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Re: fish oil free of Vit D

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I ordered fish oil from Carlson. They claim their fish oil is free of vit A and

D. I try to keep the level of VIT D .so I need to take Vit D-free fish oil. Does

anybody know of fish oil free of vit D?


From: Ethel Snooks <emsnooks@...>

Subject: Re: rheumatic how long?


Date: Wednesday, August 6, 2008, 7:13 AM

> Leonie, my rheumatologist Dr Whitman,who a lot of people on this list

> go to, has said that he can help people with AP only if they come to

> him before they are too far gone with damage to their joints. >

Possibly Dr. Whitman has made a decision not to treat people with damaged

joints, because in his experience success has not been attained. That may

not be due to the therapy but to the fact either the patient was

non-compliant or had other issues that needed addressing concurrently with

the AP that were not looked for or believed to be part of the problem. Then

too, there aren't many physicians that understand the role proper nutrition

and detoxing of the body play in getting some of these difficult cases well

from disease.

Let me state again - disease starts in the colon. 80% of immune function

takes place in that colon, and as long as it is out of balance, wellness is

difficult (in some cases impossible) to achieve.

Dr. Brown's practice consisted mainly of patients who had failed

conventional therapies and yet he had a 70% success rate. If he had

understood the role nutrition and detoxing the body play in getting people

well, that rate would have been higher.

I remember meeting the FAIR ladies. This was a group of very grateful older

women treated by Dr. Brown, who had failed conventional therapies, that

formed an auxiliary organization to encourage people on the therapy who came

to Dr. Brown's office. Some of these ladies had horrible damage - much

worse than I had sustained, and so hard to watch them deal with, yet now

their disease was in remission.

Before finding this therapy, I had severe RA for 17 years followed by a

diagnosis of polymyositis and Sjogren's Syndrome. The polymyositis nearly

took my life but that's another story. Within six months of the RA

diagnosis, I had crippling in my hands to the point surgery was

recommended. The disease progressed rapidly, causing damage to other joints

as well - neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, hips and feet that

restricted range of motion to the point of limiting my ability to function

normally. I had joint replacement surgery on my hands and reconstruction

surgery on both feet before ever findng the AP.

I was told it could take three to five years before I could see any

improvement! Today I am free of disease and off antibiotics - living a

healthy lifestyle and detoxing periodically. The crippled joints that

restricted movement are no longer - function having been restored through


Loftis, whose story appears on our web page, took 7 years to reach

remission. And I remember one woman who was in the support group back in

the 90's that was badly crippled by the disease; her lifestyle greatly

curtailed by the damage she suffered. Her hips had been replaced at the

orthopaedic hospital where Dr. Brown's patients got their IVs. She had been

on the AP for 5 years with no sign of improvement and was about ready to

give up when it happened for her. Even joint damage improved to the point

she was able to travel cross country and care for a sick family member.

The therapy takes time and that time is different from person to person.

We now have two therapies for these diseases - Dr. Brown's AP and the

Marshall Protocol developed by Trevor Marshall, Ph.D. Both of them take

time and patience, and both of them are enhanced by proper nutrition and

detoxing of the body - something so few are willing to do.



>> hello,

>> can anyone tell me what is the longest time one has to/should wait

>> till AP kicks in ? i'm getting edgey since i'm on the verge of going

>> crippled due to my dicky knees. my GP/rheumy is breathing down my

>> neck to go on DMARDs. my x-rays show a lot of damage (no surprise).

>> wish i had've done AP years sooner instead of listening to that

>> stupid chandu who came on the list with ideas of curing RA with diet

>> - that wasn't helpful and just distracted me from doing AP. have i

>> left it too late to reverse this horrible condition ? i'm feeling

>> very anxious. thanks for putting up with my whining posts....


>> best,


>> ~Leonie

>> leoniecentbigpond (DOT) com


>> 02 62556202



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Hi Soheila;

All fish oil has A and D as there is no way of removing it.I have

the same problem so I take primrose,flax,black currant as they have a

lot less D.Since I am on a very tight budget I get which ever is on

sale.The black currant one is the best as it has a lot of other

nutrients. Lynne

> I ordered fish oil from Carlson. They claim their fish oil is free of

> vit A and D. I try to keep the level of VIT D .so I need to take Vit

> D-free fish oil. Does anybody know of fish oil free of vit D?





> From: Ethel Snooks <emsnooks@...

> <mailto:emsnooks%40bellsouth.net>>

> Subject: Re: rheumatic how long?

