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Very (or extremely?) effective use of kelp for disease resistance in animals and humans

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We've many discussions here about nutrition as a basis

for health and resistance to pathogens/cleanup crew,

and I think many will find the following very

interesting. I compiled it from another email list I

am on.

A brief summary: chickens were given a kelp solution

instead of plain water and then they (researchers)

were practically unable to create diseased state in

them, even by directly injecting them with pathogens.

Care for soil is also mentioned.


The following are posts from an email list that is

mostly devoted to use of colloidal silver.



The recent animal-related posts jogged my failing

memory into recalling some interesting....and I

believe, useful investigations we conducted some time

in the past. These endeavors revolved about the

possible efficacy of " kelp-based solutions " for

nutritional support and disease prevention/abatement

in animal pets and livestock. Our results were VERY


The most efficacious protocol was as follows:

Starting with a concentrated solution of kelp

(seaweed) extract [ approx. 11 ounces of soluble

powder in 1 gallon of water], we used 2 tablespoons

CONCENTRATE diluted in 1 gallon of water......as the

basic mixture. Our goal was to evaluate the

benefits---if any---of using this material as a

nutritional support and/or a disease prevention

modality for domestic pets and livestock. The

beneficial results exceeded our expectations. In

chickens furnished this solution free choice, NO

significant nutritional-based deficiencies were

detectable(less than .1%)......with them receiving 3

different commercial feed mixtures. Among controls, a

background pathogenic level of 5% was a

constant....and in some cases outbreaks of varying

pathogens expressed as high as 20%...on occasion.

Among " purposely infected " groups, naturally

-occurring recovery/resistance spontaneously

established (lowering mortality from 60% to 10%) when

the kelp solutions were administered as the sole

source of liquid intake AFTER THE INFECTION. The speed

and completeness of recovery was noticeably enhanced

when the parent solution was diluted 20%, by volume,

with 10 ppm CS. This in spite of

contentions/suspicions of antagonisms between the

silver colloid and the parent solution substances.

Among subjects furnished access to the Kelp X CS

combination solution, we were able to infect...via

direct injection....less than 2% of the

subjects----and the resulting insults were, in almost

all cases, quite mild. Mortality was less than .05%.

Our results among dogs, cats, and birds.....were

equally impressive; although the physical number of

subjects was much smaller. We did encounter some

difficulty in getting cats to drink water containing

this level of kelp.....at least in the beginning. The

only successful method involved maintaining them in

cages.....during the evaluations.

At the time of these experiments we did not utilize

MSM, vitamin supports, fluid electrolyte enhancement,


A rather fascinating byline relating to this type

investigation is that a similar modality involving

human volunteers (older subjects....beyond 60) yielded

superior results----when employing a somewhat modified

version----for individuals suffering from a variety of

chronic expressions. The principal modification

involved a second dilution of the kelp X CS with 25%,

by volume, of complete sea-solid solution (reduced

from 35,000 ppm to 8750 ppm). The sea solid solution

may be constructed using any acceptable FULL SPECTRUM

source (e.g. Celtic Sea Salt, etc.....but never ANY

white or leached marine salt). This latter

modification enabled a rather pronounced synergistic

effect. Interestingly, we utilized the same

unmodified, agricultural grade, kelp powder..... which

we used in the animal experiments. Our

bacteriological tests (of these CS containing

solutions) revealed no viable pathogens

extant.....prior to use for the human volunteers.

While there was little difference in the kelp products

we evaluated, we settled.....for the bulk of our

tests.....upon on one called Maxicrop. The reasons

being that it gave the best solubility results and

seemed to evoke more pronounced biological

benefits----probably as a result of superior

extraction/concentration techniques. We do not

endorse this----OR ANY OTHER---product. These were,

simply, our particular results under our particular



Someone replied:

We have never utilized liquid kelp, but we feed at

least 300 lbs. of organic kelp meal annually to all

livestock, birds, cats, canids. Livestock readily eat

it free choice, as do the birds. We've never had any

sick goats or

llamas and I believe in large part to the kelp. One

of the few products we won't live without. It's great

for hair, skin, coat, pigmentation, production,

amongst other things and full of vitamins and


I've put it in the cats waterer and they shyed away

for a bit, but eventually drank it. I will look into

this liquid concentrate for future use.


Someone asked for clarification of the protocol. Below

is a more detailed explanation:

The product used must be a SOLUBLE powder product.

