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Re: Hi Emma: Slowing Down Joint Damage

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Here is a testimony that may assist your research:

YES! After being on the AP for six years, having sustained some pretty

severe damage, and never feeling that my pain had really " left " , I started

MTX three months ago.

It is like a miracle . My once, " forever " swollen ankles, golf ball ankles,

are now flat, my hands are no longer boggy in the knuckles, and my pain is

gone. I haven't felt like this in twelve years. Also I was anemic the entire

time on Doxi and had some really off blood values on my CBC ( usually at

least 6 items were flagged) and now that has also returned to normal. A

month of MTX reversed my bloodwork to normal. The only thing flagged now is

a slight elevated RBW.

I thought I was going of have to have a wrist replace and and one fused from

the damage as they hurt so badly and I could barely use them. By doing OT

with Thera-putty I gained strength and the MTX knocked out the pain. I

actually lifted weights using my wrists yesterday for the first time in

years where it did not hurt nor did I hurt this morning.

Also I have gone from taking two 7.5 Mobics a day to only taking 1/2 of a

7.5 at night.

I fought long and hard not to take this drug and now I am sorry that I did

not start it sooner. Maybe I would not have had the severe damage that I

have now and would have had more pain-free days. I just kept thinning I was

herxing on the AP where it actually was the disease becoming more


I am only taking 7.5 mg of MTX now down from 12.5 that I started on.

I know the AP has helped many, but I guess there are some of us that it just

wasn't meant for.

My advice to those on AP that still have pain...Keep up with the Xrays!

Ken Pearson <maputo95@...> wrote:

Hi Emma

Thank you for the research you are doing and God speed on that. One conclusion

that I have read indicates that although Minocin and other Antx reduce swelling

and pain well, they do not slow down joint damage as much as the other, more

toxic drugs do. I will try to find these conclusions which I hope are wrong.

emluv23@... wrote:

Hi Ken,

I am in the process of compiling all the published articles on Minocin and

doing a critical analysis. It's taken months, as there are now hundreds of

articles, even coming out as recently as the last year. The ones that don't make


strong case for Minocin invariably had a study design that was too short in

duration. Most of us know how long it takes to see the turnaround! Many of us

will actually get worse before getting better and the studies are not designed

to account for that. I'm involved in research right now, and hopefully in the

future will have the chance to direct research that will prove what many of us

have found to be true!

Fingers crossed!



Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.


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Ken, What does MTX refer to?

--- Ken Pearson <maputo95@...> wrote:

> Emma


> Here is a testimony that may assist your research:



> YES! After being on the AP for six years, having

> sustained some pretty

> severe damage, and never feeling that my pain had

> really " left " , I started

> MTX three months ago.


> It is like a miracle . My once, " forever " swollen

> ankles, golf ball ankles,

> are now flat, my hands are no longer boggy in the

> knuckles, and my pain is

> gone. I haven't felt like this in twelve years. Also

> I was anemic the entire

> time on Doxi and had some really off blood values on

> my CBC ( usually at

> least 6 items were flagged) and now that has also

> returned to normal. A

> month of MTX reversed my bloodwork to normal. The

> only thing flagged now is

> a slight elevated RBW.


> I thought I was going of have to have a wrist

> replace and and one fused from

> the damage as they hurt so badly and I could barely

> use them. By doing OT

> with Thera-putty I gained strength and the MTX

> knocked out the pain. I

> actually lifted weights using my wrists yesterday

> for the first time in

> years where it did not hurt nor did I hurt this

> morning.


> Also I have gone from taking two 7.5 Mobics a day to

> only taking 1/2 of a

> 7.5 at night.


> I fought long and hard not to take this drug and now

> I am sorry that I did

> not start it sooner. Maybe I would not have had the

> severe damage that I

> have now and would have had more pain-free days. I

> just kept thinning I was

> herxing on the AP where it actually was the disease

> becoming more

> aggressive.


> I am only taking 7.5 mg of MTX now down from 12.5

> that I started on.


