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I, too, am avoiding the conventional MS medication for now in favor of LDN &

supplements, though whether that's wise I don't know.

I find alpha lipoic acid helps a lot with the MS fatigue - it's really a

lifesaver for me. I'm

also taking turmeric, a teaspoon a day, which I take dissolved in my usual

teaspoon of cod

liver oil & accompanied by bromelain to enhance absorption. Both the ALA and the

turmeric/cod liver combo make me feel better, especially the ALA, but whether


actually helping the MS I don't know. (I doubt but hope.)

I see on this forum and elsewhere that many MS sufferers are taking ALA, but I

don't see

them reporting so much relief from fatigue, so maybe it's just me. Is it?

Re the ALA, I tried taking it in the supposedly superior form of R-Lipoic

instead of the

regular, " racemic " form, but found it made me feel irritable and tired. (Anyone

else had

that effect?) So I've gone back to the regular form, which is cheaper and more


anyway, though I feel best (despite the extra cost) when using a time-release

formulation ,

perhaps because ALA affects your blood sugar. I use Whole Foods Market


ALA, 300 mg tablets, 1-2 a day.

> Can anyone experienced offer any suggestions as to what supplements to

take with

MS, and whilst using LDN. It would be greatlly appreciated.




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How much ALA do you take each day? I have heard that is also supposed to eleviate the tingling senstations, but I have not found the optimal dose yet. Thanks judith <j-silverstein@...> wrote: I, too, am avoiding the conventional MS medication for now in favor of LDN & supplements, though whether that's wise I don't know.I find alpha lipoic acid helps a lot with the MS fatigue - it's really a lifesaver for me. I'm also taking turmeric,

a teaspoon a day, which I take dissolved in my usual teaspoon of cod liver oil & accompanied by bromelain to enhance absorption. Both the ALA and the turmeric/cod liver combo make me feel better, especially the ALA, but whether they're actually helping the MS I don't know. (I doubt but hope.)I see on this forum and elsewhere that many MS sufferers are taking ALA, but I don't see them reporting so much relief from fatigue, so maybe it's just me. Is it?Re the ALA, I tried taking it in the supposedly superior form of R-Lipoic instead of the regular, "racemic" form, but found it made me feel irritable and tired. (Anyone else had that effect?) So I've gone back to the regular form, which is cheaper and more stable anyway, though I feel best (despite the extra cost) when using a time-release formulation , perhaps because ALA affects your blood sugar. I use Whole Foods Market time-release ALA, 300 mg tablets, 1-2 a

day.> Can anyone experienced offer any suggestions as to what supplements to take with MS, and whilst using LDN. It would be greatlly appreciated.> > > > ---------------------------------> Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone who knows.> Answers - Check it out. >

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Choose the right car based on your needs. Check out Autos new Car Finder tool.

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I think this is the link you are looking for


They will also send out their newsletters if you join.



> and all


> Dr Lawrence in the UK has MS and takes as well as prescribes it.

He has a

> page on nutritional supplements on his website.' I cannot find

the link right

> now. I think it is the MS Research Trust in the UK.





> mjh


> Posted by: " " _keepsmyelin@... _

> (mailto:keepsmyelin@...?Subject= Re:Supplements) _keepsmyelin _

> (keepsmyelin)

> Tue Jul 24, 2007 7:19 am (PST)

> Can anyone experienced offer any suggestions as to what

supplements to take

> with MS, and whilst using LDN. It would be greatlly appreciated.








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  • 3 months later...


Where is he at developmentally? I know that puberty can change a lot of things

in our children and that symptoms can often get much better in many areas with

the development of muscle and the slowing down of growth.... of course, he may

be growing like a weed right now....

I give my son a lot of different supplements which address a wide variety of

needs. For instance, I recently discovered L-tyrosine for improved focus for

kids who exhibit inattentive issues re ADD. It works amazingly well! My son

who is almost 13, exhibits a lot of symptoms of essential fatty acid deficiency

and I ensure that he gets both ProEfa and ProEPA daily. I supplement

L-carnitine to help him with low muscle tone. Note that L-carnitine also helps

kids with low tone to absorb the essential fatty acids..... took me a long, long

time to discover that one! These children are having trouble converting the

fatty acids into muscle and that is where the L-Carnitine comes in. My son

tends to have difficulties detoxifying and I have discovered that Epsom Salts

baths are wonderful for this. I also have him on Liver Life which has

normalized his PH and thus keeps his liver detoxifying all of those 'bad things'

that surround our daily lives. He has responded very well to it (though it

tastes pretty gross).

There are supplments that help to address hyperactivity so that you don't have

to put your kid on Ritalin. There are supplements to heal the gut and to slowly

get rid of yeast issues and there are supplements that help to reduce viral

issues if yours is a 'viral' kid. There are supplements called digestive

enzymes that help our kids who are having issues with unidentified food

allergies and digestion. These are just a few of the examples....

