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Hair loss - Adrenal or Thyroid?

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Oh yes, I know all too much about adrenal (AI) hair loss. It's a hard

nut to crack if it's thyroid or adrenal. For me I start shedding hair

when my cortisol gets too low or too high and when thyroid gets too

high. I would say that of the two, being on a low dose of thyroid or

too low cortisol, it would be the low cortisol that would cause the

hair loss first, for me. But you seem like you are on a high dose of

HC so I don't suspect this for you. Many women say that when they

make thyroid dose changes that they lose hair. This is fairly common.

Where is your ferritin level? B12? Protein intake? Are you

rebuilding the adrenals with a protocol other than HC? What are your

temps? BP? Pulse? RT3 levels?

Be careful of huge dose changes. Going right from 4 grains down to

3.25 is large and you might pass your sweet spot up. Also with that

high a dose of HC is it possible you are using up all your thyroid

hormone too fast?

Dr. Bergfeld of the Cleveland Clinic uses 10 mg. of prednisone to stop

some types of hair loss, but on the other hand, too much cortisol type

drugs clearly can cause hair loss.

Just throwing some thoughts for consideration.



> Hi there,


> I have been having mild hairloss for the last couple of months.

> However over the last couple of weeks it has gotten very bad. It is

> diffuse/all over head, hairloss.

> I am on 45mg of HC and 4 grains of armour. I increased from 3.75

> grains

> to 4 grains of armour about 3 weeks ago. So that is why i feel it may

> be adrenal. I dont have any hypo symptoms, nor too many other adrenal

> symptoms.

> Has anyone else had hairloss from poor adrenals? I am thinking of

> maybe reducing my armour dose to 3.25 grains to see if that helps?? Is

> hairloss usually adrenal or thyroid related??


> Thanks for your thoughts,

> D

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> 45mg is ALOT of HC. Have you had Ferritin tested? Are you tracking

> temps? High cortil can burn up thyroid as well. BP?


> --


Yes ferritin was tested and was ok, somewhere around 100 i think. My

temps are usually around 36.7-36.8 C (or 98-98.2 F). My BP is around


I am young active man and do get some low cortisol symptoms if on

lower HC dose. Also find i need to stress dose occasionally.

Thanks for reply,


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OK then the next thing oyu should be checking is Testosterone. Low can

cause hairloss in men and hgh estrogen could also be a cause, but if

estrogen is high it would indicate a need ofr more cortiol.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



http://www.seewell4less.com/Valspage.htm Medical Alert Bracelets

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..... it's sweet because of the fructose. Nice taste. As for

the very real purity concern I am reading on here in replies, I feel

certain that a better brand can be purchased. You might check off

Roswell Rd. @ Whole Foods. I'm sure there is a liquid brand without

the crap in it. I've only been on it for 1 month and loved the

instant results I got. Had not spent time trying to find the ultimate

replacement for it. Should not be hard to do. I do think it's key

that liquid be used and one in a collagen base.

I don't see anyone in Atlanta. I see someone in Texas, outside

Austin. Have no idea who I would see around here. None whatsoever.



> Atlanta Girl,

> What does the Twin Lab Amino Fuel taste like? I was looking at it

> yesterday but didn't buy it because I was afraid I wouldn't use it if

> it tasted bad.

> Also, would you mind telling me who you see for AF in Atlanta? You can

> email me privately if you like.

> Thanks,

> English

> also in Atlanta near 75 and s Mill

Veritas vos liberabit

- the truth will set you free

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Thanks AG,

I'll check out Whole Foods I also really like Willners on Peachtree

they have a very knowledgable staff.



> ..... it's sweet because of the fructose. Nice taste. As for

> the very real purity concern I am reading on here in replies, I feel

> certain that a better brand can be purchased. You might check off

> Roswell Rd. @ Whole Foods. I'm sure there is a liquid brand without

> the crap in it. I've only been on it for 1 month and loved the

> instant results I got. Had not spent time trying to find the ultimate

> replacement for it. Should not be hard to do. I do think it's key

> that liquid be used and one in a collagen base.



