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Re: Test results

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Hi Deb,

You have a right to your information. Instead of " demanding " , you might want

to ask you neph what's the easiest way to get you the information (fax,

email, etc). As you learn more about IgAN, you will probably want to review

your numbers by yourself. I've kept all of my son's data in an excel

spreadsheet - which makes it easier to track changes over time.


test results



> Hi Guys,

> I was just at the neph today and I have a question for you. Should I

demand (that sounds like such a strong word) the results of any labs? I ask

him what the lab results looked like and he said fine - no more. He didn't

say what any of the numbers were. Should I be asking him or can I ask the

lab to send me a copy of the results? I am so new to any kind of medical

stuff that I don't know what to ask and not to ask.


> Thanks,


> Deb




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As others have said, this is your information you are asking for. When I first

began going

to me neph he was a very low key guy who would answer me simply and breifly.


wasn't what I needed. I did a lot of reading between those first few visits and

came armed

with quesiotns, very detailed questions. He was taken aback and explained to me


most of his patients were not interested in the " details " and many of them were

over 60

and not inclined to investigate their disease, so he had just developed the

habit of

speaking in vague terms. Form that day on he has never talked to me the same


I'm pretty confident I am one of the only pateints he has who gets lab result

copies. When I

told him I'd gotten lazy about tracking my labs for the last year he had his

nurse print

them out (12 months worth of monthly labs) while I waited.

I know it can be uncomfortable to " feel " you are demanding, but you are not


your are starting a dialogue that will continue through the many years of your


PS- there is no such thing as a question -not- to ask, ask anything and

everything you

need to, you are your best advocate

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Hi Deb,

Since they are your lab results, you should be able to ask questions

about the lab results, or even a copy of it. I usually ask about

some of the relevant lab figures that would give info about how my

kidneys are functioning.



> Hi Guys,

> I was just at the neph today and I have a question for you.

Should I demand (that sounds like such a strong word) the results of

any labs? I ask him what the lab results looked like and he said

fine - no more. He didn't say what any of the numbers were. Should

I be asking him or can I ask the lab to send me a copy of the

results? I am so new to any kind of medical stuff that I don't know

what to ask and not to ask.


> Thanks,


> Deb




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  • 3 years later...

Adrenal fatigue which your high estrogen also indicates. I would continue to

supplement with the progesterone to balance the estrogen and get on isocort

or HC. Low Salivary SIgA is also an indication of AD. This can be off due to

an imbalance of DHEA and cortisol. Did you have your DHEA tested? This can

sometimes be low in adrenal tumors too.

-----Original Message-----

Please let me know if you have any input/thoughts on these results.



7-8 a.m. 9 Range is: 13-24

11-12 3 Range is 5-10

4-5 3 Range is 3-8

11-midn. 2 Range 1-4 (might explain why I'm ready to go at 10:30

every night! :)

Testosterone 19 Range is 8-20

Estrone > 100 Range is 30-58

Estradiol 20 Range is 7-20

Estiol 58 Range is 12-25

Progesterone 601 Range is 65-500 (probably high b/c I was

supplementing 2 months ago??)

Total Salivary SIgA 5 Range is 25-60 (what is this??)

Postive for intolerance to milk and soy

Think that's it! Thanks for taking a look at this for me. :)


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Oops! I just realized I posted this on someone's thread. Sorry!! I'll

repost it.

But to answer your questions, DHEA was normal 8 in 3/10 range.

Also, is AD something else or was that meant to be AF?

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Thanks, Val. Now comes the stressful part, I feel. While it's good to

finally have a grasp of what is causing some of the problems, I still

dread the road of trying to correct things. Crazy?

The naturopath didn't mention HC. So far, she has suggested that I

eliminate soy and dairy, add EFA (fish oil) for stomach support, DIM to

reduce estrogen as well as choosing more hormone free food items and

makeup/body/face products. She also gave me a supplement for adrenal

support and one called " Adaptogen Complex " .

What are your thoughts on all of that??? Thank you!

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Same thing. AF is adrenal fatigue and AD is adrenal disease.. I use them

interchangeably. ;)

So, you are probably in an earlier stage of AF because your DHEA is still

good but your cortisol is way too low. That is the good news. Later phases

the DHEA will crash too.


-----Original Message-----

Oops! I just realized I posted this on someone's thread. Sorry!! I'll

repost it.

