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Re: Re ANA increase

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 Hi  Debbie,  I had the same problem.  My ANA was 640 & speckled.  Could you

snail mail me a copy of the 6 page article that Dr. W. gave you.  I would go

myself but I am no longer in NY.  We moved to Corpus Christi, Texas in April and

have not been able to find a decent doc.  They either are not taking on any more

new patients or I am too complicated for them and they don't want to follow any

protocols.  So, basically I am taking care of myself through a nearby clinic

with a resident who is reluctantly writing my scipts and ordering blood work.  I

really had to insist on the medications and then they wrote them with the wrong

mgs.  Then I had to fight with the pharmacy who would not fill the scripts as

is.  Then I fought with the clinic again to write them properly.  They wouldn't

trust me to break down the amounts or cut tablets in half.  But I finally wore

them down and now I have approval for a 90 days supply for a whole year and then

the fight starts again.  I'm following MP and the guide gets me through.  I

have to call after each blood work as they do not call me.  Damn these doc! 

They make you sweat it out if you are not marching to their drummer.  Anyway, I

certainly would appreciate that info.  I will pay whatever the cost is.  Please,

if you can send it, I would very much appreciate it.  And thanks for being there

these last few years.  I enjoy reading your posts and advise.  My new address is

1951 Rodd Field Rd. Corpus Christi,  78412---My last name is Rosner. 

Thanks---Dolores & Mike

From: DEBBIE GIBSON <Debbullwinkle@...>

Subject: rheumatic Re ANA increase

" support group " <rheumatic >

Date: Thursday, September 4, 2008, 8:13 PM

Some thoughts: I have a friend with diffuse SD, her ANA early on was only

40...the lowest it can be...altho she had skin involvement. ..I, on the other

hand...presented with just puffy fingers, joint pain, shortness of breath...and

no skin involvement and my ANA lab result was 1280....

My particular subset of the SD is one that rarely has any skin involvement.

...having more internal symptoms.... and the last page of the study done suggests

that physicians, Internal Med and otherwise need to evaluate all patients with a

positive ANA for this particular subset of SD...patients who have primarily

internal organ involvement but little to none skin involvement. .Dr. Whitman

gave me the 6 pg copy of the study to give to all my local physicians.. .(who

continue to tell me I don't have SD) because I have no skin involvement.

Hope this helps some...Debbie

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HI Delores, I will happily copy and mail you the info...one word of caution

tho...the test that I had to get is only...or I should say, WAS ONLY available

at DR. Medgers Pittsburgh SD research office...I tried, as you will see from my

notes...calling every local lab...arghh...not one did the test for the TH-TO

antibody subset of SD..Will get that copied and off to you...

rheumatic Re ANA increase

" support group " <rheumatic >

Date: Thursday, September 4, 2008, 8:13 PM

Some thoughts: I have a friend with diffuse SD, her ANA early on was only

40...the lowest it can be...altho she had skin involvement. ..I, on the other

hand...presented with just puffy fingers, joint pain, shortness of breath...and

no skin involvement and my ANA lab result was 1280....

My particular subset of the SD is one that rarely has any skin involvement.

...having more internal symptoms.... and the last page of the study done suggests

that physicians, Internal Med and otherwise need to evaluate all patients with a

positive ANA for this particular subset of SD...patients who have primarily

internal organ involvement but little to none skin involvement. .Dr. Whitman

gave me the 6 pg copy of the study to give to all my local physicians.. .(who

continue to tell me I don't have SD) because I have no skin involvement.

Hope this helps some...Debbie

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Hi Debbie,  Thanks, you are a sweetheart!  Let me know the cost of everything

