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any ideas?

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Quite interesting!

As a company, I must be careful about liability issues, when in

doubt, I will opt for the careful conservative approach, hence the

warnings about not relying on enzyme products for anaphylactic

allergic reactions.

I do applaud your actions, and is what I would have done in your

case, with one hand on the phone for 911 and the other fumbling for

the shot of epinephrine!

Egg allergens are usually the egg proteins. Peptizyde breaks down

proteins. Quite possibly the egg allergen was broken down before it

got into his system. While I again can't recommend you give him eggs

with the enzymes, it does make sense that the enzymes would help.

The other issue involved is how much enzyme to how much allergen?

I'm just glad it worked out OK for your son.


> Hi all,

> I just had to tell someone this and maybe Devin can shed some light


> whether it is a fluke or not.


> Last night my son was on the rampage again and nicked 2 packet of


> I had been to a meeting and was in just a minute after all this had

> happened so I opened a capsule of Zyme prime(the houstini one)mixed

in a

> bit of water and made him drink it( much to his disgust).


> About an hr later I found him again in the kitchen and he half way

> through his first bite of a GF/CF biscuit which also contains eggs.

> He has an anaphylactic reaction to eggs and I was unsure what to do

so I

> opened a peptizide and made him drink that.


> As far as I can see, there was no reaction whatsoever to either

> things!!! Behaviourally and the cravings I cannot say till he comes


> from school but there was no swelling, no hives, no nothing. He just

> went to sleep.


> I KNOW that enzymes CANNOT be used for anaphylaxis but even so I am

> curious to know whether he can now eat mild amounts of eggs when


> in something, or whether the enzyme MAY have counteracted the


> Any ideas??

> Jacqui

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Thanks! I had an epi pen at the ready (and a bottle of vinegar which

funnily enough seems to help if he has just touched a tiny bit and has a

tickly throat - do you know wby that is?)

He is a monster for taking off limit foods at the moment so this gives

me some extra piece of mind. I know he can never eat gluten and know he

can never have eggs but this is one 'accident' that ended remarkably

well and his behaviour if anything is marginally better than it has


All very strange but I am going to keep on with the Zyme prime( and look

forward to the no phenol one) and keep the peptizide at the ready.


[ ] Re: any ideas?

Quite interesting!

As a company, I must be careful about liability issues, when in

doubt, I will opt for the careful conservative approach, hence the

warnings about not relying on enzyme products for anaphylactic

allergic reactions.

I do applaud your actions, and is what I would have done in your

case, with one hand on the phone for 911 and the other fumbling for

the shot of epinephrine!

Egg allergens are usually the egg proteins. Peptizyde breaks down

proteins. Quite possibly the egg allergen was broken down before it

got into his system. While I again can't recommend you give him eggs

with the enzymes, it does make sense that the enzymes would help.

The other issue involved is how much enzyme to how much allergen?

I'm just glad it worked out OK for your son.


> Hi all,

> I just had to tell someone this and maybe Devin can shed some light


> whether it is a fluke or not.


> Last night my son was on the rampage again and nicked 2 packet of


> I had been to a meeting and was in just a minute after all this had

> happened so I opened a capsule of Zyme prime(the houstini one)mixed

in a

> bit of water and made him drink it( much to his disgust).


> About an hr later I found him again in the kitchen and he half way

> through his first bite of a GF/CF biscuit which also contains eggs.

> He has an anaphylactic reaction to eggs and I was unsure what to do

so I

> opened a peptizide and made him drink that.


> As far as I can see, there was no reaction whatsoever to either

> things!!! Behaviourally and the cravings I cannot say till he comes


> from school but there was no swelling, no hives, no nothing. He just

> went to sleep.


> I KNOW that enzymes CANNOT be used for anaphylaxis but even so I am

> curious to know whether he can now eat mild amounts of eggs when


> in something, or whether the enzyme MAY have counteracted the


> Any ideas??

> Jacqui

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  • 6 years later...

