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Re: Re: Amy hormone question FOR EVA

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Can you please explain what is an AP doctor and what does s/he offer?

Thank you,



> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Hi Leonie,

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > It was nice to hear from you. It goes back to the old times,

> > > for us.

> > > > > > > > Fortunately, RA is a thing of the past

> > > > > > > > for nne. Although she still needs the hormone drops, her RA

> > > > > > > > symptoms are gone and she feels fine.

> > > > > > > > She still is lacking somewhat in energy but that may be

> > > related to

> > > > > > > > other things, and being 76 puts on some

> > > > > > > > limitations too. We like to think it should go back to what is

> > > > > was 10

> > > > > > > > and 20 years ago (don't we wish).

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Anyway, the hormone treatment of RA (this means RA only) is

> > > > > according to

> > > > > > > > my wife's experience a dream

> > > > > > > > come true. As I mentioned earlier, there are no problematic

> > > side

> > > > > effects

> > > > > > > > and the treatment is so fast, painless and

> > > > > > > > without bad feelings. No Herx, no stomach problems, no immune

> > > > > issues,

> > > > > > > > nothing !! nne was so glad

> > > > > > > > to get off all the medications and pain killers. Her nutrition

> > > > > is on the

> > > > > > > > healthy side ( limitted dairy, very little sugar)but nothing

> > > > > extreme.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > In the application of the Liefmann Protocol, the sublinqual

> > > hormone

> > > > > > > > drops are taken three times a day and as the picture improves

> > > > > > > > the dose is gradually reduced. After four months, she switched

> > > > > to twice

> > > > > > > > a day which is her present routine.

> > > > > > > > By now, she is at about 40% of the initial dose.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Similar to the AP, the treatment is guided by symptoms. If the

> > > > > dose is

> > > > > > > > reduced too much ,RA symptoms like

> > > > > > > > finger stiffness comes back. The ability to make a closed fist

> > > > > is a good

> > > > > > > > indicator.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > The hormone dose is similarly guided by symptoms and feeling.

> > > > > There is a

> > > > > > > > list of symptoms for estrogen and

> > > > > > > > testosterone being to high or too low and it is easily

> > > corrected.

> > > > > > > > Ever since nne is on the Liefmann protocol all her lab

> > > data are

> > > > > > > > back to normal.

> > > > > > > > Osteo arthritis is also controlled by the Liefmann protocol !

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Now the prime question, estrogen and hormone related cancers. I

> > > > > > > > thoroughly studied this aspect for obvious reasons and came

> > > up with

> > > > > > > > some surprising and reassuring information. First of all, the

> > > > > overall

> > > > > > > > treatment of about 23,000 patients with the

> > > > > > > > Liefmann treatment showed no problems with cancer.

> > > > > > > > A literature survey revealed that testosterone has

> > > preventive and

> > > > > > > > protective properties when it comes to " female "

> > > > > > > > cancers. In a study at the Lousiana Menopause Clinic, 4000

> > > women

> > > > > were

> > > > > > > > treated with testosterone supplementation.

> > > > > > > > In the well documented study, the group taking testosterone

> > > had a

> > > > > > > > cancer rate of less than half (46%) than that

> > > > > > > > of the control group.

> > > > > > > > Also, RA patients (male and female) typically have a subnormal

> > > > > > > > testosterone level.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > To insure safety from cancer in general, nne applies dermal

> > > > > > > > Progesterone ( 100 mg /day) to avoid estrogen

> > > > > > > > dominance, takes DIM (di-indolylmethane) and eats many brassica

> > > > > > > > vegetables (broccoli) to control the 2/16 metabolite

> > > > > > > > ratio. See: http://www.tahoma-> clinic.com/>

> > > hrtbreastcancer. > > > >

> > > > > shtml

> > > > > > > <http://www.tahoma-> clinic.com/> hrtbreastcancer. > > > > shtml>

> > > > > > > > <http://www.tahoma-> clinic.com/> hrtbreastcancer. > > > > shtml

> > > > > > > <http://www.tahoma-> clinic.com/> hrtbreastcancer. > > > > shtml>>

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Leonie, being in Australia it would be best if you find a

> > > > > cooperative

> > > > > > > > doctor (your family doctor is probably the best choice,

> > > > > > > > rheumatologists are the worst) who is willing to help you and

> > > > > contact

> > > > > > > > stoparthritis. > > > > com for info. They will work with your

> > > > > > > > doctor and provide all the info he/she needs.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Good luck,

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > ============ > > > > =========> =========> =========> =========>

> > > > > =========> =========> =========> =========> ==========

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > ,___

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > >

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Hello Sema,


AP stands for Antibiotic Protocol. the patient is put on antibiotics for RA and

other arthritis related problems. The antibiotics fight the left over stuff from

previous infections that have stayed in your body and now causing havoc. I will

include the Q & A from the Road Back.

It is a long chapter. If you need more info on antibiotics just ask the group

they will all help.






also in Spanish (courtesy Lucy Riebling)

and in German (courtesy Achim Görner)

and in Portuguese (courtesy Gualter Verissimo)

and in Korean (courtesy Yoon Jae Ho)


Antibiotic therapy is based on the theory that inflammatory rheumatic diseases

such as rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, lupus, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis,

polymyositis, ankylosing spondylitis, etc. have an infectious cause such as

mycoplasma and other bacterial L forms. Significant evidence supporting this

theory has been published in medical literature for decades. The use of low dose

antibiotics, particularly from the tetracycline or macrolide families, attack

the disease process at its source, namely the infectious agent. In contrast to

the treatment of ordinary, acute bacterial infections with faster growing

bacteria, the bacterial forms which trigger the chronic infectious disease

processes are much slower growing organisms; thus, the antibiotic protocols

prescribed for treating the rheumatoid diseases are based on the use of

long-term, low-dose antibiotics, usually given only three days per week -

sometimes more frequently.