This is a vast subject and those of us who do it, read constantly to discover

the 'magic' secret to help our kid heal and get better. For my son, we have

discovered a 'recipe' that is working for him at present but hopefully, as he

heals and his body responds, we can reduce the number of supplements that he

consumes over time.


[sPAM] [ ] supplements


I have not been on here for a while. I need to know if anyone can

help me with what kind of supplements my son should be taking and how

much. I never really knew before. He is 16 and weighs about 125 lbs.

Any help will be much appreciated.


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sorry to butt in........i have a teen too, age 13, autism, severe global

apraxia, and verbal apraxia and hypotonia.

just started her on pro-efa since i found this group. have a bottle of NOW

Brand, L-Carnitine liquid in the cabinet

that i've not started yet. was wondering what dosage you start out on and

what changes have you seen in the tone



kathy h.

[sPAM] [ ] supplements



> Hello,


> I have not been on here for a while. I need to know if anyone can

> help me with what kind of supplements my son should be taking and how

> much. I never really knew before. He is 16 and weighs about 125 lbs.

> Any help will be much appreciated.


> Alison







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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

We have tried a number of the more popular supplements, and we highly

recommend fish oil and mB12 shots. Fish oil was a miracle for

(5-3/4), and mB12 shots are turning into a miracle for Tyler

(20 months). Tyler was a non-responder to the fish oil, but we still

continue it for the plethora of other benefits it provides. We never

tried mB12 shots with . With Tyler, we saw no effect from

DMG, but we plan to try TMG in the future. With both, we saw no

obvious effect from carnitine, but also believe it has additional

benefits (especially if you have tone issues). I think vitamin E is

good, but the results were more ambiguous when tried it.

Many have found it to be miraculous. I plan to try that one with

Tyler very soon. Maybe the combo of fish oil AND vitamin E will be

important for him.

Identifying food sensitivities has also benefited some, so don't rule

that out as a possibility either.

So, if I were just starting out, I would probably try, in this order:

--fish oil (mess around with combos and doses), then...

--vitamin E (again, mess around with combos and doses), then...

--mB12 shots (if you can get a prescription), then...

if more help is still necessary, try:

--carnitine ( recommends getting tested FIRST)

--DMG or TMG

--identifying possible food issues (eliminating dairy and artificials

was important here for motor skills and behavior, but not speech)

There is a lot of trial-and-error required, because the root causes

and manifestations of the various disorders are different in

different children. My own two aren't even the same! Try not to do

more than one thing at a time, and avoid introducing anything new

during turbulent times (e.g. just starting school, going on vacation,

etc.) Keep good records (I'm terrible about doing this!) of when you

started and when you increased, etc. Also, note things not directly

related to speech, like fine and gross motor skill, behavior, sleep

disturbance, GI issues, etc. They are all clues!

There are files with information on doses, and others can address the

specifics better than I can.

in NJ


> Hi Everyone,

> It's been awhile since I have checked in, but I have a question.


> About a year ago there was talk about uisng Vitamin Es, PRO EFAs


> things like that. What was the list of supplements and dosing for

> each? Are there any others that people are using that seem to help?


> Thank you for your help.




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  • 1 year later...
  • 10 months later...
Guest guest

This is sort of a spin-off of my previous post.

What supplements do you take and why are they necessary?

There for a while I was taking so many pills that it was overwhelming, so I

started slacking off on taking them at all. I would like to see if I can cut

back on what I take to the things that are necessary and skip the rest.


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I did the same thing a while back. I started with keeping the antibiotic, then

the antihypertensives, then the antidiabetics. The rest I discussed with my

doctor and eventually eliminated them all.  But I would do that only under

supervision.  Take care, Dolores. 

From: kbf23 <kbf23@...>

Subject: rheumatic Supplements


Date: Friday, June 11, 2010, 10:19 PM


This is sort of a spin-off of my previous post.

What supplements do you take and why are they necessary?

There for a while I was taking so many pills that it was overwhelming, so I

started slacking off on taking them at all. I would like to see if I can cut

back on what I take to the things that are necessary and skip the rest.


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Hi group,

I thought we could kick this around a bit. I assume that most of us here

taking Omega fish oils or in my case, flaxseed oil, which Dr Brownstein

switched many of his patients to awhile ago. There's also Krill Oil touted by



Do any of you have experiences or knowledge of which is superior and why or

benefits, pros and cons.

Thanks a lot


In a message dated 6/12/2010 2:34:18 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

martysfolks2004@... writes:

I did the same thing a while back. I started with keeping the antibiotic,

then the antihypertensives, then the antidiabetics. The rest I discussed

with my doctor and eventually eliminated them all. But I would do that only

under supervision. Take care, Dolores.

From: kbf23 <_kbf23@..._ (mailto:kbf23@...) >

Subject: rheumatic Supplements

_rheumatic _ (mailto:rheumatic )

Date: Friday, June 11, 2010, 10:19 PM

This is sort of a spin-off of my previous post.

What supplements do you take and why are they necessary?