> Hi, folks,



> i was doing pretty well on minocin and zithro (twice a week). Then

> Dr Whitman started me on clindy instead of the zithro. My stomach

> got upset from the clindy (not c diff, but I was scared and had to

> have a stool analyzed). After that I couldn't feel well again. We

> went on vacation, and maybe all the walking did it, but now I have

> so much inflammation--in so many joints--that I have to take six

> ibuprofen a day (with food) (and Minocin. Whitman stopped the

> clindy and the zithro for now). I see him again on 9/8, but wonder

> if anyone has a suggestion. My tummy is no longer upset: I just

> feel worse physically than I have felt for years and so

> discouraged. My problem is seronegative arthritis.



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Since you see Doc Whitman and he is a very good AP doc I would suggest you

call him instead of us giving you wrong advice. Does he have an answering

service for the weekend? If not just wait till Monday.




> i was doing pretty well on minocin and zithro (twice a week). Then

> Dr Whitman started me on clindy instead of the zithro. My stomach

> got upset from the clindy (not c diff, but I was scared and had to

> have a stool analyzed). After that I couldn't feel well again. We

> went on vacation, and maybe all the walking did it, but now I have

> so much inflammation--in so many joints--that I have to take six

> ibuprofen a day (with food) (and Minocin. Whitman stopped the

> clindy and the zithro for now). I see him again on 9/8, but wonder

> if anyone has a suggestion. My tummy is no longer upset: I just

> feel worse physically than I have felt for years and so

> discouraged. My problem is seronegative arthritis.


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Dr Whitman is good, but I can NEVER speak to him on the phone (he

does not call back) and, while some people on the list seem to have

his e-mail, I was told I couldn't get it. I see him at Berkeley

Heights, not in NYC, and he is unreachable there. Since none of the

other rheumatologists in his practice do the antibiotic protocol,

nobody can cover for him if he is on vacation or away. His nurse

Ellen does not seem to be able to help. It is frustrating! Last time

I went through a bad time, I had to go see him (they did give me an

earlier appointment). That is hard because he is about three hours


On Aug 23, 2008, at 10:25 PM, C Stonkey wrote:

> Since you see Doc Whitman and he is a very good AP doc I would

> suggest you

> call him instead of us giving you wrong advice. Does he have an

> answering

> service for the weekend? If not just wait till Monday.


> Cooky


> >


> >

> > i was doing pretty well on minocin and zithro (twice a week). Then

> > Dr Whitman started me on clindy instead of the zithro. My stomach

> > got upset from the clindy (not c diff, but I was scared and had to

> > have a stool analyzed). After that I couldn't feel well again. We

> > went on vacation, and maybe all the walking did it, but now I have

> > so much inflammation--in so many joints--that I have to take six

> > ibuprofen a day (with food) (and Minocin. Whitman stopped the

> > clindy and the zithro for now). I see him again on 9/8, but wonder

> > if anyone has a suggestion. My tummy is no longer upset: I just

> > feel worse physically than I have felt for years and so

> > discouraged. My problem is seronegative arthritis.



> >



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OK well all the walking could have added to it but the stress from switching

meds I think is a big problem for you. I know even being in remission.when I

am with the grandkids I have pain all over! Most of mine is from

fibromyalgia so I take Malic acid and double the dose for 2 days. Have you

tried the peroxide baths? Supposidly they take down the inflammation.I

nerver could get the peroxide in the dose recommended so they never worked

for me.

Ice the joints. Try curcumin (tumeric). I understand it is a good anti

inflame. You could try Advil instead of Tylenol. Advil is an antinflam and

sometimes works wonders.

Personally I would go back on the Zithromax (after you try the above) if you

have any. OR if it's the stomach that is the problem maybe aloe vera gel and

glutamine. Boy that always works for me. How about increasing your

acidophilis for a few days.

I would call Whitman every day 2 times a day and stress how bad you are


You have my empathy and sympathy. Let me know how you do and if you try any

of these things.



any ideas?

Dr Whitman is good, but I can NEVER speak to him on the phone (he

does not call back) and, while some people on the list seem to have

his e-mail, I was told I couldn't get it. I see him at Berkeley

Heights, not in NYC, and he is unreachable there. Since none of the

other rheumatologists in his practice do the antibiotic protocol,

nobody can cover for him if he is on vacation or away. His nurse

Ellen does not seem to be able to help. It is frustrating! Last time

I went through a bad time, I had to go see him (they did give me an

earlier appointment). That is hard because he is about three hours



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Thanks to those that responded. Cooky, this mesage is very helpful.