This therapy is equally effective in patients with severe and/or long-standing

disease as it is in those with mild to moderate disease. McPherson Brown,

M.D. (1906-1989), a well known rheumatologist who practiced in the Washington,

D.C. area, pioneered this treatment over fifty years ago and successfully used

it to treat over ten thousand patients during his lifetime.

In contrast, however, the toxic medications used by rheumatologists today in

conventional therapy are prescribed to try and control or suppress symptoms

rather than to eradicate the underlying bacterial infection, which is the root

cause of the disease process. These more toxic drugs may or may not be

effective. If they do work, it is only a matter of time before they either lose

their effectiveness or the patient develops side effects, forcing him/her to

discontinue usage of them. The patients often are left worse than before they

ever started the medication.

The ultimate decision about whether this antibiotic therapy is appropriate for

you should be made with advice from your physician. Treatment must be tailored

to the individual patient. While this therapy is effective for the vast majority

of rheumatoid patients, it does not always work for everyone. If treatment

failure occurs, then other misdiagnosed medical problems must be investigated

carefully, always keeping in mind that one can have more than one disease

process as well as more than one diagnosis going on in one's body at the same


For example, toxic root canal teeth and Lyme Disease (caused by a spirochete)

are two of the most commonly overlooked problems which can lead to treatment

failure because they require separate treatment programs. In fact, if either of

these two diagnoses is so much as suspected of being even a remote possibility,

then appropriate testing should be done before starting any long term antibiotic

protocol in order to prevent unnecessary complications with this therapy. [Lyme

Disease is now associated with over 300 medical conditions including ALS;

Alzheimer's disease; Parkinson's disease; MS; almost any inflammatory or

degenerative central, autonomic, and peripheral neurological disturbance;

fibromyalgia; IBS; eye inflammation; rheumatoid arthritis; scleroderma; lupus,

etc. Patients need to be aware that current guidelines for testing Lyme often

result in false negatives. Researcher Joanne Whitaker, M.D. has developed a more

accurate test for Lyme Disease

called the Q-RIBb test which actually looks for the cell wall deficient form of

Borrelia Burgdorferi, rather than relying on detection of antibodies. This test

is available from Central Florida Research, Inc. They accept billing for

Medicare and most major insurance companies. Check their website for more

information. www.centralfloridar esearch.com. The phone number is 863-956-3538.



Typically, patients with severe and/or long-standing disease are started with a

series of daily intravenous clindamycin for five to seven days. (See Section

11.) The first two days, 300 mg. of clindamycin would be administered in 250 cc

0.9% saline dripped over a 50 to 60 minute period. (D5W is not used because of

the yeast overgrowth found in a large percentage of these patients.) The third

and fourth day 600 mg. is given, the fifth and subsequent days 900 mg. Some

physicians build up to 1200 mg.

After the initial daily intravenous series, IVs may be administered once weekly,

once every other week or as the physician determines for the individual patient.

The IVs are continued until all lab figures return to normal, which can often

take longer than a year, sometimes several years for patients with severe and/or

long-standing disease. Lab results should then be monitored for several months

longer, to be sure that the patient remains stable, before discontinuing the


Various modifications to the late Dr. Brown's original antibiotic protocol

regarding the use of IV clindamycin have been made by some physicians currently

treating rheumatoid patients today. Some physicians have reported success using

clindamycin orally, or in intramuscular injections. Orally, the single dose is

1200 mg. once a week. For intramuscular injections, 300 mg to 600 mg. once a

week. For sensitive patients, a local anesthetic may be applied to the injection

site. However, simply changing the needle tip, after drawing the medication into

the syringe and before injecting it, will avoid the problem of tissue irritation

at the injection site, because it is the trace amount of medication on the tip

of the needle that causes the tissue irritation.

[A. Franco, M.D., a rheumatologist in Riverside, California who has years

of experience in using this therapy, often prescribes a seven day series of IV

clindamycin every five weeks for four cycles and then reassesses the patient's

needs. In some of his patients. Dr. Franco has substituted oral Zithromax

(azithromycin) 250 mg. twice daily for two days each week (Tues. Thurs.) in

combination with oral Minocin (Mon., Wed., Fri.).] When the initial course of

IVs is completed, patients begin oral therapy - minocycline (Minocin) or

doxycycline (Vibramycin/ Doryx) 100 mg. once or twice daily, or tetracycline 250

mg. to 500 mg. twice daily Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This intermittent

therapy (also referred to as pulsing) is effective for most patients. More is

not necessarily better; however, in some cases, five or even seven-day a week

doses may be necessary for a limited time. The use of higher doses tends to make

it more difficult to keep the

intestinal tract in balance. Patients with mild to moderate disease are started

with this same oral therapy, but often without the initial week-long series of

IV clindamycin at the beginning. Erythromycin can be substituted for those

patients sensitive to the tetracyclines.

Tetracycline is more apt to react with food and must be taken on an empty

stomach. Some patients may need to take doxycycline with food, especially at

first until their body gets used to it, although doxycycline is better absorbed

apart from meals. Taking 3 or 4 ounces of a pharmaceutical grade aloe vera

liquid shortly after taking the antibiotic has been found beneficial for those

with sensitive stomachs. Reliable brands of aloe vera would include:

Coats International, Garland, TX - www.coatsaloe. com Ð 1-800-486-ALOE - liquid

Allied Pharmacy - Arlington, TX - 1-800-428-6331 (organic aloe) - capsules

None of the antibiotics in the tetracycline family (tetracycline, doxycycline,

minocycline) should be taken at the same time with calcium supplements,

including dairy products, or with any other minerals such as magnesium, iron,

etc. which have the same chemical valance as calcium. Ask your pharmacist for

advice here because it is known that other minerals can also have similar

inhibiting effects as calcium does on the absorption out of the GI tract of all

antibiotics in the tetracycline family.

