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Any of you doing okay with Celebrex and Minocycline alone?

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Why are they on that board if they don't think that will help?? Grrrr some

people's kids <smile on my face>! minocycline is the generic form of

MINOCIN and minocin is what most people use because a lot of the generics

won't work. Harold has a list of the generics that work. Other than that

there are a lot of people on only Minocin and an antinflamatory that have

gone on to remission.

Have you been on our site and have read all the stories? There is a bunch of

info and stories on rheumatic.com

I'm sure I will not be the only one responding to you and assuring you that

this may be all you will need. Of course there are people who will need to

add other things and look into other antibiotics but in your case if you

have just started ..wait and see! <soft smile>

I myself have been on Minocin 10 years. I have only a few problems left over

from before Minocin. I do get a flare once in a while but I can put up with

that. I was one of the ones that did IV's of clindamycin to get myself to

where I am now but some have only been on one antibiotic. I don't really

need to be here but I am retired and get on this site to help and learn.

You are very lucky to have a rheumy that uses Minocin. Did you ask for it or

does he use this all the time?

Let me know if you need anything else.



From: rheumatic [mailto:rheumatic ] On Behalf

Of savannahhipchick

Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 8:48 AM


Subject: rheumatic Any of you doing okay with Celebrex and Minocycline



Is this therapy working for anyone? My rheummy put me on Celebrex and

Mioncycline alone

and I think most people on the rheuatic board think that this won't help.

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I have been taking Celebrex and Minocin since January 1998. I was

definitively diagnosed with RA in December 1997. At the time my

rheumatoid factor was 273. It took several years of following the

protocol for my rheumatoid factor to approach normal. At its lowest

it was down to 21. Throughout that time, I ate yogurt and took

acidophilus daily to prevent yeast infections. My RA has flared

several times over the last decade -- always during periods of

stress. The worst was when my brother was dying of cancer. Maybe

two years ago (the dates all blur together), I began having a

problem with back-to-back yeast infections. I even had to stop

taking Minocin for 3 to 4 months. I learned about OLE (olive leaf

extract) from Dr. Brown's website, began taking it, and have not had

a yeast infection since. My rheumatoid factor went up to 43 during

the time I was off the Minocin, and that is where it hovers now. I

continue to take Minocin, Celebrex, and OLE, and I'm doing great. I

consider myself blessed to have found Dr. Brown's book during the

summer of 1997. I knew then that if I was diagnosed with RA that I

was going to try the protocol, even though at the time, my

rheumatologist thought it was crazy. It's worked for me all these

years. God bless and good luck to you!!

P.S. Thank you to whomever it was that sent the link to the

strontium article. It was very interesting!! I also have

osteoporosis and have been taking Actonel, but the possible side

effects were worrisome. The strontium sounds much better.


> Hi,


> Is this therapy working for anyone? My rheummy put me on Celebrex

and Mioncycline alone

> and I think most people on the rheuatic board think that this

won't help.




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I haven't started yet. I'm on Methotrexate & Ibuprophen ... and to be

honest, it seems that the ibuprophen works better than Methotrexate.

Regardless of what I take, I can see clearly that certain foods make my

flares worse. The flares subside when I avoid those foods. It's an

on-off switch.


savannahhipchick wrote:


> Hi,


> Is this therapy working for anyone? My rheummy put me on Celebrex and

> Mioncycline alone

> and I think most people on the rheuatic board think that this won't help.




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I have read soooo many bad things about Actinol and others like it.

Try the strontium and calcium and add vit D3. I also use the bio identical

estrogen and progesterone and I have added bone mass without other drugs.



From: rheumatic [mailto:rheumatic ] On Behalf

Of dapplefeldhendin

Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 1:32 PM


Subject: rheumatic Re: Any of you doing okay with Celebrex and Minocycline


P.S. Thank you to whomever it was that sent the link to the

strontium article. It was very interesting!! I also have

osteoporosis and have been taking Actonel, but the possible side

effects were worrisome. The strontium sounds much better.

