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stage 7 adrenal fatigue...I need real help really fast

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Two years ago my MD mentioned I may be adrenal fatigued and that I

needed to reduce stress. At the time ( and now too) I was having GI

and gallbladder distress which I now think is secondary to the adrenal

issue. He gave me no guidance on what to do for the adrenals. He put

me on bio0identical progesterone and this summer told me to take

Lugol's iodine, which I think makes me feel sick.

In December I did my own saliva test through the canary club. It came

back stage 7 adrenal fatigue, and positive TPO antibodies (thyroid))

low DHEA, low testosterone, and high progesterone. My Naturopath has

me on Dr 's Adrenal rebuilder, 1 tab 3X daily, and two herbal

formulas, one for adrenal, one to wake up my gallbladder before I eat.

I can't tolerate fats. They make me have gallbaldder attacks, even

though I have no stones.

I was feeling somewhat better on the Adrenal rebuilder until I got the

flu last week. It seems like it has been all down hill since. I have

so many of the classic symptoms mentioned on Dr. Lams site. The

anxiety, depression and doomsday feelings are the worst, and combine

them with the adrenal rushes, nausea, and now bad sleep and

nightmares.....I feel like a walking basket case. I cried most of

yesterday. I am shaky. My blood sugar feels unstable and I need to eat

often. I have been craving salt which I see now is part of the adrenal


How do I get my life back? Yesterday was Friday so my MD and Naturpath

were unavailable. I am so scared. Actually scared for my life (the

doomsday burden).

Dr. Lam recommends natural cortizol, but I can't find that product on

the internet (won't cortizone hurt my bones?) also DHEA (isn't that


Lam doesn't say anything about weaning off of these substances, just

gives a protocol and diet, and salt water recommendations.

I have never felt so desperate in my life. My family has been turned

upside down by this ( 6 kids- 3 still at home was h omeschooling but

now had to put them in school because I can't handle life any more)

Can someone give me hope?



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