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question- blood sugar levels and adrenals

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Mac and cheese and hotdog (nitrates) would raise anyone's blood sugar, lol.

I love both of those but gave up hotdogs years ago when I found out how bad

they are for us and Mac and cheese is a rarity...maybe once a year. Oatmeal

is fairly low on the glycemic index but is still a carb. As long as it is

plain and not with sugars or anything added, you can get by with it though I

did have to stop eating it daily because I did have a glucose reaction.

Eating every 2-3 hours is a good idea, but just as important is WHAT you are

eating. I recommend you read Dr. 's book and Dr. Lam's site. You need

to put in your body foods that help your adrenals and thyroid instead of

taxing them more.

I think when you have enough cortisol, your blood sugar will stabilize a

lot. Before then, you should really watch what you eat. Mine has gotten

better since increasing my cortisol.


Re: question- blood sugar levels and adrenals

Yea, like I just took it after eating mac and cheese, hotdog and

oatmeal, and it was 154! Upon fasting I get as low as 60 somedays.



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That is adrenal. When you first start at later stage adrenal fatigue you

tend to be skinny and can eat a lot. That was me for many years. I was just

looking at photos the other day of me even 10 years ago and cannot believe

how skinny I was. Too skinny really. Then after being at what I presume was

stage 7 for a long time, I got even worse and went in the opposite direction

with weight. Too thin or too heavy are part of the same imbalance. I have

met other stage 7 people and 's folks who have gotten heavy too, even

though all the research says all ians are skinny. That tells me there

is more to the metabolic processes and whether it is other hormones,

thyroid, etc. causing the fat I am not sure.

You are at stage 4 if I remember, correct?


Re: question- blood sugar levels and adrenals

I sure hope so, I feel like a weirdo eating all the time.

No diabetes in my fam!

Also, I eat like a horse and never really gain weight- weird huh?

Is that adrenal? or just lucky with hight metabloism?



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Yea, like I just took it after eating mac and cheese, hotdog and

oatmeal, and it was 154! Upon fasting I get as low as 60 somedays.



> Do you mean your blood sugar is up to the 150s?



> question- blood sugar levels and adrenals



> Blood Sugar levels, Adrenal problems, and Hypothyroidism all seem

to go

> together. The lovely endorcrin system we all love!

> My question is...once I get my adrenals functioning properly, and


> thyroid meds to a more optimal dose, will my blood sugar regulate


> be ok, or will I nd up with Diabetes.


> Right now, after meals Im up to 150's...I've never noticed it


> high. I eat every few hours to avoid symptoms. Before meals, I


> forget to take it. I guess I will start.


> Just wondering if this will be something I have to go (eat small


> every few hours) for the rest of my life, or will it straighten


> when the adrenals and thyroid do??


> Thanks


> >







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I sure hope so, I feel like a weirdo eating all the time.

No diabetes in my fam!

Also, I eat like a horse and never really gain weight- weird huh?

Is that adrenal? or just lucky with hight metabloism?



> >>Just wondering if this will be something I have to go (eat small


> every few hours) for the rest of my life, or will it straighten out

> when the adrenals and thyroid do??<<


> It should improve greatly but if oyu have Diabetes in your family

you may always have ot watch both weight and carbs.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/

> http://www.seewell4less.com/Valspage.htm Medical Alert Bracelets


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www.adrenalfatigue.org for Dr. 's

www.drlam.com For Dr. Lam. His stuff is free on his website. So much great

info and he has a dietary chart with bad, good and better food choices when

you scroll down on the adrenal page. You can also email him brief questions.

I did once an he got back to me within a week. Nice man.

Chasteberry is supposed to be good for lowering estrogen. I am ordering it.

I tried DIM but it has soy and I got worse on it.

