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  • 4 weeks later...

believe it or not I feel so much better knowing I don't have to go back! (to

trucking)I started my treatments in June now the only time I really feel

real bad is the day after the shot!! and I am getting to feel so much




8 Million in the US have HCV .

HCV can lead to fibrosis, necrosis.cirrhosis

and liver cancer. get it from transfusions and

blood products, IV drug use (even once) snorting drugs,

body piercing, dialysis,Military vaccinations,

manicurists equipment, unprotected sex, and any blood to blood contact.


> Carol....I can certainly relate to what you are going through with the

trucking and them changing policies and all the bulls**t....I drove for

about 3 years with my husband and it's enought to drive a person crazy

without all our other problems....How far are you from Fort Worth? Here's

hoping you can find something closer......

> I have my medicine for treatment now but have to see the gastro doctor

tomorrow.....I spent 3 days in the hospital and still sicker than a

dog.......if treatment is any worse than this......God help me.....Here's

hoping things work out for you guys soon....Keep in touch and let us





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Just found out my x daughter in law got her test back she has hep c SIGH but

the way she explained it she is + and _ so she is seeing a spec. today it

may be she did not become chronic. I tried to tell her not to get those

tattoos, her husband does them and I think he cleans his needles in just

alcohol. Is that all it takes to clean them!!??



8 Million in the US have HCV .

HCV can lead to fibrosis, necrosis.cirrhosis

and liver cancer. get it from transfusions and

blood products, IV drug use (even once) snorting drugs,

body percings, dailysis,Military vaccinations,

mancurisist equipment, unprotected sex, and any blood to blood contact.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes Carol, it Does help when we help others and our minds are occupied with them instead of ourselves all the time... Tell you what, I'll worry about you and you worry about your friends, OK???? :o)

Sounds Good to me :o}

how are your friends doing??? don't you over do too much!!!

((( Angel Hugs )))


Helen-I am ever so grateful to see you back online and how nice of Ross to get you your computer. I would feel so lost without you here and writing. I am okay-same old stuff-different day. Have had some sick friends latrely and that is concerning me and taking some time but it gives me a chance to help and get the focus off this sick body. take gentle care. carol

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Oh helen-you are so sweet!!! lol carol

On Mon, 7 Oct 2002 02:17:57 EDT angelbear1129@... writes:

Yes Carol, it Does help when we help others and our minds are occupied with them instead of ourselves all the time... Tell you what, I'll worry about you and you worry about your friends, OK???? :o)Sounds Good to me :o} how are your friends doing??? don't you over do too much!!! ((( Angel Hugs ))) Helen

Helen-I am ever so grateful to see you back online and how nice of Ross to get you your computer. I would feel so lost without you here and writing. I am okay-same old stuff-different day. Have had some sick friends latrely and that is concerning me and taking some time but it gives me a chance to help and get the focus off this sick body. take gentle care. carol

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How is your friend doing??? How are you coping with it all??? We're here if ya need us and we can help in anyway... Even a listening ear...

((( Worried with ya Hugs )))


I am here but have been very busy since a dear friend went into the hposital very ill Friday so e-mail is hit and miss. carol


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In a message dated 10/9/2002 5:00:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

Csvillars@... writes:

> She has a long way to go and I believe her fears will take even longer to

> overcome but it sure is good to have my sister with us!


Hi Carol,

Thanks for the update on your sister. Prayers that her leg continues to heal.

Glad to see you back.


Mom to Zeb 9 DS/OCD ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you! the prayers are working, she got her other leg fitted and she is

able to stand and walk a few minutes a day. She says it's uncomfortable

right now and she will have build up endurance but she is getting there!



She isn't typical, She's Trisha!

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In a message dated 10/21/2002 7:55:19 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

Csvillars@... writes:

> Thank you! the prayers are working, she got her other leg fitted and she is

> able to stand and walk a few minutes a day. She says it's uncomfortable

> right now and she will have build up endurance but she is getting there!

