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My husband is.

--- momtosjk <crkelley@...> wrote:

> Sarita,


> Are you a Nikken consultant?



> >

> > > Hi Sarita,

> > > Please let us know the products.

> > >

> > >

> > > [childrensapraxiane t] Hello

> > >

> > > Hello all,

> > >

> > > I am a new member to this group and have found

> some

> > > products that

> > > really help with many different issues. We found

> the

> > > products because

> > > our son was having difficulty saying his " s and

> g "

> > > sounds. The

> > > doctors recommended speech therapy. We found

> these

> > > amazing products.

> > > We put him on the products and within 1 month he

> was

> > > pronouncing his

> > > letters and sounds better. He was learning

> things

> > > much quicker and

> > > catching onto things better as well. The daycare

> had

> > > been working

> > > with him very closely and called me into the

> office

> > > one day for a

> > > conference. They asked me what I had changed in

> the

> > > last month with

> > > regards to his learning. I told them nothing, we

> > > were still doing the

> > > same things that we had done before I found

> these

> > > products. They

> > > asked what products they were and I told them.

> They

> > > had never heard

> > > of them, but said that whatever they are, they

> are

> > > working, keep

> > > doing it.

> > >

> > > If anyone is interested in these great products,

> > > please feel free

> > > to contact me at any time. I would love to help

> > > anyone and answer

> > > questions you may have.

> > >

> > > Thanks,

> > > Sarita Blanchette

> > >

> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > > removed]

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >



> _______________

> > > Got a little couch potato?

> > > Check out fun summer activities for kids.

> > >

> > http://search./search?

> fr=oni_on_mail & p=summer+activities+for+kids & cs=bz

> > >

> > >

> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > > removed]

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >



> _______________

> > Don't let your dream ride pass you by. Make it a

> reality with

> Autos.

> > http://autos./index.html

> >






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hi jodie, yeahy i was lucky that i came across this group because i dont know of the procress that i am about to go through i just wanted some help to make sure i do the right thing for my baby boy. KristeJodie <jmancik@...> wrote: Hi ! I joined the group a week or so ago, and my son is 1 week into wearing his helmet 23 hrs. This group has been very informative,

and I wish I would have found it before we got his helmet, so you are lucky! Good luck with everything! Jodie >> hi my name is kristen and i have a 5 month old son who has > plagiocephly. he hasnt been fitted for a helmet yet but will be or > should i say should be by the end of the month. i am a little scared > about this whole thing. i guess it is because i dont know what to > expect. i came acroos this group hoping to meet moms who are or did go > though what i am going though and to hopefully and to get answer on > what i should except will happen and if it is being done right. so > basically i write this message

with the title please help me to > understand what i will be going through.>

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My son is 4 years old and was diagnosed with PDD NOS and apraxia shortly

after that, he just turned four and is making progress with his speech but it is

very very slow. Can anyone share a story about how old their child was to

talk and when they started talking spontaneously. Thanks.

************************************** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

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My son turned 5 at the end of August and we are hearing spontaneous speech but

not consistently. We have been in therapy since he was 3. He has made leaps

and bounds this past year...but we are still looking for the back and forth

answers...he says things but mainly when he is prompted by question...or crystal

clear when he is frustrated...we often hear the most meaningful speech when he

is upset about something. It takes lots of practice, work from you and him to

make it happen....it is worth it in the end. Last year we wondered if we were

ever going to hear him speak in sentence form...now 4 and 5 words together are

common...it is just amazing. Don't give up.....you know we did the baby

bumblebee videos. The ones that have the flashcard sequence available on the

tv. He did awesome with flashcards this way. They have a wonderful set of

learning concepts. Also we worked hard to get him a Dynavox DV4. He uses it as

a modeling tool. He has never

used it as a main form for communicating but it has opened up his vocabulary.

Getting down on the floor with him and making silly noises really helped when

playing things like barn. He thought it was funny that I would do this. Play

is the best thing the two of us do together. It doesn't always work out the way

I hope it will...but, it teaches turn taking and talking in a natural way. I

just let him lead. Whatever he wants to play I go for and think of rediculous

things to say that make him laugh. Like when we were potty training this summer

we made toys go potty. (sounds gross but hey it worked....the pooping noises

were his favorites...and now he can make a rasberry!) And I would like to say

he potty trained himself...one morning he just got up and went and that was the

end of it..so playing really makes a big difference. Hope this helps!

