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We got our first good rain in months Friday night & again last night. The way it looks outside we get some more today or tonight. We are enjoying it. Nice rain's are one of things miss out here in the desert.


Jannewilms43@... wrote:

We haven't gotten any rain here at all......It's cloudy here but no rain yet..I think we will get some after all though..I think there is a 50% chance of it..I don't know for sure but I do't plan on going anywhere today anyway so it can rain all it wants to..LOL...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice to meet you Andy...Please jump in anytime..We do try to make each other laugh in here alot to releive the stress but are also willing to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

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Morning everyone..How are all of you?? I am feeling pretty good this morning so far but got alot to do angain today..FLUFFY I miss you along with everyone else..I welcome all the newbies and hope yall continue to stay in touch..This is a wonderful group of people..I love everyone in here....

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Jan I am here in the back row just a pacing to and fro just a waiting on you. I am here I tell ya never left for a minute. Fluffy/ Re: [ ] Newbie Morning everyone..How are all of you?? I am feeling pretty good this morning so far but got alot to do angain today..FLUFFY I miss you along with everyone else..I welcome all the newbies and hope yall continue to stay in touch..This is a wonderful group of people..I love everyone in here....

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Id say its about time we were up in the front row. Yup it sure nuff is ..... LOL Fluffy Re: [ ] Newbie Fluffy thanks for holding down the fort for me but I"MMMMMMMMMMMMM BAAAAAACK!!!!..Sitin here with ya waving from the back row fixing to move up front with ya.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi That Barratt was thrown out of court and the Judge said he was only

in Quackbusting for the money and Dr won.

I must tell my local health board as they have him on their web-site but not for


Pumpkin seeds are cheap and work for parasites and tapeworm. I got a bit

nauseous as I took too many but that shows the fact that they are strong


Have you heard of EFT see www.emofree.com as that can work for allergies.



Can someone who has been in this neighborhood longer than I have

point me to some good personal stories that will make me feel less

like a fruitcake for trying to understand how to use a zapper and

medicate with wormwood/black walnut hulls/clove and garlic in order

to kill parasites?

I made the mistake of reading Barrett's slam of Hulda

before joining this group.

I want to believe that there is something that can help my friend who

returned from Africa a few years ago, got very very very sick with a

rare autoimmune disease called Reiter's syndrome, and hasn't really

fully recovered. Her connective tissues and joints all flared up like

she had arthritis for a few months. Although that went away, she

continues to have a lower than normal body temperature, very poor

digestion, food allergies, sinus pain/infection, mood swings, a high

intolerance for carbohydrates, anxious reactions to eating lots of

foods, and swings in energy levels between very very low and very

very high.

I'm willing to be lead by the hand by someone who wants to convince


I'm on the verge of placing an order at hannasherbshop for the

parasite cleanse program and a zapper, to see if it has positive

effects. Total cost: $200.

Seems easier and cheaper than paying a doctor $100 to run bowel tests

which could cost another $150 and only have a 1 in 6 chance of

picking up the presence of parasites, according to one Doctor who

I've consulted with on the problem. That's not including the toxic

prescription medication then needed, too . . . . .

Looking for answers and positive case histories,

son Munro

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Welcome, son.

Below are some positive stories. Also, I don't think anyone on this list is

trying to convince anyone else that Dr. 's methods are effective. It is

something you have to experiment with and discover for yourself little by

little. From my experience those using her methods are not evangelical but

will provide tips for implementing the cleanses, using the Zapper, etc.

Jumping in with the Zapper and herbs is a good start--just be sure to read

the books.

Good luck,



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My brother in law was diagnosed with mesothelioma, lung cancer caused by

asbestos. It was 6 months ago. There was no cure recommended and they gave

him 1 year to live. He went through 21 day program. He is not cured

but he is not worse. He has no pain any more, and when he did tests last

month everything was OK. There is still the same number of spots on his lung

tissue but there is no new spots. We think that is good sign, and that

disease is stooped. He is now on essiac tea. They recommended him chemo and

radiation but they said it can't help him. He did not take any.


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Also, it is a poor plan to be a middle man. It is the person who

actually needs the help who should be asking, experimenting, etc.



> Welcome, son.


