Guest guest Posted April 10, 2008 Report Share Posted April 10, 2008 Lucky girl to find a doc who will do antibiotics. It's never too late but OH HOW I WISH you would have stayed on antibiotics from 6-7 yrs ago. I would not worry about candida except to use Diflucan once a week till the leaky gut gets better. Get on the probiotics now and double the dose. How do you know you have leaky gut and candida? WELL.when that goes away you will know you are in control of them. They never go away. Especially on antibiotics and cortisone. All you can do is keep them in their own little box <under control> I personally would go for Minocin non generic. Doxy is OK for some people but with your problems.go for the best. I do know that doxy made me more sun burn susceptible and also made my yeast worse. Some people do not have this problem but I did. Also take Minocin only MWF 100mgms AMam and !00 mgms PM. I don't know about how long the antibiotics stay in your system but I feel after reading many stories that Minocin works better in most cases. I would see if you can get a week of Diflucan and get on nystatin. Diflucan is for skin candida and nystatin is for tissue candida. Try to call your doc and just ask.all he can say is no! Best of luck and understand these are only my OPINION.I an not a doctor <I only play one on TV.LOL> :-)))) Cooky _____ From: rheumatic [mailto:rheumatic ] On Behalf Of Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 2:03 PM rheumatic Subject: rheumatic a few questions before beginning AP I finally have located a doctor in our remote area who said he will prescribe AP. I have had RA for nearly 20 years and will turn 40 this year. I have excessive deformity (both ankles, curled hands, extremely painful hip that probably needs replaced), but a strong will. Other than RA, which is a biggie, my health is good. I refuse to think that it's too late for me, though that thought tickles the back of my mind regularly. I have three children aged 5-11 who need their mommy and a husband of 15 years who never complains but would, I'm sure, enjoy a healthier wife. I've been able to function and mostly ignore the pain until the last year or so. I'm ready to take care of myself. Blah blah blah. Enough of that and onto my questions: I've taken lots of prednisone and am pretty certain I already struggle with Candida. I began taking digestive enzymes along with supplements to repair leaky gut (L-Glutamine, Olive Leaf Extract & Slippery Elm) along with a multi-vitamin & extra vit. C to ramp up my immune system. I haven't begun probiotics. 1. How imperative is it that I have Candida & Leaky Gut under control before I begin AP? 2. How will I know if Candida and Leaky Gut are under control? The arthritis is in a constant flare right now and moving into my upper spine, which frightens me. Spinal involvement means eventual paralysis in my mind. My point: I don't want to wait much longer. I started AP six or seven years ago, then stopped & had baby number three...before most of this deformity. Baby was born with a brain defect and special needs. I tell this only to explain why I've waited this long, realizing now that I should have re-started AP immediately. Hindsight is 20/20 and all that. My doctor wants me to take doxy instead of Minocin, saying that it remains in the system longer and therefore can kill more of the buggers. Observing my body as I've taken enzymes, it seems as though my body needs ample opportunity to detox. With that in mind... 3. Would you recommend Minocin or doxy? 4. Am I understanding the difference correctly: that the Minocin dose loses it's potency more quickly than the doxy dose? My appointment is April 25, at which I expect to receive the AP prescription. 5. Do you have any suggestions as to what else I can do in the next two weeks to be ready? A month or two ago I read a thread on this group about hormone imbalance. I have also addressed that and am enjoying those improvements. Thanks in advance for your time, S. --not the same who has been posting recently Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 11, 2008 Report Share Posted April 11, 2008 Thanks for the reply Cooky. I'm not positive I have yeast or leaky gut. I used to suffer from obvious regular yeast infections, but that ceased over a year ago, though I hadn't done anything to solve the problem & still took prednisone. I crave carbohydrates. I assume the Candida is hiding there somewhere given my long-term prednisone use. I think I have Leaky Gut because eating makes me lethargic & foggy (hence I weigh 102 pounds), but I know those symptoms don't necessarily equal Leaky Gut. I have read numerous posts regarding LG and decided to cover all my bases early. I know you're not a doctor. I haven't seen you on TV...have I? <smile> However, with this protocol, experience ranks right up there with formal education in my books, so I appreciate your input. Are you suggesting BOTH Diflucan and Nystatin, simultaneously? I'm quite nervous about the " feeling worse before I feel better " element. If I feel much worse, I'll be non-functioning. Many, many thanks, S. C Stonkey <cookee1@...