Re: [ ] Hello

My son is 4 years old and was diagnosed with PDD NOS and apraxia shortly

after that, he just turned four and is making progress with his speech but it is

very very slow. Can anyone share a story about how old their child was to

talk and when they started talking spontaneously. Thanks.

************ ********* ********* ******** See what's new at http://www.aol. com

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Can anyone share a story with me about their child about late talking. My

son is 4, and has pdd nos and apraxia. We were told to take him to the Mayo

clinic in Mn for a speech evaluation just to make sure. We live in minnesota.

He is being treated by apraxia now and he has many good people on his team.

I am so afraid he wont talk. He has made great strides, but he has very

limited speech and progress is slow. From one Mom to another, can anyone help

me? All I want is to hear my little boy say more than one mumbled word at a

time. Is 4 too late???

************************************** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

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My child is 4 as well and whie he doesn't talk like my other 3

children he no longer bangs his head on the floor or screams and crys

in frustration at not being understood. We use PECS

(http://www.pecs.com) so he can help us understand what he is saying.

Yesterday he brought a " bath " PEC card to my husband when my husband

didn't understand my son wanted to take a bath at bedtime! This was

the first time he ever did this with his dad! That's communication!

My son didn't babble and now he's a babbler and he talks all the time

although he's hard to understand. Hang in there!


> Can anyone share a story with me about their child about late

talking. My son is 4, and has pdd nos and apraxia. We were told to

take him to the Mayo clinic in Mn for a speech evaluation just to

make sure. We live in minnesota. He is being treated by apraxia now

and he has many good people on his team. I am so afraid he wont

talk. He has made great strides, but he has very limited speech and

progress is slow. From one Mom to another, can anyone help me? All

I want is to hear my little boy say more than one mumbled word at a

time. Is 4 too late???

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In a message dated 10/5/2007 5:04:49 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

debjward@... writes:

Is 4 too late???

Nope..... my son is seven and he is taking off speech wise.... forget the

window of opportunity that they try and scare you with.

My advise is to keep working with your child and make it fun and positive so

that it doesn't seem like work to your child..... positive reinforcement is

the KEY for your child!

Hang in there!!!


************************************** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

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I shared our story yesterday but, my son just turned 5 at the end of August.

Last year we were lucky to get one or two words that were very unclear at a

time. With lots of work and play over this past year it is amazing to see where

we are now. He is a totally different kid now than he was this time last year.

I too was like you. Wondering are we ever going to see progress. I think what

made the biggest difference for us was me leaving my job and going back to

school. It allowed me more time at home with him. The extra one on one really

makes a difference. I know it is hard to do sometimes but that is what they

need the most. We are now hearing 3 to 5 word sentences...and other people

understand him! We got him a Dynavox DV4. He uses it as a modeling tool. We

constantly are putting new vocabulary on it for him and he just pushes and

repeats what it is saying and before we know it we have new words. Hope this


Re: [ ] Hello

Can anyone share a story with me about their child about late talking. My

son is 4, and has pdd nos and apraxia. We were told to take him to the Mayo

clinic in Mn for a speech evaluation just to make sure. We live in minnesota.

He is being treated by apraxia now and he has many good people on his team.

I am so afraid he wont talk. He has made great strides, but he has very

limited speech and progress is slow. From one Mom to another, can anyone help

me? All I want is to hear my little boy say more than one mumbled word at a

time. Is 4 too late???

************ ********* ********* ******** See what's new at http://www.aol. com

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We tried PECS earlier this year and my son had no interest at all. But now with

the progress he has made I think we will give it another try. Isn't it great

when they realize they can communicate and do it all on their own? I am so

happy for you!

-------------- Original message --------------

From: " debjward " <debjward@...>

My child is 4 as well and whie he doesn't talk like my other 3

children he no longer bangs his head on the floor or screams and crys

in frustration at not being understood. We use PECS

(http://www.pecs.com) so he can help us understand what he is saying.

Yesterday he brought a " bath " PEC card to my husband when my husband

didn't understand my son wanted to take a bath at bedtime! This was

the first time he ever did this with his dad! That's communication!

My son didn't babble and now he's a babbler and he talks all the time

although he's hard to understand. Hang in there!