> rheumatic <mailto:rheumatic%40>

> Date: Wednesday, August 6, 2008, 7:13 AM


> > Leonie, my rheumatologist Dr Whitman,who a lot of people on this list

> > go to, has said that he can help people with AP only if they come to

> > him before they are too far gone with damage to their joints. >


> Possibly Dr. Whitman has made a decision not to treat people with damaged

> joints, because in his experience success has not been attained. That may

> not be due to the therapy but to the fact either the patient was

> non-compliant or had other issues that needed addressing concurrently

> with

> the AP that were not looked for or believed to be part of the problem.

> Then

> too, there aren't many physicians that understand the role proper

> nutrition

> and detoxing of the body play in getting some of these difficult cases

> well

> from disease.

> Let me state again - disease starts in the colon. 80% of immune function

> takes place in that colon, and as long as it is out of balance,

> wellness is

> difficult (in some cases impossible) to achieve.


> Dr. Brown's practice consisted mainly of patients who had failed

> conventional therapies and yet he had a 70% success rate. If he had

> understood the role nutrition and detoxing the body play in getting

> people

> well, that rate would have been higher.


> I remember meeting the FAIR ladies. This was a group of very grateful

> older

> women treated by Dr. Brown, who had failed conventional therapies, that

> formed an auxiliary organization to encourage people on the therapy

> who came

> to Dr. Brown's office. Some of these ladies had horrible damage - much

> worse than I had sustained, and so hard to watch them deal with, yet now

> their disease was in remission.


> Before finding this therapy, I had severe RA for 17 years followed by a

> diagnosis of polymyositis and Sjogren's Syndrome. The polymyositis nearly

> took my life but that's another story. Within six months of the RA

> diagnosis, I had crippling in my hands to the point surgery was

> recommended. The disease progressed rapidly, causing damage to other

> joints

> as well - neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, hips and feet that

> restricted range of motion to the point of limiting my ability to

> function

> normally. I had joint replacement surgery on my hands and reconstruction

> surgery on both feet before ever findng the AP.


> I was told it could take three to five years before I could see any

> improvement! Today I am free of disease and off antibiotics - living a

> healthy lifestyle and detoxing periodically. The crippled joints that

> restricted movement are no longer - function having been restored through

> prolotherapy.


> Loftis, whose story appears on our web page, took 7 years to

> reach

> remission. And I remember one woman who was in the support group back in

> the 90's that was badly crippled by the disease; her lifestyle greatly

> curtailed by the damage she suffered. Her hips had been replaced at the

> orthopaedic hospital where Dr. Brown's patients got their IVs. She had

> been

> on the AP for 5 years with no sign of improvement and was about ready to

> give up when it happened for her. Even joint damage improved to the point

> she was able to travel cross country and care for a sick family member.


> The therapy takes time and that time is different from person to person.


> We now have two therapies for these diseases - Dr. Brown's AP and the

> Marshall Protocol developed by Trevor Marshall, Ph.D. Both of them take

> time and patience, and both of them are enhanced by proper nutrition and

> detoxing of the body - something so few are willing to do.


> Ethel


> >

> >> hello,

> >> can anyone tell me what is the longest time one has to/should wait

> >> till AP kicks in ? i'm getting edgey since i'm on the verge of going

> >> crippled due to my dicky knees. my GP/rheumy is breathing down my

> >> neck to go on DMARDs. my x-rays show a lot of damage (no surprise).

> >> wish i had've done AP years sooner instead of listening to that

> >> stupid chandu who came on the list with ideas of curing RA with diet

> >> - that wasn't helpful and just distracted me from doing AP. have i

> >> left it too late to reverse this horrible condition ? i'm feeling

> >> very anxious. thanks for putting up with my whining posts....

> >>

> >> best,

> >>

> >> ~Leonie

> >> leoniecentbigpond (DOT) com

> >>

> >> 02 62556202

> >>

> >>

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why are people avoiding vitamin D?

I supplement large amounts of it to help the immune system

> >

> > From: Ethel Snooks <emsnooks@...

> > <mailto:emsnooks%40bellsouth.net>>

> > Subject: Re: rheumatic how long?

> > rheumatic <mailto:rheumatic%40>

> > Date: Wednesday, August 6, 2008, 7:13 AM

> >

> > > Leonie, my rheumatologist Dr Whitman,who a lot of people on

this list

> > > go to, has said that he can help people with AP only if they

come to

> > > him before they are too far gone with damage to their joints. >

> >

> > Possibly Dr. Whitman has made a decision not to treat people with


> > joints, because in his experience success has not been attained.

That may

> > not be due to the therapy but to the fact either the patient was

> > non-compliant or had other issues that needed addressing


> > with

> > the AP that were not looked for or believed to be part of the


> > Then

> > too, there aren't many physicians that understand the role proper

> > nutrition

> > and detoxing of the body play in getting some of these difficult


> > well

> > from disease.

> > Let me state again - disease starts in the colon. 80% of immune


> > takes place in that colon, and as long as it is out of balance,

> > wellness is

> > difficult (in some cases impossible) to achieve.

