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Delores and Mike,

I have also wondered about it. How the powdered oral collagen works in the body

is something I'd like to know too.

RE: rheumatic flare


Date: Saturday, March 14, 2009, 10:20 AM

Well Dolores,

Each of us has a brain with which we decide whether our diseases need this

or would be harmful. If you know you don't need collagen why would you ask

me if this would be good for you? I put out the product that is helping me

and whether you need it or not is up to you. I do need it so I am taking it.

As for you.you research and decide.


From: rheumatic@grou ps.com [mailto:rheumatic@grou ps.com] On Behalf

Of mike rosner

Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 1:40 AM

Just curious! I have scleroderma. That causes an overgrowth of collagen

which limits my range of motion. A/P is getting rid of my collagen. Yes,

now my face is wrinkled whereas it was full before. Why would you I want to

take powdered collagen and is there a specific place in the body where it

would collect? What would be the reason to take collagen? Thank you, for

an answer. Am puzzled by this. Dolores & Mike


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Good idea Cooky I';ve given it some thought and I think I'll just say that

the AP protocol includes using these antiboitics for awhile if the Minocin

doesn't seem to be working. My doctor is a good guy, but he'd still

probably not like being second guess by emails.

Thanks for the help.

On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 1:21 PM, Cooky Stonkey <cookee1@...> wrote:

> Hey , Don't pull out my note right away they hate it when pwople do

> that and get their answer " NO " ready. Teehee.


> Good luck. I haope you have enough Minocin to last a while.


> Cooky


> Thanks Cooky, I'm seeing my doctor onext week he isn't a rheumatologist,

> but

> a very good Holistic doctor. I'll get some tests ran and talk to him about

> alternative antibiotics. I printed out your email to take with me and I'm

> going to try to find that collagen.




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Well Dolores,

Each of us has a brain with which we decide whether our diseases need this

or would be harmful. If you know you don't need collagen why would you ask

me if this would be good for you? I put out the product that is helping me

and whether you need it or not is up to you. I do need it so I am taking it.

As for you.you research and decide.


From: rheumatic [mailto:rheumatic ] On Behalf

Of mike rosner

Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 1:40 AM

Just curious! I have scleroderma. That causes an overgrowth of collagen

which limits my range of motion. A/P is getting rid of my collagen. Yes,

now my face is wrinkled whereas it was full before. Why would you I want to

take powdered collagen and is there a specific place in the body where it

would collect? What would be the reason to take collagen? Thank you, for

an answer. Am puzzled by this. Dolores & Mike


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I didn't need to be insulted about my brain function. I asked the question

because it is the first time I have heard people saying they can ingest collagen

and I wondered why.  I've been told that by taking the A/P, I would reduce the

accumulated  collagen in various areas of my body.  I read that people with

Scleroderma who have facial changes, sclerodactyl and joint stiffness was due to

the overgrowth of collagen.  Now, you say that you take powdered collagen and I

want to know in what circumstances would someone take oral collagen and where

does this deposit of collagen help the body.  You seem to have taken offense at

a question that would clear up some things for people like me who are trying to

get rid of excessive collagen.  This is a general health question.  Not one made

to ridicule you.  so, please, in the name of education, would you expand on

this, new to me and probably new to others, the rational for taking in

collagen?  Thank you,

Dolores & Mike

From: Cooky Stonkey <cookee1@...>

Subject: RE: rheumatic flare


Date: Saturday, March 14, 2009, 10:20 AM

Well Dolores,

Each of us has a brain with which we decide whether our diseases need this

or would be harmful. If you know you don't need collagen why would you ask

me if this would be good for you? I put out the product that is helping me

and whether you need it or not is up to you. I do need it so I am taking it.

As for you.you research and decide.


