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Re: List purpose

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Well said.


rheumatic List purpose

Dear Group,

When there is discord our ability to fulfill the purpose of this list -to

help people interested in AP - is greatly diminished. How inviting is it

for a new person looking for desperately needed advice to come to this list

to find participants going on about unrelated subjects and being

discourteous toward each other? We also risk losing our old time members.

They don't post so much because many have their lives back, but they hold a

wealth of experience that they share when needed. This is a valuable

resource we would be poorer to be without.

Take care,


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Dear Ute: I commend you for your words. I have been lucky to have gone into

remission due to the AP and the diet. I donot post either as the site I have

belonged to for almost 20 years has changed. God Bless You Janet

rheumatic List purpose

Dear Group,

When there is discord our ability to fulfill the purpose of this list -to

help people interested in AP - is greatly diminished. How inviting is it

for a new person looking for desperately needed advice to come to this list

to find participants going on about unrelated subjects and being

discourteous toward each other? We also risk losing our old time members.

They don't post so much because many have their lives back, but they hold a

wealth of experience that they share when needed. This is a valuable

resource we would be poorer to be without.

Take care,


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Point taken. I apologize for my outburst this morning. I started to offer an

excuse, but none is acceptable. I usually try to live by the " better to be

quiet and thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt "

rule...but failed today.

In fact, maybe the " get off the computer " comment hit too close to home. I'm

not usually sensitive to things...unless they contain some truth.


Ute <nowyoga@...> wrote:

Dear Group,

When there is discord our ability to fulfill the purpose of this list -to

help people interested in AP - is greatly diminished. How inviting is it

for a new person looking for desperately needed advice to come to this list

to find participants going on about unrelated subjects and being

discourteous toward each other? We also risk losing our old time members.

They don't post so much because many have their lives back, but they hold a

wealth of experience that they share when needed. This is a valuable

resource we would be poorer to be without.

Take care,



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Ute, can you tell me if there are moderators on this list? Who are they?

Will moderators help members unsubscribe? I assume so. Why else would

old time members (such as Norm and Janet) send an 'UNSUBSCRIBE' message

to the group? An old time member would know about this.

Also, perhaps the moderators could consider setting up an automatic

message with the list rules that goes out to the members once a month.

This is common practice of groups with . The list rules may

include a provision to say topics of politics and religion are not

appropriate. That might have stopped the first post from ever coming



Ute wrote:


> Dear Group,

> When there is discord our ability to fulfill the purpose of this list -to

> help people interested in AP - is greatly diminished. How inviting is it

> for a new person looking for desperately needed advice to come to this

> list

> to find participants going on about unrelated subjects and being

> discourteous toward each other? We also risk losing our old time members.

> They don't post so much because many have their lives back, but they

> hold a

> wealth of experience that they share when needed. This is a valuable

> resource we would be poorer to be without.

> Take care,

> Ute




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On 2/27/08 7:33 AM, " Amy " <Evanesce@...> wrote:

> Ute, can you tell me if there are moderators on this list? Who are they?

The moderators are Ethel Snooks, who posted yesterday, and who has already

indicated she was helping Norm, and and Adlard. posts

every little bit, too.

They help folks as need be, but wouldn't always announce individual concerns

to the entire list.

> Will moderators help members unsubscribe? I assume so. Why else would

> old time members (such as Norm and Janet) send an 'UNSUBSCRIBE' message

> to the group? An old time member would know about this.

Just because a member has had arthritis for a long time doesn't mean they

have a lot of interest in how email groups work. Most messages from most

groups have the unsubscribe tag in the footer. Most folks overlook it.

I try to think in terms of " what if that were my mother, or an elderly aunt,

making that post that is a little ignorant of email lists and procedures " ..

I would like them to be treated politely if they were here, and suspect that

many of the folks who post here are no more prepared to deal with the

minutia of how an email list works than my mother is.

You have to assume that folks are here because they need help with

arthritis, not because they are computer pros.

> Also, perhaps the moderators could consider setting up an automatic

> message with the list rules that goes out to the members once a month.

This group sends out an FAQ on the antibiotic protocol once a month. I doubt

most people read it after the first month, but it goes out every month.

It wouldn't hurt to send out list rules, but there aren't a lot of rules

here, other than it is expected we will be nice to each other...

> This is common practice of groups with . The list rules may

> include a provision to say topics of politics and religion are not

> appropriate. That might have stopped the first post from ever coming

> through.

The first post was from a long time member who knew he was throwing a bomb,

but did it anyway. Nothing wrong with sending a link to some information you

would like to share... The group mentality of a list often escalates in

response to controversial subjects rather than diffusing them, though, so it

is probably best to steer clear of posts that seem likely to ignite

controversy. When one does come through, it is probably best to resist the

urge to fan the flames.



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Dear Jean. I am literate enough to know how to click on the blue. When I do

here is what I get in return.

We are unable to deliver a message from my (email address) to unsubscribe.

Your message was sent to a group that does not exist. So, have any other

suggestions. As an afterthought, this site saved me from a world of pain and

suffering due to RA. I wish I could stay on the group.

" God Bless you. Janet

Re: rheumatic List purpose

On 2/27/08 7:33 AM, " Amy " <Evanesce@...> wrote:

> Ute, can you tell me if there are moderators on this list? Who are they?

The moderators are Ethel Snooks, who posted yesterday, and who has already

indicated she was helping Norm, and and Adlard. posts

every little bit, too.