> >

> > Dr. Brown's practice consisted mainly of patients who had failed

> > conventional therapies and yet he had a 70% success rate. If he


> > understood the role nutrition and detoxing the body play in


> > people

> > well, that rate would have been higher.

> >

> > I remember meeting the FAIR ladies. This was a group of very


> > older

> > women treated by Dr. Brown, who had failed conventional

therapies, that

> > formed an auxiliary organization to encourage people on the


> > who came

> > to Dr. Brown's office. Some of these ladies had horrible damage -


> > worse than I had sustained, and so hard to watch them deal with,

yet now

> > their disease was in remission.

> >

> > Before finding this therapy, I had severe RA for 17 years

followed by a

> > diagnosis of polymyositis and Sjogren's Syndrome. The

polymyositis nearly

> > took my life but that's another story. Within six months of the RA

> > diagnosis, I had crippling in my hands to the point surgery was

> > recommended. The disease progressed rapidly, causing damage to


> > joints

> > as well - neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, hips and feet


> > restricted range of motion to the point of limiting my ability to

> > function

> > normally. I had joint replacement surgery on my hands and


> > surgery on both feet before ever findng the AP.

> >

> > I was told it could take three to five years before I could see


> > improvement! Today I am free of disease and off antibiotics -

living a

> > healthy lifestyle and detoxing periodically. The crippled joints


> > restricted movement are no longer - function having been restored


> > prolotherapy.

> >

> > Loftis, whose story appears on our web page, took 7

years to

> > reach

> > remission. And I remember one woman who was in the support group

back in

> > the 90's that was badly crippled by the disease; her lifestyle


> > curtailed by the damage she suffered. Her hips had been replaced

at the

> > orthopaedic hospital where Dr. Brown's patients got their IVs.

She had

> > been

> > on the AP for 5 years with no sign of improvement and was about

ready to

> > give up when it happened for her. Even joint damage improved to

the point

> > she was able to travel cross country and care for a sick family


> >

> > The therapy takes time and that time is different from person to


> >

> > We now have two therapies for these diseases - Dr. Brown's AP and


> > Marshall Protocol developed by Trevor Marshall, Ph.D. Both of

them take

> > time and patience, and both of them are enhanced by proper

nutrition and

> > detoxing of the body - something so few are willing to do.

> >

> > Ethel

> >

> > >

> > >> hello,

> > >> can anyone tell me what is the longest time one has to/should


> > >> till AP kicks in ? i'm getting edgey since i'm on the verge of


> > >> crippled due to my dicky knees. my GP/rheumy is breathing down


> > >> neck to go on DMARDs. my x-rays show a lot of damage (no


> > >> wish i had've done AP years sooner instead of listening to that

> > >> stupid chandu who came on the list with ideas of curing RA

with diet

> > >> - that wasn't helpful and just distracted me from doing AP.

have i

> > >> left it too late to reverse this horrible condition ? i'm


> > >> very anxious. thanks for putting up with my whining posts....

> > >>

> > >> best,

> > >>

> > >> ~Leonie

> > >> leoniecentbigpond (DOT) com

> > >>

> > >> 02 62556202

> > >>

> > >>

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Not everyone in the group avoids vitamin D. I think only a few in the

group. They are practicing MP (Marshall Protocol), based on strategy

devised by Trevor Marshall, Phd. to help AP work better.


Petty wrote:


> why are people avoiding vitamin D?


> I supplement large amounts of it to help the immune system



> > >

> > > From: Ethel Snooks <emsnooks@...

> > > <mailto:emsnooks%40bellsouth.net>>

> > > Subject: Re: rheumatic how long?

> > > rheumatic <mailto:rheumatic%40>

> <mailto:rheumatic%40>

> > > Date: Wednesday, August 6, 2008, 7:13 AM

> > >

> > > > Leonie, my rheumatologist Dr Whitman,who a lot of people on

> this list

> > > > go to, has said that he can help people with AP only if they

> come to

> > > > him before they are too far gone with damage to their joints. >

> > >

> > > Possibly Dr. Whitman has made a decision not to treat people with

> damaged

> > > joints, because in his experience success has not been attained.

> That may

> > > not be due to the therapy but to the fact either the patient was

> > > non-compliant or had other issues that needed addressing

> concurrently

> > > with

> > > the AP that were not looked for or believed to be part of the

> problem.

> > > Then

> > > too, there aren't many physicians that understand the role proper

> > > nutrition

> > > and detoxing of the body play in getting some of these difficult

> cases

> > > well

> > > from disease.

> > > Let me state again - disease starts in the colon. 80% of immune

> function

> > > takes place in that colon, and as long as it is out of balance,

> > > wellness is

> > > difficult (in some cases impossible) to achieve.