From: rheumatic@grou ps.com [mailto:rheumatic@grou ps.com] On Behalf

Of mike rosner

Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 1:40 AM

Just curious! I have scleroderma. That causes an overgrowth of collagen

which limits my range of motion. A/P is getting rid of my collagen. Yes,

now my face is wrinkled whereas it was full before. Why would you I want to

take powdered collagen and is there a specific place in the body where it

would collect? What would be the reason to take collagen? Thank you, for

an answer. Am puzzled by this. Dolores & Mike


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Exactly the reason why I sent out a second reply re: the use of powdered

ingested collagen.  It was news to me and I'm sure others would like to know

its'use also.  This is supposed to be an educational site where we learn from

each other and guide each other.  This is not a site for insulting or ridiculing

ones' brain function.  I was advised to research.  Since it was brought up on

this site, then my research starts with the person who introduced the subject. 

The response I received shows that others are also interested to know more about

collagen intake.  Hope we all get a proper answer.  Dolores Pasarell Rosner

From: Cooky Stonkey <cookee1comcast (DOT) net>

Subject: RE: rheumatic flare

rheumatic@grou ps.com

Date: Saturday, March 14, 2009, 10:20 AM

Well Dolores,

Each of us has a brain with which we decide whether our diseases need this

or would be harmful. If you know you don't need collagen why would you ask

me if this would be good for you? I put out the product that is helping me

and whether you need it or not is up to you. I do need it so I am taking it.

As for you.you research and decide.


From: rheumatic@grou ps.com [mailto:rheumatic@ grou ps.com] On Behalf

Of mike rosner

Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 1:40 AM

Just curious! I have scleroderma. That causes an overgrowth of collagen

which limits my range of motion. A/P is getting rid of my collagen. Yes,

now my face is wrinkled whereas it was full before. Why would you I want to

take powdered collagen and is there a specific place in the body where it

would collect? What would be the reason to take collagen? Thank you, for

an answer. Am puzzled by this. Dolores & Mike


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  • 7 months later...

Honestly that will happen to holly often when she has done something like

that. I would just have her take it easy this weekend and see how she feels

on Monday. If there is still that much pain, than i would call the dr.

n and Holly (15)

Systemic jra since 9/94

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Hannah  & I both have problems standing like that, especially if its cold

outside.  I would give her tylenol or whatever you have on hand for pain

releif.  Warm baths are great too, or if you have a foot bath she could do

that multiple times today, that always helps Hannah's ankles and she do it in

front of the tv.  If its still that bad on Monday, then I would call.  BTW; 

congrats on the win...our team plays playoff game #3 today.


Beth  & Hannah, 13, OA, HMJS, vitamin d deficiency; asthma; allergies

" We can't direct the wind, but we can adjust our sails " -author unknown


From: Anne Bacon <annebacon@...>

Sent: Sat, November 7, 2009 7:53:04 AM

Subject: flare


Hi all,

was diagnosed last January and has never been pain free. However,

last night we went to a football game and we stood for the game (packed

house, quarter finals! We won) Anyway, as soon as we started walking to the

car her ankles and knees become VERY painful, she could hardly walk. This

morning they are still bad, with one ankle causing her to limp. We have

never seen her quite like this, so we are not sure what to do. Suggestions?

Should we call the Rheumy?



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  • 1 month later...

When she is finished with finals, why not start her again on a smaller dose. I will be starting soon and am going to start on .25 mg. Garnet suggested this and I think he is right because I am so sensitive to medications.


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I am in the process of getting tested through IGENX for lyme, I was diagnosed with possible MS 14 years ago—MRI, Spinal Tap, EEG, etc... have never shown anything MS related so now my doc is convinced that I might have chronic lyme. Once I started LDN I had 2 major issues with my left leg, 1 serious issue with my right each or which came on within a day and I was back to normal (100%) within 6 days. I also have some pains and headaches that would last a day here-and-there for a couple weeks. Mine and my Docs thoughts are "herxhiemer reaction", after I had been on LDN for over 3 months I have not had another issue and things continue to improve every week, I hope this helps (LDN 3.0 since 5.05.09).From: janetm <tmcnally@...>low dose naltrexone Sent: Mon, December 7, 2009 9:35:16 PMSubject: [low dose naltrexone] flare


First time poster. My daughter (age 20) and I both started LDN 2mg. a few weeks ago. We both have Lyme disease and are in treatment with antibiotics. My daughter has been ill for 7 years and just came off IV meds after 2 1/2 years.