I will do some of the things you say, and especially go back on the

zthromax as well as calling Whitman A LOT. (I like that idea.)


On Aug 24, 2008, at 10:24 AM, C Stonkey wrote:

> OK well all the walking could have added to it but the stress from

> switching

> meds I think is a big problem for you. I know even being in

> remission.when I

> am with the grandkids I have pain all over! Most of mine is from

> fibromyalgia so I take Malic acid and double the dose for 2 days.

> Have you

> tried the peroxide baths? Supposidly they take down the inflammation.I

> nerver could get the peroxide in the dose recommended so they never

> worked

> for me.


> Ice the joints. Try curcumin (tumeric). I understand it is a good anti

> inflame. You could try Advil instead of Tylenol. Advil is an

> antinflam and

> sometimes works wonders.


> Personally I would go back on the Zithromax (after you try the

> above) if you

> have any. OR if it's the stomach that is the problem maybe aloe vera

> gel and

> glutamine. Boy that always works for me. How about increasing your

> acidophilis for a few days.


> I would call Whitman every day 2 times a day and stress how bad you

> are

> feeling.


> You have my empathy and sympathy. Let me know how you do and if you

> try any

> of these things.


> Hugs.


> Cooky


> any ideas?


> Dr Whitman is good, but I can NEVER speak to him on the phone (he

> does not call back) and, while some people on the list seem to have

> his e-mail, I was told I couldn't get it. I see him at Berkeley

> Heights, not in NYC, and he is unreachable there. Since none of the

> other rheumatologists in his practice do the antibiotic protocol,

> nobody can cover for him if he is on vacation or away. His nurse

> Ellen does not seem to be able to help. It is frustrating! Last time

> I went through a bad time, I had to go see him (they did give me an

> earlier appointment). That is hard because he is about three hours

> away.

> ___



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...just a few more thoughts...I would comprise a letter including all your

questions, symptoms, etc...and send it to Dr. W office...I have done this myself

and he has always written back...He may be out of town this week...call his

office, find out when he returns and get a letter to him...I have found him to

be very responsive to letters, phones, etc...You are so lucky you only live 3

hrs from him...we drive 12 hours to see him...but as you know...I adore him...I

just fired my local rheumy...I called him DR. Useless...he was pissy because I

went to see my rheumy (DR. Whitman) since Dr. W is the only Dr that has ever

tried to help me...and has helped me...

Keep us all posted ok! Hang in there...Hugs, Debbie

Re: rheumatic any ideas?

Thanks to those that responded. Cooky, this mesage is very helpful.

I will do some of the things you say, and especially go back on the

zthromax as well as calling Whitman A LOT. (I like that idea.)


On Aug 24, 2008, at 10:24 AM, C Stonkey wrote:

> OK well all the walking could have added to it but the stress from

> switching

> meds I think is a big problem for you. I know even being in

> remission.when I

> am with the grandkids I have pain all over! Most of mine is from

> fibromyalgia so I take Malic acid and double the dose for 2 days.

> Have you

> tried the peroxide baths? Supposidly they take down the inflammation.I

> nerver could get the peroxide in the dose recommended so they never

> worked

> for me.


> Ice the joints. Try curcumin (tumeric). I understand it is a good anti

> inflame. You could try Advil instead of Tylenol. Advil is an

> antinflam and

> sometimes works wonders.


> Personally I would go back on the Zithromax (after you try the

> above) if you

> have any. OR if it's the stomach that is the problem maybe aloe vera

> gel and

> glutamine. Boy that always works for me. How about increasing your

> acidophilis for a few days.


> I would call Whitman every day 2 times a day and stress how bad you

> are

> feeling.


> You have my empathy and sympathy. Let me know how you do and if you

> try any

> of these things.


> Hugs.


> Cooky


> any ideas?