Caution: Be sure to drink a full glass of water and to remain sitting upright

for at least 30-45 minutes whenever taking any antibiotic in the tetracycline

family in order to prevent esophageal injury. For this reason, do not take this

medication immediately before going to bed at night, but remain sitting up long

enough to be sure the pill reaches the stomach and does not remain stuck in the

esophagus, where it might dissolve and cause painful esophageal burning and


Some reported sensitivities to the tetracycline drugs may be caused by the drug

being introduced too rapidly and at too high a dose. A slow start, 50 mg. Monday

and Friday then gradually building up to the standard dose (100 mg. once or

twice Monday, Wednesday and Friday), can often avoid this allergic reaction.

Caution: Some oral generic tetracyclines hav! e been f ound to be ineffective

for this therapy.

For children under twelve with inflammatory rheumatic disease, EryPed

(erythromycin) , is prescribed in place of the tetracycline drugs, to avoid

staining of teeth. The dosage is one teaspoon (200 mg.) three times a day for 15

to 21 days; then 200 mg. two times a day thereafter, seven days a week - taken

with food. The patient is kept on this medication for three to six months after

labs return to normal. If labs are still normal after this time, tapering of the

drug may begin.

Caution: Erythromycin and clindamycin should not be taken together, according to

the Nursing Drug Handbook, because erythromycin may block access of clindamycin

to its site of action.

Caution: Patients should always inform their physician of adverse reactions to

any of their medications.

Exacerbation of systemic lupus erythematosis has been reported in patients

taking minocycline, as has transient lupus-like symptoms. However, while some

physicians report they have not had a problem at the low doses used in this

protocol, other physicians avoid the risk by prescribing erythromycin for their

lupus patients - 333 mg. twice a day Monday, Wednesday and Friday - taken with

food. For those patients with sensitive stomachs, Ery-Tabs may be prescribed.

[As mentioned previously, taking three or four ounces of a pharmaceutical grade

aloe vera shortly after taking the antibiotic, has been found beneficial for

those with sensitive stomachs. ]

Note: A suspected 'causal' association between mycoplasma hominus and lupus was

shown in Cassell GH, Clough W, Septic Arthritis and Bacteremia Due to Mycoplasma

Resistant to Antimicrobial Therapy in a Patient with Systemic Lupus

Erythematosus, Clin Infec Dis, 1992; 15:402-407, and mycoplasma hominus is known

to be resistant to erythromycin, therefore necessitating the use of an

antibiotic in the tetracycline family, with Minocin being the most effective.

What might be happening, instead, is that the so-called 'lupus! flare' is really

another example of a Herxheimer reaction which is occurring. Therefore, possibly

by reducing the dosage and/or frequency of Minocin, and by monitoring the

situation closely with frequent, repeated lab testing, these precautionary

measures might be sufficient to resolve this potential problem concerning the

use of Minocin in treating lupus patients, before the situation can get too far

out of control.

ANTI-INFLAMMATORIES : Reducing the inflammatory barrier is essential to allow

penetration of the antibiotic. NSAIDS as well as aspirin preparations

(preferably enteric coated) are used for this purpose. These drugs and the

dosage will need to be tailored to the individual. All of them must be used with

caution as they can cause serious side effects. (www.rxlist.com) Other products

known to reduce inflammation and safer than NSAIDS include:

1. Cod liver oil (Kirkland's or Carlson's - both mercury free) - suggested

dosage is 1 TB twice a day with 400 IU of vitamin E.

3. Wobenzyme-N- two tablets on an empty stomach three times a day to start -

increasing to five tablets three times per day. The anti-inflammatory action is

lost if there is food in the stomach.

In highly sensitized individuals, antihistamines and small doses of

corticosteroids (less than 5 mg. a day) are helpful. 'To reduce the inflammatory

barrier and allow penetration of the antibiotics, 1 to 5 mg of prednisone may be

administered to the patient simultaneously with the antibiotic. Preferably no

more than 10 mg. should be administered for flares. Larger doses when required

should be given in short interrupted courses. It is of interest that the

concomitant use of antibiotics with the steroids makes steroid withdrawal

easier. The dosage of the drug must be kept low to avoid interfering with the

immune system but high enough to reduce the hypersensitivity or allergic

inflammatory reactions of the disease.' Dr. McPherson Brown in Antibiotic

Treatmen! t Plan.

INJECTING THE JOINT McPherson Brown, M.D. et al in Antimycoplasma

Approach to the Mechanism and the Control of Rheumatoid Disease from

Inflammatory Diseases and Copper, The Humana Press 1982 states:'Intraarticular

injections of clindamycin have been very effective when the reactive state of

the joint is so intense that penetrance (of the antibiotic) is not achieved by

the oral or IV route. The inflammation must be reduced in most instances for

maximum clindamycin effect. The usual treatment plan for large joints,

clindamycin 300 mg, plus dexamethasone 4 mg. A reduced amount of the same

combination of these medications is used for smaller joints.'



Yes, bacterial cell membranes are surrounded by a lipid layer (a water

insoluble, fatty substance which surrounds the cell and provides it with fuel.

As a means of resisting antibiotics, the cells increase the thickness of this

lipid layer. Minocycline appears to have greater penetrating ability. It also

has an extended spectrum of activity and stays in the system longer and at

higher levels than tetracycline. HOWEVER, there are patients who have had

excellent response using doxycycline and tetracycline.


The tetracycline antibiotics taken in low dose, intermittent fashion, can be

used indefinitely without the build-up of tolerance to the drug and without the

serious side effects of conventional drugs. However, as with all medications,

side effects may be encountered. There have been some reports of dizziness when

starting the Minocin that may be due to starting at too high a dose. This

usually abates with time; however, it should be reported to your physician.