The 3rd day she took LDN she started to flare. She had symptoms return that she has not had in a few years. Increase fatigue, she could sleep all day and joint pain. She stopped taking this for now, she has finals the next few weeks. These issues went away when she stopped LDN. Has this happened to anyone else? Any suggestions? Is this normal? Could this be a herxhiemer reaction?

Any input would be appreciated.

Thank you!

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It's all scarey, but somehow we get by. I had a neurological manifestation of Lyme including Bell's palsy (my face has not completely recovered), hideous headaches that went on for years, extreme tiredness to the point where I would do a simple chore like unload the dishwasher and have to sit down and rest for an hour... unbelievable. I went from doctor to doctor, and because I never did have a Lyme titer that showed anything strongly, they said there was nothing wrong and I did not have Lyme. It was only when I would go on doxy, when I could convince some doctor to give it to me for a month..they would never give it longer...I would start to see a little improvement. This went on long ago, before people became savy to Lyme. I slept with a brace on my neck and on my wrists, I could not walk without holding on to something I was so dizzy. I could not remember simple names for things... I knew what an umbrella was, or a spoon, or whatever, but could not recall the name of it. What a nightmare. I send out my very best wishes and hopes for all of you! I know what it's like. I had a joint in my finger rupture on Christmas day one year...not that long ago, maybe 5 or 6 years. The sinovial fluid just leaked out. But that was a residual problem, as I had already recovered remarkably from both Lyme and scleroderma from the minocycline (are they two different things, Lyme and scleroderma?). I just want to say to everyone that you are not alone, and some imaging findings CAN be of no real import or consequence to your future recovery. They may be serious or important, but then they may not affect your recovery at all. Who knows? The more you read, the more you know that it's all a process, and if you can function, and are happy in life, and are taking a proactive approach to your health, you are much better off than many people! And you are to be applauded, all of you! I've been at this thing for many, many years, and I won't go down without a quest. My Lyme started around 20 years ago, and in spite of several docs who said that since I had scleroderma I would die in five or ten years, I have obviously not fulfilled their predictions!

[low dose naltrexone] flare

Not sure really what to tell you about this.I have been on LDN as a maintenance drug for almost a year now. I was originally diagnosed with RRMS back in Feb '08, but have since discovered my neurological issues are most likely caused by Lyme Borreliosis as I was diagnosed with Chronic Neurological Lyme disease in Sept of this year after getting a severe positive result from my Igenex IgM and IgG WB lab.I am currently on mixed oral abx (Doxy and Amoxy), and also continue LDN.I'm worse than I was a year ago....but I'm chalking that up to the battle that's going on inside my body and the collateral damage that is being reaped in my CNS. The autoimmune response this bug can generate can be really bad as it seams to be so in my case.Your daughter's reaction may have been a herx. But I wouldn't necessarily blame LDN. It could have just been coincidental.If she was coming off IV abx and switched to a different oral abx, or just stopping abx treatment all together at the same time she was beginning LDN, that could be what caused her reaction. Switching from an abx that the bacteria has become resistant against to one that it isn't could trigger a die off and a herx. I don't presume to know your exact circumstances, and I'm certainly not a physician, but....like I said....it could be coincidental. LDN usually takes a couple weeks to "ramp" up the immune system.....at least, that was my case.When I first started LDN, after a week or so of getting passed the adjustment period, I immediately began to feel better for a period of about 3 - 4 months, before slipping in to a downward spiral. LDN seamed to stir up things for me and was my first real indicator that I had something other than just MS.For me, its a crap shoot.....I'm kinda flying blind. I've been on mixed oral abx now for a couple months and just had a new set of MRI's that reveal two new scars (one in my neck and one in my head). Its so difficult to determine if these are a result of me treating my Lyme, or if I REALLY do have MS.Scary....Anyway....I'm wishing you and your daughter the best.- KenC.__________________________________Hello,First time poster. My daughter (age 20) and I both started LDN 2mg. a few weeks ago. We both have Lyme disease and are in treatment with antibiotics. My daughter has been ill for 7 years and just came off IV meds after 2 1/2 years.The 3rd day she took LDN she started to flare. She had symptoms return that she has not had in a few years. Increase fatigue, she could sleep all day and joint pain. She stopped taking this for now, she has finals the next few weeks. These issues went away when she stopped LDN. Has this happened to anyone else? Any suggestions? Is this normal? Could this be a herxhiemer reaction?Any input would be appreciated.Thank you!