> > >

> > > Dr. Brown's practice consisted mainly of patients who had failed

> > > conventional therapies and yet he had a 70% success rate. If he

> had

> > > understood the role nutrition and detoxing the body play in

> getting

> > > people

> > > well, that rate would have been higher.

> > >

> > > I remember meeting the FAIR ladies. This was a group of very

> grateful

> > > older

> > > women treated by Dr. Brown, who had failed conventional

> therapies, that

> > > formed an auxiliary organization to encourage people on the

> therapy

> > > who came

> > > to Dr. Brown's office. Some of these ladies had horrible damage -

> much

> > > worse than I had sustained, and so hard to watch them deal with,

> yet now

> > > their disease was in remission.

> > >

> > > Before finding this therapy, I had severe RA for 17 years

> followed by a

> > > diagnosis of polymyositis and Sjogren's Syndrome. The

> polymyositis nearly

> > > took my life but that's another story. Within six months of the RA

> > > diagnosis, I had crippling in my hands to the point surgery was

> > > recommended. The disease progressed rapidly, causing damage to

> other

> > > joints

> > > as well - neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, hips and feet

> that

> > > restricted range of motion to the point of limiting my ability to

> > > function

> > > normally. I had joint replacement surgery on my hands and

> reconstruction

> > > surgery on both feet before ever findng the AP.

> > >

> > > I was told it could take three to five years before I could see

> any

> > > improvement! Today I am free of disease and off antibiotics -

> living a

> > > healthy lifestyle and detoxing periodically. The crippled joints

> that

> > > restricted movement are no longer - function having been restored

> through

> > > prolotherapy.

> > >

> > > Loftis, whose story appears on our web page, took 7

> years to

> > > reach

> > > remission. And I remember one woman who was in the support group

> back in

> > > the 90's that was badly crippled by the disease; her lifestyle

> greatly

> > > curtailed by the damage she suffered. Her hips had been replaced

> at the

> > > orthopaedic hospital where Dr. Brown's patients got their IVs.

> She had

> > > been

> > > on the AP for 5 years with no sign of improvement and was about

> ready to

> > > give up when it happened for her. Even joint damage improved to

> the point

> > > she was able to travel cross country and care for a sick family

> member.

> > >

> > > The therapy takes time and that time is different from person to

> person.

> > >

> > > We now have two therapies for these diseases - Dr. Brown's AP and

> the

> > > Marshall Protocol developed by Trevor Marshall, Ph.D. Both of

> them take

> > > time and patience, and both of them are enhanced by proper

> nutrition and

> > > detoxing of the body - something so few are willing to do.

> > >

> > > Ethel

> > >

> > > >

> > > >> hello,

> > > >> can anyone tell me what is the longest time one has to/should

> wait

> > > >> till AP kicks in ? i'm getting edgey since i'm on the verge of

> going

> > > >> crippled due to my dicky knees. my GP/rheumy is breathing down

> my

> > > >> neck to go on DMARDs. my x-rays show a lot of damage (no

> surprise).

> > > >> wish i had've done AP years sooner instead of listening to that

> > > >> stupid chandu who came on the list with ideas of curing RA

> with diet

> > > >> - that wasn't helpful and just distracted me from doing AP.

> have i

> > > >> left it too late to reverse this horrible condition ? i'm

> feeling

> > > >> very anxious. thanks for putting up with my whining posts....

> > > >>

> > > >> best,

> > > >>

> > > >> ~Leonie

> > > >> leoniecentbigpond (DOT) com

> > > >>

> > > >> 02 62556202

> > > >>

> > > >>

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Vitamin A and D are not listed on Carlson's fish oil label. In fact, after

using the fish oil all winter, I was Vit. D deficient in March. Vit. D is

on the cod liver oil label. Dr. Mercola has recommended the fish oil in the

summer when people don't need extra vitamin D and the cod liver oil in the

winter when the sun doesn't provide enough in northern regions. Arctic

Omega fish oil, which I have also used, lists less than 10 IU, I believe, of

vit. D in its fish oil. Do you have a source for your statement?

For those who believe in the benefits of Vitamin D, a great source of

information and research is found at http://www.vitamindcouncil.org/


Re: rheumatic how long?

> rheumatic <mailto:rheumatic%40>

> Date: Wednesday, August 6, 2008, 7:13 AM


> > Leonie, my rheumatologist Dr Whitman,who a lot of people on this list

> > go to, has said that he can help people with AP only if they come to

> > him before they are too far gone with damage to their joints. >


> Possibly Dr. Whitman has made a decision not to treat people with damaged

> joints, because in his experience success has not been attained. That may

> not be due to the therapy but to the fact either the patient was

> non-compliant or had other issues that needed addressing concurrently

> with

> the AP that were not looked for or believed to be part of the problem.

