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Re: Remission ?

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Hi & Ken. Let me clarify remission, as I see it, for you and everyone

else who is curious. I was told that at the 18 month level, my disease which

was rampant, had stopped progressing and some of the damage was actually being

repaired. All of my symptoms had disappeared and I was leading a normal life.

However, upon investigation, I was still positive antibodies for micoplasma

pneumonae and I felt that I still had some overload even though my immune system

was up and running.

I read the Marshall Protocol and even though it is still considered

experimental, I decided to to do it because TM promises to remove all or most of

the the offending ( cell wall deficient) nano bacteria called micoplasma and

restore us to a good healthy state. They fall short of calling it a cure, but it

is as close to a cure as I'll ever get at this lifetime. There are still too

many stubborn doctors with closed minds who prefer to stick to the old ways of

suppressing the immune system rather that attacking the cause. I am 71 years

old and didn't have the time to play around with them. Something new may come

down the pike. I hope this will convince them.

The " Cure " is what I am striving for. No one told me to go on to the Marshall

Protocol. In fact, my doctor, Dr. Trentham does not practise MP. I had to seek

out another doc to monitor me during the entire MP course. I still see Dr.

Trentham once a year for check-ups only. I am doing very well and will proceed

to Phase ll on the Marshall very shortly. I am still doing miraculously well

and feel fortunate enough to, not only tolerate but respond so well to both the

antibiotic protocol and the marshall protocol.

At the onset of my disease, I became bed ridden rather quickly and lung damage

from Pulmonary Fibrosis was advancing at a rapid rate. The Raynaud's and TMJ

was in full bloom and I had Calcinosis and many other symptoms such as Vitiligo

and many skin changes, plus hair fall out. These white pebbles were popping out

of my chest where the skin was so tight and shiny, I was also having many

cardiac arrythmias, had 3 angioplasty's and a cardiac ablation. I was extremely

anemic. I had lost 40 lbs in a very short amount of time and spent most of my

days, vomiting and having diarrhea. My fatigue was undescribable and I needed

help getting to the bathroom. Couldn't manage the door knobs or any thing at

all. I was told I had a few months to live and that all they could do was keep

me comfortable until I passed. I heard about Dr. Trentham and the A/P.from, my

friend, Lynne who led me to the RBF.

Today, I look like the picture of perfect health and I am on MP because I am

one of those that believes that MP might just give me the cure I seek. This

disease (Scleroderma) is still considered terminal and I was diagnosed with the

worst kind (systermic sclerotic scleroderma) (sine sclerodactyly) plus RA and Dr

Whtiman said I had MCTD,

I couldn't role over in bed w/o crying from the muscle pain and every joint

was so inflamed. It took 18 month of taking Minocin 100mg twice a day every day

to reverse not only the symptoms but to show noticeable proof that the healing

process of the damaged organs, were reversing. I had developed major organ

damage. Some of it had to be repaired surgically by clearing off the sclerotic

tissue build up especially in my bladder. My liver was enlarged. None of the

sclerosis has since returned. I call that remission.

In a few years, I will call it, hopefully, cured. Thank you for the

opportunity to be able to express and explain all that. Your statement gave me

the opening to report my progress and my reasoning for going on Marshall after

reaching the point of remission. Remission is not a cure. It is a temporary

halt to the disease process. That can happen in many diseases such as lukemia

and some cancers. For some it is spontaneous and others can attribute it to some

therapy. The cure may be a ways down the road or just around the corner for

all we know. I am thrilled that there are research scientists that are working

on the cause and cure. Pharmaceuticals just want to manufacture more and more

expensive drugs to alleviate the symptoms, but that does nothing but extend the

agony and prevent the docs from going straight for the cure.

Will keep you all abreast of my progress which continues going well as we

speak. Grateful to all of you who continue to seek and challenge. I take no

medications for symptoms, but rather take only antibiotics and benicar for the

S/D. I also have diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. Recently I was able

to cut the meds for those three diseases in half. Those diseases are also being

cured. The proof is that I no longer need as much medication as I was taking

two and a half years ago for the symptoms and I am feeling so much better. My

doctor is thrilled. So am I and my husband is jumping for joy. All my blood

work continues to come in better and better with each draw. I can't tell you

all how greatful and joyful Mike and I are.

Our best to all of you struggling with these TH 1 diseases. I hope your

journeys will work out as well as mine have. I also thank all you old timers

who helped me find my way out. Originally, I was too brain fogged to even think

properly. I had all but given up, rolled over and prepared to die.