> I don't see anyone in Atlanta. I see someone in Texas, outside

> Austin. Have no idea who I would see around here. None whatsoever.


> -AG


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Sara... thank you for the Willners tip. Had no idea of this place.

Where I am south of the airport there is nothing to speak of. Does

Willners have professional lines, Xymogen, etc.? Vitamin SHoppe by

Lenox has some liquid amino products. Body Tech brand for lqd. aminos

is no better than Twin Lab for other stuff in it we don't want, but

there are others there that I saw.


> Thanks AG,

> I'll check out Whole Foods I also really like Willners on Peachtree

> they have a very knowledgable staff.

> English

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Here is the website for Willner (it is based in NY and opened the

buckhead store in 1999)


I looked up Xymogen and they don't list them. I think that you can

only get that through the web or I got it through my GYN and then she

told me to order online thereafter. But I am not sure.



> Sara... thank you for the Willners tip. Had no idea of this place.

> Where I am south of the airport there is nothing to speak of. Does

> Willners have professional lines, Xymogen, etc.? Vitamin SHoppe by

> Lenox has some liquid amino products. Body Tech brand for lqd. aminos

> is no better than Twin Lab for other stuff in it we don't want, but

> there are others there that I saw.


> AG

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.... thanks for your reply and your story. You've been through

it too. It's amazing what we have to experience in order to

recover. Many of us have drain clogging stories. My hair loss also

required a plumper. Man, it's so viscerally horrifying!

You and I are similar with the high armour threshold. I went to 6

grains and felt I could go even higher. I didn't feel much. No hyper

stuff. It did end up I had significant out of range high RT3. I

tapered from armour to all T3 a few weeks ago. Midway I was on 165 mg

of T3 while on 90 mg. of armour. Had an adrenal blowout from the

drain of it all. Was on 17.5 mg of HC which was not enough. Since

then I've been on 25 mg HC and 45 mg of T3. I'm not stable with all

T3 even with 5 dosing times. Can't get there without sustained

release at least for part of the dose. The T3 only (I think this is

what did it) totally messed my sleep up. I think it has strained my

adrenals even more despite compensating with over 30 mg of HC. It all

became too much for my body to take.

I don't understand all the tests you mention. Sounds pretty


I've been on HC for a bit under a year now.


> Thank you, AG. I cried when I read your long list... it is almost

> identical to mine. I will

> order the amino acids today!


> My story for those searching " hair loss " . I was dx'd with Graves

> Disease 2003, fought it off

> until 2005. Had radioactive iodine ablation 2005 that was supposed

> to only kill partial

> thyroid but killed it completely. Within 3 months of that, I lost

> large quantities of hair. I

> went incredibly hypo. After one month of this loss i pulled a wad of

> hair out of my shower

> drain the size of a regular football, so when I say large

> quantities, I mean almost all of my

> hair. I was 35 and bald. My Endo said it would all come back and I'm

> still waiting.


> Through a full bachelor's- degree- worth- of- time of reasearch I

> have transitioned from

> Synthroid (ugh) to Armour thyroid, starting at 30 mg and working my

> way up to 600 mg

> without relief. Now, 600 mg is incredibly excessive for most, but

> didn't touch me. I did

> saliva cortisol testing which showed crazy high levels of cortisol,

> tried HC to give my

> adrenals a break, but had some weird side effects so weaned off. I

> eventually worked my

> way to a decrease in Armour and added T3 in hopes of getting to T3

> only treatment as

> nothing else seemed to work.


> I'm waiting for results of another saliva cortisol. I believe I may

> now be low as I've been

> burning on extra-high cortisol for 2 yrs. If so, I will try HC

> again. AG, what is your history

> with HC? When and why did you start and how long have you been on?


