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Re: red color at base of toenail

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It can be yeast or other fungal infection. I have had it at the base of almost

all of finger nails. I have SD and all of my finger nails has been deformed. My

doc didn't know what it was. I bought a antifungal cream and applied. it seems


I am not sure if this was a fungal infection or something else. But I tried

antifungal cream.


From: Sauve <moniquesauve@...>

Subject: rheumatic red color at base of toenail


Date: Saturday, September 20, 2008, 5:23 PM

is this part of a connective tissue disorder? i have about 1/3 of an

inch of redness at base of big toenail. at 1st i thought maybe iron

deficiency as i am low in iron but when i looked it up it says it can be

indicative of a connective tissue disorder. i have RA. could this be

part of RA? have had it 11 y and never seen anything like this before.

any ideas? i asked my doc and she was clueless.



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For what is worth, I too have about 1/4 inch of redness on my toes,

especially the big toe, feels like it is on fire in that area, and very

sensitive to

touch. My rheumatologist told me it was due to Sjogrens.


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HI ,

Mine does not hurt ALL of the time, but at certain times if my shoes hit it,

or sometimes even just putting on a sock, it feels like that small area is

literally on fire, and also like the skin there is soooo much thinner.

My rheumatologist really did not say much at all about it. I mentioned it to

him during my very first visit to him, and he had me take my shoe off. I

aksed him if he thought it was related to SD, or Sjogrens, and he gave me a one

word answer " Sjogrens " . That was it. I do, very much have the dry eyes, and

dry mouth, but I know that can also come because of the SD.

I am seeing him this Tuesday, and I am going to ask him further about this.

My large toe nails, as well as the second toenail is very thick and yellow as


I have never been on Diflucan, nor did I stop any other meds. I am currently

on minocycline 100 mg twice daily, and have been since February. I've had

the red color at the base of my toenail for about a year now.

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hi gail

mine doesn't hurt at all. when i looked it up it suggested connective

tissue disease. is RA a form of this or is connective tissue dis

different? mine is also getting larger. it started beg of aug as 1/2

inch and is now about 1/2 an inch. my doc thought it was iron deficiency

but can't find info on net on that. did your doc say what causes it?

blood vessels? fungus? when i look up fungus it's yellow and nail is

deformed. it's just red under nail like a bruise but i never banged it??

could it be a vit / min defic.? what are symptoms of sjogrens? i don't

have dry eyes or mouth?? it started a couple weeks after i stopped

weekly diflucan. related??



For what is worth, I too have about 1/4 inch of redness on my toes,

especially the big toe, feels like it is on fire in that area, and very

sensitive to

touch. My rheumatologist told me it was due to Sjogrens.


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