> Dr Whitman is good, but I can NEVER speak to him on the phone (he

> does not call back) and, while some people on the list seem to have

> his e-mail, I was told I couldn't get it. I see him at Berkeley

> Heights, not in NYC, and he is unreachable there. Since none of the

> other rheumatologists in his practice do the antibiotic protocol,

> nobody can cover for him if he is on vacation or away. His nurse

> Ellen does not seem to be able to help. It is frustrating! Last time

> I went through a bad time, I had to go see him (they did give me an

> earlier appointment). That is hard because he is about three hours

> away.

> ___



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Deb, thanks a lot! You guys are so helpful, my lifeline. I will

write to him, and I am so glad to hear about your good experiences

with Dr Whitman. Hugs,

On Aug 24, 2008, at 10:36 AM, DEBBIE GIBSON wrote:

> ...just a few more thoughts...I would comprise a letter

> including all your questions, symptoms, etc...and send it to Dr. W

> office...I have done this myself and he has always written back...He

> may be out of town this week...call his office, find out when he

> returns and get a letter to him...I have found him to be very

> responsive to letters, phones, etc...You are so lucky you only live

> 3 hrs from him...we drive 12 hours to see him...but as you know...I

> adore him...I just fired my local rheumy...I called him DR.

> Useless...he was pissy because I went to see my rheumy (DR. Whitman)

> since Dr. W is the only Dr that has ever tried to help me...and has

> helped me...

> Keep us all posted ok! Hang in there...Hugs, Debbie

> Re: rheumatic any ideas?


> Thanks to those that responded. Cooky, this mesage is very helpful.

> I will do some of the things you say, and especially go back on the

> zthromax as well as calling Whitman A LOT. (I like that idea.)


> Cheers!


> On Aug 24, 2008, at 10:24 AM, C Stonkey wrote:


> > OK well all the walking could have added to it but the stress from

> > switching

> > meds I think is a big problem for you. I know even being in

> > remission.when I

> > am with the grandkids I have pain all over! Most of mine is from

> > fibromyalgia so I take Malic acid and double the dose for 2 days.

> > Have you

> > tried the peroxide baths? Supposidly they take down the

> inflammation.I

> > nerver could get the peroxide in the dose recommended so they never

> > worked

> > for me.

> >

> > Ice the joints. Try curcumin (tumeric). I understand it is a good

> anti

> > inflame. You could try Advil instead of Tylenol. Advil is an

> > antinflam and

> > sometimes works wonders.

> >

> > Personally I would go back on the Zithromax (after you try the

> > above) if you

> > have any. OR if it's the stomach that is the problem maybe aloe vera

> > gel and

> > glutamine. Boy that always works for me. How about increasing your

> > acidophilis for a few days.

> >

> > I would call Whitman every day 2 times a day and stress how bad you

> > are

> > feeling.

> >

> > You have my empathy and sympathy. Let me know how you do and if you

> > try any

> > of these things.

> >

> > Hugs.

> >

> > Cooky

> >

> > any ideas?

> >

> > Dr Whitman is good, but I can NEVER speak to him on the phone (he

> > does not call back) and, while some people on the list seem to have

> > his e-mail, I was told I couldn't get it. I see him at Berkeley

> > Heights, not in NYC, and he is unreachable there. Since none of the

> > other rheumatologists in his practice do the antibiotic protocol,

> > nobody can cover for him if he is on vacation or away. His nurse

> > Ellen does not seem to be able to help. It is frustrating! Last time

> > I went through a bad time, I had to go see him (they did give me an

> > earlier appointment). That is hard because he is about three hours

> > away.

> > ___

> >

> >

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It's funny when I go to the docs with my uncle or anyone I can tell the doc

just what I want but for me to do it to my own doc its very hard to do. If

someone says " Oh I would tell him to do this and stress it to him " then it

sort of verifies me. I am more apt to be more assertive. Just remember you

are not his only patient and he forgets just like anyone else so calling is

not bothering .its just reminding you are still in pain and need him to


Hope you feel better soon.


Thanks to those that responded. Cooky, this mesage is very helpful.

I will do some of the things you say, and especially go back on the

zthromax as well as calling Whitman A LOT. (I like that idea.)

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No worries...I have been so impressed with Dr W...when my lung test came back

very poor a few years ago....he had ordered photopheresis for me...and while he

was out of the country, he emailed me...sent me copies of studies supporting the

tx AND sent a letter for me to forward to my insurance company....He TRULY goes

to bat for his patients...