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Thanks Cooky,

I went to a rheumatologist at Harvard. He is known to have worked with mino for


His offer was mtx and I was the one who suggested mino. He said okay but it

would take

longer. Anyway he only spent 5 minutes with me. He was in/out and " see you in


months! "

I live in Savannah, Ga. Is there any doc you might know of who can help me?


> Why are they on that board if they don't think that will help?? Grrrr some

> people's kids <smile on my face>! minocycline is the generic form of

> MINOCIN and minocin is what most people use because a lot of the generics

> won't work. Harold has a list of the generics that work. Other than that

> there are a lot of people on only Minocin and an antinflamatory that have

> gone on to remission.




> Have you been on our site and have read all the stories? There is a bunch of

> info and stories on rheumatic.com




> I'm sure I will not be the only one responding to you and assuring you that

> this may be all you will need. Of course there are people who will need to

> add other things and look into other antibiotics but in your case if you

> have just started ..wait and see! <soft smile>




> I myself have been on Minocin 10 years. I have only a few problems left over

> from before Minocin. I do get a flare once in a while but I can put up with

> that. I was one of the ones that did IV's of clindamycin to get myself to

> where I am now but some have only been on one antibiotic. I don't really

> need to be here but I am retired and get on this site to help and learn.




> You are very lucky to have a rheumy that uses Minocin. Did you ask for it or

> does he use this all the time?




> Let me know if you need anything else.




> cooky




> _____


> From: rheumatic [mailto:rheumatic ] On Behalf

> Of savannahhipchick

> Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 8:48 AM

> rheumatic

> Subject: rheumatic Any of you doing okay with Celebrex and Minocycline

> alone?




> Hi,


> Is this therapy working for anyone? My rheummy put me on Celebrex and

> Mioncycline alone

> and I think most people on the rheuatic board think that this won't help.









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Mine won't even do that. He put me on painkillers and minocycline and

you know what? It worked for the second time. I posted about 4 months

ago asking if the AP worked for anybody the second time around because

I got off it, was under tremendous stress and it came back (I was

doing great before that. It was pretty bad but after 6 months I'm

much, much better, so keep it up! I'm not in complete remission yet

but I don't need the painkillers anymore, a little tylenol does just

fifine and that's only occasionally. I guess it depends on how bad you

RA is (mine was moderate even though it was getting pretty

uncomfortable) and the views of your doctor. I also take glucosamine

and fish oil but I though your question was about medication only, not

the supplements


> Hi,


> Is this therapy working for anyone? My rheummy put me on Celebrex

and Mioncycline alone

> and I think most people on the rheuatic board think that this won't





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I actually have been really bad at remembering to take my Actonel. I took


last one two weeks ago, and have yet to send in my prescription for

more...now I

know why. I already take Vitamin D3 and calcium daily. I also use a


progesterone cream daily. Where do you get the strontium and which kind do

you get? They talked about several different kinds in the article, but when


checked around online last night, the only thing I could find was strontium


Is that okay? What's the difference between that and the others in the


How much do you take? Thanks for your advice. I am

*not *sending in my new prescription for Actonel. I'm going to start taking


strontium as soon as I can get some.

On 2/2/08, C Stonkey <cookee1@...> wrote:


> I have read soooo many bad things about Actinol and others like

> it.

> Try the strontium and calcium and add vit D3. I also use the bio identical

> estrogen and progesterone and I have added bone mass without other drugs.


> Cooky


> _____


> From: rheumatic <rheumatic%40> [mailto:

> rheumatic <rheumatic%40>] On Behalf

> Of dapplefeldhendin

> Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 1:32 PM

> rheumatic <rheumatic%40>

> Subject: rheumatic Re: Any of you doing okay with Celebrex and

> Minocycline

> alone?



> P.S. Thank you to whomever it was that sent the link to the

> strontium article. It was very interesting!! I also have

> osteoporosis and have been taking Actonel, but the possible side

> effects were worrisome. The strontium sounds much better.



