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Re: Update to Lianne's story

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Thank you so much for this update!

It was Lianne's story that made me believe that this treatment would work

for me. As many of you know, there are no studies on minocycline for myositis.

Only for RA and scleroderma. All my doctors said it wouldn't work. Lianne's

story was my lifeline. I was willing to bet everything that it WOULD work-

and it HAS! I am thrilled to have this update and know that she is doing so

well. My CK has decreased by two thirds in only 12 months! One more third to go

and I am normal! I am pursuing graduate work in public health and then

medical school- and I would still be wedged in my parent's couch immobilized

without Minocin.

Thank you Lianne, and thank you founders of this group! I owe you everything.


In a message dated 5/25/2008 3:54:01 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

cadlard@... writes:

Hi group,

Lianne has updated her story and I've put it on our web page at

rheumatic.org. I hope it will encourage those of you with polymyositis.


> LIANNE, polymyositis


> Update 11 years later!


> Here I am as healthy and normal as can be. I just had my muscle

> enzymes (Ck) done and they are 35! Totally normal!! I am pain free,

> drug free and couldn't be happier. I took antibiotics 3 times a week

> (Minocycline) for several years. It took two attempts to be able to

> go off of them. I have been off the antibiotics for two years. I can

> wall climb, and to the top of the wall I might add!!! I can walk for

> miles and live a great life. I did end up with type 2 Diabetes and

> was able to reverse that (yes reverse it) by eliminating all gluten

> from my diet. People had been telling me for years to cut out wheat

> and I thought it would be impossible. It is very easy. If you are

> reading this feeling hopeless, let me tell you....educate yourself,

> take charge of your health and if one doctor wont co-operate by doing

> the treatment get rid of them. It is your life and you deserve to be

> healthy. Gee, if you had a mechanic that wasn't fixing your car

> properly you would find a new one. Same goes for a Doctor that wont

> do what is best for you. Please don't get rooked into a doctor/ego

> problem. My original story is below. Read it and if I can be of

> any help to you do feel free to contact me.



> My life is my own once again!


> Two years ago I was diagnosed with polymyositis. I was devastated. I

> was a business owner, single parent, and a professional skater. I was

> so very tired, in a lot of pain, and, most of all, I feared for my

> life.


> Prior to being diagnosed I went from doctor to doctor trying to figure

> out what was wrong with me. I thought I was having an allergic

> reaction. I went to a third allergist. She interrogated me for over an

> hour. She ran a series of blood tests and discovered I had an elevated

> CPK. She confronted me assuming I was a cocaine addict and felt that

> must be the cause of my problem. I explained I didn't do drugs, but by

> the sound of the alternatives I almost wished that was the problem.


> I was sent to a rheumatologist. My diagnosis was confirmed by a muscle

> biopsy and an EMG. In that same breath that was used to give me the

> diagnosis, I was told that I had to have an AIDS test. I freaked. She

> failed to explain that the drugs she was going to prescribe were going

> to suppress my immune system and if I had AIDS, it would speed up my

> death.


> A psychiatrist had read to me all about being a hypochondriac, and I

> was told I was the healthiest looking sick person she had ever seen.

> When I told her how scared I was waiting for the AIDS test results,

> she told me, " You don't have AIDS. You had better hope you don't have

> polymyositis - you can die from that. "


> So here I was 33 years of age, experiencing difficulty walking and in

> so much pain I couldn't lift my skating bag let alone think about

> putting them on. I went through the typical grieving process, cried

> forever, slept a lot and started to make arrangements for my little

> boy in case I didn't make it. I couldn't stand the pain.


> I filled my prescription for prednisone and buckled over in pain with

> the first dose. Gosh, I was only 115 pounds and the doctor had

> prescribed too high a dose. Over the phone I was told to cut it down.

> The most I could tolerate was 12.5 mg. a day.


> I was a horrible grump. The steroids caused me to be miserable, but I

> didn't have a choice. Three months later I was probably close to 160

> pounds. Then they introduced their miracle - methotrexate. How lovely!


> I was introduced to a massage therapist who did her thesis on the

> affects of massage therapy on polymyositis. I have seen her weekly

> since. It has eliminated the horrid yeast infections I was getting,

> untangled my muscles and stopped me from having swallowing problems.