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Hello Fellow Lyme !!

LDN was a crucial step in my sickness voyage. The darn CRAB drugs were going to

kill me ! LDN and this support group were crucial in me breaking out of the MS

/ CRAB drug cult.

I started LDN at 1.5mg/day for 30 days, then 3.0mg, and 4.5mg for a short while.

I never noticed any herxheimer reactions with the LDN.

My Lyme diagnosis and treatment are with an out of stae Lyme Literate Medical

Doctor (LLMD). My first " herx " was in response to my doxycycline. I felt I had

been run over by a Mack truck and left on the road dead. That was the

confirmation of my Lyme diagnosis.

At 1.75 years into my Lyme treatment, I've noticed some improvements, like my

right hand going from not working at all, to some days working. This morning

I'm typing with all 10 fingers :-))

I'm still in very shabby shape and considering restarting my LDN therapy.


> Hello,


> First time poster. My daughter (age 20) and I both started LDN 2mg. a few

weeks ago. We both have Lyme disease and are in treatment with antibiotics. My

daughter has been ill for 7 years and just came off IV meds after 2 1/2




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Yes, i believe those are hexing reactions. We need to join forces to figure out what is the right dosage with he maximum benefits and minumum discomfort.

jen -

From: janetm <tmcnally@...>Subject: [low dose naltrexone] flarelow dose naltrexone Date: Monday, December 7, 2009, 7:35 PM

Hello,First time poster. My daughter (age 20) and I both started LDN 2mg. a few weeks ago. We both have Lyme disease and are in treatment with antibiotics. My daughter has been ill for 7 years and just came off IV meds after 2 1/2 years.The 3rd day she took LDN she started to flare. She had symptoms return that she has not had in a few years. Increase fatigue, she could sleep all day and joint pain. She stopped taking this for now, she has finals the next few weeks. These issues went away when she stopped LDN. Has this happened to anyone else? Any suggestions? Is this normal? Could this be a herxhiemer reaction?Any input would be appreciated.Thank you!

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  • 3 months later...
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Amber, I totally understand what you are going through. Since

November, I too have been draggy, tired, slow, etc. The numbers went

up with the labs, so the GI ordered a biopsy. Well, the results were

bad....bridging fibrosis. We were both shocked at how fast I went


Bottom line, I am on 40 mg of prednisone now and 100 6MP. On top of

that, the doctor took me off work for the rest of the year, and I

applied for Disability Retirement. I am sad, but there is no way that

I can work feeling like this.

I know I have been gone for a long time, but couldn't pass up

responding to you. I wish you luck. I know I am on the prednisone

for the long haul now, and my GI is going to talk to Dr. Gish about

treatment. He is such a creepy doctor (don't like him at ALL!!!-but

will concede that he is good). I won't see him and my GI knows it.

Once was enough for me! I have never been so humiliated by a person

EVER in my life and will not subject myself to his arrogance ever

again. Just my opinion. No reflection on anyone here who sees him or

the group. This group is the BEST and so supportive.

So, Hi Harper! I miss talking to you.....so now I am going out to

take pictures of my little hummingbirds to forget all my troubles!


On Apr 8, 2010, at 4:02 PM, Amber Leonard wrote:

> Hi all


> I've just had a bit of a 'average' few weeks- have been feeling

> pretty bad.

> I'd been really well since about before Christmas, no pain, no nausea,

> fatigue was controllable. I was - wait for it- swimming a kilometre

> 3 times

> a week( this would've been remarkable without AIH, I am not ms

> sporty and

> had gained a HEAP of weight in the last year or two from being sick

> and

> sedentary).