> Can anyone share a story with me about their child about late

talking. My son is 4, and has pdd nos and apraxia. We were told to

take him to the Mayo clinic in Mn for a speech evaluation just to

make sure. We live in minnesota. He is being treated by apraxia now

and he has many good people on his team. I am so afraid he wont

talk. He has made great strides, but he has very limited speech and

progress is slow. From one Mom to another, can anyone help me? All

I want is to hear my little boy say more than one mumbled word at a

time. Is 4 too late???

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To everyone who answered my questions regarding late talking and is 4 to

late, thanks so much, everyone made me feel so much better. There isn't

anything I wouldn't do for my child to help him, I am sure you all understand


helpful it is to hear positives. Thanks.

************************************** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

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  • 4 months later...

Welcome Ginny,

Our son was 23 before diagnosed. We went through at least five

different pediatricians, one who even had a daughter with autism and

NOT ONE of them ever suggested he might be autistic. We found it on

our own.

This is a great group, very supportive. My motto is go with your

heart and mother's instinct. If the docs, or teachers or mother-in-

law tell you something that you don't feel is right...believe what

YOU think and know feels right.

all the best to you and your son,

SUe in Tennessee


> Hello and good morning,

> I have asked to join the group because we have recently had our

son diagnosed with asperger w/depression. He is 17 and soon to be

graduated. I had him tested back in the 6th grade. We've struggled

without knowing why. I remarried about 4 years ago and my husband

was reading an article that he showed and said, " this sounds just

our son in many ways. " Well, that was 8 months ago and we've just

received the evaluation and diagnosis. I can't say we know alot yet

but we do know our son.

> At the doctors office yesterday, I was told, " Your were

right. " One psychologist had diagnosed him differently and I just

couldn't see that being the true one for him.

> After more testing, he has the diagnosis of Asperger


> As I read and learn more I so wish we would have known much

earlier. But that is a little of our history and what brought us to

this site.

> I look forward to reading and sharing in the posts.

> We've also found a local chapter on Asperger and will be

attending in a couple of days.


> Ginny






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Oh, diagnosis is as long as it takes; no one had ever told us what 'it' was but it took about 10 years to get an official asperger's diagnosis for our 14 year old, whom has been officially diagnosed now for about 1 year, 3/4 months. The greatest of it is that we can learn and finally do things that WORK for him instead of all of us being angry, frustrated, and nothing working. Of course, not everything WORKS still but at least we have something to work with.

Welcome to our group; we are a great group; we have no idea where we would be right now without it, but I am certain it is NOT here doing things as greatly as we are. Roxanna (the website owner) started walking us through IEP / 504 garbage, and we did everything she suggested (we were very popular but it was our rights) and we ended up home schooling that child; our other two (one aspie, one NT) are still in public school (one pre-school on way to kindergarten in the fall---5 day per week pre-school though---when we have school---we are in Iowa, stuck in bad weather---it is sunny but that is very deceiving in our -4 degree temps today)---other one in first grade (he is the aspies) so you could say we are 'multi-educational' or something like that--------we just do whatever it takes to meet our kids needs (like everyone else).......

We are here, so feel free to ask for whatever help you need; someone will always answer and help (if not, post again, and ask again, with a friendly reminder)------some of us (I am one of them) are more 'typing and answering' than others, but like Roxanna said last weekend, there are over 3000 people on the list at this time (so, there are a lot of us)------you are no longer ALONE!!!!! WELCOME, GINNY!!!!

Ruthie Dolezal

From: sue@...Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 16:55:05 +0000Subject: ( ) Re: hello

Welcome Ginny,Our son was 23 before diagnosed. We went through at least five different pediatricians, one who even had a daughter with autism and NOT ONE of them ever suggested he might be autistic. We found it on our own.This is a great group, very supportive. My motto is go with your heart and mother's instinct. If the docs, or teachers or mother-in-law tell you something that you don't feel is right...believe what YOU think and know feels right.all the best to you and your son,SUe in Tennessee>> Hello and good morning,> I have asked to join the group because we have recently had our son diagnosed with asperger w/depression. He is 17 and soon to be graduated. I had him tested back in the 6th grade. We've struggled without knowing why. I remarried about 4 years ago and my husband was reading an article that he showed and said," this sounds just our son in many ways." Well, that was 8 months ago and we've just received the evaluation and diagnosis. I can't say we know alot yet but we do know our son. > At the doctors office yesterday, I was told, "Your were right." One psychologist had diagnosed him differently and I just couldn't see that being the true one for him. > After more testing, he has the diagnosis of Asperger w/depression. > As I read and learn more I so wish we would have known much earlier. But that is a little of our history and what brought us to this site. > I look forward to reading and sharing in the posts.> We've also found a local chapter on Asperger and will be attending in a couple of days. > > Ginny> > > _________________________________________________________________________> Looking for last minute shopping deals? > Find them fast with Search. http://tools.search./newsearch/category.php?category=shopping>

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hi Ginny and Welcome

I'm so glad to hear there is an Asperger chapter that you can go to.