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Thanks for your quick reply. At the moment I'm in horrible pain and

if I didn't have kids it would be different. I guess I'll try to

hold out and maybe this will improve. Thank you so much for the


> >

> > Hi,

> >

> > Is this therapy working for anyone? My rheummy put me on


> and Mioncycline alone

> > and I think most people on the rheuatic board think that this


> help.

> >

> >

> >


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I completely understand what you are going through. I had pain in my feet, jaw

and knees. Could hardly eat as I couldn't open my mouth much and had to get new

shoes, sometimes all I could wear were flip flops. I have a 3 year old too!

Sometimes it seems that it'll never get better and that's how I felt, I was

crying most of the time! But keep at it, give yourself at least 6 months. I

couldn't believe it'll work again but it did. Hang in there and good luck to


savannahhipchick <lfriedman5@...> wrote: Thanks for your quick

reply. At the moment I'm in horrible pain and

if I didn't have kids it would be different. I guess I'll try to

hold out and maybe this will improve. Thank you so much for the


> >

> > Hi,

> >

> > Is this therapy working for anyone? My rheummy put me on


> and Mioncycline alone

> > and I think most people on the rheuatic board think that this


> help.

> >

> >

> >



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Hi ,

I think there is a big difference in consuming dairy and digesting/absorbing

the calcium from dairy. I think that's where the breakdown may be. My Mom

was 5'8 " and she drank milk and consumed cheese most of her life. She's now

91 years old and 5'1 " tall. And it's all from the back/spine area.

A very long time ago (20 years) I read an article that said we don't need to

take extra calcium as much as we need to keep all the minerals in balance.

It's when the body uses up those other minerals and needs more that the body

starts stealing calcium. That made sense to me. So I don't take extra

calcium; I take multi minerals. We got an email a week or so ago that made

me think of this issue again. I don't remember who said it but apparently

some are tossing the vitamins and just taking mineral supplements. It's

really interesting to see how these ideas keep surfacing and with more

support/science. I for one would love to reduce the sheer number of

supplements I take. I guess on the plus side, I'm taking in a lot of water.



From: rheumatic [mailto:rheumatic ] On Behalf

Of Applefeld-Hendin

Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2008 1:45 PM


Subject: Re: rheumatic Re: Any of you doing okay with Celebrex and

Minocycline alone?


It's been over a year since my last DEXA...which was actually supposed to be

a baseline scan. My doc and I were both stunned that it came

back saying osteoporosis. I love milk!! I always have and still do drink

lots of

milk...I eat yogurt and cheese...I just couldn't believe it. My husband

used to

tease me that I'd never have to worry about osteoporosis because of all

the milk I drank. Anyway, I found out that heredity plays a more

significant role

than anything else. My mom has osteoporosis and my maternal grandmother

had it too. My mom was a Depression baby from a family of 9 kids, so

she didn't drink very much milk as a child, and she actually never

drank much as an adult either....she doesn't like milk. I guess in the last

year I've

wondered a lot how much all that has to do with it. It would be interesting


know if there are any studies about the number of babies born to non-milk

drinking mothers who later develop osteoporosis. Enough of that....

did you tell your doc that you were taking strontium before your

scan (like they suggested in the article)? And where do you live in PA?

I live in Westminster, MD. I lived in Yeadon, PA (right outside of West

Philadelphia) for 4 years, and I lived in burg for 2 years. My oldest

son was born in Philadelphia in 1982 at Booth Maternity Center.

Thanks for all the advice again!

P.S. -- thank you too!

On 2/3/08, C Stonkey <cookee1comcast (DOT) <mailto:cookee1%40comcast.net> net>



> , I get it at the vitamin shop. I get Doctor's Best 340 mg. It is

> " from strontium citrate " . This is what is says on the bottle and like


> said probably any kind will be OK.