> Then

> too, there aren't many physicians that understand the role proper

> nutrition

> and detoxing of the body play in getting some of these difficult cases

> well

> from disease.

> Let me state again - disease starts in the colon. 80% of immune function

> takes place in that colon, and as long as it is out of balance,

> wellness is

> difficult (in some cases impossible) to achieve.


> Dr. Brown's practice consisted mainly of patients who had failed

> conventional therapies and yet he had a 70% success rate. If he had

> understood the role nutrition and detoxing the body play in getting

> people

> well, that rate would have been higher.


> I remember meeting the FAIR ladies. This was a group of very grateful

> older

> women treated by Dr. Brown, who had failed conventional therapies, that

> formed an auxiliary organization to encourage people on the therapy

> who came

> to Dr. Brown's office. Some of these ladies had horrible damage - much

> worse than I had sustained, and so hard to watch them deal with, yet now

> their disease was in remission.


> Before finding this therapy, I had severe RA for 17 years followed by a

> diagnosis of polymyositis and Sjogren's Syndrome. The polymyositis nearly

> took my life but that's another story. Within six months of the RA

> diagnosis, I had crippling in my hands to the point surgery was

> recommended. The disease progressed rapidly, causing damage to other

> joints

> as well - neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, hips and feet that

> restricted range of motion to the point of limiting my ability to

> function

> normally. I had joint replacement surgery on my hands and reconstruction

> surgery on both feet before ever findng the AP.


> I was told it could take three to five years before I could see any

> improvement! Today I am free of disease and off antibiotics - living a

> healthy lifestyle and detoxing periodically. The crippled joints that

> restricted movement are no longer - function having been restored through

> prolotherapy.


> Loftis, whose story appears on our web page, took 7 years to

> reach

> remission. And I remember one woman who was in the support group back in

> the 90's that was badly crippled by the disease; her lifestyle greatly

> curtailed by the damage she suffered. Her hips had been replaced at the

> orthopaedic hospital where Dr. Brown's patients got their IVs. She had

> been

> on the AP for 5 years with no sign of improvement and was about ready to

> give up when it happened for her. Even joint damage improved to the point

> she was able to travel cross country and care for a sick family member.


> The therapy takes time and that time is different from person to person.


> We now have two therapies for these diseases - Dr. Brown's AP and the

> Marshall Protocol developed by Trevor Marshall, Ph.D. Both of them take

> time and patience, and both of them are enhanced by proper nutrition and

> detoxing of the body - something so few are willing to do.


> Ethel


> >

> >> hello,

> >> can anyone tell me what is the longest time one has to/should wait

> >> till AP kicks in ? i'm getting edgey since i'm on the verge of going

> >> crippled due to my dicky knees. my GP/rheumy is breathing down my

> >> neck to go on DMARDs. my x-rays show a lot of damage (no surprise).

> >> wish i had've done AP years sooner instead of listening to that

> >> stupid chandu who came on the list with ideas of curing RA with diet

> >> - that wasn't helpful and just distracted me from doing AP. have i

> >> left it too late to reverse this horrible condition ? i'm feeling

> >> very anxious. thanks for putting up with my whining posts....

> >>

> >> best,

> >>

> >> ~Leonie

> >> leoniecentbigpond (DOT) com

> >>

> >> 02 62556202

> >>

> >>

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Hi ,you can be D25 deficient but still have your 1,25 too

high.This is my problem,my ratio is 2.8 when it should be 1.1 to 1.2,so

I have to avoid anything with D until things stabalize.What are your

figures? Lynne

> Vitamin A and D are not listed on Carlson's fish oil label. In fact,

> after

> using the fish oil all winter, I was Vit. D deficient in March. Vit. D is

> on the cod liver oil label. Dr. Mercola has recommended the fish oil

> in the

> summer when people don't need extra vitamin D and the cod liver oil in

> the

> winter when the sun doesn't provide enough in northern regions. Arctic

> Omega fish oil, which I have also used, lists less than 10 IU, I

> believe, of

> vit. D in its fish oil. Do you have a source for your statement?


> For those who believe in the benefits of Vitamin D, a great source of

> information and research is found at http://www.vitamindcouncil.org/

> <http://www.vitamindcouncil.org/>


> Thanks,


> Re: rheumatic how long?

> > rheumatic <mailto:rheumatic%40>

> <mailto:rheumatic%40>

> > Date: Wednesday, August 6, 2008, 7:13 AM

> >

> > > Leonie, my rheumatologist Dr Whitman,who a lot of people on this list

> > > go to, has said that he can help people with AP only if they come to

> > > him before they are too far gone with damage to their joints. >

> >

> > Possibly Dr. Whitman has made a decision not to treat people with

> damaged

> > joints, because in his experience success has not been attained.

