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live blood tests

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Dear Sally

Hang in there. My heart goes out to you. If it has been two years since your

last live blood analysis, I would suggest doing it again. Especially as you are

not feeling better, and with the dowsing on you the Lauriciden did not come up

as beneficial.

If your liver is toxic, a great product is UltraClear Original by Metagenics. It

is a nonallergenic powder that you mix with water or juice and drink. It is

specifically designed to detoxify the liver. I had been on it before for chronic

fatigue, and my chiropractor suggested I do a cleanse with it. I started with

one serving a day for 10 days (to ease into the detox) then three times a day,

supplementing with fresh fruits, vegetables, and organic meat. I did that for a

full month. And now I have it for breakfast everyday. Makes meal time quick and

easy and my body loves it. And I have felt improvement since doing that cleanse.

The best place to order this UltraClear is from www.MyHealth-Store.com

It is $70 for 21 servings. Not cheap, but a quality product. I use the

UltraClear Original, which is the least expensive. They have some other formulas

with pH and I forget the other. They are only 14 servings. And the UltraMeal is

not a detoxifying product. It is meant for weight loss and is only about $25.

The great thing about UltraClear, it is so well formulated, I am not hungry when

I take this product and it aids in keeping my bowels regular.

As far as not having a doctor, Sally, it is rare to find an MD that will help

one heal, holistically. Perhaps you could find a chiropractor that has expanded

to alternative health.

Lots of love and light to you, dear one. Amy



> No Carey,

> first, I haven't been back to rhemy for over 2 years. Plus, doing live blood

work not done by drs. This woman brought over to my house her powerful ...gads,

whats the name scientist look through these in labs???...oh, microscope....along

with laptop and computer program. she took blood from my finger and put in

glass to look at. computer ran the program and we could actually watch red

cells (mine were all clumped together....although I did see one beautiful

healthy cell!--reading showed liver very toxic and colon. She commented that

whatever was attacking me, she felt it was passed on to me by my mother before

birth. I've had live blood reading done years back. It is much more accurate

of whats really going on than average blood work dr. draw. Maybe docs can do

the same now?? I dodn't have MD either. I just feel so crappy and don't go

anywere. Maybe I'm really missing the boat by not having any doctors?????

Women doing this in Fairfied has done for years, and works closely with

Young and ph levels. sally

> http://biomedx.com/microscopes/training/LBintro.html


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