> In the meantime, I have had 3 separate tests to measure catecholine

> levels and

> metanepherine levels as my Grandmother died from undignosed

> pheochormocytomas, so I

> have a family history of adrenal tumors. All 3 tests showed high

> levels, yet I am still

> repeating tests b/c the stupid jerk doctors don't want to move

> forward and complete an

> imaging study. They are trying to prove I don't have it rather than

> try to find the cause of

> my issues. Hair is just not impt to the docs... Anyway, I'm doing a

> 24 hr urine catecholine

> and metanephrine level today.


> Val has been incredible and helped me to feel confident pursuing my

> own medical health

> and research...


> Onward and Upward! Anybody who wants to weigh in, feel free, b/c I

> appreciate all

> opinions. And Thank You!



> 300mg Armour, 40mg T3 and still crazy


> Back to top

The other day I got out my can-opener and was opening a can of worms

when I thought, What am I doing?!

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Can someone tell me what the symptoms of aldosterone imbalances would be??

High or low...my CO2 on my bloodwork comes back high everytime for years now

- from what I can tell that test is related to aldosterone somehow.

My hair has been falling out badly for the past yr and a half, but I also

have a pituitary tumor, the Endro never acknowledges the high CO2 and he

keeps telling me my cortisol levels are fine - this from the ACH stim test

and 24 hr urine - well if your cortisol levels are high at the wrong times

etc then at the end of a 24 hr period they would probably be normal, just

not normal at the correct times of the day....right??

Plus most of the time that I have my bloodwork done I am taking isocort, sea

salt and Vit C to assist my adrenals. When I had salvia testing done a yr

and a half ago I was, if I am reading the test results correctly, in stage

4, with my highest levels at night and lowest in the morning.

And what are the symptoms of an adrenal tumor???


They are tests for a specific adrenal tumor of which I have a family

history. It would explain

a lot of my issues...

I've been reading posts from " Sam " who takes 11 grains of Armour and just

recently found

that her aldosterone levels were low... as soon as she worked on that, her

hair completely

returned. That's what I'm researching now...

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For me, it was consistantly low BP, low potassium, low sodium and aldosterone

measured 2 in my blood.

>>>Can someone tell me what the symptoms of aldosterone imbalances would be??

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Hi Gale,

I'm not Val, but if you can talk your doctor into ordering it, then insurance

will prolly pay and it can be done at any lab, I think. :)

I get my labs at my local hospital out patient lab. I think my low sodium and BP

was what told Val to have me consider starting Florinef.

Re: Hair loss - Adrenal or Thyroid?


My hubby who is very bad off adrenal wise also has sodium below range.

However his BP is high. Do you think that I should have his

aldosterone & renin checked and if so do you know of a lab that tests


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Hi Gale,

I'm not Val, but if you can talk your doctor into ordering it, then insurance

will prolly pay and it can be done at any lab, I think. :)

I get my labs at my local hospital out patient lab. I think my low sodium and BP

was what told Val to have me consider starting Florinef.

Re: Hair loss - Adrenal or Thyroid?


My hubby who is very bad off adrenal wise also has sodium below range.

However his BP is high. Do you think that I should have his

aldosterone & renin checked and if so do you know of a lab that tests


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Hi Gale,

I'm not Val, but if you can talk your doctor into ordering it, then insurance

will prolly pay and it can be done at any lab, I think. :)

I get my labs at my local hospital out patient lab. I think my low sodium and BP

was what told Val to have me consider starting Florinef.

Re: Hair loss - Adrenal or Thyroid?


My hubby who is very bad off adrenal wise also has sodium below range.

However his BP is high. Do you think that I should have his

aldosterone & renin checked and if so do you know of a lab that tests


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>> My hubby who is very bad off adrenal wise also has sodium below range.

However his BP is high. Do you think that I should have his

aldosterone & renin checked and if so do you know of a lab that tests


Yes he should have them tested. I believe


Has both but I think you have to call to request the Renin lab.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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