Hi Carol,

Great news on your sister. I hope she can get through this.


Mom to Zeb 9 DS/OCD ?

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that's great, great news

Re: Carol

Thank you!  the prayers are working, she got her other leg fitted and she is

able to stand and walk a few minutes a day.  She says it's uncomfortable

right now and she will have build up endurance but she is getting there!



She isn't typical, She's Trisha!

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Carol

SFIC is the name of the actual manufacturer of the M & P

and they are in California. They have a big minimum order

though. But there are distributors that sell it at a higher

price of course than buying it from SFIC direct. I usually

get mine from Soapberry Lane in Virginia. WSP is short

for Wholesale Supplies Plus and they are in Ohio, if I remember

correctly. I don't know who makes their M & P but it's pretty good.

It's also cheaper but I just find that I like SFIC's more.

But it's a matter of personal preference, you know?

Re: Colleen-Vanilla Musk

In a message dated 12/16/02 11:44:05 PM Eastern Standard Time,

jmurray2@... writes:

> the only two I use is SFIC & WSP. I prefer the

> SFIC, though.

Hi . What do these letters stand for? Thanks (a real newbie!)


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You're quite welcome, Carol. You'll catch on

real quick and it will become " old hat " to you.


Thanks for the info! Eventually I hope to " speak the soap

language " ..LOL.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Carol

Yes, I am busy...sometimes way too busy. And this too shall pass?

Actually I hope not...as it is great that they keep buying my

products. I let lye/water mixture cool; melt oils and let them

cool,usually to about 100-110 degrees then mix (stick blend)them

together, scent/color. I use the wooden log molds as per directions I

sent you, lines with freezer paper.(I have 6 of them).I let them sit

in their towels(to gel) for 24 hours then cut, with a great cutter my

sister made me, takes about 4 minutes to cut the log which I get 24

bars. I cure them 4 weeks...no less than that, and then carve the

sharp edges, with a carrot peeler, wrap, label and price. I did try

the crockpot method once but didn't care for how rough they looked.

Not really sure if I did something wrong, but haven't tried it again

since. It is a bit tireing and mind boggling to be almost 2 months

ahead of myself. I have a great 12 shelf curing rack in the spare

room for curing. It is a closet space saver, floor to ceiling that I

added extra shelves to. This week I had to add a folding table as I

have run out of shelf space. Also remember that I do not have any

children (not entirely by choice but the path that has been given to

me to follow at this time)which gives me more spare time than the

average Mom/family. I also have a ton of candy molds that I use for

each holiday. They are very time consuming, but sell well. Hope this

information helps you. Kim C

> Wow, Kim. You sure are busy! How do you do your CP? Log molds or


> molds?

> How long before you can cut your bars? Yours don't have to cure

for 6-8

> weeks before you wrap? How do you avoid that? I do M & P but am

getting ready

> to try CP- or probably HP with a crockpot. I also am interested

in CPOP-to

> speed things up. Have you tried various methods, and like yours

the best?

> Just gathering tips and ideas. Thanks!!!!


> Carol




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  • 1 month later...

Trisha is doing pretty good. She is using more and more signs and is also

trying to say more words, she still won't use the new words other than to

repeat what she hears but that is a start. She has begun to add the T sound

to the end of word so now instead of saying whaaaaaaa for " what " she says

whaT with alot of emphasis on the T. The signing time videos we got are a

great help, not only for Trisha and me but for my neices and nephew, they are

learning to sign so that they can communicate with Trisha. The school is

also purchasing the videos so that the kids in her class (and aide) can learn

to communicate with Trisha as well. We are using pecs as well but I find the

signs are faster since we don't always have a pic available to us so it's a

combo of verbal, sign and pecs. My sister is doing well, they are ready to

make her permanent legs now, she is able to walk on the temp legs with a

walker and she can walk to the bathroom by holding to the walls without the

walker now. Her left leg is still not healing like the docs want it to, but

they are going to give it more time since the infection in it seems to have

cleared up. We have an IEP meeting coming up, it was cancelled this past

week due to snow. While we are not where we need to be at school we are

making progress slowly but surely. I'm working on the bigger issues now and

then will work on the smaller issues later. She should be going to the

middle school next year but since they didn't start the transition in time,

she will remain in the elem. school next year with transitioning to start in

Sept. that will give Trisha time to get used to seeing the middle school and

the teachers in the middle school time to get to know Trisha. Any

suggestions on transitioning to the middle school are needed and welcomed.



