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Hi Melinda,

You don't say how old you are, which can have some

bearing on whether or not the fibroids would come back

after myomectomy supposedly. The closer to menopause

you are, etc. For me, I don't want to have a

hysterectomy, even if I don't end up having a child

(I'm 40), because I am afraid that my sexual response

will disappear, as I've read can happen to some women.

A lot of women don't have this effect, but I don't

want to take any chances!

As for alternative treatments, I've never read

anywhere that anyone has actually shrunk a fibroid

with alternative treatments. All of the testimonials

I've read to that effect were on web pages advertising

the treatment. If anyone here knows of anything that

helps, that would be great.

There is another yahoo group called " healing fibroids

naturally, " but so far no real luck in any kind of

solution from those lovely ladies. This list is much

more lively, and I've gotten some real info and

insight here.


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Hi Melinda:

Prior to myos, women probably just suffered silently and eventually died --

although not from the fibroids, hopefully. I'm sure some of them were just

miserable in the days before modern medicine (heck, even with modern medicine

some of us still are....lol) There doesn't really seems to be any product out

there that's " natural " that actually reduces or eradicates fibroids. It'd be

nice, though. The key is definitely prevention but the experts don't really

understand why fibroids form so we can't prevent what we don't understand. So

what's left? A good healthful diet, exercise, happiness, satisfaction (you

can name your own form of bliss) -- all those things that we take for granted

so often in life, but are essential for feeding our immune systems and every

cell in our bodies.

Good luck, Rhonda

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Hi Melinda:

Prior to myos, women probably just suffered silently and eventually died --

although not from the fibroids, hopefully. I'm sure some of them were just

miserable in the days before modern medicine (heck, even with modern medicine

some of us still are....lol) There doesn't really seems to be any product out

there that's " natural " that actually reduces or eradicates fibroids. It'd be

nice, though. The key is definitely prevention but the experts don't really

understand why fibroids form so we can't prevent what we don't understand. So

what's left? A good healthful diet, exercise, happiness, satisfaction (you

can name your own form of bliss) -- all those things that we take for granted

so often in life, but are essential for feeding our immune systems and every

cell in our bodies.

Good luck, Rhonda

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Hi ,

I'm 37, so the liklihood that they'd reappear is quite high.

I'm not worried about the sexual stuff. I haven't had much of a sexual response

since I was in my early 20s. I don't miss it at all!

I wonder what the fibroid suffers have done over the past few centuries (prior

to myomectomies and Lupron). There must be something that they are not telling

us : )


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Hi ,

I'm 37, so the liklihood that they'd reappear is quite high.

I'm not worried about the sexual stuff. I haven't had much of a sexual response

since I was in my early 20s. I don't miss it at all!

I wonder what the fibroid suffers have done over the past few centuries (prior

to myomectomies and Lupron). There must be something that they are not telling

us : )


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1.3 centimeters=0.51181 inches. Slightly over a half inch.

For something so damn small.........it HURTS SO MUCH.

Location I gues : ()


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I think in the past the population was less, therefore, less complaints. Yet, in

women's literature, there is not much mention of fibroids (there is some, just

not a lot). So, there are the modern environmental hazards to consider. Women,

in their literature have always talked about women's health, but we're still

laughed at when it comes to the homeopathic treatments. People want a pill or a

shot to cure everything overnight. I'm sure there is something out there

somewhere that can help us--something that is not toxic and that doesn't involve

cutting us open : )


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I think in the past the population was less, therefore, less complaints. Yet, in

women's literature, there is not much mention of fibroids (there is some, just

not a lot). So, there are the modern environmental hazards to consider. Women,

in their literature have always talked about women's health, but we're still

laughed at when it comes to the homeopathic treatments. People want a pill or a

shot to cure everything overnight. I'm sure there is something out there

somewhere that can help us--something that is not toxic and that doesn't involve

cutting us open : )


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  • 1 month later...
  • 11 months later...
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I have not heard from any of them aside from what Tonia told us about Tim. I will write to them and see if they write back, and of course keep everyone posted. I haven't talked to you in a while but I've read some of your posts as I'm catching up and it sounds like you are doing better. You seem in much better spirits now that you finally have a good doctor...I'm so thankful for that! If I hear anything I will let you know.

<hugs> Lori

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  • 3 months later...

> What can anyone tell me about Flecainide? It was recently prescribed

> by my electrical Doc and seems to be working. Any long term

> downside? I'm 54,vagally mediated AF.


> Thanks.

Hi, you could try a google search for " felcainide monograph "

or do a similar search at one of the dedicated sites

(like http://www.drugsrnikolov.com/drug_databases.html)

133 (28%) of the entries in our database have ticked flecainide...

http://www.dialsolutions.com/af/database/index.html?Adv=1 & _flecainide=1#results

hope this helps



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> What can anyone tell me about Flecainide? It was recently prescribed

> by my electrical Doc and seems to be working. Any long term

> downside? I'm 54,vagally mediated AF.


> Thanks.

Hi, you could try a google search for " felcainide monograph "

or do a similar search at one of the dedicated sites

(like http://www.drugsrnikolov.com/drug_databases.html)

133 (28%) of the entries in our database have ticked flecainide...

http://www.dialsolutions.com/af/database/index.html?Adv=1 & _flecainide=1#results

hope this helps



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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest


Each person is different when it comes to insulin. I am on a sliding scale,

depending on where my numbers are I take humalog before meals, (up to 10

units per meal, and sometimes before bed), I also take Lantis 18 units in

morning and 18 units in evening.




>Can you tell me what the average amount of insulin units most diabetics take.







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