There for a while I was taking so many pills that it was overwhelming, so

I started slacking off on taking them at all. I would like to see if I can

cut back on what I take to the things that are necessary and skip the rest.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Hi, This is such a controversial subject.  Dr. mercola says that fish oil gets

rancid. Years ago when I was having problems with my heart, my cardiologist had

me taking fish oils.  At the time, I had not yet been diagnosed with

scleroderma yet, but was having multi organ problems and the oils did not seem

to do anything.  Then I went on A/P and little by little my affected organs

began to heal themselves without the oils. That was one of the pills I had

eliminated.  Instead, I got a list of healthy foods that contain fats that are

good for you, like cocnut, avocados, I added nuts and flaxseed to most of my

foods and switched to using small amounts of olive oil on salads.  I also love

olives and use lots of fresh herbs and eat lots of raw vegetables, and low fat

cheeses.  All my blood work is now totally normal.  I used to have high

cholesterol and high triglycerides. Now it is all normal and  I don't worry

about a thing as every system is

working beautifully. Even my weight remains stable and my BMI is normal.  At

first I was constantly watching lest I gain and I was always about 20lbs

overweight. Then when I got sick I went down 40lbs and looked like a cancer

ridden patient.  Now I am stablized right in the middle and am extremely

comfortable with no need to count calories or go on diets.  I am so satisfied

eating naturally, that I have planted my own garden and loving the flavors or

natural spices, herbs and foods. I drink mostly lemonade made from fresh lemons

and limes from the trees.  My bananas are also from the trees as are our

avocados.  I moved to Puerto Rico where it is eternally spring and the sea

breezes from the ocean seem to have healed my lungs from pulmonary fibrosis.  I

am healthier now than I was 25 years ago. I know this is not possible for

everyone to do.  But, it worked for me.  Mentally, I have never been

happier.   Dolores

From: kbf23 <_kbf23@..._ (mailto:kbf23@...) >

Subject: rheumatic Supplements

_rheumatic _ (mailto:rheumatic )

Date: Friday, June 11, 2010, 10:19 PM

This is sort of a spin-off of my previous post.

What supplements do you take and why are they necessary?

There for a while I was taking so many pills that it was overwhelming, so

I started slacking off on taking them at all. I would like to see if I can

cut back on what I take to the things that are necessary and skip the rest.


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Hi Dolores,

Your email is SO inspiring and " feel good " and the fact that it IS fact

is just wonderful beyond belief!

I haven't even read anything else on the subject I threw out to our group,

but want you to know how happy I am for you to have come this far and be at

ease with it all but always being award I'm sure. Keep up the good work

and good life.


In a message dated 6/12/2010 1:05:41 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

martysfolks2004@... writes:

Hi, This is such a controversial subject. Dr. mercola says that fish oil

gets rancid. Years ago when I was having problems with my heart, my

cardiologist had me taking fish oils. At the time, I had not yet been


with scleroderma yet, but was having multi organ problems and the oils did

not seem to do anything. Then I went on A/P and little by little my

affected organs began to heal themselves without the oils. That was one of the

pills I had eliminated. Instead, I got a list of healthy foods that contain

fats that are good for you, like cocnut, avocados, I added nuts and flaxseed

to most of my foods and switched to using small amounts of olive oil on

salads. I also love olives and use lots of fresh herbs and eat lots of raw

vegetables, and low fat cheeses. All my blood work is now totally normal.

I used to have high cholesterol and high triglycerides. Now it is all

normal and I don't worry about a thing as every system is

working beautifully. Even my weight remains stable and my BMI is normal.

At first I was constantly watching lest I gain and I was always about 20lbs

overweight. Then when I got sick I went down 40lbs and looked like a

cancer ridden patient. Now I am stablized right in the middle and am extremely

comfortable with no need to count calories or go on diets. I am so

satisfied eating naturally, that I have planted my own garden and loving the

flavors or natural spices, herbs and foods. I drink mostly lemonade made from

fresh lemons and limes from the trees. My bananas are also from the trees as

are our avocados. I moved to Puerto Rico where it is eternally spring and

the sea breezes from the ocean seem to have healed my lungs from pulmonary

fibrosis. I am healthier now than I was 25 years ago. I know this is not

possible for everyone to do. But, it worked for me. Mentally, I have

never been happier. Dolores

From: kbf23 <__kbf23@..._ (mailto:_kbf23@...) _

(mailto:_kbf23@..._ (mailto:kbf23@...) ) >

Subject: rheumatic Supplements

__rheumatic _ (mailto:_rheumatic ) _

(mailto:_rheumatic _ (mailto:rheumatic ) )

Date: Friday, June 11, 2010, 10:19 PM

This is sort of a spin-off of my previous post.

What supplements do you take and why are they necessary?

There for a while I was taking so many pills that it was overwhelming, so

I started slacking off on taking them at all. I would like to see if I can

cut back on what I take to the things that are necessary and skip the rest.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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