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Re: Ringing in my ears?? - Cammie

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Cammie -

I got in on Jan. 3rd to go over details of my surgery. Date's not set

for that yet, so I'm sorry I phrased that wrong. I WISH it was the

3rd! It should be early summer (May) if all goes well. Still not TOO

far, but far enough at the same time.

What are those medical terms you said? I'm so confused. (It doesn't

take much..haha)

Take Care,


> > Hi Everyone,

> >

> > I know I've read that a side effect of a screwed up mouth (don't

> you

> > love my generalization..?) is ringing of the ears, dizziness,

> > migraines (mine are really shooting into my eye region now). What

> do

> > you do for getting rid of the ringing in your ears? It's been on

> and

> > off all day - and it's so annoying.

> >

> > Also - I was chewing small little bits and I could hear my joints

> > again (it's been awhile) and they're making like this snap/pop

> noise.

> > Yeah - I know it's normal (well, for any kind of TMJ or other

> > problems).. I just don't know what to think of it - I was hardly

> > chewing at all.

> >

> > Is this stuff just happening because my mouth is yet again caught

> in

> > a limbo of all these changes? This weather has also been reeking

> > havoc on my mouth sensitivity!

> >

> > I'm pleased to announce - I go in for another visit with the

> surgeon

> > to outline all of my care and specific details of surgery on

> January

> > 3rd. I'm so excited...!

> >

> > Thanks & Take Care,

> > Andy

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Sorry, I didn't mean to talk big. I've just read a lot and lived a

looong time and had friends with troubles.

Tinnitus is a technical term for ringing in the ears. It can be a

hard one to treat, but most hard ones can also be easier if caught

early and treated by an expert.

An EENT is an Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Expert.

Meuniere's disease is a strange malady which can cause deafness as

well as dizziness. I am not certain how efficient the treatments are.

They were not so wonderful 20 years ago, but may be much better now,

with microsurgical advances. It can have a hereditary component, so

it might be worth investigating whether any other member of your

family has similar troubles.

I don't see anything else particularly medical that I said, but if

you have questions, ask... You can reach me at ceast36532 at yahoo

dot com... I am no expert, however. Be sure to tell your surgeon

exactly what you know about what's going on with you. That's

important. Mine had me fill out a form with lots of details, before

he ever filed my insurance claim. As he stressed to me: Do not

exaggerate, do not lie, just be forthright about what's happening,

and I'll look at it and tell them.

Meantime, since you have six months or so to wait, I'd find the best

ear specialist around -- probably an EENT -- and make an appointment

to discuss the ringing and the dizziness. You do not want to deal

with that for so long without asking for help.


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