You diet is a HUGE factor in your hormonal health. I found this out over the

years and a lot of experimenting. If you don't have time to cook, try to go

to a health market and get prepared stuff using whole foods, organic is

best. That way you don't have the hassle but still get good foods to eat

versus the junk food. Processed foods are really bad for us and most towns

have markets where they make stuff fresh that day and sell it. I always get

the ones that have the ingredients listed so I can avoid wheat and gluten.


Re: question- blood sugar levels and adrenals

Thanks, how do i get dr wilsons book?

do you have a link to buy it?

also, isnt is www.drlam.com?


Ye- I eat like a kid..simple quick foods. I feel like carbs fill me

up longer- probably in my head though.


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>Yea, like I just took it after eating mac and cheese, hotdog and

oatmeal, and it was 154! Upon fasting I get as low as 60 somedays.


I have had diagnosed hypo since Dec 1995. Most likly started down the slippery

path after the birth of my second son on Nov 1989. Controlled it somewhat ok on

synthroid until early 2000's when everything went to the proverbial " hell in a

handbasket " . weight shot up to over 240 lbs from 175 or so within about 7 to 9

months time. Which caused diabetes to develop. I have been diagnosed type II

since 2003. From what you are saying about your blood sugar and moods - it

sounds like me when I don't eat or take my meds correctly. My blood sugar will

plummet and I will get very very moody and mean - take a reading and lo and

behold I am very low (at times have gone as low as 40). I would highly suggest

either you go to the doc and have the FASTING glucose test done - OR get a meter

and strips and check and record for yourself. IF you have a fasting - AM

reading over 130 -and this happens several days in a row - my suggestion would

be you have diabetes -

most likely type II. At that point you will want to either try to control

through diet and excersise or go to doctor and get put on oral meds. I am on

the oral meds and will continue to use them until I can get the adrenals and

thyroid under control as I feel very strongly that once that happens I will be

able to get my blood sugar under control as I will be able to lose the weight

and then can come off the diabetes meds. My dad was a insulin dependent

diabetic and as a result I have always watched my weight and made sure to get my

fasting glucose testing done at least once per year. When my weight shot up and

I was unable to lose it is when my blood sugar when high ( I was diagnosed with

a fasting reading of 199). I hope this helps some. Oh and by the way - that

meal above - is all carbs and will raise your sugar. How long after eating did

you take that reading? You want to do fasting, before meal, 1 hour after and 2

hour after and bedtime to

get a graph of what is happening throughout the day.

Good luck

Christi in Texas

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Thanks, how do i get dr wilsons book?

do you have a link to buy it?

also, isnt is www.drlam.com?


Ye- I eat like a kid..simple quick foods. I feel like carbs fill me

up longer- probably in my head though.


> Mac and cheese and hotdog (nitrates) would raise anyone's blood

sugar, lol.

> I love both of those but gave up hotdogs years ago when I found out

how bad

> they are for us and Mac and cheese is a rarity...maybe once a

year. Oatmeal

> is fairly low on the glycemic index but is still a carb. As long as

it is

> plain and not with sugars or anything added, you can get by with it

though I

> did have to stop eating it daily because I did have a glucose



> Eating every 2-3 hours is a good idea, but just as important is

WHAT you are

> eating. I recommend you read Dr. 's book and Dr. Lam's site.

You need

> to put in your body foods that help your adrenals and thyroid

instead of

> taxing them more.


> I think when you have enough cortisol, your blood sugar will

stabilize a

> lot. Before then, you should really watch what you eat. Mine has


> better since increasing my cortisol.


> Cheri

> Re: question- blood sugar levels and




> Yea, like I just took it after eating mac and cheese, hotdog and

> oatmeal, and it was 154! Upon fasting I get as low as 60 somedays.

> Derg!

> .





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I have just this morning learned something else that affect glucose BIG

time.. Estrogen! Estrogen causes more insulin to be released form the

pancreas so in effect another of the reasons low cortisol, which causes

high estrogen causes hypoglycemia. I started back on Estrogen yesterday

and have taken 20U less insulin today than I normally would have for the

same activity and food... I hoep this trend continues!