> You know how that change in pain and nausea level can really lighten

> your

> mindset too? Have been feeling very positive about all the things

> I'm going

> to make happen this year.

> A few weeks back I started feeling 'toxic' -you know what I mean,

> nauseous,

> fuzzy brained, 'off'.

> I started getting moderate pain in my right side, but so sharp and

> constant

> it was draining.

> As so often happens when I get run down or sick I promptly gained a

> UTI and

> a bit of a raging fever.

> I went to a GP different to my regular, he was great; but of course

> went

> with I was feeling bad because of the infection.

> -You know that feeling of frustration when you're looking a medical

> professional who doesn't know you in the face and saying 'there's

> more to

> this' .. makes me feel half hypochondriac - I dread being thought of

> as one

> of 'those' patients- in saying that, doesn't stop me pushing!

> Anyway, he was very nice and to be fair he hasn't known me or my

> disease for

> 16 years like my other docs but when my bloods came back as suddenly

> elevated I almost felt relieved.

> That's when he got on to my Gastro and developed a plan.

> I spent Easter getting more bloods and following the complicated

> directions

> that were needed to get test results over Easter from the on call Dr.

> The deal was I didn't have to go to hospital for Easter if I tested

> during

> the weekend and checked the results - any higher straight to

> hospital. Fun.

> I have good anti emetics at home as well as oxycodone for pain so I

> was

> happier managing here.

> They've decided it was a flare rather than something new and unusual

> which

> is good - but also not- because shouldn't the cyclosporine stop that?

> My bloods have been normal for over a year, and though this wasn't an

> astronomical jump ( far lower than at times when I was really ill) I

> don't

> feel happy about a change. My Gastro said he'd expect the pain and

> 'toxic-y'

> feeling from my bloods, gove it a couple of weeks now they've gone

> down and

> I should be back on course.

> With immaculate timing this has happened just when I have a project

> due,

> assignments for study and we're moving..into a house bus.. in winter.

> Ahahaha. Laugh or you cry

> This can't become a habit, I have things to do!

> .. End Vent...


> Amber



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  • 2 months later...
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I've been doing SO well the last 5-6 months. Some days I didn't even remember I

had RA! My b/w that was done two months ago showed that my SED rate had dropped

to normal and CR-protein was almost in the normal range.

However, the last couple of weeks and especially this last week, I've been

flaring really bad. My knees have swollen back up, new joints are sore, etc.

I realize that flares are to be expected during this treatment, but does this

sound normal to go so far backwards? Also, what can I do to help get out of

this flare?

Thanks everybody! Hope y'all are doing well!


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Thanks for the response, Dolores.  What a terrible time for a flare!  My kids

are roaring to go and we've got several trips planned during the summer break in

the next few weeks.  Do you have any tips for getting out of this a little

faster?  Or just rest?  I already take 5 mg of pred every day--which I know

isn't great, but....

From: kbf23 <kbf23@...>

Subject: rheumatic flare


Date: Thursday, June 10, 2010, 4:44 PM


I've been doing SO well the last 5-6 months. Some days I didn't even remember I

had RA! My b/w that was done two months ago showed that my SED rate had dropped

to normal and CR-protein was almost in the normal range.

However, the last couple of weeks and especially this last week, I've been

flaring really bad. My knees have swollen back up, new joints are sore, etc.

I realize that flares are to be expected during this treatment, but does this

sound normal to go so far backwards? Also, what can I do to help get out of this


Thanks everybody! Hope y'all are doing well!



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I totally agree with Dolores ... myco's do have a tendency to congregate around

a certain joint as well as hide in & around any prosthesis you may have which

makes it harder for the abx to reach it's target although not impossible.

Herxes can be the pits but hey at least you know the abx is working if you herx,

I found the hardest part of this process was being able to tell the difference

between a herx & a flare but eventually I worked it out.