> I know the AP has helped many, but I guess there are

> some of us that it just

> wasn't meant for.


> My advice to those on AP that still have pain...Keep

> up with the Xrays!






> Ken Pearson <maputo95@...> wrote:

> Hi Emma


> Thank you for the research you are doing and God

> speed on that. One conclusion that I have read

> indicates that although Minocin and other Antx

> reduce swelling and pain well, they do not slow down

> joint damage as much as the other, more toxic drugs

> do. I will try to find these conclusions which I

> hope are wrong.


> emluv23@... wrote:

> Hi Ken,


> I am in the process of compiling all the published

> articles on Minocin and

> doing a critical analysis. It's taken months, as

> there are now hundreds of

> articles, even coming out as recently as the last

> year. The ones that don't make a

> strong case for Minocin invariably had a study

> design that was too short in

> duration. Most of us know how long it takes to see

> the turnaround! Many of us

> will actually get worse before getting better and

> the studies are not designed

> to account for that. I'm involved in research right

> now, and hopefully in the

> future will have the chance to direct research that

> will prove what many of us

> have found to be true!

> Fingers crossed!

> Emma


> **************

> Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in

> shape.





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Hi Ken,

Yes, it does go to show you there are testimonials for everything and we are

all different. What we need are studies that are long enough in duration,

include a large enough sampling of people, evenly matched, that compare AP with

these other drugs. Glad something is working for you!




Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.


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hi ken

sent the last message before i read how much mtx is helping you. that is

great. are you taking milk thistle to help your liver? it didn't help me

at all but glad it helps some. as you say we are all differnt. as long

as we find something that works.




Here is a testimony that may assist your research:

YES! After being on the AP for six years, having sustained some pretty

severe damage, and never feeling that my pain had really " left " , I started

MTX three months ago.

It is like a miracle . My once, " forever " swollen ankles, golf ball ankles,

are now flat, my hands are no longer boggy in the knuckles, and my pain is

gone. I haven't felt like this in twelve years. Also I was anemic the entire

time on Doxi and had some really off blood values on my CBC ( usually at

least 6 items were flagged) and now that has also returned to normal. A

month of MTX reversed my bloodwork to normal. The only thing flagged now is

a slight elevated RBW.

I thought I was going of have to have a wrist replace and and one fused from

the damage as they hurt so badly and I could barely use them. By doing OT

with Thera-putty I gained strength and the MTX knocked out the pain. I

actually lifted weights using my wrists yesterday for the first time in

years where it did not hurt nor did I hurt this morning.

Also I have gone from taking two 7.5 Mobics a day to only taking 1/2 of a

7.5 at night.

I fought long and hard not to take this drug and now I am sorry that I did

not start it sooner. Maybe I would not have had the severe damage that I

have now and would have had more pain-free days. I just kept thinning I was

herxing on the AP where it actually was the disease becoming more


I am only taking 7.5 mg of MTX now down from 12.5 that I started on.

I know the AP has helped many, but I guess there are some of us that it just

wasn't meant for.

My advice to those on AP that still have pain...Keep up with the Xrays!

Ken Pearson <maputo95@... <mailto:maputo95%40>> wrote:

Hi Emma

Thank you for the research you are doing and God speed on that. One

conclusion that I have read indicates that although Minocin and other

Antx reduce swelling and pain well, they do not slow down joint damage

as much as the other, more toxic drugs do. I will try to find these

conclusions which I hope are wrong.

emluv23@... <mailto:emluv23%40aol.com> wrote:

Hi Ken,

I am in the process of compiling all the published articles on Minocin and

doing a critical analysis. It's taken months, as there are now hundreds of

articles, even coming out as recently as the last year. The ones that

don't make a

strong case for Minocin invariably had a study design that was too short in

duration. Most of us know how long it takes to see the turnaround! Many

of us

will actually get worse before getting better and the studies are not


to account for that. I'm involved in research right now, and hopefully

in the

future will have the chance to direct research that will prove what many

of us

have found to be true!

Fingers crossed!



Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.



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