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Cooky has heart

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Yeah ok Cooky - I've been known to over react to stuff. I know

you've helped me in the past and i'm grateful for that. I thought

you had decided i was stupid and wasn't talking to me. I have low

self esteem and imagine all sorts of things. I tried writing you

recently but the email bounced. Forget i said anything ok. I am

feeling emotional and will get over it. I feel like i'm sinking in

quicksand because of my situation. Thank you for your kind words.



> Oh Leonie, Give me a break. I was kidding around with you. If I'd


> meant it I would have used far worse language :-)))




> Anyway who wrote to you after you made a big boo boo and got you

back on

> this site to get he help you were talking about.??? And if you don't

> remember me writing personally to you about AP and how to use it

and what to

> do about yeast then I guess you do have brain fog.




> Heart.I am in remission and still stay here trying to help. Others

who have

> hearts do it too but most of those who are in remission are too

busy to talk

> to the people here. This is how wrong info gets around.




> No you are not on methotrexate. You get your BUTT back here. I love

you and

> so does everyone else here.




> Cooky










> Yeah well Cooky, I'm going thru a very tough time right now, and


> questions to try and figure things out. If i wasn't interested in

AP, i

> wouldn't bother to try and discuss things and get to the bottom of

it. I

> have bad brain fog and can't read everything and take in

information. I have

> an anxiety disorder which means i can't concentrate on anything or

> understand stuff and get my act together. I never noticed you or


> offering to coach me a bit, even tho some on this list do give me a

lot of

> help and information re AP and detoxing etc. And you shouting at me


> your capitals letters and terse language just tells me you are a

radical nut

> with no heart! You are mean. Goodbye! I'm going on methotrexate.


> ~Leonie

> leoniecentbigpond (DOT) com





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Butt Butt Butt.here are some more kind words! :-))))

Sorry I could not pass that up. Leonie, you probably have the biggest heart

here. You always have a word for anyone that is sad or blue or just needs

their hand held. So you just pick up that self esteem girl. Stick it on your

shoulders..you got it goin!

I was just like you.sinking. .11 years ago. I felt like I would never get

better. I called people who were helped by Doc brown. I bugged them for

info. One even told me to call someone else. So I know how you feel. A day

feels like a month. A day of pain and sadness. BUT you stay on this

girlfriend and next year you will be kicking someone elses butt. By the way

my 4 yr old grandbaby just love to say butt! She makes the B sound like

baaat and says it so cute.

Have a good nit or day or whatever you are having now. Time for me to get

ready for bed.


Yeah ok Cooky - I've been known to over react to stuff. I know

you've helped me in the past and i'm grateful for that. I thought

you had decided i was stupid and wasn't talking to me. I have low

self esteem and imagine all sorts of things. I tried writing you

recently but the email bounced. Forget i said anything ok. I am

feeling emotional and will get over it. I feel like i'm sinking in

quicksand because of my situation. Thank you for your kind words.


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