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Re: Digest Number 899

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I believe my husband spoke with your mother while we were having surgery, I

was the 9 AM patient. We lived in Saginaw for 3 years in the 80's, attached

to GM. I'm so sorry that you're not having the best of experiences with the

MGB yet. I feel a little too good, no nausea, no heartburn, no flatulence

etc. I'm a little short of energy still, but I am almost 51 and not bouncing

back as fast as some. I know that others have had problems with nausea and

excess bile. Have you tried any yogurt? We also lived in the Middle East

for 5 years, and that seems to be a cure all for any stomach problems.

Here's hoping that the problems are just a passing phase,

in Chapel Hill

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Happy Belated Birthday! You've done the hard part, I bet the last pounds

will come off too, and you'll be here in North Carolina for the MGB before

you know it,

You should be very proud of yourself,

in Chapel Hill

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  • 5 months later...


Glad to see you are posting. I am a newbie to the group and just want to

say hello.

Lots of Love


On Wed, 13 Sep 2000 18:00:57 -0500 (CDT), Rpolychondritisegroups wrote:

> My dear friends

> again I apologize for it being so log since i have written. beieve e

> you hve al been in my thoughts and prayers. thnk so any of youthat have

> sent cards and well wishes, they made my days easier. I am soing a

> little better. I have not thrown up for almost two weeks (I was every

> day for about 4 months) so I a so glad that is better. I spent last

> week in Michagn with my husband o his business trip. believe it or not

> I had NO trouble breathing while I was there. the weather was cool and

> ittle tono pollen or humidity. I was able to get out and ride my scoter

> eery evening. (Ihave een otherwise housebound due to the weather in

> missouri. but as soon as i came back to MO the breathing difficulty

> started again. If i wald to the bathrom or et a cup of coffee y oxegen

> eve dros to the low 80's. Yesterday morning it was at 74. this is not

> to good . the docotr I saw today (a newrheutologist( said i need to

> probably be on oxygen o a 24 hour basis. i will hve to make an

> appointment with my pulmnologis. I sure hope i dont have to do this.

> Now today the weather was coler and y breathing was a ittle easier, so

> who knowz I want to believe that if i just wait the wether out it will

> get better (wishfful hinking). well may bakd won't let me write ny more

> today. pleasd keep me in your prayers.

> love

> denise



Say Bye to Slow Internet!


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