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Re: Vit. D

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about Vit D? I'd read just so you expose your eyes to sunlight at least 15 minutes a day (no sun glasses) it doesn't have to be direct, you can even be under a shady tree, or driving the car.... so I don't think I'd worry 'too' much about not having enough but only you'd know that.

Dee -- it's true that 15 min./day is recommended, but i've also read that for

those of us living in the northern part of the country, it's next to impossible

to get enough strong-ray sun exposure during that brief time . . . especially

during the fall/winter/ spring. . . to keep Vit. D levels where they should be.

Thus, for me, the cod liver oil. Yum!


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about Vit D? I'd read just so you expose your eyes to sunlight at least 15 minutes a day (no sun glasses) it doesn't have to be direct, you can even be under a shady tree, or driving the car.... so I don't think I'd worry 'too' much about not having enough but only you'd know that.

Dee -- it's true that 15 min./day is recommended, but i've also read that for

those of us living in the northern part of the country, it's next to impossible

to get enough strong-ray sun exposure during that brief time . . . especially

during the fall/winter/ spring. . . to keep Vit. D levels where they should be.

Thus, for me, the cod liver oil. Yum!


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Yuck, LOL ha ha

Bless you Hollis if you go yummmmmy for cod liver oil *chuckle* I still gag when I think of having to take it as a kid. ;) But that's great and no doubt of benefit.. but I'll stick to the Omega 3 capsules. ;) I've often wondered if I opened one of those just what it might smell like, LOL

No doubt you're right about us in the northern hemisphere not getting enough sun during those long gray winter days. I've often purposely just sat in a sunny window reading a book to get what I can and no doubt supplements sure can help if one is low in it. ;) Give me a sunny day and I feel wonderful. It's amazing how good it does make us feel. ;)

Hugs hon

Dee~ ;)

Well, i just MIGHT have been joking just a tiiiiiiiiiiiny bit ;-)

But i have to say that i've gotten so i just swig my 2 teaspoons worth

and chase it down with a bit of my yummy (truly!) morning fruit/nut/

coconut/flaxseed salad and i'm just fine.

And if you opened up one of your capsules, i'm sure it would smell

exactly how you remembered it from your childhood. Maybe that's

the reason i don't mind it: i never had a mother forcing it down my

throat when i was little!


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Yuck, LOL ha ha

Bless you Hollis if you go yummmmmy for cod liver oil *chuckle* I still gag when I think of having to take it as a kid. ;) But that's great and no doubt of benefit.. but I'll stick to the Omega 3 capsules. ;) I've often wondered if I opened one of those just what it might smell like, LOL

No doubt you're right about us in the northern hemisphere not getting enough sun during those long gray winter days. I've often purposely just sat in a sunny window reading a book to get what I can and no doubt supplements sure can help if one is low in it. ;) Give me a sunny day and I feel wonderful. It's amazing how good it does make us feel. ;)

Hugs honDee~ ;)


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How do they test for vitamin D deficiency?

I'm reposting the link that i wrote about yesterday. It's important that

you get the correct test done with the proper assay used. All the

info you need is in this article:


This is a quote from the article:

Ideally, the best place to get vitamin D is from your skin being exposed to the UV-B that is in normal sunlight. Vitamin D from sunlight acts as a pro-hormone, rapidly converting into 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Many experts believe that there is no harm in the vitamin D concentrations associated with sun exposure and that such levels are probably optimal for human health.

Unfortunately, the amount of sun reaching most of the U.S. is only sufficient to generate a vitamin D response for about three months of the year.

Most people don't live far enough south or high enough in the mountains, to allow more Ultraviolet (UV) -B to reach their skins. So, for those times of the year when access to the proper amount of sun is not possible, you will want to consider an oral form of vitamin D. A high quality cod liver oil is probably your best choice, as it also supplies vitamin A that helps limit vitamin D toxicity and also beneficial omega-3 fats.


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I just wanted to add my 2 cents about vitamine D. Most people do indeed get

enough in sunlight, even if they are in the northern part of the world like

I am (Im from MN). However if you are wearing a lot of sunblock (as we

should be while outdoors with the risk of skin cancer and all that), or have

problems with dietary absorbtion, you may still need vitamine D

supplementation. If your not sure the can test your vitamin D in your

bloodwork at the doctor. The reason I mention this is because I was having

some pretty bizarre symtoms a few years back and I took some testing and

found out I was deficiant in vitamine D (among a few other things). I made

some dietary changes and took some supplementation to get back to my old

self, but I would never have thought of it if my doctor had not checked for

it. Also, vitamin D does come in prescription strength.



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Hi :

How do they test for vitamin D deficiency?


>> I took some testing and > found out I was deficiant in vitamine D (among a few other things). >


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I just got mine as a blood test. They were able to determine my levals were

low from that. My health improved tremendously once they gave me the

prescription supplements. I took them for 3 months and now keep up with my



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, Did the Vitamin D alone help you? Did it cure you? Sorry, I can't remember everyone's history. Sandi

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, Did the Vitamin D alone help you? Did it cure you? Sorry, I can't remember everyone's history. Sandi

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No, the vitamine D was just part of my problem. I was also taking a soy

drink that had concentrated soy isovlavens in it. These two things helped

considerably, but I also had some other health issues that were contributing

to the illness that prompted the check such as migraines and allergies. I

went to an allergy specialist and got my food, environmental, and chemical

allergies under control as well and things settled down. The allergy

treatment also helped me with my chronic yeast infections.


Reply-To: VulvarDisorders

To: VulvarDisorders

Subject: RE: Re: Vit. D

Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 08:17:21 -0700 (PDT)


Did the Vitamin D alone help you? Did it cure you? Sorry, I can't

remember everyone's history.



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