Temporarily reducing the dosage of the Minocin may eliminate the dizziness.

The antibiotics can cause yeast infections, as do NSAIDS, steroids, methotrexate

and the other drugs prescribed for these diseases. These drugs kill off the

necessary good bacteria in the intestinal tract. Before starting this therapy,

patients should be tested for candida immune-complexes, and if found,

appropriate treatment should be prescribed. Conventional therapy would include

anti-fungals such as Nystatin or Diflucan. Natural therapies would include diet,

olive leaf extract along with slippery elm, L glutamine, and grapefruit seed

extract. [see Section 13 for list of laboratories testing for candida

immune-complexes. ]

Reliable brands of olive leaf extract would include:

Seagate Products - www.seagateproducts .com - 1-888-505-4283

East Park Research - www.lef.org (distributor) - 1-800-544-4440

It is extremely important that patients take a good probiotic while on this

therapy in sufficient quantity to replace the good bacteria destroyed by these

drugs. Effective products include -

Natren's Healthy Trinity - www.natren.com or 1-866-462-8736

Metagenics Ultra Flora Plus - NEEDS - 1-800-634-1380

Culturelle by Klaire - www.needs.comGrainfields (www.grainfields. ca or

www.agmfoods. com)

Diarrhea is listed as a side effect, especially with the clindamycin, but this

has not been encountered at the dosage used in this therapy. Some patients'

stomachs have become sensitized from medications prior to starting this therapy

and may experience nausea. Taking the drug with food (no dairy products) may

help. It has also been found helpful to start with a reduced dosage - 50 mg.

once or twice a week for up to several months, gradually increasing to the

recommended dose. Taking three or four ounces of a pharmaceutical gra! de aloe

vera shortly after taking the antibiotic may be helpful for the nausea.

It is recommended that patients avoid direct sunlight while on these


5. WHAT IS HYPERPIGMENTATION?Minocycline can cause discoloration of the skin

anywhere on the body. This is called hyperpigmentation. Large daily doses of

ascorbic acid (vitamin C) may prevent this phenomenon. (Bowles WH, Baylor

College of Dentistry, Texas A & M University System Protection against minocycline

pigment formation by ascorbic acid, J Esthet Dent, 10(4):182-6 1998)

Dr. A. Franco, a rheumatologist practicing in Riverside, California, says

that hyperpigmentation occurs in about 10% to 20% of patients taking minocycline

(Minocin) on a daily basis and over one year. Occasionally it may appear

earlier. It occurs less frequently with patients taking Minocin on a three times

per week basis. It may be necessary to switch to another antibiotic. It is

usually reversible after discontinuation of the medication, but fades slowly and

sometimes not completely.

Dr. Pnina Langevitz in Israel has done three double-blind studies on the use of

minocycline in rheumatoid arthritis with some patients on the medication over 5

years. The following is from Langevitz et al - Minocycline in Rheumatoid

Arthritis; Isr. J. Med Sci 1996;32:327- 330.'We also observed skin

hyperpigmentation in about one third of our patients as a late complication of

the therapy. Minocycline related hyperpigmentation of the skin is a well known

complication of this agent and can be subdivided into three categories. The

first is characterized by dark black-blue macules localized at sites of

cutaneous inflammation. . . . . . . . . . . The second type is a more diffuse

hyperpigmentation, predominantly on the lower extremeties and on areas exposed

to sunlight. . . . . . . . The third form of minocycline- induced

hyperpigmentation is the 'muddy skin syndrome' Ð a dark brown-gray discoloration

of the skin generalized over the body, less prominent in

non exposed areas. The high incidence of skin hyperpigmentation in our group of

patients is probably due to the longer follow-up period than that in other

groups, and to sun exposure.' (Patients in this study were on 100 mg. of

minocycline twice daily.)


The return to health will normally be a slow, subtle process. In many cases,

when treatment begins, the patient will temporarily experience a worsening of

symptoms that can also cause a temporary increase in laboratory values. This is

called the Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction. (See Section 7.) Flares will occur

during the course of therapy, but over time, these flares will decrease in

intensity and be spaced further apart until the infectious agent has been

weakened to the point where the patient's immune system can take control.

Patients have reported improvement of their symptoms, including depression,

fatigue, memory, stiff and painful joints, muscle tone and strength, range of

motion, dry, cracked or tight skin, bursitis, tendonitis, vaculitis due to

inflammation, skin ulcers, swallowing difficulties and heartburn. Patients with

RaynaudÕs symptoms have also experienced improvement.

The return to health will normally be a slow, subtle process. In most cases,

when treatment begins, the patient will experience a temporary worsening of

symptoms. This is called a Jarisch Herxheimer reaction. (See Section 7.)

Laboratory results may also worsen temporarily. Flares will occur.


This drug-induced flare reaction may occur within hours, the next day or within

the first weeks after the patient starts the antibiotics - or any time there is

a change in antibiotic or dosage. It is caused by a die-off of organisms, which

in turn create toxins that circulate in the body. This will often cause a

temporary worsening of symptoms. Patients may experience a range of symptoms

from mild fatigue and sleepiness to flu-like symptoms - chills, low grade fever,

night sweats, muscle aches, aching and swollen joints, nausea, hives, skin

rashes, depression and short term memory loss. Hives and rash are sometimes

mistaken for an allergic reaction.

If the Herxheimer reaction is severe, the medication may be stopped and a small

dose of prednisone (no more than 10 mg.) may be prescribed. When the flare

subsides, the medication is re-introduced at a slow rate.

When this Herxheimer reaction occurs, it is a good indicator that the antibiotic

is reaching its target - a very positive sign. The length of time for this

reaction varies from patient to patient. About twenty percent of patients do not

experience the Herxheimer reaction. Scleroderma patients seem to experience the

Herxheimer reaction less often than RA patients.