I'm also so sorry that it took the doctors so long to dx your son but at least now you can do much to help him. Depression is so common

with kids and adults with aspergers because they have such a hard time fitting into our society that their self esteem lands in the toilet and they begin to think very badly about themselves. I hope this dx liberates your son, that he will know that he is not any of the things he may have be labelled by schools, peers etc. He is in great company, Einstein being just one of the many famous people who have Aspergers.

When my adult son and hubby both realized that they too were aspies it healed and liberated our entire family. My daughter who thought I was an inept and stupid excuse for a mother, now shows me love and respect , it has made my relationship with my son and hubby stronger, ....both were so glad to know that there was actually a physical reason why life has been so hard.....I realized that none of the verbal garbage that I was on the receiving end for years was personal......so this dx for your family will result in healing, and freedom and growth and even more love and understanding.


with 3 aspies in her life and heart

Wags! Wags! Wags!


"There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face."

Author Ben

From: ginny_552001@...Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 06:59:21 -0800Subject: ( ) hello

Hello and good morning,

I have asked to join the group because we have recently had our son diagnosed with asperger w/depression. He is 17 and soon to be graduated. I had him tested back in the 6th grade. We've struggled without knowing why. I remarried about 4 years ago and my husband was reading an article that he showed and said," this sounds just our son in many ways." Well, that was 8 months ago and we've just received the evaluation and diagnosis. I can't say we know alot yet but we do know our son.

At the doctors office yesterday, I was told, "Your were right." One psychologist had diagnosed him differently and I just couldn't see that being the true one for him.

After more testing, he has the diagnosis of Asperger w/depression.

As I read and learn more I so wish we would have known much earlier. But that is a little of our history and what brought us to this site.

I look forward to reading and sharing in the posts.

We've also found a local chapter on Asperger and will be attending in a couple of days.


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Welcome Ginny, my son is only 9 and was dx with Aspergers, Adhd, and anxiety, he has only been dx for 1 yr. This group will help you, it is a great group of ladies who really care and completely understand they can guide you and explain and even give u a shoulder or ear to vent and lean on,Welcome again and good luck, God Bless Sherryginny rein <ginny_552001@...> wrote: Hello and good morning, I have asked to join the group because we have

recently had our son diagnosed with asperger w/depression. He is 17 and soon to be graduated. I had him tested back in the 6th grade. We've struggled without knowing why. I remarried about 4 years ago and my husband was reading an article that he showed and said," this sounds just our son in many ways." Well, that was 8 months ago and we've just received the evaluation and diagnosis. I can't say we know alot yet but we do know our son. At the doctors office yesterday, I was told, "Your were right." One psychologist had diagnosed him differently and I just couldn't see that being the true one for him. After more testing, he has the diagnosis of Asperger w/depression. As I read and learn more I so wish we would have known much earlier. But that is a little of our history and what brought us to this site. I look forward to reading and sharing in the posts. We've also found a local chapter on Asperger and will be attending in a couple of days. Ginny Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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And a few men :)sherry burford <superchick0770@...> wrote: Welcome Ginny, my son is only 9 and was dx with Aspergers, Adhd, and anxiety, he has only been dx for 1 yr. This group will help you, it is a great group of ladies who really care and completely understand they can guide you and explain and even give u a shoulder or ear to vent and lean on,Welcome again and good luck, God Bless Sherryginny rein <ginny_552001 > wrote: Hello and good morning, I have asked to join the group because we have recently had our son diagnosed with asperger w/depression. He is 17 and soon to be graduated. I had him tested back in the 6th grade. We've struggled without knowing why. I remarried about 4 years ago and my husband was reading an article that he showed and said," this sounds just our son in many ways." Well, that was 8 months ago and we've just received the evaluation and diagnosis. I can't say we know alot yet but we do know our son. At the doctors office yesterday, I was told, "Your were right." One psychologist had diagnosed him differently and I just couldn't see that being the true one for him. After more testing, he has the diagnosis of Asperger w/depression. As I read and learn more I so

wish we would have known much earlier. But that is a little of our history and what brought us to this site. I look forward to reading and sharing in the posts. We've also found a local chapter on Asperger and will be attending in a couple of days. Ginny Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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Welcome Ginny, I have a 17 yr old son with aspergers too.pj