But to answer your questions, DHEA was normal 8 in 3/10 range.

Also, is AD something else or was that meant to be AF?


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I'm not Val but wanted to comment further.

Your doc has some good suggestions on eliminating some bad things, but also

some shortsighted suggestions. DIM has soy in it. Mine did and every brand I

checked so far does. Chasteberry is a better option.

You will need need some cortisol. I would order Isocort on the internet and

try a slow ramp up while you still are in early stages.

What is in the Adaptogen Complex? If it has adrenal glandulars you could

create more problems for yourself because you will not know how much

cortisol is in them. I had this issue.


Re: Test results

Thanks, Val. Now comes the stressful part, I feel. While it's good to

finally have a grasp of what is causing some of the problems, I still

dread the road of trying to correct things. Crazy?

The naturopath didn't mention HC. So far, she has suggested that I

eliminate soy and dairy, add EFA (fish oil) for stomach support, DIM to

reduce estrogen as well as choosing more hormone free food items and

makeup/body/face products. She also gave me a supplement for adrenal

support and one called " Adaptogen Complex " .

What are your thoughts on all of that??? Thank you!


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Oh good,..thanks for giving me some fun to look forward to. ;)

So now what?! Will the Armour, reducing estrogen and/or increasing

progesterone help?? I guess I'm not clear how to get the cortisol in


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Grr!! See what a mean?! This part is soooo maddening for me! It

aggrivates the heck out me that there isn't a doc/specialist that can

just help get it all right. It makes me just want to pull my flipping

hair out!!!

Sorry but I just get so tired all of this. I'm thankful for everyone's

input though and clearly need it!

Yes, I wasn't clear what she was suggesting for the cortisol. The DIM

does have soy in it but she said that it's only the processed soy that

is a problem. That's what she said but what the heck?!

I hardly recognize anything in the Adaptogen Complex. It's by Premier

Research Lab. Has things like Soma Latha, Rhaponticum, Rhodiola,???


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Doing natural things may help you, but it may not be enough. I did

glandulars for 4 years. I went the natural route first and waited to long to

get on cortisol and got much, much worse. That is why I kind of caution

people to try the Isocort when they know they have low cortisol. The best

way to get low cortisol in check is to supplement with it and Isocort is the

mildest way to do it. Had I known enough and did that 5 years ago, I think I

might have been able to reverse a lot of my body damage that may now be



Re: Test results

Oh good,..thanks for giving me some fun to look forward to. ;)

So now what?! Will the Armour, reducing estrogen and/or increasing

progesterone help?? I guess I'm not clear how to get the cortisol in



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I recognize the Adaptogen ingredients and do not think they are a problem

but avoid the DIM. It gave me a lot of problems and yes, the soy in it can

still be an issue contrary to what she told you. Go with chasteberry

instead. It is supposed to lower estrogen and doesn't have soy in it. It's

just a berry.

No doc knows everything and some give good info with the bad. Part of the

problem is this is an understudied area and patients tend to know more than

docs from trial and error in their own bodies. Trying to find the one,

all-encompassing expert is impossible in my opinion. They are just

consultants in our health and we need to take everything they say with that

level of scrutiny.


-----Original Message-----

Grr!! See what a mean?! This part is soooo maddening for me! It

aggrivates the heck out me that there isn't a doc/specialist that can

just help get it all right. It makes me just want to pull my flipping

hair out!!!

Sorry but I just get so tired all of this. I'm thankful for everyone's

input though and clearly need it!

Yes, I wasn't clear what she was suggesting for the cortisol. The DIM

does have soy in it but she said that it's only the processed soy that

is a problem. That's what she said but what the heck?!

I hardly recognize anything in the Adaptogen Complex. It's by Premier

Research Lab. Has things like Soma Latha, Rhaponticum, Rhodiola,???



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Thanks so much for being upfront with me. That's what I need!

When you were on the gradulars, what did you see happening? Did you

see improvements in the levels or were they not being tested along

the way? I guess I was thinking I could try what she has given me and

retest periodically. If I'm not seeing changes in a relatively short

period of time, I can jump to the big guns.


> Doing natural things may help you, but it may not be enough. I did

> glandulars for 4 years. I went the natural route first and waited

to long to

> get on cortisol and got much, much worse. That is why I kind of


> people to try the Isocort when they know they have low cortisol.