These are, actually, highly concentrated liquids which

have been dessicated back to powder form. 11 ounces

is, simply, one of the more common quantities

marketed. ll ounces of this material will go into

solution----very rapidly---in one gallon of plain tap

water. The resulting concentrate will yield about 240

gallons of " general purpose " solution. e.g. foliar

spray, therapeutic level for pet/livestock watering,

etc. This concentration at 2 fluid ounces per day

(for human volunteers)......proved superior to any

other type of mineral supplement (including fossilized

humus, montmorillonite clays, shales,

etc)......whether in liquid or powdered form.

The kelp solution concentrate does not.....of

itself......require refrigeration. However, since it

is such a powerful support medium for bacterial

generation-----even minor contamination via bacteria

plus any nutrient form (especially sugar

forms)......could result in very sudden and

exponential blooms. Therefore, refrigeration would be

prudent for the liquid concentrate. Actually, many

antagonistic pathogens are subdued in the presence of

kelp solutions------at these concentrations.

The allusion to Celtic Sea Salt was intended to

emphasis that only sea solids containing the entire

spectrum of salts and trace elements found in the

" parent " solution of the open oceans.........yields

all of the minerals required by healthy plant and

animal forms------both marine, and terrestrial. These

materials must be harvested following only natural

evaporation conditions----in a very xeric climate

(essentially desert type atmosphere) ......if

possible. The very best materials obtained, came from

the Baja California area. Small quantities (less than

10,000 pounds) of unreduced/untreated " sea solids " are

quite difficult to obtain from the one large firm

controlling the salt producing enterprise in this


Large natural food stores are the best source for

Celtic Sea Salt. Additionally, the " coarse " grind is

much cheaper......and preferable to the " fine " grind.

The 35,000 ppm figure was given because it

is-----approximately-----the strength level of the

solubilized mineral components in " normal " sea water.

Actually, the most generally used

concentration.....both for animal watering......and

plant/soil application, was on the order of 3500 ppm

(roughly, a simple dilution of 10:1 of normal sea


To obtain, approximately, a correct concentration in

ppm that equates to sea water.....simply dissolve the

Celtic Sea Salt in one quart of distilled

water-----one teaspoon at a time and monitor with any

economical TDS type meter. The TDS-1 manufactured by

Hanna is quite sufficient for this purpose. When the

concentration gets to around 15000 ppm just dilute

with about 4 quarts of distilled water and you should

get a strength reading of around 3700 ppm. Purists can

" trim-out " from there.

Interestingly, we validated the work of Dr. Maynard

Murray......relating to pathogenic insults and

chickens. We found it to be almost impossible to

generate conditions facilitating successful pathogenic

insult among chickens who were furnished the

combination kelp/CS drinking water.....free choice.

The results were---simply---beyond anything we had

ever achieved before......from any form of nutritional

and/or supplement support protocol. They were

achieved at astonishingly low cost levels.

At this writing, we are again in the process of

revisiting some of our older, previous, experiments

utilizing " full spectrum " sea solids------both in

solubilized form.......and as " straight-run crystals "

simply scattered upon the soil surface at

concentrations between 1100 and 1500 pounds per acre.

Although current " academic wisdom " claims the Nacl

constituent (from such high concentrations) would be

lethal to 99% of all terrestrial plant forms.......we

have experienced nothing but SUPERB results from EVERY

tree, shrub, or flower subjected to this protocol.

Currently, our consensus is that it is CRIMINAL.....in

the extreme.....what academia has perpetrated upon the

general public (at least in this instance)-----whether

by design or from ignorance.


If you will conduct a web search for Thorvin Kelp

suppliers, I believe you can find one reasonably close

to you. In calendar 1995 we concluded some rather

extensive studies employing kelp.......both as a

micro-supplement, and a protocol support for certain

functional disorders (especially Benign Hypertrophic

Prostatitis) and thyroid malfunctions. Of all types

and suppliers evaluated; none were as satisfactory as

Thorvin. This, particular, kelp comes from Iceland

and is dried by a low-temperature process utilizing

geothermally-based heat sources. We found it to be a

splendid product. A majority of all of our staff's

families, who utilize " natural " foods/supplements,

have used this product since the conclusion of our


We have no commercial, or any

other, connections with the processors or sellers of

Thorvin Kelp.

Sincerely, xxx.

p.s. You can use the Agricultural Grade.....just

fine. It is all processed using the same machinery

and methodology.


From me: I requested an updated about this brand and

was told that they still believe that Thorvin is

measurably superior to all other " powdered or

granulated " types they evaluated.


I also asked that person why they think that it's the

kelp and not CS that prevented infection and here's

what he told that they conducted tests involving

groups with CS only; kelp only; and a combination of

both. While the number of pathogenic insults were

substantially fewer among the CS only....when compared

with the Kelp only, THERE WERE fungal insults among

the CS only group. When CS was combined with

kelp...NO fungal pathogens presented.


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