Oxidative therapy may be useful in reducing these symptoms. Garth Nicholson,

M.D., director of The Institute for Molecular Medicine in Huntington Beach,

California recommends peroxide baths (four 16 oz. bottles of 3% hydrogen

peroxide in 20 inch bath or Jacuzzi, with 2 cups of Epsom salt. Patients soak in

hot water plus the Epsom salt for five minutes until pores are open, then add

the peroxide solution. This should be repeated three times a week at bedtime. No

vitamins should be taken 8 hours before bath. The peroxide can also be directly

applied to the skin after a hot shower/tub. The peroxide should be left on for 5

minutes and then washed off.

Another useful suggestion from Dr. Nicholson - blend one whole lemon, then add 1

cup fruit juice or water and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Strain and drink liquid.

Far-infrared saunas have also been found helpful in removing toxins from the

body. Instructions for building an inexpensive far-infrared sauna can be found

at www.mercola. com or www.drlwilson. com.

It is very important to drink adequate amounts of water to flush the toxins from

the body - no less than two quarts a day. Water not only flushes the toxins out

of the system, but lubricates the joints and carries nutrients to the cells. You

also need to make sure you have two to three good size bowel movements daily.

Should constipation be a problem, try taking a rounded teaspoon of pysillium

(Metamucil or a generic) in 8 ounces of water, one to three times daily.

Drinking warm prune juice on first arising in the morning is also helpful. If

necessary, you may also add powdered vitamin C (to tolerance) to the prune


Note: Scleroderma patients may have intestinal problems that involve lack of

motility in the colon. If they need a fiber supplement for stool irregularities,

they might do better with a product like Citrucel (methylcellulose) . They

should avoid products with the active ingredient pysillium.

8. IS DIET IMPORTANT?What you eat and how well your body metabolizes that food

is very important in keeping the immune system strong to fight disease.

Basically, you need to increase vegetable intake such as broccoli, cabbage,

beets, spinach, celery, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, carrots, swiss chard,

kale, romaine lettuce, etc. -50% raw and preferably organic. Avoid fast foods,

fried foods, sugar in all forms, soda pop (diet or regular), prepackaged foods,

preservatives, artificial ingredients, white flour, white rice, etc.

Suggested reading on nutrition is listed at the end of this article.

Chronic disease patients (as well as the elderly) are usually found to be low in

digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid Ð both necessary for proper digestion of

food. Supplementation is recommended along with a good multi-vitamin/ mineral

and essential fatty acids.


The length of time a patient has had the disease and the strength of their

immune system will determine the recovery time frame. Some patients see

significant benefits in months, but for others it may take several years. Dr.

Pnina Langevitz of Israel reported that the longer patients stayed on the

antibiotics the greater improvement they experienced. Patients can safely remain

on these antibiotics for years without building up resistance to them.

Enhancing the immune system through diet and supplements, drinking sufficient

filtered water and proper daily elimination is vitally important not only to the

process of achieving remission but also to maintain a remission.


Some patients may find this treatment provides a permanent remission and no

further medication is needed, but most will need to stay on a maintenance dose

to keep the disease under control. If symptoms should return at any time a short

course of 100 mg. of minocycline or doxycycline, or 500 mg to 1,000 mg. of

tetracycline three times a day for three days will usually re-establish the

remission for an indefinite period. For some patients a return to normal lab

figures occurs before they reach a symptom free remission. For others the

reverse is true - the symptoms leave first and then the lab figures return to



In severe or long standing disease, or in very resistant cases, the oral route

may be inadequate for the antibiotic to reach its target and suppress antigen

formation. The intravenous clindamycin would then be required. The IV

clindamycin jump-starts the therapy, eradicating long-standing microorganisms in

the gut, respiratory tract and other areas, creating greater receptivity for the

tetracycline drug.

IV clindamycin therapy is recommended in the treatment of all scleroderma

patients from mild to severe. When lab figures return to normal, these patients

may still require occasional IVs or a weekly dose of oral clindamycin to remain



Laboratory tests are done to help in the diagnosis of the disease and to provide

a baseline from which to measure progress after antibiotic therapy has begun.

These include a complete blood count (CBC), rheumatoid factor (RF), erythrocyte

sedimentation rate (ESR), C reactive protein (CRP), antinuclear antibody (ANA),

antistreptolysin- O titer (ASO), and mycoplasma complement fixation (MCF). These

tests can be repeated at your doctorÕs discretion to follow your progress.

Testing for strep before starting this therapy is extremely important. According

to Dr. Brown and others, running the ASO titer can produce a 'false negative.'

In such cases, either the Anti-DNAse B (strep) test, also called the 'ADB' test,

and/or the Streptozyme test would be better. All strep tests can yield false

negative results, so the combination of both the ADB and the Streptozyme test

may be necessary in certain patients. The reason for this is that the ASO test

measures just one streptococcal enzyme, whereas the other strep tests measure

several different streptococcal enzymes, thereby increasing the chances of

detecting patients who are 'carriers' of strep. When active streptococcus is

present, even at low levels, it must be treated.

If a patient had a history of strep, Dr. Brown would prescribe amoxicillin or

ampicillin even in the absence of a positive titer. According to published

research oral clindamycin is superior to either penicillin or other antibiotics

because clindamycin best inhibits the 'encapsulated' form of streptococcus.



Yes, however you should have some indication by this time that the antibiotic is

working for you. Your doctor needs to do a little detective work at this point.

Here are some things to check:

a. Laboratory tests should be run again. Often improvement in these tests will

precede improvement of symptoms.

b. If you are on a generic minocycline, change manufacturers or switch to the

brand name. Patients have discovered that not all generic minocycline or

doxycycline is equivalent. Many physicians prescribe the brand name to avoid

this risk.

c. Try a different antibiotic. All patients may not respond to minocycline or

doxycline. Some physicians add Zithromax. If you are taking the minocycline

Monday, Wednesday and Friday, the dose for the Zithromax is 250 mg. twice daily

Tuesday and Thursday.

