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Newbies to Antibiotics

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Hello newbies,

Just my 2c worth of advice in case you're weighing up your options on

the AP and can't decide like i didn't do. I've been lurking around

on this list for years, trying to decide whether to take antibiotics

for my RA. I'm the kind of person who gets " analysis paralysis " and

can't decide on anything - partly due to the fact i also suffer

depression. Also I'm afraid of drugs and feel like i'm killing

myself by taking them. I know i'm neurotic and other people aren't so

silly as me, but if you're like me, take note of what i'm saying.

Maybe i think i'm " different " than everyone else and and too precious

for drugs - i don't know. Other people have taken antibiotics and

not died, so what makes me any different ? Well, being so indecisive

i was open to being swayed by certain information, like a person

called Chandu who got on the list saying they cured themselves of RA

with a special elimination diet, and found out they are allergic to

white pepper, hence no more RA. Wow!! I then did research and tried

diets in a half-ar$ed sort of way. I am not the type of person who

is disciplined enough to keep myself in line with food - i am an

emotional eater - why didn't i know that ? When your hormones are

going nuts, try eating broccoli all day! Diet has definitely helped

me with the symptoms of RA and i'm glad i found out about it because

it's a must for everyone with auto-immune problems. But for me it's

not the complete answer. All i'm saying is be honest with yourself,

about what you think you can achieve and what you can't. Make a

decision early on, because if you leave it for a long time, you'll

deteriorate and then get desperate. I found out that i'm human and i

could actually end up in a wheelchair - gosh and i thought was

something special ! The AP takes months or years to work. When

you're sitting around in a wheelchair, this will seem like forever

and you'll be prone to giving up. AP doesn't work over night. It

takes dedication and patience. If i had've started on it years back,

i would known by now whether it would work for me. It doesn't work

the same way for everyone. At least if you try it, you'll know and

then you can move on to other things. There are some great

supplements you can take if you worry about the side effects of

drugs. Taking these supplements helps my state of mind since i feel

that they keep me healthy no matter what drugs i take - maybe it's

only mind over matter, but who cares - do whatever it takes. No

doubt some basic supplements will keep you healthy while on AP or any

drug for that matter. There's always a risk in taking drugs, and you

have to come to terms with that. The human body is a marvelous thing

and it can withstand enormous stresses including drugs. People have

taken all sorts of drugs which almost killed them eg chemotherapy,

and lived to tell the tale. Yes, antibiotics can be dangerous long

term, and have a downside, but do something anyway. You might get run

over by a bus tommorrow also. You can take good quality probiotics

which offset the side effects, and eat well. Connect with someone on

the list who you relate to, email them, and let them mentor you.

This will help you greatly. Don't think too much like i did. Just


all the best,



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