> wrote: Lucky girl to find a doc who will do antibiotics. It's never too late but OH HOW I WISH you would have stayed on antibiotics from 6-7 yrs ago. I would not worry about candida except to use Diflucan once a week till the leaky gut gets better. Get on the probiotics now and double the dose. How do you know you have leaky gut and candida? WELL.when that goes away you will know you are in control of them. They never go away. Especially on antibiotics and cortisone. All you can do is keep them in their own little box <under control> I personally would go for Minocin non generic. Doxy is OK for some people but with your problems.go for the best. I do know that doxy made me more sun burn susceptible and also made my yeast worse. Some people do not have this problem but I did. Also take Minocin only MWF 100mgms AMam and !00 mgms PM. I don't know about how long the antibiotics stay in your system but I feel after reading many stories that Minocin works better in most cases. I would see if you can get a week of Diflucan and get on nystatin. Diflucan is for skin candida and nystatin is for tissue candida. Try to call your doc and just ask.all he can say is no! Best of luck and understand these are only my OPINION.I an not a doctor <I only play one on TV.LOL> :-)))) Cooky _____ From: rheumatic [mailto:rheumatic ] On Behalf Of Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 2:03 PM rheumatic Subject: rheumatic a few questions before beginning AP I finally have located a doctor in our remote area who said he will prescribe AP. I have had RA for nearly 20 years and will turn 40 this year. I have excessive deformity (both ankles, curled hands, extremely painful hip that probably needs replaced), but a strong will. Other than RA, which is a biggie, my health is good. I refuse to think that it's too late for me, though that thought tickles the back of my mind regularly. I have three children aged 5-11 who need their mommy and a husband of 15 years who never complains but would, I'm sure, enjoy a healthier wife. I've been able to function and mostly ignore the pain until the last year or so. I'm ready to take care of myself. Blah blah blah. Enough of that and onto my questions: I've taken lots of prednisone and am pretty certain I already struggle with Candida. I began taking digestive enzymes along with supplements to repair leaky gut (L-Glutamine, Olive Leaf Extract & Slippery Elm) along with a multi-vitamin & extra vit. C to ramp up my immune system. I haven't begun probiotics. 1. How imperative is it that I have Candida & Leaky Gut under control before I begin AP? 2. How will I know if Candida and Leaky Gut are under control? The arthritis is in a constant flare right now and moving into my upper spine, which frightens me. Spinal involvement means eventual paralysis in my mind. My point: I don't want to wait much longer. I started AP six or seven years ago, then stopped & had baby number three...before most of this deformity. Baby was born with a brain defect and special needs. I tell this only to explain why I've waited this long, realizing now that I should have re-started AP immediately. Hindsight is 20/20 and all that. My doctor wants me to take doxy instead of Minocin, saying that it remains in the system longer and therefore can kill more of the buggers. Observing my body as I've taken enzymes, it seems as though my body needs ample opportunity to detox. With that in mind... 3. Would you recommend Minocin or doxy? 4. Am I understanding the difference correctly: that the Minocin dose loses it's potency more quickly than the doxy dose? My appointment is April 25, at which I expect to receive the AP prescription. 5. Do you have any suggestions as to what else I can do in the next two weeks to be ready? A month or two ago I read a thread on this group about hormone imbalance. I have also addressed that and am enjoying those improvements. Thanks in advance for your time, S. --not the same who has been posting recently Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 11, 2008 Report Share Posted April 11, 2008 Answers in your message _____ From: rheumatic [mailto:rheumatic ] On Behalf Of Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 9:26 AM rheumatic Subject: RE: rheumatic a few questions before beginning AP Thanks for the reply Cooky. I'm not positive I have yeast or leaky gut. I used to suffer from obvious regular yeast infections, but that ceased over a year ago, though I hadn't done anything to solve the problem & still took prednisone. I crave carbohydrates. I assume the Candida is hiding there somewhere given my long-term prednisone use. OH I WOULD SAY YOU HAVE CANDIDA DEFINITELY. THE CRAVING TIPPED ME OFF!! I think I have Leaky Gut because eating makes me lethargic & foggy (hence I weigh 102 pounds), but I know those symptoms don't necessarily equal Leaky Gut. I have read numerous posts regarding LG and decided to cover all my bases early. OK SO YOU PROBABLY HAVE IT BUT IF YOU KEEP ON THE SUPPLEMENTS YOU WILL BE OK. I THINK THE RHEUMATOID MAY HAVE A LOT TO DO WITH THESE SYMPTOMS ALSO. I know you're not a doctor. I haven't seen you on TV...have I? <smile><BIG GRIN> However, with this protocol, experience ranks right up there with formal education in my books, so I appreciate your input. Are you suggesting BOTH Diflucan and Nystatin, simultaneously? BEFORE I EVER HAD RHEUMATOID I HAD MAJOR YEAST PROBLEMS THAT NO DOCTOR WOULD EVER ADDRESS BECAUSE OF THE CAUSTIC PROBLEMS WITH THE ANTIFUNGALS IN THAT DAY. I HEARD DOC GOLDSTEIN WHEN HE