Be good to yourself,

Take care,




> From: kbf23 <kbf23@...>

> Subject: rheumatic flare

> rheumatic

> Date: Thursday, June 10, 2010, 4:44 PM







> I've been doing SO well the last 5-6 months. Some days I didn't even remember

I had RA! My b/w that was done two months ago showed that my SED rate had

dropped to normal and CR-protein was almost in the normal range.


> However, the last couple of weeks and especially this last week, I've been

flaring really bad. My knees have swollen back up, new joints are sore, etc.


> I realize that flares are to be expected during this treatment, but does this

sound normal to go so far backwards? Also, what can I do to help get out of this



> Thanks everybody! Hope y'all are doing well!


> Beth













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Yikes, Prednisone!  I know it helps a lot.  I used to take that when I had

asthma attacks long before I ever came down with Scleroderma and I swear to this

day, that that is the reason my immune system lost its' ability to protect me. 

It allowed the mycos to take over.  The funny thing is that I no longer have

asthma..The antibiotics seemed to have cured a bunch of things I use to suffer

from.  Do not stop the Prednisone on your own, That is a medication that needs

to be titrated down.  Good thing you are taking a low dose.When you feel you

can tolerate it, have your doc wean you down.  Also ask about taking some

Benicar.  That is a B/P medication that helps with the herxes.  Like Maz, I

never could tell the difference between the herxes and regular flares. I just

took the Benicar and the flares or what ever you call the bad times just became

further and further apart and less violent.  Now for tips.  Sit the family

down and try to explain

that Mommy,right now, is not feeling her best all of the time but that will

go away in time.  And that if they want to have a great summer, you are willing

to do the best you can but that you will need all their help.  And that they

need to let you rest as often as you can.  If it is a road trip, find the most

comfortable seat, take a pillow and doze off.  If at the beach or parks, take a

hammock, air bed, cot or folding chair you can stretch out on. Tell the kids not

to wake you if you are dozing. Stay in th shade, and try to keep cool.  Eat

right while you are on vacation. It's difficult if you have to rely on fast

foods.  Kids love fast foods.  Yogurts and salads and some fruit are

good. Protein is a must and stay hydrated.  Sometimes a change of scenery can

do wonders for our mental status.  Just don't overdo any strenuous stuff.  If

you are in a hotel or motel, let the housekeepers know not to knock too early.

As long as you let

the family know and give them chores to help you, they will.  Kids love to

feel like they are helping.  I'm sure you'll all have a great summer if you

just don't overtax yourself.  keep a diary and let us know how your vacation

went and rest often, treat yourself well and stay cool.  My best to you and

your family.  Have a wonderful vacation and take lots of photos. 


From: kbf23 <kbf23@...>

Subject: rheumatic flare


Date: Thursday, June 10, 2010, 4:44 PM


I've been doing SO well the last 5-6 months. Some days I didn't even remember I

had RA! My b/w that was done two months ago showed that my SED rate had dropped

to normal and CR-protein was almost in the normal range.

However, the last couple of weeks and especially this last week, I've been

flaring really bad. My knees have swollen back up, new joints are sore, etc.

I realize that flares are to be expected during this treatment, but does this

sound normal to go so far backwards? Also, what can I do to help get out of this


Thanks everybody! Hope y'all are doing well!



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Hi Beth,

are you on any enzymes that fight inflammation?

what have you been taking in terms of antibiotics and supplements?



From: kbf23 <kbf23@...>


Sent: Thu, June 10, 2010 1:44:07 PM

Subject: rheumatic flare


I've been doing SO well the last 5-6 months. Some days I didn't even remember I

had RA! My b/w that was done two months ago showed that my SED rate had dropped

to normal and CR-protein was almost in the normal range.

However, the last couple of weeks and especially this last week, I've been

flaring really bad. My knees have swollen back up, new joints are sore, etc.

I realize that flares are to be expected during this treatment, but does this

sound normal to go so far backwards? Also, what can I do to help get out of this


Thanks everybody! Hope y'all are doing well!


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I don't take any enzymes and I did slack on my supps right before the flare.  I

currently take 100x2 mg of minocin, 250x2 flagyl, and 250x1 diflucan and 5 mg of

pred daily.  As far as supplements, I take Vitamin D and C, fish oil, turmeric,

and probiotics.