and I'll be glad to send you a check for everything.  I never got anywhere

asking questions re: my ANA results from any doc.  They just said it meant I had

an inflammation.  Duh!  I could have told them that.  In fact I did.  My wrists

& ankles were swollen for years.  Every doc I went to took xrays and said they

found nothing.  Some thought it was fluid or just shrugged their shoulders and

said they found nothing. Some said fatty tissue buildup.  How do you like the

FDA warning about Remicade, Humira & Enbrel. Cimza (sp) is a new one I hadn't

heard of.  These are the drugs they wanted to give me when they first diagnosed

S/D that I refused and by the grace of God, Lynne G told me about the RBF and

that is how I found out about A/P.  Not long after I started on Minocin, the

swelling in my wrists and ankles started to go down.  I haven't had my ANA

tested in over

a year.  I think it is time.  I guess with my next appt. I will be ready to

fight for that test.  The doctors at this clinic I found near my house are all

young residents doing their last year of training.  They are baffled when I tell

them about A/P.  They say they never heard of this therapy and don't know how to

order the tests for S/D or any arthritic disease.  I wish they would take a

better interest, but it is not on their tests, so they don't care.  They just

want to graduate and go on.  Well, Have a good night.  I dozed for a while a

little earlier, so I can't sleep now.  Maybe being on the computer will make me

sleepy.  G'night.  Dolores & Mike 

From: DEBBIE GIBSON <Debbullwinkle@ fuse.net>

Subject: rheumatic Re ANA increase

" support group " <rheumatic@grou ps.com>

Date: Thursday, September 4, 2008, 8:13 PM

Some thoughts: I have a friend with diffuse SD, her ANA early on was only

40...the lowest it can be...altho she had skin involvement. ..I, on the other

hand...presented with just puffy fingers, joint pain, shortness of breath...and

no skin involvement and my ANA lab result was 1280....

My particular subset of the SD is one that rarely has any skin involvement.

...having more internal symptoms.... and the last page of the study done suggests

that physicians, Internal Med and otherwise need to evaluate all patients with a

positive ANA for this particular subset of SD...patients who have primarily

internal organ involvement but little to none skin involvement. .Dr. Whitman

gave me the 6 pg copy of the study to give to all my local physicians.. .(who

continue to tell me I don't have SD) because I have no skin involvement.

Hope this helps some...Debbie

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If you are using Quest Laboratories, you may be able to have the test

results mailed directly to you. I get all my test results mailed

directly to me from the labs. It is WONDERFUL. I've heard from others

that they get test results from LabCorp mailed to them.

For Quest, I just fill out a form at each blood draw. This saves me

from having to go into the doctor just to get my results.


mike rosner wrote:


> Hi Debbie, I had the same problem. My ANA was 640 & speckled.

> Could you snail mail me a copy of the 6 page article that Dr. W. gave

> you. I would go myself but I am no longer in NY. We moved to Corpus

> Christi, Texas in April and have not been able to find a decent doc.

> They either are not taking on any more new patients or I am too

> complicated for them and they don't want to follow any protocols. So,

> basically I am taking care of myself through a nearby clinic with a

> resident who is reluctantly writing my scipts and ordering blood

> work. I really had to insist on the medications and then they wrote

> them with the wrong mgs. Then I had to fight with the pharmacy who

> would not fill the scripts as is. Then I fought with the clinic again

> to write them properly. They wouldn't trust me to break down the

> amounts or cut tablets in half. But I finally wore them down and now

> I have approval for a 90 days supply for a whole year and then

> the fight starts again. I'm following MP and the guide gets me

> through. I have to call after each blood work as they do not call

> me. Damn these doc! They make you sweat it out if you are not

> marching to their drummer. Anyway, I certainly would appreciate that

> info. I will pay whatever the cost is. Please, if you can send it, I

> would very much appreciate it. And thanks for being there these last

> few years. I enjoy reading your posts and advise. My new address is

> 1951 Rodd Field Rd. Corpus Christi, 78412---My last name is Rosner.

> Thanks---Dolores & Mike




> From: DEBBIE GIBSON <Debbullwinkle@...

> <mailto:Debbullwinkle%40fuse.net>>

> Subject: rheumatic Re ANA increase

> " support group " <rheumatic

> <mailto:rheumatic%40>>

> Date: Thursday, September 4, 2008, 8:13 PM


> Some thoughts: I have a friend with diffuse SD, her ANA early on was

> only 40...the lowest it can be...altho she had skin involvement. ..I,

> on the other hand...presented with just puffy fingers, joint pain,

> shortness of breath...and no skin involvement and my ANA lab result

> was 1280....

> My particular subset of the SD is one that rarely has any skin

> involvement. ..having more internal symptoms.... and the last page of

> the study done suggests that physicians, Internal Med and otherwise

> need to evaluate all patients with a positive ANA for this particular

> subset of SD...patients who have primarily internal organ involvement

> but little to none skin involvement. .Dr. Whitman gave me the 6 pg

> copy of the study to give to all my local physicians.. .(who continue

> to tell me I don't have SD) because I have no skin involvement.

> Hope this helps some...Debbie



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