The best

> way to get low cortisol in check is to supplement with it and

Isocort is the

> mildest way to do it. Had I known enough and did that 5 years ago,

I think I

> might have been able to reverse a lot of my body damage that may

now be

> permanent.


> Cheri

> Re: Test results



> Oh good,..thanks for giving me some fun to look forward to. ;)


> So now what?! Will the Armour, reducing estrogen and/or increasing

> progesterone help?? I guess I'm not clear how to get the cortisol


> check.

> .





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I know you're right about the docs. I work in the field of public

health and have experienced them just " practicing " medicine in a

variety of ways. Self-management is really the key and the only way

is to be an informed patient. It was just some wishful whining. ;)

Can I ask what issues you had with the DIM? Just want to know what to

look out for if I do start it. I may just use the bottle I bought and

see how it goes. Thanks for the advise on the chasteberry. Have you

seen good results with it?

NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS , " MsSquarepants "



> I recognize the Adaptogen ingredients and do not think they are a


> but avoid the DIM. It gave me a lot of problems and yes, the soy in

it can

> still be an issue contrary to what she told you. Go with chasteberry

> instead. It is supposed to lower estrogen and doesn't have soy in

it. It's

> just a berry.


> No doc knows everything and some give good info with the bad. Part

of the

> problem is this is an understudied area and patients tend to know

more than

> docs from trial and error in their own bodies. Trying to find the


> all-encompassing expert is impossible in my opinion. They are just

> consultants in our health and we need to take everything they say

with that

> level of scrutiny.


> Cheri

> -----Original Message-----




> Grr!! See what a mean?! This part is soooo maddening for me! It

> aggrivates the heck out me that there isn't a doc/specialist that


> just help get it all right. It makes me just want to pull my


> hair out!!!


> Sorry but I just get so tired all of this. I'm thankful for


> input though and clearly need it!


> Yes, I wasn't clear what she was suggesting for the cortisol. The


> does have soy in it but she said that it's only the processed soy


> is a problem. That's what she said but what the heck?!


> I hardly recognize anything in the Adaptogen Complex. It's by


> Research Lab. Has things like Soma Latha, Rhaponticum,



> ---


> .





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Thanks, Val! I'm glad I found all of you. I guess I'll stick to this

plan for a bit and retest a time or two. If I'm not seeing enough

improvement, I'll have to make changes myself. I'll still be here in

the interim, as I have A LOT to learn!


> All good support things but I have not seen all that be anywhere near


> effetive as HC. In fact at your levels I cna honestly say I do nto

> believe oyu wikl acheive recovery without HC.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/


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Well, when I took them I didn't know I was at stage 7 as I never had the

saliva tests but I did have cortisol blood tests that were way to low and an

inconclusive ACTH. I just knew I had adrenal problems based on research and

pain in my adrenals.

I first noticed dramatic improvement with the very first dose. My glandulars

had cortisol in them, unlike yours, but I don't know how much. I was on Dr.

's Adrenal Rebuilder. I also took herbs and the herbs I still take.

The first year the glandulars really helped. Never enough to get well but

better than before I used them. By the second year they were not working as

well and I was getting sicker. By the third year sicker again, and this past

year horrible. This Fall I finally found and this website and I got

on Isocort then HC cream in October. However, in my opinion, had I known how

much cortisol can help and been on back in 2003 instead of just the

glandulars I would have improved and not gotten so severe. Now I am having a

lot of problems trying to get better and cannot work at the present time. I

feel I wasted those years thinking I could get better and getting

progressively worse. Oh, in October 2004 I ate something I was allergic to

and went into anaphylactic shock and nearly died. Again, had I known I would

have had preventative measures in place and did cortisol stress dosing


Re: Test results

Thanks so much for being upfront with me. That's what I need!

When you were on the gradulars, what did you see happening? Did you

see improvements in the levels or were they not being tested along

the way? I guess I was thinking I could try what she has given me and

retest periodically. If I'm not seeing changes in a relatively short

period of time, I can jump to the big guns.


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Yes to the chasteberry, at least I think it is helping. It definitely isn't

hurting, lol. On the DIM, it actually seemed to increase my thyroid issues

and the only thing I can figure out is the soy. My estrogen dominance issues

also seemed to increase and it is suppose to do the opposite. Again, has to

be the soy.

You can try it and see how you feel but I would still take the progesterone

cream because your levels are so low they are scary.