> How long has it been sice your last DEXA? You may be surprised at the

> results. Also always make your doc give you ac opy of the scan don't just

> take her word. My dock said " you are building bone? Oh I think this must

> be

> wrong because the other part of the scan says you are still lacking " But I

> got a copy and copared to the last one and it was different (the little

> picture of the scan's scale).


> Good luck.


> Cooky


> checked around online last night, the only thing I could find was

> strontium

> citrate.

> Is that okay? What's the difference between that and the others in the

> article?

> How much do you take? Thanks for your advice. I am

> *not *sending in my new prescription for Actonel. I'm going to start

> taking

> the

> strontium as soon as I can get some.



> On 2/2/08, C Stonkey <cookee1comcast (DOT) <mailto:cookee1%40comcast.net> net>

> wrote:

> >

> > I have read soooo many bad things about Actinol and others like

> > it.

> > Try the strontium and calcium and add vit D3. I also use the bio

> identical

> > estrogen and progesterone and I have added bone mass without other

> drugs.

> >

> > Cooky

> >

> > _____

> >

> > From: rheumatic@grou <mailto:rheumatic%40> ps.com

> <rheumatic%40> [mailto:

> > rheumatic@grou <mailto:rheumatic%40> ps.com

> <rheumatic%40>] On Behalf

> > Of dapplefeldhendin

> > Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 1:32 PM

> > rheumatic@grou <mailto:rheumatic%40> ps.com

> <rheumatic%40>

> > Subject: rheumatic Re: Any of you doing okay with Celebrex and

> > Minocycline

> > alone?

> >

> >

> > P.S. Thank you to whomever it was that sent the link to the

> > strontium article. It was very interesting!! I also have

> > osteoporosis and have been taking Actonel, but the possible side

> > effects were worrisome. The strontium sounds much better.

> >

> >

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The U.S. has a high, if not highest, rate of osteoporosis because we drink a

great deal of milk. Countries with low intake, have the lowest rate because

of eating greens. Magnesium, boron, potassium, calcium, and vit D work to

build bone and continue to renew the cells.

> Cooky,

> It's been over a year since my last DEXA...which was actually supposed to

> be

> a baseline scan. My doc and I were both stunned that it came

> back saying osteoporosis. I love milk!! I always have and still do drink

> lots of

> milk...I eat yogurt and cheese...I just couldn't believe it.

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If you comsume more than 150% of the recommended dose of Vitamin A

for more than 2 years, it will cause osteoporosis, if you are over 25.

You might want to look into that.



> The U.S. has a high, if not highest, rate of osteoporosis because

we drink a

> great deal of milk. Countries with low intake, have the lowest

rate because

> of eating greens. Magnesium, boron, potassium, calcium, and vit D

work to

> build bone and continue to renew the cells.




> > Cooky,

> > It's been over a year since my last DEXA...which was actually

supposed to

> > be

> > a baseline scan. My doc and I were both stunned that it came

> > back saying osteoporosis. I love milk!! I always have and still

do drink

> > lots of

> > milk...I eat yogurt and cheese...I just couldn't believe it.


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Hi, I've been away for a while and as I am reading all the back mail, this DEXA

word keeps popping up. What does it stand for? Thank you, Dolores

Applefeld-Hendin <nantucket715@...> wrote: Cooky,

It's been over a year since my last DEXA...which was actually supposed to be

a baseline scan. My doc and I were both stunned that it came

back saying osteoporosis. I love milk!! I always have and still do drink

lots of

milk...I eat yogurt and cheese...I just couldn't believe it. My husband

used to

tease me that I'd never have to worry about osteoporosis because of all

the milk I drank. Anyway, I found out that heredity plays a more

significant role

than anything else. My mom has osteoporosis and my maternal grandmother

had it too. My mom was a Depression baby from a family of 9 kids, so

she didn't drink very much milk as a child, and she actually never

drank much as an adult either....she doesn't like milk. I guess in the last

year I've

wondered a lot how much all that has to do with it. It would be interesting


know if there are any studies about the number of babies born to non-milk

drinking mothers who later develop osteoporosis. Enough of that....

did you tell your doc that you were taking strontium before your

scan (like they suggested in the article)? And where do you live in PA?