(Adding an anti-fungal may be necessary. There have been reports of success

using the combination Minocin, Flagyl and Nystatin. The liver should be

monitored closely when using anti-fungals. )

d. Try one antibiotic in the morning and a different one at night, or sequence

them taking one for six weeks and then switching to another for six weeks.

e. If your disease is severe, long standing or very resistant, and you are only

on oral antibiotics, you will need to add intravenous therapy.

f. Look for other sources of infection in the sinuses, allergies, root canals

(www.altcorp. com), intestinal tract, etc. that may be impeding your progress

and must be addressed for optimum benefit from this therapy. The first area to

check is the intestinal tract for candida overgrowth and leaky gut. There are

special labs that perform these tests:

Immuno-Science Lab in Beverly Hills, CA - candida

www.immuno-sci- lab.com or 1-800-950-4686

AAL Reference Laboratories, Inc. in Santa Ana, CA - candida

www.antibodyassay. com or 1-800-522-2611

Genova Diagnostics, Ashville, NC - candida and the lactulose mannitol test for

leaky gut

www.gdx.net - 1-800-522-47

g. Were you tested for strep? If the results were positive, treatment should be

prescribed. (See Section 12.) The strep organism can be very difficult to

eradicate, so even after the titer returns to normal, the patient should be

monitored for some time for recurrence. The goal of the therapy is to remove

antigen wherever it may be found in the body in order to achieve optimum benefit

from this therapy.

h. Are you deficient in antibody? Perhaps intravenous immunoglobulin is


i. Did your doctor have the mycoplasma test run? It should be run for the entire

panel and not just for M. pneumoniae. The first test may be negative if the

immune system is too weak to mount an antibody attack to the organism.

Therefore, it is important to repeat the test within 3 to 6 months. If it is

still negative, the medication should be changed. The tetracycline antibiotic

still works in some instances of a negative reading. If the cause is viral the

antibiotic therapy may fail. Additionally, the cause could be streptococcus

infection compounded with a mycoplasma infection or vice versa.

Laboratories performing this special mycoplasma testing are listed on this web

site in the section titled 'Information for You and Your Doctor'.

j. Are there hormonal imbalances that need correcting?

k. Chronic neurotoxins may be another reason for lack of response to this

therapy. These toxins are low molecular weight, fat soluble toxins, sequestered

in the adipose tissues of the body. Rather than being eliminated normally, they

are reabsorbed and continue to be accumulated and circulated in the body. They

impact the nervous system, the endocrine system and the immune system. (Patients

report improvement in brain fog and ability to concentrate when these toxins are

removed.) There is a vision test available on the net that can be taken to

determine if neurotoxins are present. For more information visit Dr. Ritchie

Shoemaker's site - www.chronicneurotox ins.com. Dr. Shoemaker has written a book

on this subject titled 'Desperation Medicine'. [Note: Not all neurotoxins

respond to the therapy developed by Dr. Shoemaker. Neurotoxins unresponsive to

Dr. Shoemaker's protocol may be helped by the protocol of Dr. Kane.

www.detoxxbook. com or

www.bodybio. com

l. E. Berg, director of Hemex Laboratories in Phoenix, AZ has discovered

that a number of infections, including mycoplasmas, can trigger the blood

clotting system to become active, preventing oxygen and antibiotics from

reaching and destroying the pathogen. This is called hypercoagulation. The Hemex

Lab ISAC panel can be run to determine if this is a problem. If this test is

positive, appropriate blood thinning agents may be prescribed. For more

information go to www.hemes.com or call 1-800-999-2568. Check with your

physician for non-prescription agents that may be appropriate.

m. Consider testing for Lyme Disease which mimics so many rheumatic diseases.

Refer to Sections 1 and 18 for more information on Lyme Disease.

If a patient has been experiencing improvement on this therapy and then notices

that progress has stopped or he/she even seems to be regressing, the information

in this section will aid their doctor in determining what is impeding that




White blood cells are used to fight infection. A low white blood cell count is

clinically called leukopenia. This occurs when there is a reduction in the

normal number of circulating white blood cells in the blood stream. This

condition involves the blood and the bone marrow. Patients may demonstrate a low

white cell count before commencing the antibiotics. This can be due to the

nature of their illness, or previous therapy such as methotrexate that causes

suppression of white blood cells, platelets and red blood cells. This is caused

by increased destruction or impaired production of these cells. Poor quality

protein intake or digestion (impaired pancreatic enzyme or HCI production),

inadequate trace mineral or essential fatty acid intake are other causes.

A blood test called the Carbon test is enormously helpful at determining the

cause of the decreased WBC. The company Body Bio (888-320-8338) can provide a

clinician that can perform the test in your area.

A doctor may be cautious and suggest that you cease the minocycline therapy.

This is to check that this is not the trigger of the leukopenia. If the white

count returns to normal then one can resume the minocycline and observe if the

WBC count decreases again. If it decreases again it probably is not wise to

continue with the Minocin.

The minocycline assists the body in clearing the infection and once the

infectious trigger which stimulates the increased production of white blood

cells is gone, the WBC will drop to its normal non-infectious level.



Physicians should be cautious about possible antagonism between drugs, which

could cause severe side effects. Response to antibiotic therapy depends to a

large degree on the strength of the immune system. Methotrexate is a toxic,

immune-suppressing drug, and physicians most experienced in the use of this

therapy take patients off the drug. Ideally, a six week wash out period is

recommended between stopping the methotrexate and starting the antibiotic


However, if you are receiving benefit from the methotrexate, your physician may

be reluctant to discontinue it. The antibiotic therapy can be started and then

eventually gradually the patient is tapered off the drug. If you are receiving

no benefit from the methotrexate, it should be discontinued.