When I get time later, I am going to post what just happened with my so called

local rheumy...I will never go see him again..DR Useless...but am unsure the

best way to handle him....Will post my visit and what he did soon and request

help in dealing with him....I certainly do not intend to leave the situation



Re: rheumatic any ideas?


> Thanks to those that responded. Cooky, this mesage is very helpful.

> I will do some of the things you say, and especially go back on the

> zthromax as well as calling Whitman A LOT. (I like that idea.)


> Cheers!


> On Aug 24, 2008, at 10:24 AM, C Stonkey wrote:


> > OK well all the walking could have added to it but the stress from

> > switching

> > meds I think is a big problem for you. I know even being in

> > remission.when I

> > am with the grandkids I have pain all over! Most of mine is from

> > fibromyalgia so I take Malic acid and double the dose for 2 days.

> > Have you

> > tried the peroxide baths? Supposidly they take down the

> inflammation.I

> > nerver could get the peroxide in the dose recommended so they never

> > worked

> > for me.

> >

> > Ice the joints. Try curcumin (tumeric). I understand it is a good

> anti

> > inflame. You could try Advil instead of Tylenol. Advil is an

> > antinflam and

> > sometimes works wonders.

> >

> > Personally I would go back on the Zithromax (after you try the

> > above) if you

> > have any. OR if it's the stomach that is the problem maybe aloe vera

> > gel and

> > glutamine. Boy that always works for me. How about increasing your

> > acidophilis for a few days.

> >

> > I would call Whitman every day 2 times a day and stress how bad you

> > are

> > feeling.

> >

> > You have my empathy and sympathy. Let me know how you do and if you

> > try any

> > of these things.

> >

> > Hugs.

> >

> > Cooky

> >

> > any ideas?

> >

> > Dr Whitman is good, but I can NEVER speak to him on the phone (he

> > does not call back) and, while some people on the list seem to have

> > his e-mail, I was told I couldn't get it. I see him at Berkeley

> > Heights, not in NYC, and he is unreachable there. Since none of the

> > other rheumatologists in his practice do the antibiotic protocol,

> > nobody can cover for him if he is on vacation or away. His nurse

> > Ellen does not seem to be able to help. It is frustrating! Last time

> > I went through a bad time, I had to go see him (they did give me an

> > earlier appointment). That is hard because he is about three hours

> > away.

> > ___

> >

> >

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I have been reading about peroxide baths and drinking peroxide - is

quite interesting. I tried it once, and I had a 'rush'. Presumably,

this was oxygen in my brain. I tried it a second time & didn't feel



C Stonkey wrote:


> OK well all the walking could have added to it but the stress from

> switching

> meds I think is a big problem for you. I know even being in

> remission.when I

> am with the grandkids I have pain all over! Most of mine is from

> fibromyalgia so I take Malic acid and double the dose for 2 days. Have you

> tried the peroxide baths? Supposidly they take down the inflammation.I

> nerver could get the peroxide in the dose recommended so they never worked

> for me.


> Ice the joints. Try curcumin (tumeric). I understand it is a good anti

> inflame. You could try Advil instead of Tylenol. Advil is an antinflam and

> sometimes works wonders.


> Personally I would go back on the Zithromax (after you try the above)

> if you

> have any. OR if it's the stomach that is the problem maybe aloe vera

> gel and

> glutamine. Boy that always works for me. How about increasing your

> acidophilis for a few days.


> I would call Whitman every day 2 times a day and stress how bad you are

> feeling.


> You have my empathy and sympathy. Let me know how you do and if you

> try any

> of these things.


> Hugs.


> Cooky


> any ideas?


> Dr Whitman is good, but I can NEVER speak to him on the phone (he

> does not call back) and, while some people on the list seem to have

> his e-mail, I was told I couldn't get it. I see him at Berkeley

> Heights, not in NYC, and he is unreachable there. Since none of the

> other rheumatologists in his practice do the antibiotic protocol,

> nobody can cover for him if he is on vacation or away. His nurse

> Ellen does not seem to be able to help. It is frustrating! Last time

> I went through a bad time, I had to go see him (they did give me an

> earlier appointment). That is hard because he is about three hours

> away.

