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Dear Sue,

When you go to the support group meetings you don't

have to defend the antibiotic protocol. Just tell

your truth. The results you get will speak for

themselves. If it works for you people will want to

know what you are doing. If there are some people in

the group who are defensive just explain what you are

doing after the meeting over a cup of coffee. It

really doesn't matter what people who are against the

protocol think; that is their business.

When I first got diagnosed there was a young woman in

another group I belong to who got an inflamed optical

nerve. It was an inflammation type arthritis. I told

her how I was treating my RA. I suggested she might

benefit from looking at it or mentioning it to her


I don't get a toaster for everyone I bring to the

protocol so I don't do a hard sell.

Over the next year we compared notes. I got better.

She got sicker. It reached the point where they were

giving her injections of chemicals so dangerous that

the nurse had to wear a " bunny suit " to avoid even

skin contact with the chemicals. She could not ever

have children because of those drugs. She chose to


She was taking massive steroids too and over time I

watched her head get bigger and bigger. She totally

trusted her doctors at Oregon Health and Science

Hospital here in Portland.

What a waste. Before she let them inject the

poisonous stuff she should have taken responsibility

for her own health and done the research like you and

I do.

The antibiotic protocol is for people who take

responsibility for themselves. , the dead woman,

had a doting boyfriend and she was the center of

attention for him and anyone else who was drawn into

her drama. She had an operatic death. By that I mean,

where the lady languishes on the couch with a lily on

her breast.

She was only 25 and her death was a big waste!! When

she first was diagnosed the worst thing that she faced

was going blind. She got " treated " to death.

We can keep on learning and adjusting our lives to

give ourselves our " Best Lives " . It is worth it.

I've just turned 66 and I want to live a long time.

in Oregon

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