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Re: Medrol question, to Dolores

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Hi Dolores

I have been busy these days didn't have time to read

mails from this group. I don't understand your point.

I am on three diferent antibiotics daily. my ESR is

very high which I read may interfer with penetration

of minocin and other antibiotics. Dr. whitman always

listens to me and I thought his idea to take low dose

of medrol is not bad. it would lower my inflammtion

and allow penetration of minocin.

He is against steroids because of their side

effects.He is monitoring me never pushed me to take

any medication which I don't to take.

Of course I am sad. I have lost my health. My

appearance has changed. My skin is darker.I had a

beautiful thick shiny hair. I look horrible. but I am

not depressed.my point is being depressed is a normal

reaction to illlness. I would not go for any

antidepression medication ever. here in america people

take antidepression pills like choclate.

I have no idea what would be my future. I prefer not

to think about it. My interest in any thing is short

term. I get bored very fast. I have been like that for

whole my life. I do admire your persistance.

have a good weekend


--- mike rosner <martysfolks2004@...> wrote:

> Hi Sohelia, After I read this post, I realize why

> you want to go on such a drug. Did Dr. Whitman

> prescribe this? I am very surprised he would. He

> must feel like he is against the wall. I really

> believe that your state of sadness is what is

> interfering with your healing. I think you must get

> serious about reversing that and ease up a bit on

> yourself. You never speak of things you like to do.

> What are your hobbies, pleasures, and things you'd

> like to do in the future? Or now? Do you have

> friends? Get together regularly? How about listening

> to music, painting, sketching, photographing.

> Reading, Going to a gym, Seeing a play! Taking a

> long walk in Central Park weather permitting..

> Renting comedy movies and watching them at home. You

> need to make an effort to reverse the sadness. I

> think that is # 1, Try it. Think of it as

> therapeutic enjoyment.~~~~~Love, Dodo


> soheila A <soadl80@...> wrote: Hi

> lynne


> As you know my Dr. prscribed Medrol 2 mg 4 days a

> week

> to lower my inflammation. my ESR is high 120.

> I thought it is not a bad idea because i read high

> inflammtion doesn't allow minocin to penetrate

> cells.

> anyway last nightI took my first medrol and I got up

> with less pain and less stiffness. My hands are no

> puffy right now. wow I didn't know a low dose of

> steroid can make a big difference. I don't like to

> take steroid because of side effects. my Dr. also

> doesn't like it. I am going to take it only 3 days a

> week. I hope it helps me to put on some weight.

> what do you think?

> By the way you do lots of work. I couldn't do such

> amonth of work even when I was healthy. like you I

> always followed a healthy diet, did excersize. no

> smoking and drinking but I was not a happy person.

> I didn't realize the most important thing is my

> health.


> enjoy the weekend


> soheila




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