And a few men :)sherry burford <superchick0770> wrote:

Welcome Ginny, my son is only 9 and was dx with Aspergers, Adhd, and anxiety, he has only been dx for 1 yr. This group will help you, it is a great group of ladies who really care and completely understand they can guide you and explain and even give u a shoulder or ear to vent and lean on,Welcome again and good luck, God Bless Sherryginny rein <ginny_552001> wrote:

Hello and good morning,

I have asked to join the group because we have recently had our son diagnosed with asperger w/depression. He is 17 and soon to be graduated. I had him tested back in the 6th grade. We've struggled without knowing why. I remarried about 4 years ago and my husband was reading an article that he showed and said," this sounds just our son in many ways." Well, that was 8 months ago and we've just received the evaluation and diagnosis. I can't say we know alot yet but we do know our son.

At the doctors office yesterday, I was told, "Your were right." One psychologist had diagnosed him differently and I just couldn't see that being the true one for him.

After more testing, he has the diagnosis of Asperger w/depression.

As I read and learn more I so wish we would have known much earlier. But that is a little of our history and what brought us to this site.

I look forward to reading and sharing in the posts.

We've also found a local chapter on Asperger and will be attending in a couple of days.


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Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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Hi and welcome to our group! Feel free to join in the conversation anytime you like!

RoxannaAutism Happens

( ) hello

Hello and good morning,

I have asked to join the group because we have recently had our son diagnosed with asperger w/depression. He is 17 and soon to be graduated. I had him tested back in the 6th grade. We've struggled without knowing why. I remarried about 4 years ago and my husband was reading an article that he showed and said," this sounds just our son in many ways." Well, that was 8 months ago and we've just received the evaluation and diagnosis. I can't say we know alot yet but we do know our son.

At the doctors office yesterday, I was told, "Your were right." One psychologist had diagnosed him differently and I just couldn't see that being the true one for him.

After more testing, he has the diagnosis of Asperger w/depression.

As I read and learn more I so wish we would have known much earlier. But that is a little of our history and what brought us to this site.

I look forward to reading and sharing in the posts.

We've also found a local chapter on Asperger and will be attending in a couple of days.


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Hi Betty,

How is Jonatha? Did Jonatha sign up for drivers education? Does Jonatha have an interest in driving? How do you feel about Jonatha driving?

Our son didn't want to drive when it came to us allowing him to drive with us somewhere. Not to school, church which are just locally none of them.

He did want to take drivers ed and he did drive one on one with the instructor.

He's recently gone on meds and I believe he would do fine.

I was just wondering how you folks are facing this subject??


Re: ( ) hello

Ginny welcome here. Get all the info you can about Asperger. The more you know the more you can pass on to Family,friends & Teachers. Jonatha will be 16 Mar 24th. He is dx'd with Asperger/Bipolar/ OCD/Chronic Motor Tic Disorder.

Take care,Bettyginny rein <ginny_552001> wrote:

Hello and good morning,

I have asked to join the group because we have recently had our son diagnosed with asperger w/depression. He is 17 and soon to be graduated. I had him tested back in the 6th grade. We've struggled without knowing why. I remarried about 4 years ago and my husband was reading an article that he showed and said," this sounds just our son in many ways." Well, that was 8 months ago and we've just received the evaluation and diagnosis. I can't say we know alot yet but we do know our son.

At the doctors office yesterday, I was told, "Your were right." One psychologist had diagnosed him differently and I just couldn't see that being the true one for him.

After more testing, he has the diagnosis of Asperger w/depression.

As I read and learn more I so wish we would have known much earlier. But that is a little of our history and what brought us to this site.

I look forward to reading and sharing in the posts.

We've also found a local chapter on Asperger and will be attending in a couple of days.


Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

Take care,


Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Unfortuately or fortunately which ever we have not been to the doctor very much. Our son has so rarely been sick. We've done the once a year check ups but that's about it.

I do believe we are our sons best advocate. I agree wholeheartedly!!

Thanks for e-mailing.


Re: ( ) Re: hello

I agree, Sue. The most important things that I have learned are to trust my gut instincts, I know my child best and I am his best advocate.