Both short term memory loss and depression are components of the disease process

itself. As the long term antibiotic treatment of the basic problem progresses,

the depression lifts and the short term memory improves.



Parasite, colon, and liver/gallbladder cleanses are not only recommended, but at

times necessary to achieve optimum results from this therapy. Some patients may

need to be tested for metal toxicity.


Mixed infection is not uncommon to some of these long term chronic diseases.

A. Franco, M.D., rheumatologist and director of The Arthritis Center of

Riverside, California, and Garth Nicholson, M.D. of the Institute of Molecular

Medicine at Huntington Beach, CA., are finding strong evidence of mycoplasmal

blood infections in a majority of their fibromyalgia patients. Other chronic

infections may also be a source. They recommend long-term antibiotic therapy.

www.thearthritiscen ter.com/publicat ions.htm and www.immed.org/

illness/fatigue_ illness_research .html

Eli Mordechai, PhD at Medical Diagnostic Lab in Mt. Laurel, NJ now believes the

Lyme disease spirochete is the real culprit in most fibromyalgia patients

because while their lab finds that Lyme disease patients often test positive for

mycoplasma infections, the mycoplasma is most likely just a secondary,

opportunistic infection in a patient suffering from 'late Lyme' disease. ('Late

Lyme' is chronic Lyme disease which was not caught early and which has

progressed to the late stage.)

Likewise, Dr. Lida Mattman, PhD, professor emeritus from Wayne State University

in Detroit, MI., and author of the medical microbiology textbook entitled 'Cell

Wall Deficient Forms: Stealth Pathogens', has reported finding the Lyme disease

spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi in 40% of the fibromyalgia patients she tested.

Dr. Mattman stated that if streptococcus is present, it must be treated first

before the Lyme is treated because Borrelia feeds on strep. In other words, the

strep stimulates the growth of Borrelia. Furthermore, it is impossible to

culture Borrelia whenever strep is present because strep is a faster growing

bacterium and it will overgrow the culture medium as a 'contaminate' , obscuring

the presence of Borrelia.

It is important to use a lab that specializes in th! e diagno sis of Lyme

disease. Lyme disease specialists recommend both Igenex Lab in Palo Alto, CA.,

www.igenex.comand Medical Diagnostic Lab in Mt. Laurel NJ., www.mdllab.com.

However, patients should be aware that current guidelines used by these labs for

testing for Lyme may produce false negatives. The testing done by Central

Florida Research (mentioned in Section 1) should eliminate that possibility -

centralfloridaresea rch.com. The following websites are helpful:




More information on Lyme Disease can be found at www.ilads.orf. There is also a

discussion group for Lyme patients located at www.lymenet. org. The patients in

this on-line group can help you find an experienced Lyme specialist who has a

good track record in diagnosing and treating Lyme disease successfully. It is

very important to select a Lyme specialist who is highly recommended by other

Lyme patients, even if you must travel a great distance to do so. Lyme disease

can cause a 'lupus-like' disease pattern as well as a 'multiple sclerosis-like'

disease picture, in addition to triggering symptoms of fibromyalgia pain.

Another frequently overlooked cause of fibromyalgia pain is toxic root canals.

The best website for information is www.altcorp. com, and it has links to other

similar websites for information on dealing with toxic root canals. A good book

on this topic is 'Root Canal Cover-Up Exposed!' by Meinig, DDS. Dr.

Meinig was the father of endodentistry earlier in the 20th century but now warns

against the dangers of toxic root canal teeth. Dr. Teitelbaum's book 'From

Fatigue to Fantastic' is an excellent resource for fibromyalgia patients. His

web page is at www.endfatigue. com


a)From the Physicians' Desk Reference:

" Concurrent use of tetracycline may render oral contraceptives less effective. "

" Minocin pellet-filled capsules, like other tetracycline- class antibiotics, can

cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman. . . . The use of drugs

of the tetracycline class during tooth development (last half of pregnancy,

infancy, and childhood to the age of 8 years) may cause permanent discoloration

of the teeth (yellow-gray- brown). "

B) List of supplies need for intravenous infusion.

900 mg. vials of Cleocin or clindamycin

250cc 0.9%NS or lactated ringers. D5W should not be used because of the candida

overgrowth found in these patients.

10cc syringe with 21 gauge needle to draw up medication and insert in delivery


IV tubing set

IV needle or catheter (recommend 23gauge butterfly). Always ask for extras.

Tourniquet, antiseptic pads, bandaids, and tape (paper, silk, or adhesive).

Sometimes these are available as an " IV start kit " .

c) Before starting this therapy, ideally patients with these diseases should be

checked for Ð

1 - yeast overgrowth in the intestinal tract,

2 - possible low levels of DHEA and testosterone

3 - insufficient essential fatty acids, and

4 - insufficient betaine hydrochloride and pepsin necessary for digestion

Revised April 2007

Our thanks to Dr. M. R. Coker-Vann, Ph.D.

Director, Arthritis Research Center

504 E. Diamond Ave.

Gathersburg, MD 20877

Phone: 301-216-1231

for her assistance in compiling the answers to the above questions. Dr.

Coker-Vann was research director of Dr. McPherson Brown's Arthritis

Institute at the time of his death in 1989.

Recommended reading:

The New Arthritis Breakthrough by Henry Scammell - Our book page

Scleroderma: The Proven Therapy that can Save Your Life by Henry Scammell - Our

book page

Rheumatoid Arthritis, The Infection Connection by K. M. Poehlmann, PhD. -

www.ra_infection- connection. com

Desperation Medicine Ð Ritchie Shoemaker, M.D. - www.chronicneurotox ins.com

Detoxify or Die by Sherry A. , M.D. - www.needs.com

The Maker's Diet by Jordan Rubin - www.makers-diet. net

Dr. Mercola's Total Health and Cookbook Program - ph Mercola, D.O. -

www.mercola. com

All references to products are included solely for the convenience of the


* IMPORTANT MESSAGE from A. Franco, MD, Arthritis Center of Riverside,

Riverside, California.