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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With my headaches and heavy menstraul cycles, wouldn't that be HIGH


I donno...I hate learning! I never liked school.


> I have just this morning learned something else that affect glucose


> time.. Estrogen! Estrogen causes more insulin to be released form


> pancreas so in effect another of the reasons low cortisol, which


> high estrogen causes hypoglycemia. I started back on Estrogen


> and have taken 20U less insulin today than I normally would have

for the

> same activity and food... I hoep this trend continues!


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/


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MsSquarepants wrote:

> www.adrenalfatigue.org for Dr. 's


> www.drlam.com For Dr. Lam.

> If you don't have time to cook, try to go

> to a health market and get prepared stuff using whole foods, Processed foods

are really bad for us and most towns

> have markets where they make stuff fresh that day and sell it.


You obviously do not live in the boonies, LOL. Our market has a deli,

but all the food is brought in in containers pre-prepared, and god knows

how old. Certainly not organic, either. The do fry the chicken on the

spot however.

The nearest health market to me is a Wild Oats that is 170 miles away

(one way).


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>>Oh, well since my estrogen is very HIGH maybe that's part of my problem.

I take high doses of folic acid to try and reduce my estrogen.<<

Why not take higher doses of cortisll which is the cause of high estrogen?

Cortiwl WILL lower high estrpgen.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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Val, I'm feeling a bit slow here, so bare with me...

I am trying among other things to learn more about diabetes for my SO, but

the more that I read of Bernsteins book the more I am concerned for myself

as well.

My BG has come back a little high this past year...not real high just 110

and 108's area.

My blood estrogen level numbers are high, which the doc said worked kinda

like your thyroid - high numbers mean you need more meds....so he told me to

double my estrogen..

Sooooo when you say high estrogen do you mean high numbers in blood, which

would mean you need more..or too much in your blood????


YES High estrogen causes toto much insulin to be released which not only

causes insulin resistance but also hypoglycemia.

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>>Sooooo when you say high estrogen do you mean high numbers in blood, which

would mean you need more..or too much in your blood????<<

I am totally not sure I buy this " high in blood means you need more " ! But i rely

on saliva labs mostly for hormones when I can anyway, so I am not really sure. I

would suggest some deeper reading on it. But I would feel very funny taking more

if my blood levels were already high.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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I'm a question machine today. I got 8 hours of sleep rwo nights in a row,

finally, using Benedryl tho'.

My BGs are higher now that I'm on HC. I used to use 35u Lantus insulin, then

went to 18 after introducing Iodoral, now I'm back up to 25u to keep my numbers

normal. Could this also mean that I can reduce my HC a tad?

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I would not use that to adjust HC. Right now until you can correct the

thyroid deficiency it is simply unasking the hypo and THAT is cxausing

the higher insulin need. The trick is now to get the thyroid correct.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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Okay Val, I'm working on it. I'm now up to 27.5 HC.

Re: question- blood sugar levels and adrenals

>>Oh, well since my estrogen is very HIGH maybe that's part of my problem.

I take high doses of folic acid to try and reduce my estrogen.<<

Why not take higher doses of cortisll which is the cause of high estrogen?

Cortiwl WILL lower high estrpgen.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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Re: Thanks for sharing this, Val. I'm going back on Estrogen. I was diagnosed

with diabetes at age 59, the year after I stopped HRT.

----- Original Message -----


Sent: Friday, January 04, 2008 2:55 PM

I have just this morning learned something else that affect glucose BIG

time.. Estrogen! Estrogen causes more insulin to be released form the

pancreas so in effect another of the reasons low cortisol, which causes high

estrogen causes hypoglycemia. I started back on Estrogen yesterday and have

taken 20U less insulin today than I normally would have for the same activity

and food... I hoep this trend continues!

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