> My massage therapist introduced me to The Fairy Lady who had

> dermatomyositis. I met Cathie. She was a dear, but I didn't want to

> get to know her because she seemed so much worse than me. I was

> scared. I didn't want to become like that. We stayed in touch.


> As my hair fell out, and as I felt like I would almost welcome death,

> I found out about Dr. McPherson Brown's antibiotic therapy. I

> had heard Gabe Mirkin talk about it but didn't believe it would work.

> Then I heard about the antibiotic support group and Ethel. I figured

> these people all must be hired by the drug company and it must be a

> scam. I took Henry Scammell's book, The Arthritis Breakthrough, to my

> new rheumatologist. He was head of rheumatology. He told me Dr. Brown

> was a nut. I was heartbroken.


> My second rheumy told me to forget about ever having another baby,

> sell my skates and just do the best I could.


> I spoke with Ethel and decided I WAS going to do this. I went to my GP

> and he gave me a prescription. He trusted my judgment, not having a

> clue as to what I was doing. I carried the prescription around for two

> weeks before I filled it. My dad is a dentist, my brother and

> brother-in-law doctors, but they didn't know how to help me. I went to

> a friend who is one of North America's leading infectious disease

> doctors and begged him to check out the treatment. His conclusion was

> if I was his kid, he would get me to take the antibiotics.


> I started then 100 mg. of Minocin three times a week. There were ups

> and downs and I questioned their effectiveness. Some days areas hurt

> that had never hurt before.


> The rheumatologist said I had better make an emergency plan because I

> was being foolish and there was no way this would work. I said, " Well,

> I gargle with fish eyeballs every 15 minutes, pray to allah, and the

> klingons are with me. " He just shook his head and laughed.


> I had quit methotrexate immediately and was trying to reduce the

> steroids. It was tough, but six months later I was off them.


> Today I am only on minocycline. All of my blood levels are normal. I

> feel like a million bucks. I have my face and my body back. I wish I

> could stand on top of the Empire State Building and tell everyone they

> don't have to plan their funeral. There is hope.


> Very ironically, I was teaching skating this year, and low and behold

> Dr. Negative Rheumy #2 was there watching me teach his daughter.

> Pretty good for a hopeless gimp! I said, " I don't know if you remember

> me, but I used to be your patient. I have polymyositis and I threw all

> your medicine in the garbage and I am on antibiotics. your medicine in

> as a peacock, " Yeah, they really work. " I wanted to strangle him for

> subjecting me to my hell, but just smiled and skated away.


> My GP said, " You can't argue with success. " I am success. I owe my

> life to Ethel, Cathie and the rest of this support group. I wish I

> could be with you. I thank you all.


> Those of you who may be wondering whether you should start this

> therapy or not, I'd be happy to race you around the block.


> Take care, Lianne.


> You can also reach me at _trunks@..._ (mailto:trunks@...)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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how much prednisone?


rheumatic Update to Lianne's story

Thank You for sharing this. We need to see these things from the old

timers periodically to keep our spirits up and to know that the AP does

really work.

I shared this with Mr Perfect, and he wanted me to post this warning

about prednisone:

PLEASE warn the group of the dangers of prednisone !!!!! Of the

typical group of patients proscribed this medication, there is a ten

percent chance of severe, drug-induced depression (I was suicidal).

Fortunately I realized there was something terribly wrong with me,

overcame my fears of discussing mental problems and had a great nurse

that listened to me. They set me up with two psych. consults and put

me on lithium, and I was fine. They assured me that this was not an

uncommon reaction.

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Mr Perfect says:

My reaction was to a standard " dose pack " used to knock down the

serious effects of arthritis (4 capsules, then three, then two then

one. I do not remember the dosage.


> how much prednisone?

> sue

> rheumatic Update to Lianne's story




> Thank You for sharing this. We need to see these things from the


> timers periodically to keep our spirits up and to know that the

AP does

> really work.


> I shared this with Mr Perfect, and he wanted me to post this


> about prednisone:


> PLEASE warn the group of the dangers of prednisone !!!!! Of the

> typical group of patients proscribed this medication, there is a


> percent chance of severe, drug-induced depression (I was


> Fortunately I realized there was something terribly wrong with


> overcame my fears of discussing mental problems and had a great


> that listened to me. They set me up with two psych. consults and


> me on lithium, and I was fine. They assured me that this was not


> uncommon reaction.







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