from several people that use it for their kids as well as


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