April is Autism Awareness Month


She isn't typical, She's Trisha!

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Hi Carol,

I was wondering about your sister too. Always forgot to ask. Glad that she is

doing ok. I hope the permanent leg will give her more mobility. I would hope

the school can find an aide for Trisha that knows sign. Regular visits to the

middle school would help Trisha feel more comfortable. I would also have her

meet all the staff a few times. I wish you luck in your IEP meeting.


Mom to Zeb 10 DS/OCD ?

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Thank you, we've had to reschedule the IEP again, so hopefully we will get it

scheduled soon. Trisha went to weekend camp this weekend and came back with

what looks like fingernail scratches. She pointed them out to me and signed

hurt and then signed help. The staff had already left by the time she got

home so I will have to wait and talk to them tomorrow and find out what

happened. She also had a scratch on her bottom lip. She may have fallen but

the little cuts on her arm looks like fingernails dug into the skin. There

are 4 marks straight in a line. It's not a major deal, just would like to

know how she got the scrapes. If there was a skirmish of any kind then I

just want to make sure that the staff be more alert. Kids will act out from

time to time, gee if they didn't they wouldn't be kids. lol


April is Autism Awareness Month


She isn't typical, She's Trisha!

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Thanks for the up-date Carol!

Sounds like Trisha is making some good gains, huh? That's great! I hope the

transition to middle school goes well. I'm happy to hear your sister is

doing well. It must be SOOOOOO hard. Prayers that her leg heals and she can

master the use of the new legs. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.

Gail :-)

<< Trisha is doing pretty good. She is using more and more signs and is also

trying to say more words, she still won't use the new words other than to

repeat what she hears but that is a start. She has begun to add the T sound

to the end of word so now instead of saying whaaaaaaa for " what " she says

whaT with alot of emphasis on the T. The signing time videos we got are a

great help, not only for Trisha and me but for my neices and nephew, they


learning to sign so that they can communicate with Trisha. The school is

also purchasing the videos so that the kids in her class (and aide) can


to communicate with Trisha as well. We are using pecs as well but I find


signs are faster since we don't always have a pic available to us so it's a

combo of verbal, sign and pecs. My sister is doing well, they are ready to

make her permanent legs now, she is able to walk on the temp legs with a

walker and she can walk to the bathroom by holding to the walls without the

walker now. Her left leg is still not healing like the docs want it to, but

they are going to give it more time since the infection in it seems to have

cleared up. We have an IEP meeting coming up, it was cancelled this past

week due to snow. While we are not where we need to be at school we are

making progress slowly but surely. I'm working on the bigger issues now and

then will work on the smaller issues later. She should be going to the

middle school next year but since they didn't start the transition in time,

she will remain in the elem. school next year with transitioning to start in

Sept. that will give Trisha time to get used to seeing the middle school


the teachers in the middle school time to get to know Trisha. Any

suggestions on transitioning to the middle school are needed and welcomed.



April is Autism Awareness Month


She isn't typical, She's Trisha! >>

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In a message dated 3/3/03 9:52:30 AM Eastern Standard Time,

smilinggail@... writes:

> . The signing time videos we got are a

> great help, not only for Trisha and me but for my neices and nephew, they

> are

> learning to sign so that they can communicate with Trisha. The school is

> also purchasing the videos so that the kids in her class (and aide) can

> learn

> to communicate with Trisha as well. We are using pecs as well but I find

> the

> signs are faster since we don't always have a pic available to us so it's a


> combo of verbal, sign and pecs.

