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Re: Any good docs in MN, Lab work Q's.

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With those really low cortisol levels, you need to be on HC. One way to find

a doc is by calling the lab who did the results and ask if they have any

docs in your area that regularly use them for cortisol tests. If the doc

uses the tests, then you can call and ask if they treat adrenals with HC.

I don't personally know any Minn docs but the Minneapolis/St. area is

supposed to have the best docs in the country so I bet if you google and dig

and check out some top doc sites you will find one eventually you can work



Any good docs in MN, Lab work Q's.

First off, does anyone know any docs in Minneapolis/St area willing

to properly treat adrenal fatigue? I talked my former PCP into Armour,

but I think I'll have a hard time convincing my present PCP into HC or

Medrol. I'm seeing him on Friday and crossing my fingers...

I haven't had a chance to try the resting/standing bp test, but I'll

give it a whirl Friday. After 5-10 seconds, my pupils flutter with

light from the side or from the front. Daily average temperatures vary

from 97.5 to 99.0. The labs from Diagnos Techs are as follows:

08:00 AM 9 Depressed 13-24 nM

Noon 3 Depressed 5-10 nM

05:00 PM 2 Depressed 3-8 nM

Midnight 1 Normal 1-4 nM

Burden 15 23 - 42

DHEA 6 3-10 ng/ml

Stage 5 Non-adapted, Low Reserves.

fTSH 305 High Borderline Low: 20-25 nIU/ml, Normal: 26-85

nIU/ml, Borderline High: 86-120 nIU/ml

fT4 0.33 Normal Normal: 0.17-0.42 ng/dl

fT3 0.40 Normal Borderline Low: 0.21-0.27 pg/ml, Normal:

0.28-1.10 pg/ml

TPO Negative

I've had blood tests for thyroid antibodies and tested positive in the

past. I'm currently on 90mg Armour in the AM and 75mg in the PM. I was

thinking I should increase based on my labs, but I'm also thinking I

should get the adrenals treated so I can dose based on


Are there any additional labs I should ask for from my doc?

Any words of wisdom for dealing with the PCP on Friday? If all else

fails, I may try the " I can order this from overseas under my own

supervision, but I'd prefer to do this with the supervision of a MD.

You choose... " line ;-) There aren't really any bridges worth worrying

about being burned. I've been thinking about finding a new PCP/clinic

for a while now...


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Thanks Val and Cheri. My doctor was surprisingly open to treating the

adrenals and prescribed Medrol and several labs. He did the pm cortisol

test due to the appointment being in the afternoon. A few are already

back and some of the results were unexpected:

Component Value Flag Low High Unit



PROTEIN,TOTAL 7.4 6 8 g/dL

GLOBULIN 2.6 2 3.7 g/dL

A/G RATIO 1.9 1 2

BILIRUBIN,TOTAL 1.2 < 1.6 mg/dL

BILIRUBIN,DIRECT 0.3 H < 0.3 mg/dL



ALT (SGPT) 203 H 10 40 IU/L

AST (SGOT) 103 H 10 42 IU/L



POTASSIUM 4.3 3.5 5.1 mmol/L

CHLORIDE 99 98 110 mmol/L

CO2,TOTAL 26 22 32 mmol/L

ANION GAP 13 6 16

GLUCOSE 83 65 100 mg/dL

CALCIUM 10.7 H 8.5 10.5 mg/dL

BUN 13 7 25 mg/dL

CREATININE 1.1 0.5 1.3 mg/dL


I would have expected the cortisol to be in the lower range of normal.

Electrolytes were normal with the exception of the calcium being

slightly high. The liver values were also fairly high, but they've been

high in the past.


>>> I've had blood tests for thyroid antibodies and tested positive in the


> past. I'm currently on 90mg Armour in the AM and 75mg in the PM. I was

> thinking I should increase based on my labs, but I'm also thinking I

> should get the adrenals treated so I can dose based on symptoms/temperature.<<


> You really need ot treat the low cortisol before raising thyroid any more.

Quite possibly it is just sitting in your blood waiting to getinto the cells and

cannot due to low cortiosl. I would ask doctor for an AM cortisol blood test and

possibly Aldosterone and reninn as the pupil test is more for low sodium.



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Hi Dan,

Do you take pain medicine? that can cause those liver enzymes to be high. I was

on Vicodin once after surgery and mine went high but when I was done with the

Vivodin, the numbers came back down to normal.

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I amnot familiar wiht how to interpret most of these labs, but your

dosium is low which woud indicate to me that your sea salt shoul

iuncrease. Why did he start you on Medrol? Do you have slaiva labs

showing even lower than the blood cortisol?


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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I brought saliva tests and printouts from a few websites describing adrenal

fatigue and treatment...

08:00 AM 9 Depressed 13-24 nM

Noon 3 Depressed 5-10 nM

05:00 PM 2 Depressed 3-8 nM

Midnight 1 Normal 1-4 nM

Burden 15 23 - 42

DHEA 6 3-10 ng/ml

Stage 5 Non-adapted, Low Reserves.

fTSH 305 High Borderline Low: 20-25 nIU/ml, Normal: 26-85

nIU/ml, Borderline High: 86-120 nIU/ml

fT4 0.33 Normal Normal: 0.17-0.42 ng/dl

fT3 0.40 Normal Borderline Low: 0.21-0.27 pg/ml, Normal:

0.28-1.10 pg/ml

TPO Negative


> I amnot familiar wiht how to interpret most of these labs, but your

> dosium is low which woud indicate to me that your sea salt shoul

> iuncrease. Why did he start you on Medrol? Do you have slaiva labs

> showing even lower than the blood cortisol?



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No pain meds. The only things I was on are armour, prilosec, melatonin,

and benadryl. It could have been a fluke. I was drinking on new years

eve and day, and the tests were on Jan 4...

GrammyD wrote:

> Hi Dan,


> Do you take pain medicine? that can cause those liver enzymes to be high. I

was on Vicodin once after surgery and mine went high but when I was done with

the Vivodin, the numbers came back down to normal.




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How much does weight/height/build play into the dosing? I'm 6'4,

305lbs. He put me on medrol working up to 6mg/day.

Do you have any explanation for the pm cortisol test they did? I'm sure

my doc will question the accuracy of the saliva tests since the blood

test reported cortisol in the high-normal range.

CORTISOL,PM 10 Normal 2-13 ug/dL

08:00 AM 9 Depressed 13-24 nM

Noon 3 Depressed 5-10 nM

05:00 PM 2 Depressed 3-8 nM

Midnight 1 Normal 1-4 nM

T wrote:

> OUCH.. I am b4etting you will need at least 20-30MG HC to get feeling

> well enough to tolerate thyroid properly.



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