Mimscarolynsuelowerycha ttanooga <sue@chasinglewisand clark.com> wrote:

Welcome Ginny,Our son was 23 before diagnosed. We went through at least five different pediatricians, one who even had a daughter with autism and NOT ONE of them ever suggested he might be autistic. We found it on our own.This is a great group, very supportive. My motto is go with your heart and mother's instinct. If the docs, or teachers or mother-in-law tell you something that you don't feel is right...believe what YOU think and know feels right.all the best to you and your son,SUe in Tennessee>> Hello and good morning,> I have asked to join the group because we have recently had our son diagnosed with asperger w/depression. He is 17 and soon to

be graduated. I had him tested back in the 6th grade. We've struggled without knowing why. I remarried about 4 years ago and my husband was reading an article that he showed and said," this sounds just our son in many ways." Well, that was 8 months ago and we've just received the evaluation and diagnosis. I can't say we know alot yet but we do know our son. > At the doctors office yesterday, I was told, "Your were right." One psychologist had diagnosed him differently and I just couldn't see that being the true one for him. > After more testing, he has the diagnosis of Asperger w/depression. > As I read and learn more I so wish we would have known much earlier. But that is a little of our history and what brought us to this site. > I look forward to reading and sharing in the posts.> We've also found a local chapter on Asperger and will be attending in a couple of days.

> > Ginny> > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _____________ ___> Looking for last minute shopping deals? > Find them fast with Search. http://tools. search.. com/newsearch/ category. php?category=shopping>

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is going on 20 (in less than 2 weeks) and we're taking him to test for his learner's permit next week. I should have my head examined for doing this in Boston, but that's where we are... (Boston drivers are notorious for being nuts!) There are a couple of options here. One is a guy who teaches driver's ed to people with special needs. He's got a dedicated track where he teaches them to drive. As you can imagine, it's very expensive. There are also a couple of people who are used to teaching people with AS, but don't have any special equipment or special "tracks." We'll probably go for one of the latter.LizOn Feb 29, 2008, at 1:04 PM, ginny rein wrote:Hi Betty,How is Jonatha? Did Jonatha sign up for drivers education? Does Jonatha have an interest in driving? How do you feel about Jonatha driving? Our son didn't want to drive when it came to us allowing him to drive with us somewhere. Not to school, church which are just locally none of them. He did want to take drivers ed and he did drive one on one with the instructor. He's recently gone on meds and I believe he would do fine. I was just wondering how you folks are facing this subject?? Ginny Re: ( ) helloGinny welcome here. Get all the info you can about Asperger. The more you know the more you can pass on to Family,friends & Teachers. Jonatha will be 16 Mar 24th. He is dx'd with Asperger/Bipolar/ OCD/Chronic Motor Tic Disorder.Take care,Bettyginny rein <ginny_552001> wrote:Hello and good morning, I have asked to join the group because we have recently had our son diagnosed with asperger w/depression. He is 17 and soon to be graduated. I had him tested back in the 6th grade. We've struggled without knowing why. I remarried about 4 years ago and my husband was reading an article that he showed and said," this sounds just our son in many ways." Well, that was 8 months ago and we've just received the evaluation and diagnosis. I can't say we know alot yet but we do know our son. At the doctors office yesterday, I was told, "Your were right." One psychologist had diagnosed him differently and I just couldn't see that being the true one for him. After more testing, he has the diagnosis of Asperger w/depression. As I read and learn more I so wish we would have known much earlier. But that is a little of our history and what brought us to this site. I look forward to reading and sharing in the posts. We've also found a local chapter on Asperger and will be attending in a couple of days. GinnyNever miss a thing. Make your homepage.Take care, BettyBe a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile.Try it now.Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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  • 2 months later...
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1) Ask the school counselor or principal if your chil;d can have a note taker or tutor.2) Make sure your child gets extra time for tests and & quizzes.

3) Introduce your child to the teacher as soon as possible and explain to them that your child has special needs: medicine, needs personal space, hates loud noises

4) When you're alone, pray for God to reach down and protect him/her from those that would want to hurt him/her.

Best wishes,


On Sun, May 11, 2008 at 9:52 AM, and/or Robin Lemke <jrisjs@...> wrote:

Hi Jessi.

All I can say, is, to take a deep breath.

He's still your child,,,,,,still awesome.

You're a good mom.

You can start reading everything that you can. Online and off.

Check out the local schools (elementary, middle, high) and even local Health Dept or Mental Health offices..... ..maybe even local Psychiatry Doc offices..... .anyway,, ,,check with them to see if there are any Social Skills classes for kids with social issues.