> Below are some positive stories. Also, I don't think anyone on this

list is

> trying to convince anyone else that Dr. 's methods are

effective. It is

> something you have to experiment with and discover for yourself

little by

> little. From my experience those using her methods are not

evangelical but

> will provide tips for implementing the cleanses, using the Zapper,



> Jumping in with the Zapper and herbs is a good start--just be sure

to read

> the books.


> Good luck,

> Lynne




> >

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read dr. h. clark,s book the cure for all diseases.

" stevensonmunro <stevensonmunro@...> " <stevensonmunro@...>

wrote:Can someone who has been in this neighborhood longer than I have

point me to some good personal stories that will make me feel less

like a fruitcake for trying to understand how to use a zapper and

medicate with wormwood/black walnut hulls/clove and garlic in order

to kill parasites?

I made the mistake of reading Barrett's slam of Hulda

before joining this group.

I want to believe that there is something that can help my friend who

returned from Africa a few years ago, got very very very sick with a

rare autoimmune disease called Reiter's syndrome, and hasn't really

fully recovered. Her connective tissues and joints all flared up like

she had arthritis for a few months. Although that went away, she

continues to have a lower than normal body temperature, very poor

digestion, food allergies, sinus pain/infection, mood swings, a high

intolerance for carbohydrates, anxious reactions to eating lots of

foods, and swings in energy levels between very very low and very

very high.

I'm willing to be lead by the hand by someone who wants to convince


I'm on the verge of placing an order at hannasherbshop for the

parasite cleanse program and a zapper, to see if it has positive

effects. Total cost: $200.

Seems easier and cheaper than paying a doctor $100 to run bowel tests

which could cost another $150 and only have a 1 in 6 chance of

picking up the presence of parasites, according to one Doctor who

I've consulted with on the problem. That's not including the toxic

prescription medication then needed, too . . . . .

Looking for answers and positive case histories,

son Munro

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Jo,

Your son is so lucky to have gotten treatment by 21 months, even less! I am

very impressed!!!! I don't know about guar gum, although that sounds

interesting. Do explain if you get a chance.

I dont' mean to be critical, because I can tell you are doing so much, so

right, so soon, but I am sure there is some evidence that supplementing iron

is not such a great plan, unless perhaps your child is particularly unusual

in this respect. They usually do show low blood serum iron, but there is an

argument that this does not mean necessarily that they are low in iron so

much as they are metabolizing it incorrectly (to be very general about it)

and you may find that iron adds to gut problems. In fact, very few of the

children with ASD are supplemented with iron or copper. They usually have

to have high zinc to combat copper build-up and many are even on low-iron

diets (although not mine). You might just look into this matter, although I

can see you are very much on the ball already!!!!

I have no advice on enzymes, am waiting for mine in the post!


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dear Jo,

I don't know about AIT. Perhaps he doesn't need it now, you might be able

to tell me. My son learned to speak using ABA and the GFCF diet. He is

now in the low normal range for receptive language (he's 6, so it took a

while!) and his expressive is excellent, although certainly not typical. I

can't tell you exactly why it isn't normal, it just isn't. His language is

not as fluent as my daughter's would have been at 6. He speaks like someone

who has learned a foreign language and likes to stick to what he knows, but

he knows quite a bit! For eg, he woke up this morning and said, " Daddy, I

want to build the rocket now. Can we build the rocket? " That sounds

normal, but then when he was getting his dad to go faster, he said, " can you

come and make the rocket with me in the garage? "

Well, the rocket materials are in the kitchen. He knows garage, he knows

kitchen. But in his enthusiasm he got it wrong. So, you see, there's this

thing I can't explain. Just that his expressive isn't right.

And of course, he still walks on his toes, prefers to play on his own

although copes well in groups, etc.

At 2 he was mute. At 3 he was mute and smeared. He had no intervention

until 3 and 2 months. He wasn't on the gfcf diet until 3 and 5 months.

So, I think you're getting the picture. Your son will fly.

Good luck!


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  • 4 weeks later...


My name is Dennis and I'm new as well.It was a real

shock to me when I learned I had Hep C. I found out when I went to

have a shoulder operation.I probably got mine from drug

experimintation in the early 70's. As everyone here has told me,It's

not how you got it but dealing with the Disease that counts. I drank

on a regular basis until I found out that I have Hep C. That's

probably why I have early cirrhosis as well. Everybody in the group

has welcomed me and made me feel comfortable. I've put off treatment

for a year after my diagnosis but thanks to the group have decided

it's time to go ahead.Guess we can learn together.

