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Leg Pain

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I also have the burning pain in my legs.I also have fibromyalgia but

this pain is different from the fibro pain. It hurts so bad sometimes

I have a hard time walking.

I am on Methotrexate and Arava and I get that overwhelming fatigue

also. I take my Metho on Monday and feel okay but the rest of the

week I feel exhausted.

Love Ya,


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My prayers are with you and your mom. Don't stress about not being

there, I'm sure she understands your situation completely. It seems like

quit a few of us are flaring right now. I wonder if it is the weather or

what. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

Love & prayers


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earlier in this diseae, tere wa a tie when i as on very few pain edsand

everythig hurt--legs arms, chest ears joints etc sometimes te nlyrelief

i got was tolay on a warm tub of water sometimes fo hours and somtimes

for three times a day. I think iremember meone saying ha wrm waer

iscontraindiated in some pins erhaps MS (?) so echeck this outwith your

dctor. rightnow i am having chest pain costcondrial joints and in the

back rib area isisespecially proounced. vn he pain mes dont helpmuch.

also i think i am have a flare-NO--iknowi am havng flare, besides the

ribs, back a myjoints arehurting despite the pain ms. and my feet feel

like teyhave rocker bottoms. so walking is painful. i hopethi passes

quickly. found out my mother has heart blockage--they re going t ta

shunt, ifthat does not work, ten an angioplasty, if that does no work

teywill d a by pas. they thik this will be next wek. i want t go there

to be withher, but it would be hard with the way i fel now. she would

have this wor done in atlanta (om lives in north georgia, so ifi o i

would have to geta motel. and then there is theissue of ringing al y

breathing machines, so myhusbnd would hve tobring me in hevan. so leae

ssay a prayer for me nd my mother.



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My friends,

i waable to ge hrogh about 100 posts. Igues i have o be hnet ih yu,

just need o vent a little. i guess i a haig a rough time aticulalythe

latfew days. i a n tears. you knowone of thoeimes wen eeryting hurts,

placeyou did no even know youhadeven myhands are ching. i knw tat

rrying abut it jus make t wors, ihave urn te mother ting over t god.

ifi m suposd to be hre iwillbe. right now al i cn do is ret. i tld my

husbad i wish he was homejust o tmea up of offee. oh well. i try not

to complain. jushavingone f hhos days. knw somethng is wrong, ome

symptoms i've nothad orno hadin a long time. anywayenough. i still can

egraeful i am not whre i was two yers ago. pleawe keep me in your




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My prayers are with you as you are going through such difficult times.

When reading all you have and are going throught, I feel very lucky that

I have been able to be diagnosed so early in the disease. I truly

feel this group will help so many in the future with this disease and I

personally plan on trying to get the word out about it so that others like

yourself don't have to live through such things before someone finds what's

wrong and tries to help.

I'll say a prayer for your mom also. I know how hard it is to

be living away from parents (mine have been back in Ohio since March) and

when one is sick it does hurt to be so far away. If you can't be

there physically, you certainly can be their emotionally and spiritually.

Try not to let the stress flair you (haha) and just keep telling her how

much you love her. You are only human and do have such physical

limitations you have to be fair to yourself if you can't go.

Thank you for sharing all the troubles and experiences you have gone

through. We all learn so much by trial and error with this disease

and I for one know I would be lost without the group.

Hang in there! Many prayers for your and your mothers health.

It's so good to see you posting again.

Have a good Friday and hope your pain lets up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dlbmo@... wrote:

earlier in this diseae, tere wa a tie when

i as on very few pain edsand

everythig hurt--legs arms, chest ears joints etc sometimes

te nlyrelief

i got was tolay on a warm tub of water sometimes fo hours and somtimes

for three times a day. I think iremember meone saying ha

wrm waer

iscontraindiated in some pins erhaps MS (?) so echeck this

outwith your

dctor. rightnow i am having chest pain costcondrial

joints and in the

back rib area isisespecially proounced. vn he pain

mes dont helpmuch.

also i think i am have a flare-NO--iknowi am havng flare,

besides the

ribs, back a myjoints arehurting despite the pain ms. and

my feet feel

like teyhave rocker bottoms. so walking is painful.

i hopethi passes

quickly. found out my mother has heart blockage--they

re going t ta

shunt, ifthat does not work, ten an angioplasty, if that does no


teywill d a by pas. they thik this will be next wek.

i want t go there

to be withher, but it would be hard with the way i fel now.

she would

have this wor done in atlanta (om lives in north georgia, so ifi

o i

would have to geta motel. and then there is theissue of ringing

al y

breathing machines, so myhusbnd would hve tobring me in hevan.

so leae

ssay a prayer for me nd my mother.



hi and welcome. maybe we can come up with answers that our doctors


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, I know how you feel, I had the same kind of week this week. Hurt ALL

over. I'd cry in the bathtub and then tell my self to stop feeling sorry for

myself. Then the cycle would start over again. It's the pain and not being

able to do anything. I know in my heart that I have soooooo much to be

thankful for. I haven't gone through anything like you and some of the rest

of the group have. Guess I should get off the pity pot and count my

blessings. You are such an inspirering person to me, but you have the right

to feel like you do. I think a good cry does us all a heap of good. Call

any time if you need to talk. Hope today gets better for you. You

are in my prayers.

Love C

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sorry to hear you are going through a rough time. You are a lot

stronger of a person than I am and I know this is yet another hurdle you will


love, hugs and hope


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