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Re: Wobenzyme Question-To lynne

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Thank you for the quick reply.Do you know that I like

you a lot?:)

My swelling has gone down very much. I don't know if

it is because of triple antibiotic or that damn Medrol

(2 mg 4 days a week). But I still have lots of pain.

some strange pain around my chest area and on my right

side. I had such a pain in right side of my rib 8

months ago that sent me to emergency. it went by

itself. I don't know if it is herx or something els.

I had a long flu for two weeks. The only good news is

my hair loss is dramatically better.


--- Lynne and Santos <lynneandsantos@...>


> Hi Soheila,

> Wobenzyme is really expensive.You can easily find

> other brands that

> have more types of enzymes in the mix and you don't

> have to take nearly

> as much.I take 2 capsules with a very heavy meal and

> only one with

> breakfast,lunch or a snack. Lynne





> >

> > Does anyone taking Wobenzyme? does it help for

> better

> > digestion? or probabbly help to digest fat. I am

> > trying to put on weight. It seems my body doesn't

> > absorb fat. Any suggestion welcome.

> >

> > soheila

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ _________

> _________ ________

> >

> > .

> >

> >







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Well my pretty one I love you like a daughter.I am going to try to

paste some info here but if it does not work I will send it separately

to Rheumatic .I think it will give you an idea why we have some

problems.I do not believe in Kinesiology or one of their whacky ideas

such as ionized water but this site does have some interesting info. Lynne

Good,it attached.I had a total computer failure,lost 8 tears of research

and don't know how to use this new system.Sometimes I amaze myself.

hehehe.Article just below this line

> http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0ISW/is_241-242/ai_107201216/pg_1


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Hi Lynne

It's soheila again. I like to know how long did it

take to put on weight? did you ever come back to same

weight before you get sick?

I cried a lot last week after I looked at myself in

the mirror. I've never been ugly like that.

My skin started darkening even before taking minocin.




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Hi Lynne

It's soheila again. I like to know how long did it

take to put on weight? did you ever come back to same

weight before you get sick?

I cried a lot last week after I looked at myself in

the mirror. I've never been ugly like that.

My skin started darkening even before taking minocin.




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Hi Soheila;

I know all about those tears.I think I could have filled up at

least one of the Great Lakes with them.Skin discolouration is part of

SD. At least mine was even coloured all over and looked like I had a

really good tan.The minocycline gave me blue spots on my legs and an

even darker tan if I dare go in the sun to do some gardening but the

worst part for me was the texture of what was left of my hair and

nails.I was on methotrexate and it just ruined them and after all these

years they are still not very nice.

I have regained some weight but not enough to have any decent curves

and I have wrinkles on my face.I am the same weight as I have been since

I was 15 but when you get to my age one wants a few more pounds to try

and fill out the wrinkles.I still have problems with yeast,leaky gut and

malabsorbtion despite changing and lowering antibiotics and every

possible dietary change I can make.The SD keeps trying to make a

comeback,I am stiff and achy whenever I don't get enough slepp....which

is 99.9% of the time but I have absolutely no collagen left in my

skin.In fact it is as thin as the skin between layers in an onion and is

very dry and wrinkly.I know this is because I am not absorbing my EFA

s,on top of the malabsorbtion I have to stay far far away from any food

with vit.D because my 25-1,25 ratio is very very bad and that is where a

lot of EFA s are.

I just keep telling myself that I am lucky to be alive and avoid the

miror as much as possible. Lynne G./SD

> Hi Lynne


> It's soheila again. I like to know how long did it

> take to put on weight? did you ever come back to same

> weight before you get sick?

> I cried a lot last week after I looked at myself in

> the mirror. I've never been ugly like that.

> My skin started darkening even before taking minocin.


> soheila




> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

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Hi Lynne,

Just thinking about your malabsorption problem and maybe getting some of

your nutrients dermally would help. I get my estrogen and other hormones

that way. My druggist even made me magnesium. If I take it orally I put it

and all I eat out VERY fast. Think about it and ask your doc.



I have absolutely no collagen left in my

skin.In fact it is as thin as the skin between layers in an onion and is

very dry and wrinkly.I know this is because I am not absorbing my EFA

s,on top of the malabsorbtion I have to stay far far away from any food

with vit.D because my 25-1,25 ratio is very very bad and that is where a

lot of EFA s are.

I just keep telling myself that I am lucky to be alive and avoid the

miror as much as possible. Lynne G./SD

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