Take care,

Dennis Y.

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congrats. Dennis T:

It also took me a years before I finally took the "big step"

and started tx. Now that I am looking back, I am trying to figure our, why I waited this long. The sides weren't as bad, but I will still be happy when can have my life back. lol. Next month's PCR will tell.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Rene,

My husband is AS (age 37, very tall and skinny, many food intolerances and

dislikes) and has been on Houston Enzymes for three months with good results -

more sociable, better able to read social situations and people, more focused,

less moody. We started with 2 Zyme Prime and 1 Peptizyde per meal and after a

month added No Fenol - one in addition to the above with meals with phenolic

content. We've also added in a dose of Selenium (mornings) and one of Zinc

(evenings) and feel those probably are having good effects too. It's hard to say

what comes from what. This is probably what we'll stick with until he has his

amalgam fillings removed, which we think may be a major help.

Hope this is useful.




Hello, my name is Rene and I have a 20 year old autistic son. He is

very high functioning. Socially he needs alot of help. We have

never tried any kind of diet or enzymes. In reading your archives it

appear that the success is phenomenal. I have ordered

DeFelice's book but was hoping that you all could give me a jumpstart

on what I should begin to give Brad. He is 5'11 " and weighs about

240. What should I start with?


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The sleeping's still all over the place, but half the problem is that he likes

working undisturbed through the night, so the zinc isn't getting much chance to

work! And the B12 overdose was a bit of a disaster.

Also, I guess it's partly to do with that inability to deal with too many

incoming sources of information -- when's he's in the middle of some complicated

programming and I come in and ask a question or even bring in a cup of tea, the

chain of thought is completely broken (apparently)... I've decided that since

everything else is so much better I can live with us being on different shifts -

we co-incide through the late afternoon and evening till I go to bed!

But thanks for asking, and for all your suggestions. It was nice to hear you had

such a good holiday.






> Hello, my name is Rene and I have a 20 year old autistic son. He


> very high functioning. Socially he needs alot of help. We have

> never tried any kind of diet or enzymes. In reading your

archives it

> appear that the success is phenomenal. I have ordered

> DeFelice's book but was hoping that you all could give me a


> on what I should begin to give Brad. He is 5'11 " and weighs


> 240. What should I start with?

> Rene




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hows the sleeping going?

> Hi Rene,

> My husband is AS (age 37, very tall and skinny, many food

intolerances and dislikes) and has been on Houston Enzymes for three

months with good results - more sociable, better able to read social

situations and people, more focused, less moody. We started with 2

Zyme Prime and 1 Peptizyde per meal and after a month added No Fenol -

one in addition to the above with meals with phenolic content. We've

also added in a dose of Selenium (mornings) and one of Zinc

(evenings) and feel those probably are having good effects too. It's

hard to say what comes from what. This is probably what we'll stick

with until he has his amalgam fillings removed, which we think may be

a major help.

> Hope this is useful.

> Lucy

> UK

> newbie



> Hello, my name is Rene and I have a 20 year old autistic son. He


> very high functioning. Socially he needs alot of help. We have

> never tried any kind of diet or enzymes. In reading your

archives it

> appear that the success is phenomenal. I have ordered

> DeFelice's book but was hoping that you all could give me a


> on what I should begin to give Brad. He is 5'11 " and weighs


> 240. What should I start with?

> Rene




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  • 1 month later...
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Dear Ria:

I read of at least one mom who had good results just eliminating a lot of

the sugar. Maybe that would be an easier place to start. But I tend to

agree with you. My daughter has a sweet tooth, and I think she might be

too young to follow a strict diet right now. Last year, when she was in

kindergarten, we put her on medication and it worked wonders for her. I

don't think diet alone would have brought the same results, but when she

gets older we can explore alternatives to meds.


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  • 3 weeks later...
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In a message dated 4/22/03 7:40:04 AM, MRSROSE2000@... writes:

<< I think a CURE could be found if this was really researched, but

since many people in our health care industry make a great deal of money

treating symptoms, >>

And a lot of money is made developing drugs,

Trust me, they would LOVE to find a cure for arthritis.

As far as doctors are concerned, there will always be enough maladies to keep

them busy.


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