GIVE A TALK ON CANDIDA AND MADE AN APP. HE AGREED THAT I HAD SYSTEMIC YEAST AND PUT ME ON (BEEN ALONG TIME SO THE PROTOCOL IS HAZY) A WEEK OF DIFLUCAN AND 2 WEEKS OF NYSTATIN. THEN 2 WEEKS OF EACH THEN I WAS TO STAY ON NYSTATIN FOR AS LONG AS NEEDED. AFTER I WAS DXED WITH RHEUMATOID I TOOK DIFLUCAN PERIODICALLY AND DID WEEKS OF NYSTATIN. I WOULD SUGGEST A WEEK OF DIFLUCAN THEN NYSTATIN FOR AT LEAST A MONTH. THEN DIFLUCAN AS NEEDED. I DON'T THINK YOU NEED TO TAKE THEM TOGETHER. THAT MAY BE TOO MUCH FOR YOUR LIVER. OH AND WHILE YOU ARE ON THEN YOU SHOULD TAKE MILK THISTLE FOR YOUR LIVER. THIS WOULD ALSO BE GOOD TO CONTINUE ALL THE WHILE ON ANTIBIOTICS. I'm quite nervous about the " feeling worse before I feel better " element. If I feel much worse, I'll be non-functioning. YOU MAY NOT FEEL WORSE. SOME PEOPLE DO NOT.THEY JUST START TO GET BETTER RIGHT AWAY. OR YOUR WORSE MAY ONLY BE A LITTLE MORE PAIN AT FIRST. YOU WILL BE BETTER OFF STARTING ASAP RATHER THAN SIT THERE AND GET WORSE! I WILL SAY MUCHO PRAYERS FOR YOU. I HAVE A LIST OF MY RHEUMATIC FRIENDS! Keep me posted of your progress. Hugs Cooky Many, many thanks, S. C Stonkey <cookee1comcast (DOT) <> net> wrote: Lucky girl to find a doc who will do antibiotics. It's never too late but OH HOW I WISH you would have stayed on antibiotics from 6-7 yrs ago. I would not worry about candida except to use Diflucan once a week till the leaky gut gets better. Get on the probiotics now and double the dose. How do you know you have leaky gut and candida? WELL.when that goes away you will know you are in control of them. They never go away. Especially on antibiotics and cortisone. All you can do is keep them in their own little box <under control> I personally would go for Minocin non generic. Doxy is OK for some people but with your problems.go for the best. I do know that doxy made me more sun burn susceptible and also made my yeast worse. Some people do not have this problem but I did. Also take Minocin only MWF 100mgms AMam and !00 mgms PM. I don't know about how long the antibiotics stay in your system but I feel after reading many stories that Minocin works better in most cases. I would see if you can get a week of Diflucan and get on nystatin. Diflucan is for skin candida and nystatin is for tissue candida. Try to call your doc and just ask.all he can say is no! Best of luck and understand these are only my OPINION.I an not a doctor <I only play one on TV.LOL> :-)))) Cooky _____ From: rheumatic@grou <mailto:rheumatic%40> [mailto:rheumatic@grou <mailto:rheumatic%40>] On Behalf Of Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 2:03 PM rheumatic@grou <mailto:rheumatic%40> Subject: rheumatic a few questions before beginning AP I finally have located a doctor in our remote area who said he will prescribe AP. I have had RA for nearly 20 years and will turn 40 this year. I have excessive deformity (both ankles, curled hands, extremely painful hip that probably needs replaced), but a strong will. Other than RA, which is a biggie, my health is good. I refuse to think that it's too late for me, though that thought tickles the back of my mind regularly. I have three children aged 5-11 who need their mommy and a husband of 15 years who never complains but would, I'm sure, enjoy a healthier wife. I've been able to function and mostly ignore the pain until the last year or so. I'm ready to take care of myself. Blah blah blah. Enough of that and onto my questions: I've taken lots of prednisone and am pretty certain I already struggle with Candida. I began taking digestive enzymes along with supplements to repair leaky gut (L-Glutamine, Olive Leaf Extract & Slippery Elm) along with a multi-vitamin & extra vit. C to ramp up my immune system. I haven't begun probiotics. 1. How imperative is it that I have Candida & Leaky Gut under control before I begin AP? 2. How will I know if Candida and Leaky Gut are under control? The arthritis is in a constant flare right now and moving into my upper spine, which frightens me. Spinal involvement means eventual paralysis in my mind. My point: I don't want to wait much longer. I started AP six or seven years ago, then stopped & had baby number three...before most of this deformity. Baby was born with a brain defect and special needs. I tell this only to explain why I've waited this long, realizing now that I should have re-started AP immediately. Hindsight is 20/20 and all that. My doctor wants me to take doxy instead of Minocin, saying that it remains in the system longer and therefore can kill more of the buggers. Observing my body as I've taken enzymes, it seems as though my body needs ample opportunity to detox. With that in mind... 3. Would you recommend Minocin or doxy? 4. Am I understanding the difference correctly: that the Minocin dose loses it's potency more quickly than the doxy dose? My appointment is April 25, at which I expect to receive the AP prescription. 5. Do you have any suggestions as to what else I can do in the next two weeks to be ready? A month or two ago I read a thread on this group about hormone imbalance. I have also addressed that and am enjoying those improvements. Thanks in advance for your time, S. --not the same who has been posting recently Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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