My right knee has started going back down.  Left knee is still swollen and

painful.  Also, having problems with an elbow and my sternum which I've never

had before.  Sigh...

From: Ana Andrescu <anaandrescu@...>

Subject: Re: rheumatic flare


Date: Friday, June 11, 2010, 1:05 PM

Hi Beth,

are you on any enzymes that fight inflammation?

what have you been taking in terms of antibiotics and supplements?



From: kbf23 <kbf23@...>


Sent: Thu, June 10, 2010 1:44:07 PM

Subject: rheumatic flare


I've been doing SO well the last 5-6 months. Some days I didn't even remember I

had RA! My b/w that was done two months ago showed that my SED rate had dropped

to normal and CR-protein was almost in the normal range.

However, the last couple of weeks and especially this last week, I've been

flaring really bad. My knees have swollen back up, new joints are sore, etc.

I realize that flares are to be expected during this treatment, but does this

sound normal to go so far backwards? Also, what can I do to help get out of this


Thanks everybody! Hope y'all are doing well!



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Do you take the abx everyday or just MWF?

have you checked your liver enzymes lately? is that diflucan 250 or 150 mg?

this abx combination cleans your gut out, do you take enough probiotics?

you do not take any Bs or A vit. any reason for that?

also, on vit d, do you check your levels?

enzymes against inflammation that I find useful are bromelain or better,




From: Beth Fletcher <kbf23@...>


Sent: Fri, June 11, 2010 11:34:03 AM

Subject: Re: rheumatic flare


I don't take any enzymes and I did slack on my supps right before the flare.  I

currently take 100x2 mg of minocin, 250x2 flagyl, and 250x1 diflucan and 5 mg of

pred daily.  As far as supplements, I take Vitamin D and C, fish oil, turmeric,

and probiotics.

My right knee has started going back down.  Left knee is still swollen and

painful.  Also, having problems with an elbow and my sternum which I've never

had before.  Sigh...

From: Ana Andrescu <anaandrescu@...>

Subject: Re: rheumatic flare


Date: Friday, June 11, 2010, 1:05 PM

Hi Beth,

are you on any enzymes that fight inflammation?

what have you been taking in terms of antibiotics and supplements?



From: kbf23 <kbf23@...>


Sent: Thu, June 10, 2010 1:44:07 PM

Subject: rheumatic flare


I've been doing SO well the last 5-6 months. Some days I didn't even remember I

had RA! My b/w that was done two months ago showed that my SED rate had dropped

to normal and CR-protein was almost in the normal range.

However, the last couple of weeks and especially this last week, I've been

flaring really bad. My knees have swollen back up, new joints are sore, etc.

I realize that flares are to be expected during this treatment, but does this

sound normal to go so far backwards? Also, what can I do to help get out of this


Thanks everybody! Hope y'all are doing well!



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Thank you so much for all of your help.  I see Dr. Sentef in Chattanooga and he

rx's Zithromax for 7 days once a month.  I suppose that is for what you're

talking about.

From: Ana Andrescu <anaandrescu@...>

Subject: Re: rheumatic flare


Date: Friday, June 11, 2010, 1:05 PM

Hi Beth,

are you on any enzymes that fight inflammation?

what have you been taking in terms of antibiotics and supplements?



From: kbf23 <kbf23@...>


Sent: Thu, June 10, 2010 1:44:07 PM

Subject: rheumatic flare


I've been doing SO well the last 5-6 months. Some days I didn't even remember I

had RA! My b/w that was done two months ago showed that my SED rate had dropped

to normal and CR-protein was almost in the normal range.

However, the last couple of weeks and especially this last week, I've been

flaring really bad. My knees have swollen back up, new joints are sore, etc.

I realize that flares are to be expected during this treatment, but does this

sound normal to go so far backwards? Also, what can I do to help get out of this


Thanks everybody! Hope y'all are doing well!



