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Re: Any thing to improve my circulation?To DOLORES

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Hi Dolores

Good to hear from you. My finger tips are sensetive

now. I use gloves in the Lab and at home.I keep my

hand clean and try to be careful with them.

Dr whitman told I can try an antibiotic to protect

against infection. He forgot to prescribe that

antibiotic. I forgot to remind him.

I found that Olive leaf extract is very good for yeast

infection. You should try it. It is a strong anti

fungal and also immune support.

I hope my fingers heal by time. My Lab is very cold

that's why I have problem with Raynaud. I hate summer,

the air con is always on.

I am taking 100 mgminocin and 100 mg doxy daily. I

like to add zithro too. I am going ask Dr. Whitman

next time I see him.

I hope you are enjoying the new place and made it home

by now. How is Mike doing?

til later


--- mike rosner <martysfolks2004@...> wrote:

> Hi Sohelia, This is Dolores. I take Dilitiazam

> also. Been on it for about a year. For a while,

> the tips of my fingers were also very sensitive.

> They were so sensitive that I could not stand to

> touch anything and no one could touch my hands

> either. A friend of mine went to pat my hand and I

> let out such a scream that it scared the both of us

> and the others that were in the room as well. It

> took a while, but that went away after being on the

> Minocin for a long time. Then, when I went on M/P,

> that same sensitivity came back. It lasted about

> six weeks but eventually went away. I hope your

> syptoms will disappear in time also. For a while, I

> was afraid of getting an infection. I kept my hands

> very clean and avoided touching anything hot or

> cold. I couldn't even open an envelop. Then one

> day without any warning the hands and fingers felt

> just fine. That whole episode tooke 6-8 weeks to

> develop and resolve. This sensitivity developed

> right after I took a fall and

> felt like I had broken a finger. I didn't go to

> the doctor, I just eased up on using my hands and in

> due time, it just went away. I know you work with

> your hands. I work with mine too, in the office

> opening mail, so I went out and bought a letter

> opener and it made all the difference. Now I use

> tools instead of my fingers to open everything and

> my fingertips are just fine. I still use the tools.

> It seems I fingers needed a rest from daily chores

> as did the rest of me. Hope you are coming along.

> What did Dr. Whitman have to say about the sore

> fingers? Take care ~~~~Love, Dolores


> soheila A <soadl80@...> wrote: Hello


> I have SD suffering from poor circulation speially

> in

> my hands fingers. I have attack of Raynauds at cold

> weather.

> I have redness (inflammation) around some of my

> fingers nails.It seems there is infection too.I have

> never had any infection on my hands or under nails.

> I

> guess it is related to poor circulation. Does any

> body

> knows of a herb or anything to improve my

> circulation

> and treat the inflammation on my finger tips?

> I am taking Diltiazem too which supposed to increase

> the circulation.

> I do appreciate your comments.

> thank you

> soheila








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Hi Sohelia.  It is good to talk to you again.  Try some triple antibiotic

ointment or bacitracin.  They have all types of antibiotic ointments in the

pharmacy over the counter and at Jack's 99 cent store.  We keep some in the

house to put on nicks and scratches and under a bandaid for a sore anywhere on

the body.  Doctors use it in their offices. It cant hurt and may prevent an

infection.  For fungus, most docs prescrible ketoconazole ointment.  My

dermatologist prescribed it for me, but I forgot how, where and when to use it. 

The outside of the tube says " used as prescribed. "   But they forgot to mention

how to use it, so I never did.  I've heard some people in the M/P do it.  But so

far  I have no need of it.  I have not had a fungal or yeast infection in about

8-10 years.  I've heard of olive leaf extract as an antifungal. Is it an oil or

a powder?  Do you put it on, drink it or take it in gel form.  Is it made from

a particular

olive or all olives generally? Since I don't get fungal or yeast infections, I

have not tried it.  I don't like A/C either and everywhere I go, I have a

sweater in the car to cover up.  Every store and restaurant is always so cold. I

have always been sensitive to the cold weather.  Even when I was a little kid, I

hated winter.  Well, at last I am out of it and thriving well.  My office has

A/C, but since Mike and I are the only ones running the store, we keep it at an

even temperature between us. The same for our house.  So far, we are very

comfortable in this place.  We are in complete control of the business.  It is

nice being the boss and running things the way you want them. Well, take care

and goodnight.  Love to all of you, Dolores   



> I have SD suffering from poor circulation speially

> in

> my hands fingers. I have attack of Raynauds at cold

> weather.

> I have redness (inflammation) around some of my

> fingers nails.It seems there is infection too.I have

> never had any infection on my hands or under nails.

> I

> guess it is related to poor circulation. Does any

> body

> knows of a herb or anything to improve my

> circulation

> and treat the inflammation on my finger tips?

> I am taking Diltiazem too which supposed to increase

> the circulation.

> I do appreciate your comments.

> thank you

> soheila








> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



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