> That may

> > not be due to the therapy but to the fact either the patient was

> > non-compliant or had other issues that needed addressing concurrently

> > with

> > the AP that were not looked for or believed to be part of the problem.

> > Then

> > too, there aren't many physicians that understand the role proper

> > nutrition

> > and detoxing of the body play in getting some of these difficult cases

> > well

> > from disease.

> > Let me state again - disease starts in the colon. 80% of immune function

> > takes place in that colon, and as long as it is out of balance,

> > wellness is

> > difficult (in some cases impossible) to achieve.

> >

> > Dr. Brown's practice consisted mainly of patients who had failed

> > conventional therapies and yet he had a 70% success rate. If he had

> > understood the role nutrition and detoxing the body play in getting

> > people

> > well, that rate would have been higher.

> >

> > I remember meeting the FAIR ladies. This was a group of very grateful

> > older

> > women treated by Dr. Brown, who had failed conventional therapies, that

> > formed an auxiliary organization to encourage people on the therapy

> > who came

> > to Dr. Brown's office. Some of these ladies had horrible damage - much

> > worse than I had sustained, and so hard to watch them deal with, yet now

> > their disease was in remission.

> >

> > Before finding this therapy, I had severe RA for 17 years followed by a

> > diagnosis of polymyositis and Sjogren's Syndrome. The polymyositis

> nearly

> > took my life but that's another story. Within six months of the RA

> > diagnosis, I had crippling in my hands to the point surgery was

> > recommended. The disease progressed rapidly, causing damage to other

> > joints

> > as well - neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, hips and feet that

> > restricted range of motion to the point of limiting my ability to

> > function

> > normally. I had joint replacement surgery on my hands and reconstruction

> > surgery on both feet before ever findng the AP.

> >

> > I was told it could take three to five years before I could see any

> > improvement! Today I am free of disease and off antibiotics - living a

> > healthy lifestyle and detoxing periodically. The crippled joints that

> > restricted movement are no longer - function having been restored

> through

> > prolotherapy.

> >

> > Loftis, whose story appears on our web page, took 7 years to

> > reach

> > remission. And I remember one woman who was in the support group back in

> > the 90's that was badly crippled by the disease; her lifestyle greatly

> > curtailed by the damage she suffered. Her hips had been replaced at the

> > orthopaedic hospital where Dr. Brown's patients got their IVs. She had

> > been

> > on the AP for 5 years with no sign of improvement and was about ready to

> > give up when it happened for her. Even joint damage improved to the

> point

> > she was able to travel cross country and care for a sick family member.

> >

> > The therapy takes time and that time is different from person to person.

> >

> > We now have two therapies for these diseases - Dr. Brown's AP and the

> > Marshall Protocol developed by Trevor Marshall, Ph.D. Both of them take

> > time and patience, and both of them are enhanced by proper nutrition and

> > detoxing of the body - something so few are willing to do.

> >

> > Ethel

> >

> > >

> > >> hello,

> > >> can anyone tell me what is the longest time one has to/should wait

> > >> till AP kicks in ? i'm getting edgey since i'm on the verge of going

> > >> crippled due to my dicky knees. my GP/rheumy is breathing down my

> > >> neck to go on DMARDs. my x-rays show a lot of damage (no surprise).

> > >> wish i had've done AP years sooner instead of listening to that

> > >> stupid chandu who came on the list with ideas of curing RA with diet

> > >> - that wasn't helpful and just distracted me from doing AP. have i

> > >> left it too late to reverse this horrible condition ? i'm feeling

> > >> very anxious. thanks for putting up with my whining posts....

> > >>

> > >> best,

> > >>

> > >> ~Leonie

> > >> leoniecentbigpond (DOT) com

> > >>

> > >> 02 62556202

> > >>

> > >>

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Guest guest

This is the first time I've been deficient (58 which I raised to 68 with vitamin

D supplementation by the end of April--I've been out in the sun and I'm waiting

for the results of a 25 hydroxy test 2 weeks ago). Normally I'm at the low to

mid range of normal. It's interesting, although perhaps co-incidence, that I

flared in the spring but since being out in the sun more, the flare seems to

have settled.) We stopped testing my 1,25 because it was always fine and the

ratio good. Recent research, if I remember correctly, says you don't need to

test the 1,25; It is the 25 hydroxy that is important. You should probably

know that I'm not on the MP for RA. When our group first found out about it, I

wrote to Trevor Marshall a few times. There were some questions he

couldn't/wouldn't answer for me and that made me question the suitability of his

protocol for me even more. I understand from our group that some people have

found the MP very helpful. In 30+ years of RA, I have learned we all have to do

what works for us and we're all different in how we respond to protocols.

I hope you're continuing to feel well.