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You've got a good doc, Beth.  Enjoy your summer with your kids and just know to

take it easy.  Don't do anything strenuous, stay hydrated, Don't get

overheated. And rest as much as you can.  Get the kids to help.  And let us

know how it all worked out.  Dolores

From: Ana Andrescu <anaandrescu@...>

Subject: Re: rheumatic flare


Date: Friday, June 11, 2010, 1:05 PM

Hi Beth,

are you on any enzymes that fight inflammation?

what have you been taking in terms of antibiotics and supplements?



From: kbf23 <kbf23@...>


Sent: Thu, June 10, 2010 1:44:07 PM

Subject: rheumatic flare


I've been doing SO well the last 5-6 months. Some days I didn't even remember I

had RA! My b/w that was done two months ago showed that my SED rate had dropped

to normal and CR-protein was almost in the normal range.

However, the last couple of weeks and especially this last week, I've been

flaring really bad. My knees have swollen back up, new joints are sore, etc.

I realize that flares are to be expected during this treatment, but does this

sound normal to go so far backwards? Also, what can I do to help get out of this


Thanks everybody! Hope y'all are doing well!



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Every time I read a post from you I am so thrilled that you have got your life


I use the term auto-immune disease for lack of another term as I am not sure

what to call these conditions,. I, like you, do not believe that the body

attacks itself but do not know what else to refer to these diseases.

the term " auto-immune " is understood by most as to what is being referenced.

hope that helps,


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hi Carol,  Yes, I know you do not believe that the body attacks itself, rather

it is attacking the bacteria/viral antigen with antibodies.  That is why I

cringed when I read the post.  But I do understand why you used that misnomer

because others refer the disease as being autoimmune.  I usually say, 

" Diseases that attack our immune system. "   Yes, it is longer to say and

write.  But I think it is up to us who understand the mechanics of the function

of the T-cells which trigger the antigen antibody response to educate the rest

of the people.  They get it from the docs who refuse to acknowledge that these

arthritic diseases are commonly of infectious origin.  I had one highly

intelligent cardiologist tell me that handing her a FAQ sheet on A/P was like

handing her a book in Italian and sending her off to work in Italy.  Wow!, I

lost a lot of respect for doctors that day. 


I also pulled out a book from my shelf that I hadn't read in a long time that

explains the entire immune response and how the hormones play such a huge part.

It is called, " Solving The Puzzling Problems of Arthritis " , by Pat Ganger and

Carol Lange.  They are the ladies, that started the Road Back Foundation, I

think, and involved somehow in the MIRA studies at Harvard.  It is a

fascinating book. They had direct contact with Dr. Brown's daughter and used

his research papers to write the book.  It was sent to me by a lady who posts

on here regularly.  She sent it to me way back when I was in a deep brain fog

and can't remember her name.  I wished she had signed it.  If the lady who

sent me the book is reading this, please refresh me with your name.  I am so

sorry I didn't write it down.  I appreciate this book very much.  Haven't had

time to read it in a while, but picked it up this morning and boy, am I

interested.  Back to the book,~~~Have a

great Sunday everybody!

From: Bob & Carol Zarn <bczarn@...>

Subject: rheumatic Re: flare


Date: Sunday, June 13, 2010, 9:35 AM



Every time I read a post from you I am so thrilled that you have got your life


I use the term auto-immune disease for lack of another term as I am not sure

what to call these conditions,. I, like you, do not believe that the body

attacks itself but do not know what else to refer to these diseases.

the term " auto-immune " is understood by most as to what is being referenced.

hope that helps,


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HI Delores, I sent you and Carol a copy of Pats book...since you post here

regularly, I felt it would do the most good and reach the most people...glad to

see you are still doing well.

Debbie in Cincinnati

rheumatic Re: flare


Date: Sunday, June 13, 2010, 9:35 AM


Every time I read a post from you I am so thrilled that you have got your life


I use the term auto-immune disease for lack of another term as I am not sure

what to call these conditions,. I, like you, do not believe that the body

attacks itself but do not know what else to refer to these diseases.

the term " auto-immune " is understood by most as to what is being referenced.

hope that helps,


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