Thank you Lynne for rescuing me. You are my guardian angel and I am forever

greatful Love you darling. You are now a very close friend of mine, very dear

to my heart and hopefully, I shall be seeing you and Santos and your lovely

family again this summer. I bet those grandbabies are getting big. Dolores &


Ken and <kglg@...> wrote:

Dolores, if I remember correctly, were you not in remission from the

AP? If

so, why did you feel it was necessary to do the Marshall Protocol?


Re: rheumatic DM Rash

I'm on the Marshall Protocol where they combine antibiotics with Benicar.

They say it is supposed to help all these symptoms. So far, I'm doing well.

There may be some other suggestions that will help for the time being. But

the most effective in the long run is to be on a protocol that attacks the

bacteria that causes these diseases. And that's no guarantee either. We all

react differently. Right now, there is no cure. We are all in the

experimental stages. Mine is working for me. so, I'm passing the info on.

Hope you find relief soon. Dolores

raedahmer <rae@...> wrote: I have experienced the dermatomyositis

rash on my face before but

lately it's extreme. My eyes feel like they're going to melt. The

inflammation doesn't subside as it has in the past. I also have a

metallic taste in my mouth with a lot of pressure under my ear lope.

I don't have a doctor's appointment till March 17th. Does anyone have

suggestions for pain relief till then? I take minocycline 100mg M W F.

Thank you,



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I read some of your posts again. I realize that what you are saying is that

the immune system needs to take over when the antibiotic has weakened the

germs or micoplazmas. In my case, one of the first things the doctors did was

to remove my spleen because of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia. Thus, my immune

system was severely compromized before adding in the diagnoses of

Lupus/R.A./Lyme/Cancer. Although I am not in the kind of pain I used to

experience, my

body is easily exhausted and my decision-making skills are compromized.

And, then, when I get " foggy, " I lose my effectiveness as a contributing

citizen. Each time I go through surgery, it takes a real toll on me.

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Thank you, Dolores, for taking the time to explain the reasoning behind your

decision to do the MP when you felt you were in remission from the AP. I am

happy for you and your family that you found a treatment approach that works

for you and that you are doing so well.

Re: rheumatic DM Rash

I'm on the Marshall Protocol where they combine antibiotics with Benicar.

They say it is supposed to help all these symptoms. So far, I'm doing well.

There may be some other suggestions that will help for the time being. But

the most effective in the long run is to be on a protocol that attacks the

bacteria that causes these diseases. And that's no guarantee either. We all

react differently. Right now, there is no cure. We are all in the

experimental stages. Mine is working for me. so, I'm passing the info on.

Hope you find relief soon. Dolores

raedahmer <rae@...> wrote: I have experienced the dermatomyositis

rash on my face before but

lately it's extreme. My eyes feel like they're going to melt. The

inflammation doesn't subside as it has in the past. I also have a

metallic taste in my mouth with a lot of pressure under my ear lope.

I don't have a doctor's appointment till March 17th. Does anyone have

suggestions for pain relief till then? I take minocycline 100mg M W F.

Thank you,



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Yes, I remember you telling me that you had your spleen removed. We both agree,

that was a big mistake! But hindsite is 20/20. Mike, my husband, also had his

spleen removed at the insistence of his doctors. We now know that also was a

big mistake. We are not even sure if he really had ITP. Turns out he had

anticardiolipin and antiphopholipin antibody syndrome. Were told, at the time,

that eventually, he may develp Lupus. That hasn't happened yet and hope it

never does. Don't even know if that is the correct diagnosis to this day as

they have found various other problems with his blood and platelet formation and

a blood disorder called :Protein " S " deficiency. It has taken him 16 years to

recover. He is doing well now, but it was a long rough road.

I wish you well. What does your doc have to say? Do you get your your blood

work checked for platelets often and do you take anticoagulants? Take care and

hang in there. Maybe, some one else on this board knows more about

anticardiolipins and such. Love, Dolores

kjdel1977@... wrote:


I read some of your posts again. I realize that what you are saying is that

the immune system needs to take over when the antibiotic has weakened the

germs or micoplazmas. In my case, one of the first things the doctors did was

to remove my spleen because of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia. Thus, my immune

system was severely compromized before adding in the diagnoses of

Lupus/R.A./Lyme/Cancer. Although I am not in the kind of pain I used to

experience, my

body is easily exhausted and my decision-making skills are compromized.

And, then, when I get " foggy, " I lose my effectiveness as a contributing

citizen. Each time I go through surgery, it takes a real toll on me.

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Finance. (http://money.aol.com/tax?NCID=aolprf00030000000001)

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