May I ask what symptoms you are having overall with that low of cortisol and

other organ issues? Are you feeling as sick as your labs reflect?


Re: Test results

I know you're right about the docs. I work in the field of public

health and have experienced them just " practicing " medicine in a

variety of ways. Self-management is really the key and the only way

is to be an informed patient. It was just some wishful whining. ;)

Can I ask what issues you had with the DIM? Just want to know what to

look out for if I do start it. I may just use the bottle I bought and

see how it goes. Thanks for the advise on the chasteberry. Have you

seen good results with it?


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Oh my goodness. I am so sorry you have had such a tough time. What did

you eat that you didn't know you were allergic too??

I guess I'm in the fairly early stages of AF. Hopefully I can get

things in check before it gets horrible. There are days I feel 1/2 dead

and have migraines for days in a row, wanting to do nothing but stay in

my house, sleep and talk to no one but those are relatively far

between. Thank goodness.

I have a hard time getting up in the morning and drag through many days

but I am able to care for my 2 kiddos, I workout regularly and run all

over the place taking care of my family. I just pray I can get this in

control and feel good most days.

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I think getting your progesterone up and estrogen down will help with the

headaches. I had severe ones when I was extremely unbalanced.

I ate an organic salad! Lol. It was at a restaurant and there was something

sandy in it. We never did find out what it was but my fingers started to get

itchy and swell up and then when I got home I was covered in hives. I had

much of the experience that Naffy had a week or so ago except my throat

started closing up and I blacked out. Luckily I took about 15 grams of

vitamin c which I think saved my life.

The worst thing is when I told the restaurant staff I was having a reaction,

they ignored me. Worse, they didn't even credit the meal but charged me!

Needless to say, I never went back to that restaurant. Someday when I get

more courageous I will post photos of when I had the reaction. I took lots,


Well, good luck with whatever you decide and keep us posted on your



-----Original Message-----

Oh my goodness. I am so sorry you have had such a tough time. What did

you eat that you didn't know you were allergic too??

I guess I'm in the fairly early stages of AF. Hopefully I can get

things in check before it gets horrible. There are days I feel 1/2 dead

and have migraines for days in a row, wanting to do nothing but stay in

my house, sleep and talk to no one but those are relatively far

between. Thank goodness.

I have a hard time getting up in the morning and drag through many days

but I am able to care for my 2 kiddos, I workout regularly and run all

over the place taking care of my family. I just pray I can get this in

control and feel good most days.


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your intolerance to milk and soy can also be major stressors

depending on your exposure. You probably need to eliminate any of

these in your diet for awhile at least until you heal.


> Adrenal fatigue which your high estrogen also indicates. I would

continue to

> supplement with the progesterone to balance the estrogen and get on


> or HC. Low Salivary SIgA is also an indication of AD. This can be

off due to

> an imbalance of DHEA and cortisol. Did you have your DHEA tested?

This can

> sometimes be low in adrenal tumors too.


> -----Original Message-----




> Please let me know if you have any input/thoughts on these


> Thanks!


> Cortisol:

> 7-8 a.m. 9 Range is: 13-24

> 11-12 3 Range is 5-10

> 4-5 3 Range is 3-8

> 11-midn. 2 Range 1-4 (might explain why I'm ready to go at 10:30

> every night! :)


> Testosterone 19 Range is 8-20

> Estrone > 100 Range is 30-58

> Estradiol 20 Range is 7-20

> Estiol 58 Range is 12-25

> Progesterone 601 Range is 65-500 (probably high b/c I was

> supplementing 2 months ago??)


> Total Salivary SIgA 5 Range is 25-60 (what is this??)


> Postive for intolerance to milk and soy


> Think that's it! Thanks for taking a look at this for me. :)

> .





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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Procedure units ref-range

Ferritin 226 ng/ml 10-291

T3 total 119 ng/ml 59-200

TT4 8.8 ng/ml 4.5-12.0

T4 Free 0.86 ng/ml 0.81-1.80

Iron 90 mcg/dl 50-175

TIBC 295 mcg/dl 250-450

You r iron and ferritin are fine! What is unusual about these labs is a higher

total T4 than your FT4 this is impossible, SO I woudl ask the lab to rerun that

so we knwo what is what. Your total T4 is too high and your FT4 looks normally

low as it would while on T3 onyl.









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