Get in as good as you can with the schools.

They SHOULD know more....but lots of times, they don't. Some may WANT to learn and others may not want you tol teach them...,,,,, ,,,,but some MAY!!!!!

Stay in groups like this.......they' ve been the best for me. When I've struggled,,, ,,,,and cried,,,,,and fought for my son,,,,and still got NOWHERE,,,,, ,there were groups like this.....where some of the gals have become REAL friends.

So,,,,ask away.

Stay as calm as you can.

Oh=======leave any doc that you don't feel " right " about. It's not worth fighting them, too.

Have a super day.

Robin momofandy <jkluck@...> wrote:

I am not sure if I have introduced myself or not so I will now just to be sure.I am Jessi. I have 4 boys ages 4 1/2, 3 1/2, 2 and 7 months. Our second oldest Andy has mild cp and is now being assessed by the school

system for asperger's or something else on the autism spectrum. They are pretty sure that it is asperger's though. I am just wondering were do we go from here?Thanks everyone.Jessi

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

-- From Ms. Sara Willis

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As an RN who has worked with kids in a Psych. setting I would find a Specialist

who has

had advanced CLINICAL training with children with various disabilties. School


normally do not have the amount of training it takes to make differential

diagnosis of this

kind, esp. at such a young age. Find THE specialist to confirm the education


suspicion. Then continue with counseling for a time to learn the ins and outs of


child's way of relating to and perceiving the world and what methods you can


while they are young to help them adapt to it. The biggest mistake a person can

make is to

rely solely on the school districts opinion without getting an official

diagnosis and help in

all aspects of the child's life.

My BIL and SIL had two childred with CP, we have a son with Asperger's. From

my own

experience in healthcare I have not run across a child with CP and autism,

although there

may be some. Usually CP kids are either bright and normal intelligence or they

may have

microcephaly along with the CP diagnosis, which is NOT autism but can cause a

type of

muteness or difficulty in communicating. Why does the school suspect

Asperger's? It is

not easy to diagnosis in kids as it is, it would be harder to diagnose in CP

kids even for

health care givers.

At the very least go to a reputable online source to look up both CP and

Asperger's and

read up on them.

www.udel.edu/bkirby/asperger for Asperger's Syndrome

www.ucp.org/ for Cerebral Palsy

Be sure to look at the extremes in both cases and then ask yourself if YOU think

this is

could be your child. = )

Dee ><)))*>


> I am not sure if I have introduced myself or not so I will now just to

> be sure.

> I am Jessi. I have 4 boys ages 4 1/2, 3 1/2, 2 and 7 months. Our

> second oldest Andy has mild cp and is now being assessed by the school

> system for asperger's or something else on the autism spectrum. They

> are pretty sure that it is asperger's though. I am just wondering

> were do we go from here?

> Thanks everyone.

> Jessi


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Hi Jessi,

If it is asperger's or something else, the school

should help you get a good phyiciatrist (paid by them)

To do the evaluation to be sure.

If they don't then get your own, and from there on in, whatever it

is, he may need to see a physicologist to vent and share feelings if


Our ds (17 now) was told he had ADD (which he does), but a year or

two later a wonderful teacher of his went to a seminar on Asperger's

syndrome and called me right away to let us know she thought our son

had Asperger's. She said being at the seminar she realized OMG

that's sounds like Stan, (and she was right).

We have been to at least 3 different phyciatrists through the years

just to make sure, now he sees one every so many months and a

physcologist every week or every other week.

It has helped talking to her very much. In the beginning he didn't

want to go see her, but about after a year, now he looks forward to

talking to her.

He is on prozac (small dose) once a week and sonata every school

nite to help him relax and get to sleep.

He still doesn't care to have friends, he likes to be a loner.

I wish he had one or two friends but, I'm hoping this program he is

going to go to in the fall will help. He'll go to school 1/2 day and

to a vocational/rehabilition program 1/2 day learning how to deal

with everyday life situations, and learning how to do different jobs

and getting paid min. wage for it.

I wish you luck on your journey.

There always seems there is something new to learn.



> I am not sure if I have introduced myself or not so I will now

just to

> be sure.

> I am Jessi. I have 4 boys ages 4 1/2, 3 1/2, 2 and 7 months. Our

> second oldest Andy has mild cp and is now being assessed by the


> system for asperger's or something else on the autism spectrum.