I live in Westminster, MD. I lived in Yeadon, PA (right outside of West

Philadelphia) for 4 years, and I lived in burg for 2 years. My oldest

son was born in Philadelphia in 1982 at Booth Maternity Center.

Thanks for all the advice again!

P.S. -- thank you too!

On 2/3/08, C Stonkey <cookee1@...> wrote:


> , I get it at the vitamin shop. I get Doctor's Best 340 mg. It is

> " from strontium citrate " . This is what is says on the bottle and like


> said probably any kind will be OK.


> How long has it been sice your last DEXA? You may be surprised at the

> results. Also always make your doc give you ac opy of the scan don't just

> take her word. My dock said " you are building bone? Oh I think this must

> be

> wrong because the other part of the scan says you are still lacking " But I

> got a copy and copared to the last one and it was different (the little

> picture of the scan's scale).


> Good luck.


> Cooky


> checked around online last night, the only thing I could find was

> strontium

> citrate.

> Is that okay? What's the difference between that and the others in the

> article?

> How much do you take? Thanks for your advice. I am

> *not *sending in my new prescription for Actonel. I'm going to start

> taking

> the

> strontium as soon as I can get some.



> On 2/2/08, C Stonkey <cookee1comcast (DOT) <mailto:cookee1%40comcast.net> net>

> wrote:

> >

> > I have read soooo many bad things about Actinol and others like

> > it.

> > Try the strontium and calcium and add vit D3. I also use the bio

> identical

> > estrogen and progesterone and I have added bone mass without other

> drugs.

> >

> > Cooky

> >

> > _____

> >

> > From: rheumatic@grou <mailto:rheumatic%40> ps.com

> <rheumatic%40> [mailto:

> > rheumatic@grou <mailto:rheumatic%40> ps.com

> <rheumatic%40>] On Behalf

> > Of dapplefeldhendin

> > Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 1:32 PM

> > rheumatic@grou <mailto:rheumatic%40> ps.com

> <rheumatic%40>

> > Subject: rheumatic Re: Any of you doing okay with Celebrex and

> > Minocycline

> > alone?

> >

> >

> > P.S. Thank you to whomever it was that sent the link to the

> > strontium article. It was very interesting!! I also have

> > osteoporosis and have been taking Actonel, but the possible side

> > effects were worrisome. The strontium sounds much better.

> >

> >

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Hi, Delores,

A dexascan is the test they give you for the density of your bones

to see if you have osteopena, osteoporosis, etc. They give you a

score for both your hip and your spine. Anything worse than -2.5 is

considered osteoporosis, but just marginally, and not anything to

panic over. My spine was -2.7 in 200, and I take only calcium and

vitamin D. Taken two years later, mine had gotten slightly better

rather than worse.

On Feb 8, 2008, at 4:05 PM, mike rosner wrote:

> Hi, I've been away for a while and as I am reading all the back

> mail, this DEXA word keeps popping up. What does it stand for?

> Thank you, Dolores


> Applefeld-Hendin <nantucket715@...> wrote: Cooky,

> It's been over a year since my last DEXA...which was actually

> supposed to be

> a baseline scan. My doc and I were both stunned that it came

> back saying osteoporosis. I love milk!! I always have and still do

> drink

> lots of

> milk...I eat yogurt and cheese...I just couldn't believe it. My

> husband

> used to

> tease me that I'd never have to worry about osteoporosis because of

> all

> the milk I drank. Anyway, I found out that heredity plays a more

> significant role

> than anything else. My mom has osteoporosis and my maternal

> grandmother

> had it too. My mom was a Depression baby from a family of 9 kids, so

> she didn't drink very much milk as a child, and she actually never

> drank much as an adult either....she doesn't like milk. I guess in

> the last

> year I've

> wondered a lot how much all that has to do with it. It would be

> interesting

> to

> know if there are any studies about the number of babies born to

> non-milk

> drinking mothers who later develop osteoporosis. Enough of that....