Re: rheumatic how long?

> > rheumatic <mailto:rheumatic%40>

> <mailto:rheumatic%40>

> > Date: Wednesday, August 6, 2008, 7:13 AM

> >

> > > Leonie, my rheumatologist Dr Whitman,who a lot of people on this list

> > > go to, has said that he can help people with AP only if they come to

> > > him before they are too far gone with damage to their joints. >

> >

> > Possibly Dr. Whitman has made a decision not to treat people with

> damaged

> > joints, because in his experience success has not been attained.

> That may

> > not be due to the therapy but to the fact either the patient was

> > non-compliant or had other issues that needed addressing concurrently

> > with

> > the AP that were not looked for or believed to be part of the problem.

> > Then

> > too, there aren't many physicians that understand the role proper

> > nutrition

> > and detoxing of the body play in getting some of these difficult cases

> > well

> > from disease.

> > Let me state again - disease starts in the colon. 80% of immune function

> > takes place in that colon, and as long as it is out of balance,

> > wellness is

> > difficult (in some cases impossible) to achieve.

> >

> > Dr. Brown's practice consisted mainly of patients who had failed

> > conventional therapies and yet he had a 70% success rate. If he had

> > understood the role nutrition and detoxing the body play in getting

> > people

> > well, that rate would have been higher.

> >

> > I remember meeting the FAIR ladies. This was a group of very grateful

> > older

> > women treated by Dr. Brown, who had failed conventional therapies, that

> > formed an auxiliary organization to encourage people on the therapy

> > who came

> > to Dr. Brown's office. Some of these ladies had horrible damage - much

> > worse than I had sustained, and so hard to watch them deal with, yet now

> > their disease was in remission.

> >

> > Before finding this therapy, I had severe RA for 17 years followed by a

> > diagnosis of polymyositis and Sjogren's Syndrome. The polymyositis

> nearly

> > took my life but that's another story. Within six months of the RA

> > diagnosis, I had crippling in my hands to the point surgery was

> > recommended. The disease progressed rapidly, causing damage to other

> > joints

> > as well - neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, hips and feet that

> > restricted range of motion to the point of limiting my ability to

> > function

> > normally. I had joint replacement surgery on my hands and reconstruction

> > surgery on both feet before ever findng the AP.

> >

> > I was told it could take three to five years before I could see any

> > improvement! Today I am free of disease and off antibiotics - living a

> > healthy lifestyle and detoxing periodically. The crippled joints that

> > restricted movement are no longer - function having been restored

> through

> > prolotherapy.

> >

> > Loftis, whose story appears on our web page, took 7 years to

> > reach

> > remission. And I remember one woman who was in the support group back in

> > the 90's that was badly crippled by the disease; her lifestyle greatly

> > curtailed by the damage she suffered. Her hips had been replaced at the

> > orthopaedic hospital where Dr. Brown's patients got their IVs. She had

> > been

> > on the AP for 5 years with no sign of improvement and was about ready to

> > give up when it happened for her. Even joint damage improved to the

> point

> > she was able to travel cross country and care for a sick family member.

> >

> > The therapy takes time and that time is different from person to person.

> >

> > We now have two therapies for these diseases - Dr. Brown's AP and the

> > Marshall Protocol developed by Trevor Marshall, Ph.D. Both of them take

> > time and patience, and both of them are enhanced by proper nutrition and

> > detoxing of the body - something so few are willing to do.

> >

> > Ethel

> >

> > >

> > >> hello,

> > >> can anyone tell me what is the longest time one has to/should wait

> > >> till AP kicks in ? i'm getting edgey since i'm on the verge of going

> > >> crippled due to my dicky knees. my GP/rheumy is breathing down my

> > >> neck to go on DMARDs. my x-rays show a lot of damage (no surprise).

> > >> wish i had've done AP years sooner instead of listening to that

> > >> stupid chandu who came on the list with ideas of curing RA with diet

> > >> - that wasn't helpful and just distracted me from doing AP. have i

> > >> left it too late to reverse this horrible condition ? i'm feeling

> > >> very anxious. thanks for putting up with my whining posts....

> > >>

> > >> best,

> > >>

> > >> ~Leonie

> > >> leoniecentbigpond (DOT) com

> > >>

> > >> 02 62556202

> > >>

> > >>

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Guest guest

Lynne, this is the first time I've been deficient (58 in March which I

raised to 68 with vitamin D supplementation by the end of April--I've been

out in the sun and I'm waiting for the results of a 25 hydroxy test 2 weeks

ago). Normally I'm at the low to mid range of normal. It's interesting,

although perhaps co-incidence, that I flared in the spring but since being

out in the sun more, the flare seems to have settled.) We stopped testing my

1,25 because it was always fine and the ratio good. Recent research, if I

remember correctly, says you don't need to test the 1,25; It is the 25

hydroxy that is important. You should probably know that I'm not on the MP

for RA. When our group first found out about it, I wrote to Trevor Marshall

a few times. There were some questions he couldn't/wouldn't answer for me

and that made me question the suitability of his protocol for me even more.