They help folks as need be, but wouldn't always announce individual concerns

to the entire list.

> Will moderators help members unsubscribe? I assume so. Why else would

> old time members (such as Norm and Janet) send an 'UNSUBSCRIBE' message

> to the group? An old time member would know about this.

Just because a member has had arthritis for a long time doesn't mean they

have a lot of interest in how email groups work. Most messages from most

groups have the unsubscribe tag in the footer. Most folks overlook it.

I try to think in terms of " what if that were my mother, or an elderly aunt,

making that post that is a little ignorant of email lists and procedures " ..

I would like them to be treated politely if they were here, and suspect that

many of the folks who post here are no more prepared to deal with the

minutia of how an email list works than my mother is.

You have to assume that folks are here because they need help with

arthritis, not because they are computer pros.

> Also, perhaps the moderators could consider setting up an automatic

> message with the list rules that goes out to the members once a month.

This group sends out an FAQ on the antibiotic protocol once a month. I doubt

most people read it after the first month, but it goes out every month.

It wouldn't hurt to send out list rules, but there aren't a lot of rules

here, other than it is expected we will be nice to each other...

> This is common practice of groups with . The list rules may

> include a provision to say topics of politics and religion are not

> appropriate. That might have stopped the first post from ever coming

> through.

The first post was from a long time member who knew he was throwing a bomb,

but did it anyway. Nothing wrong with sending a link to some information you

would like to share... The group mentality of a list often escalates in

response to controversial subjects rather than diffusing them, though, so it

is probably best to steer clear of posts that seem likely to ignite

controversy. When one does come through, it is probably best to resist the

urge to fan the flames.



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On 2/27/08 5:43 PM, " Norman & Janet Moss " <enterprz@...> wrote:

> Dear Jean. I am literate enough to know how to click on the blue. When I do

> here is what I get in return.

> We are unable to deliver a message from my (email address) to unsubscribe.

> Your message was sent to a group that does not exist. So, have any other

> suggestions.

Well, we did notice that one of the links on the bottom of each email is

very old, and from egroups instead of from ...

Are you clicking a link in a delivered email, or on a group page on the

web site?

For the latter, see this page:

(1) <rheumatic/join>

If you used a link in an email message, did you use this address?

(2) <rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups>

Or this address?

(3) <rheumatic-unsubscribe >

Do they all fail?

As Amy pointed out, the group owner can manually remove you, and sometimes

group moderators can... That depends upon how the group is set up.

can definitely remove you, but I don't know if he is around and

reading. may be at some point.

You could try sending an email requesting to be removed to this address:

<rheumatic-owner >

This should go to 's email address, but I cannot guarantee it will.

If any of these work, let me know offlist, and I'll tell the list how it

turned out. :)

Warm regards and best of luck...


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> > Ute, can you tell me if there are moderators on this list? Who

are they?


> The moderators are Ethel Snooks, who posted yesterday, and who

has already

> indicated she was helping Norm, and and Adlard.


> every little bit, too.


> They help folks as need be, but wouldn't always announce

individual concerns

> to the entire list.


> > Will moderators help members unsubscribe? I assume so. Why else


> > old time members (such as Norm and Janet) send an 'UNSUBSCRIBE'


> > to the group? An old time member would know about this.


> Just because a member has had arthritis for a long time doesn't

mean they

> have a lot of interest in how email groups work. Most messages

from most

> groups have the unsubscribe tag in the footer. Most folks

overlook it.


> I try to think in terms of " what if that were my mother, or an

elderly aunt,

> making that post that is a little ignorant of email lists and

procedures " ..

> I would like them to be treated politely if they were here, and

suspect that

> many of the folks who post here are no more prepared to deal with


> minutia of how an email list works than my mother is.


> You have to assume that folks are here because they need help with

> arthritis, not because they are computer pros.


> > Also, perhaps the moderators could consider setting up an


> > message with the list rules that goes out to the members once a



> This group sends out an FAQ on the antibiotic protocol once a

month. I doubt

> most people read it after the first month, but it goes out every



> It wouldn't hurt to send out list rules, but there aren't a lot

of rules

> here, other than it is expected we will be nice to each other...


> > This is common practice of groups with . The list rules may

> > include a provision to say topics of politics and religion are


> > appropriate. That might have stopped the first post from ever


> > through.


> The first post was from a long time member who knew he was

throwing a bomb,

> but did it anyway. Nothing wrong with sending a link to some

information you

> would like to share... The group mentality of a list often

escalates in

> response to controversial subjects rather than diffusing them,

though, so it

> is probably best to steer clear of posts that seem likely to


> controversy. When one does come through, it is probably best to

resist the

> urge to fan the flames.


> --

> Jean



> There are two routs.

> 1- go to toolbar at top of page and find 'goups'icon,click arrow

then click rheumatic. It will bring you back to your original

subscription page where you can either unsubscribe or switch to other

options. It was that easy once i found the rout.

> 2--is a bit trickier, go to bottom of any posting and find just

under 'to unsubscribe,email etc... (printed in black) there is an

inch and a half grey window with a quarter inch dash displayed

inside. click this. It's fairly obscure and just above 'change

settings via the web' It will take you to then go

to 'finding, joining, & mannaging your ' click eventually

you will come across in the upper right hand corner, printed in

black 'group name-blog-help' go to help and click. I think I've

gotten this as straight forward as possible. GOOD LUCK and catch you

all on the daily-digest Suzanne, Lynne's little sis



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