> did you tell your doc that you were taking strontium before your

> scan (like they suggested in the article)? And where do you live in

> PA?

> I live in Westminster, MD. I lived in Yeadon, PA (right outside of

> West

> Philadelphia) for 4 years, and I lived in burg for 2 years.

> My oldest


> son was born in Philadelphia in 1982 at Booth Maternity Center.

> Thanks for all the advice again!


> P.S. -- thank you too!


> On 2/3/08, C Stonkey <cookee1@...> wrote:

> >

> > , I get it at the vitamin shop. I get Doctor's Best 340 mg.

> It is

> > " from strontium citrate " . This is what is says on the bottle and

> like

> >

> > said probably any kind will be OK.

> >

> > How long has it been sice your last DEXA? You may be surprised at

> the

> > results. Also always make your doc give you ac opy of the scan

> don't just

> > take her word. My dock said " you are building bone? Oh I think

> this must

> > be

> > wrong because the other part of the scan says you are still

> lacking " But I

> > got a copy and copared to the last one and it was different (the

> little

> > picture of the scan's scale).

> >

> > Good luck.

> >

> > Cooky

> >

> > checked around online last night, the only thing I could find was

> > strontium

> > citrate.

> > Is that okay? What's the difference between that and the others

> in the

> > article?

> > How much do you take? Thanks for your advice. I am

> > *not *sending in my new prescription for Actonel. I'm going to start

> > taking

> > the

> > strontium as soon as I can get some.

> >

> >

> > On 2/2/08, C Stonkey <cookee1comcast (DOT) <mailto:cookee1%

> 40comcast.net> net>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > I have read soooo many bad things about Actinol and

> others like

> > > it.

> > > Try the strontium and calcium and add vit D3. I also use the bio

> > identical

> > > estrogen and progesterone and I have added bone mass without other

> > drugs.

> > >

> > > Cooky

> > >

> > > _____

> > >

> > > From: rheumatic@grou <mailto:rheumatic%40>

> ps.com

> > <rheumatic%40> [mailto:

> > > rheumatic@grou <mailto:rheumatic%40> ps.com

> > <rheumatic%40>] On Behalf

> > > Of dapplefeldhendin

> > > Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 1:32 PM

> > > rheumatic@grou <mailto:rheumatic%40>

> ps.com

> > <rheumatic%40>

> > > Subject: rheumatic Re: Any of you doing okay with Celebrex and

> > > Minocycline

> > > alone?

> > >

> > >

> > > P.S. Thank you to whomever it was that sent the link to the

> > > strontium article. It was very interesting!! I also have

> > > osteoporosis and have been taking Actonel, but the possible side

> > > effects were worrisome. The strontium sounds much better.

> > >

> > >

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Thank you , Every two years, I have a bone scan done for the past 10 yrs.