Dear Patients,

I often find that patients that come to see me for diagnosis and treatment for

rheumatic diseases have already started on antibiotic treatment. Although this

may be helpful to the patient, it would be best when applicable to have the

appropriate work-up PRIOR to starting antibiotic treatment. I am referring

especially to the mycoplasma and Chlamydia PCR test (generic fingerprint) .

Antibiotics may render this test negative and thereby often making useless this

great diagnostic tool, especially in view of the fact that patients will be

obligated to use antibiotics for several years exposing themselves to some

potential toxic side effects. If you have already started antibiotics, you

should continue and consider going off for 4 weeks prior to your visit to the

Arthritis Center of Riverside, or your physician's office where these tests may

be done.

If it is possible to do the above, you will increase your chances of confirming

the infectious cause of your rheumatic disease. Even more so by doing the test

prior to initiating antibiotic treatment. Additionally, your insurance company

will be more likely to authorize and pay for IV treatment if you have a positive

mycoplasma PCR test.

I hope this information proves useful to you.

Sincerely, A. Franco, MD

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Hi Leonie,

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > It was nice to hear from you. It goes back to the old times,

> > > for us.

> > > > > > > > Fortunately, RA is a thing of the past

> > > > > > > > for nne. Although she still needs the hormone drops, her RA

> > > > > > > > symptoms are gone and she feels fine.

> > > > > > > > She still is lacking somewhat in energy but that may be

> > > related to

> > > > > > > > other things, and being 76 puts on some

> > > > > > > > limitations too. We like to think it should go back to what is

> > > > > was 10

> > > > > > > > and 20 years ago (don't we wish).

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Anyway, the hormone treatment of RA (this means RA only) is

> > > > > according to

> > > > > > > > my wife's experience a dream

> > > > > > > > come true. As I mentioned earlier, there are no problematic

> > > side

> > > > > effects

> > > > > > > > and the treatment is so fast, painless and

> > > > > > > > without bad feelings. No Herx, no stomach problems, no immune

> > > > > issues,

> > > > > > > > nothing !! nne was so glad

> > > > > > > > to get off all the medications and pain killers. Her nutrition

> > > > > is on the

> > > > > > > > healthy side ( limitted dairy, very little sugar)but nothing

> > > > > extreme.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > In the application of the Liefmann Protocol, the sublinqual

> > > hormone

> > > > > > > > drops are taken three times a day and as the picture improves

> > > > > > > > the dose is gradually reduced. After four months, she switched

> > > > > to twice

> > > > > > > > a day which is her present routine.

> > > > > > > > By now, she is at about 40% of the initial dose.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Similar to the AP, the treatment is guided by symptoms. If the

> > > > > dose is

> > > > > > > > reduced too much ,RA symptoms like

> > > > > > > > finger stiffness comes back. The ability to make a closed fist

> > > > > is a good

> > > > > > > > indicator.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > The hormone dose is similarly guided by symptoms and feeling.

> > > > > There is a

> > > > > > > > list of symptoms for estrogen and

> > > > > > > > testosterone being to high or too low and it is easily

> > > corrected.

> > > > > > > > Ever since nne is on the Liefmann protocol all her lab

> > > data are

> > > > > > > > back to normal.

> > > > > > > > Osteo arthritis is also controlled by the Liefmann protocol !

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Now the prime question, estrogen and hormone related cancers. I

> > > > > > > > thoroughly studied this aspect for obvious reasons and came

> > > up with

> > > > > > > > some surprising and reassuring information. First of all, the

> > > > > overall

> > > > > > > > treatment of about 23,000 patients with the

> > > > > > > > Liefmann treatment showed no problems with cancer.

> > > > > > > > A literature survey revealed that testosterone has

> > > preventive and

> > > > > > > > protective properties when it comes to " female "

> > > > > > > > cancers. In a study at the Lousiana Menopause Clinic, 4000

> > > women

> > > > > were

> > > > > > > > treated with testosterone supplementation.

> > > > > > > > In the well documented study, the group taking testosterone

> > > had a

> > > > > > > > cancer rate of less than half (46%) than that

> > > > > > > > of the control group.

> > > > > > > > Also, RA patients (male and female) typically have a subnormal

> > > > > > > > testosterone level.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > To insure safety from cancer in general, nne applies dermal

> > > > > > > > Progesterone ( 100 mg /day) to avoid estrogen

> > > > > > > > dominance, takes DIM (di-indolylmethane) and eats many brassica

> > > > > > > > vegetables (broccoli) to control the 2/16 metabolite

> > > > > > > > ratio. See: http://www.tahoma-> clinic.com/>

> > > hrtbreastcancer. > > > >

> > > > > shtml

> > > > > > > <http://www.tahoma-> clinic.com/> hrtbreastcancer. > > > > shtml>

> > > > > > > > <http://www.tahoma-> clinic.com/> hrtbreastcancer. > > > > shtml

> > > > > > > <http://www.tahoma-> clinic.com/> hrtbreastcancer. > > > > shtml>>

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Leonie, being in Australia it would be best if you find a

> > > > > cooperative

> > > > > > > > doctor (your family doctor is probably the best choice,

> > > > > > > > rheumatologists are the worst) who is willing to help you and

> > > > > contact

> > > > > > > > stoparthritis. > > > > com for info. They will work with your

> > > > > > > > doctor and provide all the info he/she needs.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Good luck,

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > ============ > > > > =========> =========> =========> =========>

> > > > > =========> =========> =========> =========> ==========

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > ,___

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > >

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