> ___



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Just for conversation (not promotion) the drinking protocol uses 35%

food grade & dilutes it a lot. For example, a few drops in 6-8 oz of


There are a number people who say to avoid it because it's dangerous if

you do not dilute it.


Petty wrote:


> I use it to gargle sometimes... works great


> mouth is fresh and whitens teeth, but if you get a little in your

> stomach it jacks it up


> I don't think I'd recommend drinking it



> > >

> > > OK well all the walking could have added to it but the stress

> from

> > > switching

> > > meds I think is a big problem for you. I know even being in

> > > remission.when I

> > > am with the grandkids I have pain all over! Most of mine is from

> > > fibromyalgia so I take Malic acid and double the dose for 2 days.

> Have you

> > > tried the peroxide baths? Supposidly they take down the

> inflammation.I

> > > nerver could get the peroxide in the dose recommended so they

> never worked

> > > for me.

> > >

> > > Ice the joints. Try curcumin (tumeric). I understand it is a good

> anti

> > > inflame. You could try Advil instead of Tylenol. Advil is an

> antinflam and

> > > sometimes works wonders.

> > >

> > > Personally I would go back on the Zithromax (after you try the

> above)

> > > if you

> > > have any. OR if it's the stomach that is the problem maybe aloe

> vera

> > > gel and

> > > glutamine. Boy that always works for me. How about increasing your

> > > acidophilis for a few days.

> > >

> > > I would call Whitman every day 2 times a day and stress how bad

> you are

> > > feeling.

> > >

> > > You have my empathy and sympathy. Let me know how you do and if

> you

> > > try any

> > > of these things.

> > >

> > > Hugs.

> > >

> > > Cooky

> > >

> > > any ideas?

> > >

> > > Dr Whitman is good, but I can NEVER speak to him on the phone (he

> > > does not call back) and, while some people on the list seem to

> have

> > > his e-mail, I was told I couldn't get it. I see him at Berkeley

> > > Heights, not in NYC, and he is unreachable there. Since none of

> the

> > > other rheumatologists in his practice do the antibiotic protocol,

> > > nobody can cover for him if he is on vacation or away. His nurse

> > > Ellen does not seem to be able to help. It is frustrating! Last

> time

> > > I went through a bad time, I had to go see him (they did give me

> an

> > > earlier appointment). That is hard because he is about three hours

> > > away.

> > > ___

> > >

> > >

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Just curious - did you use the food grade or the 3% peroxide available in the

drug stores?

rheumatic Re: any ideas?


> I use it to gargle sometimes... works great

> mouth is fresh and whitens teeth, but if you get a little in your

> stomach it jacks it up

> I don't think I'd recommend drinking it


> > >

> > > OK well all the walking could have added to it but the stress

> from

> > > switching

> > > meds I think is a big problem for you. I know even being in

> > > remission.when I

> > > am with the grandkids I have pain all over! Most of mine is from

> > > fibromyalgia so I take Malic acid and double the dose for 2 days.

> Have you

> > > tried the peroxide baths? Supposidly they take down the

> inflammation.I

> > > nerver could get the peroxide in the dose recommended so they

> never worked

> > > for me.

> > >

> > > Ice the joints. Try curcumin (tumeric). I understand it is a good

> anti

> > > inflame. You could try Advil instead of Tylenol. Advil is an

> antinflam and

> > > sometimes works wonders.

> > >

> > > Personally I would go back on the Zithromax (after you try the

> above)

> > > if you

> > > have any. OR if it's the stomach that is the problem maybe aloe

> vera

> > > gel and

> > > glutamine. Boy that always works for me. How about increasing your

> > > acidophilis for a few days.

> > >

> > > I would call Whitman every day 2 times a day and stress how bad

> you are

> > > feeling.

> > >

> > > You have my empathy and sympathy. Let me know how you do and if

> you

> > > try any

> > > of these things.

> > >

> > > Hugs.

> > >

> > > Cooky

> > >

> > > any ideas?