and it is always normal. Never heard that word before. But next time I go, I

will ask. It is probably the same thing, but I will ask anyway. I get mine

done at NYU Hospital in NYC., where I live. Been on a trip to Fla. to pick up

my R/V and missed lots of mail. Over 250 and am trying to catch up. I've got a

book to finish writing and then I will take the summer off and maybe do some

camping upstate, if I don't sell the R/V first. Well, take care and thanks.

~~~~Dolores & Mike

Beckman <beckman5@...> wrote:

Hi, Delores,

A dexascan is the test they give you for the density of your bones

to see if you have osteopena, osteoporosis, etc. They give you a

score for both your hip and your spine. Anything worse than -2.5 is

considered osteoporosis, but just marginally, and not anything to

panic over. My spine was -2.7 in 200, and I take only calcium and

vitamin D. Taken two years later, mine had gotten slightly better

rather than worse.

On Feb 8, 2008, at 4:05 PM, mike rosner wrote:

> Hi, I've been away for a while and as I am reading all the back

> mail, this DEXA word keeps popping up. What does it stand for?

> Thank you, Dolores


> Applefeld-Hendin <nantucket715@...> wrote: Cooky,

> It's been over a year since my last DEXA...which was actually

> supposed to be

> a baseline scan. My doc and I were both stunned that it came

> back saying osteoporosis. I love milk!! I always have and still do

> drink

> lots of

> milk...I eat yogurt and cheese...I just couldn't believe it. My

> husband

> used to

> tease me that I'd never have to worry about osteoporosis because of

> all

> the milk I drank. Anyway, I found out that heredity plays a more

> significant role

> than anything else. My mom has osteoporosis and my maternal

> grandmother

> had it too. My mom was a Depression baby from a family of 9 kids, so

> she didn't drink very much milk as a child, and she actually never

> drank much as an adult either....she doesn't like milk. I guess in

> the last

> year I've

> wondered a lot how much all that has to do with it. It would be

> interesting

> to

> know if there are any studies about the number of babies born to

> non-milk

> drinking mothers who later develop osteoporosis. Enough of that....

> did you tell your doc that you were taking strontium before your

> scan (like they suggested in the article)? And where do you live in

> PA?

> I live in Westminster, MD. I lived in Yeadon, PA (right outside of

> West

> Philadelphia) for 4 years, and I lived in burg for 2 years.

> My oldest


> son was born in Philadelphia in 1982 at Booth Maternity Center.

> Thanks for all the advice again!


> P.S. -- thank you too!


> On 2/3/08, C Stonkey <cookee1@...> wrote:

> >

> > , I get it at the vitamin shop. I get Doctor's Best 340 mg.

> It is

> > " from strontium citrate " . This is what is says on the bottle and

> like

> >

> > said probably any kind will be OK.

> >

> > How long has it been sice your last DEXA? You may be surprised at

> the

> > results. Also always make your doc give you ac opy of the scan

> don't just

> > take her word. My dock said " you are building bone? Oh I think

> this must

> > be

> > wrong because the other part of the scan says you are still

> lacking " But I

> > got a copy and copared to the last one and it was different (the

> little

> > picture of the scan's scale).

> >

> > Good luck.

> >

> > Cooky

> >

> > checked around online last night, the only thing I could find was

> > strontium

> > citrate.

> > Is that okay? What's the difference between that and the others

> in the

> > article?

> > How much do you take? Thanks for your advice. I am

> > *not *sending in my new prescription for Actonel. I'm going to start

> > taking

> > the

> > strontium as soon as I can get some.

> >

> >

> > On 2/2/08, C Stonkey <cookee1comcast (DOT) <mailto:cookee1%

> 40comcast.net> net>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > I have read soooo many bad things about Actinol and

> others like

> > > it.

> > > Try the strontium and calcium and add vit D3. I also use the bio

> > identical

> > > estrogen and progesterone and I have added bone mass without other

> > drugs.

> > >

> > > Cooky

> > >

> > > _____

> > >

> > > From: rheumatic@grou <mailto:rheumatic%40>

> ps.com

> > <rheumatic%40> [mailto:

> > > rheumatic@grou <mailto:rheumatic%40> ps.com

> > <rheumatic%40>] On Behalf

> > > Of dapplefeldhendin

> > > Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 1:32 PM

> > > rheumatic@grou <mailto:rheumatic%40>

> ps.com

> > <rheumatic%40>

> > > Subject: rheumatic Re: Any of you doing okay with Celebrex and

> > > Minocycline

> > > alone?

> > >

> > >

> > > P.S. Thank you to whomever it was that sent the link to the

> > > strontium article. It was very interesting!! I also have

> > > osteoporosis and have been taking Actonel, but the possible side

> > > effects were worrisome. The strontium sounds much better.

> > >

> > >

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