I really enjoyed hearing about Trisha. This is wonderful about the school. I

think it would be great for all elementary children to learn sign. It is

almost a universal language. I don't sign with Rochelle as much but last

night she signed " stop " and said it when she was watching a video that was

singing " Stop, Look and Listen " . She looked right at me too! My little brag.

Do you know how large Trisha's sign vocabulary is? Just curious?

Diane :)

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Way to go Rochelle! Trisha has about a 30-40 sign vocabulary. Although she

only uses about 10 on a regular basis the others she uses if you sign first.

But that is a big improvement for her, also now that the teacher has taken a

beginning sign course they are using more signs with her, so she has begun to

use the signs more herself. I've been telling the school for years now that

if they would learn to sign then Trisha would do more signing, and this year

the teacher decided to take a sign class and is amazed at the difference in

communicating with Trisha, now she is encouraging the other students to sign

as well. Her teacher has also been working on math with Trisha, and one of

the things they are doing is going to the store and letting the kids pick out

a small item and then pay for it, well tonight we were at the store and I was

paying for our dinner and Miss Trisha holds her hand out waiting for me to

give her the money, so I did and she paid for supper. lol


April is Autism Awareness Month


She isn't typical, She's Trisha!

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In a message dated 3/5/03 11:14:40 PM Eastern Standard Time,

Csvillars@... writes:

<< well tonight we were at the store and I was

paying for our dinner and Miss Trisha holds her hand out waiting for me to

give her the money, so I did and she paid for supper. lol

Carol >>

How very cool!!!!!!!!! Three cheers for Trisha!

Gail :-)

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Kathy, that is so cool. WTG ! Our kids have so much more going for

them than the schools want to recognize.


April is Autism Awareness Month


She isn't typical, She's Trisha!

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In a message dated 3/5/03 11:14:15 PM Eastern Standard Time,

Csvillars@... writes:

> Trisha has about a 30-40 sign vocabulary. Although she

> only uses about 10 on a regular basis the others she uses if you sign

> first.

> But that is a big improvement for her, also now that the teacher has taken

> a

> beginning sign course they are using more signs with her, so she has begun

> to

> use the signs more herself.

Isn't sign language so expressive. I just love it! It's just like any

language if you don't use it you will lose it. Great that the teacher is on

board, I bet you see an increase of sign language.

]When we had Rochelle evaluated by Psychologist he mentioned we should use

sign at home. That it was important for my husband, son and I to use it in

front of Rochelle. Of course, hubby tried in the beginning but it just wasn't

working out. My son refused to sign because he knew it would help his sister.

sigh The Psychologist was from Gaulledet. I really liked him. This is why we

went to PECS. The school was much more compliant. But sign is so much


>>>Her teacher has also been working on math with Trisha, and one of

the things they are doing is going to the store and letting the kids pick out

a small item and then pay for it, well tonight we were at the store and I was

paying for our dinner and Miss Trisha holds her hand out waiting for me to

give her the money, so I did and she paid for supper.  lol>>>

It is wonderful that the goals at school are crossing over to home. Good for

Trisha!! I just love hearing about her.

Diane :)

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In a message dated 3/6/2003 10:05:39 AM Eastern Standard Time,

UrthMan@... writes:

> How funny!!

> When and I go to dinner he has to sign his name on the receipt. . .

> thinking he is using a debit card and paying for the dinner too


> Kathy


LOLOL Kathy and CArol!!!!!! Kathy, you should get a pic of that too!!!!!!



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How funny!!

When and I go to dinner he has to sign his name on the receipt. . .

thinking he is using a debit card and paying for the dinner too


Re: carol

In a message dated 3/5/03 11:14:40 PM Eastern Standard Time,

Csvillars@... writes:

<< well tonight we were at the store and I was

paying for our dinner and Miss Trisha holds her hand out waiting for me to

give her the money, so I did and she paid for supper. lol

Carol >>

How very cool!!!!!!!!! Three cheers for Trisha!

Gail :-)

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