> > >

> > > Dr Whitman is good, but I can NEVER speak to him on the phone (he

> > > does not call back) and, while some people on the list seem to

> have

> > > his e-mail, I was told I couldn't get it. I see him at Berkeley

> > > Heights, not in NYC, and he is unreachable there. Since none of

> the

> > > other rheumatologists in his practice do the antibiotic protocol,

> > > nobody can cover for him if he is on vacation or away. His nurse

> > > Ellen does not seem to be able to help. It is frustrating! Last

> time

> > > I went through a bad time, I had to go see him (they did give me

> an

> > > earlier appointment)> . That is hard because he is about three hours

> > > away.

> > > ___

> > >

> > >

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I use the 3% drugstore type

> > > >

> > > > OK well all the walking could have added to it but the stress

> > from

> > > > switching

> > > > meds I think is a big problem for you. I know even being in

> > > > remission.when I

> > > > am with the grandkids I have pain all over! Most of mine is


> > > > fibromyalgia so I take Malic acid and double the dose for 2


> > Have you

> > > > tried the peroxide baths? Supposidly they take down the

> > inflammation.I

> > > > nerver could get the peroxide in the dose recommended so they

> > never worked

> > > > for me.

> > > >

> > > > Ice the joints. Try curcumin (tumeric). I understand it is a


> > anti

> > > > inflame. You could try Advil instead of Tylenol. Advil is an

> > antinflam and

> > > > sometimes works wonders.

> > > >

> > > > Personally I would go back on the Zithromax (after you try


> > above)

> > > > if you

> > > > have any. OR if it's the stomach that is the problem maybe


> > vera

> > > > gel and

> > > > glutamine. Boy that always works for me. How about increasing


> > > > acidophilis for a few days.

> > > >

> > > > I would call Whitman every day 2 times a day and stress how


> > you are

> > > > feeling.

> > > >

> > > > You have my empathy and sympathy. Let me know how you do and


> > you

> > > > try any

> > > > of these things.

> > > >

> > > > Hugs.

> > > >

> > > > Cooky

> > > >

> > > > any ideas?

> > > >

> > > > Dr Whitman is good, but I can NEVER speak to him on the phone


> > > > does not call back) and, while some people on the list seem


> > have

> > > > his e-mail, I was told I couldn't get it. I see him at


> > > > Heights, not in NYC, and he is unreachable there. Since none


> > the

> > > > other rheumatologists in his practice do the antibiotic


> > > > nobody can cover for him if he is on vacation or away. His


> > > > Ellen does not seem to be able to help. It is frustrating!


> > time

> > > > I went through a bad time, I had to go see him (they did give


> > an

> > > > earlier appointment)> . That is hard because he is about

three hours

> > > > away.

> > > > ___

> > > >

> > > >

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I spoke to Dr Whitman;s nurse Ellen today and, after talking to him,

she got some instructions. I do feel I am bothering if I just call to

as questions, but you gave me confidence.

On Aug 24, 2008, at 10:59 AM, C Stonkey wrote:

> It's funny when I go to the docs with my uncle or anyone I can tell

> the doc

> just what I want but for me to do it to my own doc its very hard to

> do. If

> someone says " Oh I would tell him to do this and stress it to him "

> then it

> sort of verifies me. I am more apt to be more assertive. Just

> remember you

> are not his only patient and he forgets just like anyone else so

> calling is

> not bothering .its just reminding you are still in pain and need him

> to

> call.


> Hope you feel better soon.


> Cooky


> Thanks to those that responded. Cooky, this mesage is very helpful.

> I will do some of the things you say, and especially go back on the

> zthromax as well as calling Whitman A LOT. (I like that idea.)



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Don't forget this is also put in your chart that you called and was having

problems. That way he won't say " so you did not have a problem after I took

you off the zithromax " !

I learned the hard way. .I used to get sore throats and stuffy nose

constantly. I never went to my GP. I got scripts from the docs I worked

with. When I did see him he said " Oh you are doing good " I said NO! He

said " well you never called ME so I have nothing to be able to say you have

chronic sinusitis " .

Hope you feel better soon.


I spoke to Dr Whitman;s nurse Ellen today and, after talking to him,

she got some instructions. I do feel I am bothering if I just call to

as questions, but you gave me confidence.

On Aug 24, 2008, at 10:59 AM, C Stonkey wrote:

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