> are pretty sure that it is asperger's though. I am just wondering

> were do we go from here?

> Thanks everyone.

> Jessi


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Thanks for the advice it is good to know there are people out there who

understand how I feel.


---- and/or Robin Lemke <jrisjs@...> wrote:


Hi Jessi.

All I can say, is, to take a deep breath.

He's still your child,,,,,,still awesome.

You're a good mom.

You can start reading everything that you can. Online and off.

Check out the local schools (elementary, middle, high) and even local Health

Dept or Mental Health offices..... ..maybe even local Psychiatry Doc

offices..... .anyway,, ,,check with them to see if there are any Social Skills

classes for kids with social issues.

Get in as good as you can with the schools.

They SHOULD know more....but lots of times, they don't. Some may WANT to

learn and others may not want you tol teach them...,,,,, ,,,,but some MAY!!!!!

Stay in groups like this.......they' ve been the best for me. When I've

struggled,,, ,,,,and cried,,,,,and fought for my son,,,,and still got

NOWHERE,,,,, ,there were groups like this.....where some of the gals have become

REAL friends.

So,,,,ask away.

Stay as calm as you can.

Oh=======leave any doc that you don't feel " right " about. It's not worth

fighting them, too.

Have a super day.


momofandy <jkluck@...> wrote:

I am not sure if I have introduced myself or not so I will now just to

be sure.

I am Jessi. I have 4 boys ages 4 1/2, 3 1/2, 2 and 7 months. Our

second oldest Andy has mild cp and is now being assessed by the school

system for asperger's or something else on the autism spectrum. They

are pretty sure that it is asperger's though. I am just wondering

were do we go from here?

Thanks everyone.



Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.




My God make my home a happy home founded on Unselfish Love and Sacrifice

Grant me Prudence Perseverance and Humility in the performancy of ALL my duties

Increase my Patience and assist me in Guiding each of Your children and mine

with Love Wisdom and Understanding

Give me Courage to say No to them when I should regardless of their pleading and

temporary sadness

And may my Conduct and Speech Inspire and Encourage them in Their Steps Toward

You so that 1 day All my family may be United in Your Eternal Home


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Thank you for your help I'm really glad I found this site. It's nice to talk to

people who understand.

Thanks again.


---- smitch458 <smitch458@...> wrote:


Hi Jessi,

If it is asperger's or something else, the school

should help you get a good phyiciatrist (paid by them)

To do the evaluation to be sure.

If they don't then get your own, and from there on in, whatever it

is, he may need to see a physicologist to vent and share feelings if


Our ds (17 now) was told he had ADD (which he does), but a year or

two later a wonderful teacher of his went to a seminar on Asperger's

syndrome and called me right away to let us know she thought our son

had Asperger's. She said being at the seminar she realized OMG

that's sounds like Stan, (and she was right).

We have been to at least 3 different phyciatrists through the years

just to make sure, now he sees one every so many months and a

physcologist every week or every other week.

It has helped talking to her very much. In the beginning he didn't

want to go see her, but about after a year, now he looks forward to

talking to her.

He is on prozac (small dose) once a week and sonata every school

nite to help him relax and get to sleep.

He still doesn't care to have friends, he likes to be a loner.

I wish he had one or two friends but, I'm hoping this program he is

going to go to in the fall will help. He'll go to school 1/2 day and

to a vocational/rehabilition program 1/2 day learning how to deal

with everyday life situations, and learning how to do different jobs

and getting paid min. wage for it.

I wish you luck on your journey.

There always seems there is something new to learn.



> I am not sure if I have introduced myself or not so I will now

just to

> be sure.

> I am Jessi. I have 4 boys ages 4 1/2, 3 1/2, 2 and 7 months. Our

> second oldest Andy has mild cp and is now being assessed by the


> system for asperger's or something else on the autism spectrum.


> are pretty sure that it is asperger's though. I am just wondering

> were do we go from here?

> Thanks everyone.

> Jessi





My God make my home a happy home founded on Unselfish Love and Sacrifice

Grant me Prudence Perseverance and Humility in the performancy of ALL my duties

Increase my Patience and assist me in Guiding each of Your children and mine

with Love Wisdom and Understanding

Give me Courage to say No to them when I should regardless of their pleading and

temporary sadness

And may my Conduct and Speech Inspire and Encourage them in Their Steps Toward

You so that 1 day All my family may be United in Your Eternal Home


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