I understand from our group that some people have found the MP very helpful.

In 30+ years of RA, I have learned we all have to do what works for us and

we're all different in how we respond to protocols.

I hope you're continuing to feel well.

Re: rheumatic how long?

> > rheumatic <mailto:rheumatic%40>

> <mailto:rheumatic%40>

> > Date: Wednesday, August 6, 2008, 7:13 AM

> >

> > > Leonie, my rheumatologist Dr Whitman,who a lot of people on this list

> > > go to, has said that he can help people with AP only if they come to

> > > him before they are too far gone with damage to their joints. >

> >

> > Possibly Dr. Whitman has made a decision not to treat people with

> damaged

> > joints, because in his experience success has not been attained.

> That may

> > not be due to the therapy but to the fact either the patient was

> > non-compliant or had other issues that needed addressing concurrently

> > with

> > the AP that were not looked for or believed to be part of the problem.

> > Then

> > too, there aren't many physicians that understand the role proper

> > nutrition

> > and detoxing of the body play in getting some of these difficult cases

> > well

> > from disease.

> > Let me state again - disease starts in the colon. 80% of immune function

> > takes place in that colon, and as long as it is out of balance,

> > wellness is

> > difficult (in some cases impossible) to achieve.

> >

> > Dr. Brown's practice consisted mainly of patients who had failed

> > conventional therapies and yet he had a 70% success rate. If he had

> > understood the role nutrition and detoxing the body play in getting

> > people

> > well, that rate would have been higher.

> >

> > I remember meeting the FAIR ladies. This was a group of very grateful

> > older

> > women treated by Dr. Brown, who had failed conventional therapies, that

> > formed an auxiliary organization to encourage people on the therapy

> > who came

> > to Dr. Brown's office. Some of these ladies had horrible damage - much

> > worse than I had sustained, and so hard to watch them deal with, yet now

> > their disease was in remission.

> >

> > Before finding this therapy, I had severe RA for 17 years followed by a

> > diagnosis of polymyositis and Sjogren's Syndrome. The polymyositis

> nearly

> > took my life but that's another story. Within six months of the RA

> > diagnosis, I had crippling in my hands to the point surgery was

> > recommended. The disease progressed rapidly, causing damage to other

> > joints

> > as well - neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, hips and feet that

> > restricted range of motion to the point of limiting my ability to

> > function

> > normally. I had joint replacement surgery on my hands and reconstruction

> > surgery on both feet before ever findng the AP.

> >

> > I was told it could take three to five years before I could see any

> > improvement! Today I am free of disease and off antibiotics - living a

> > healthy lifestyle and detoxing periodically. The crippled joints that

> > restricted movement are no longer - function having been restored

> through

> > prolotherapy.

> >

> > Loftis, whose story appears on our web page, took 7 years to

> > reach

> > remission. And I remember one woman who was in the support group back in

> > the 90's that was badly crippled by the disease; her lifestyle greatly

> > curtailed by the damage she suffered. Her hips had been replaced at the

> > orthopaedic hospital where Dr. Brown's patients got their IVs. She had

> > been

> > on the AP for 5 years with no sign of improvement and was about ready to

> > give up when it happened for her. Even joint damage improved to the

> point

> > she was able to travel cross country and care for a sick family member.

> >

> > The therapy takes time and that time is different from person to person.

> >

> > We now have two therapies for these diseases - Dr. Brown's AP and the

> > Marshall Protocol developed by Trevor Marshall, Ph.D. Both of them take

> > time and patience, and both of them are enhanced by proper nutrition and

> > detoxing of the body - something so few are willing to do.

> >

> > Ethel

> >

> > >

> > >> hello,

> > >> can anyone tell me what is the longest time one has to/should wait

> > >> till AP kicks in ? i'm getting edgey since i'm on the verge of going

> > >> crippled due to my dicky knees. my GP/rheumy is breathing down my

> > >> neck to go on DMARDs. my x-rays show a lot of damage (no surprise).

> > >> wish i had've done AP years sooner instead of listening to that

> > >> stupid chandu who came on the list with ideas of curing RA with diet

> > >> - that wasn't helpful and just distracted me from doing AP. have i

> > >> left it too late to reverse this horrible condition ? i'm feeling

> > >> very anxious. thanks for putting up with my whining posts....

> > >>

> > >> best,

> > >>

> > >> ~Leonie

> > >> leoniecentbigpond (DOT) com

> > >>

> > >> 02 62556202

> > >>

> > >>

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