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FW: C.,Off Topic The FDA Says You Have No Right To Freedom of Food! Will Cities Ban Raw Milk? Toxic Strawberry Pesticides and New Study Clearly Shows NO Value In Any Flu Vaccine.

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Hi all,

I'm sharing the newsletter below in case the information is what you are

looking for at this time. By the way I have done the Bio Cellular Analysis

and found it to be very helpful. Much more so then blood work. Regards, El


From: Health Freedom Alliance [mailto:support@...]

Sent: Friday, December 10, 2010 5:00 PM

Subject: C., The FDA Says You Have No Right To Freedom of Food! Will Cities

Ban Raw Milk? Toxic Strawberry Pesticides and New Study Clearly Shows NO

Value In Any Flu Vaccine.

Health Freedom Alliance Alert: December 10, 2010

December 10, 2010

Health Freedom Alert:



* Toxic

<http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=852 & F=H> Chemical

Approved for Use on California Strawberries Despite Health Risks

* No

<http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=853 & F=H> Value in

Any Influenza Vaccine: Cochrane Collaboration Study

* What!

<http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=854 & F=H> No More

Happy Meals? Or No More Raw Milk?

* The

<http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=855 & F=H> FDA Says

You Have No Right to Freedom of Food


* Bio-Cellular

<http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=710 & F=H> Analysis

- What This Important Test Can Do For You!

* Bio-Cellular

<http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=735 & F=H> Analysis

- How This Test Can Improve the Quality of Your Life


* <http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=546 & F=H>

Sign The Petition To Help Stop The Nutritional Supplement Prohibition Act

S3002 (Over 40,000 Signatures To Date! Wow! Great Work Everyone :)


<http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/sendfriend.php?M=20588 & C=1e2ea23a23d722aa9b

deaf2b1cc1f9d1 & L=1 & N=954 & F=4 & i=980> Forward this important newsletter to

friends and family you care about!


* For

<http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=533 & F=H> Those Of

You Still On The Fence About MMS, You MUST Watch This Latest Video Featuring

Guest: s Kalcker!

Sponsors We Believe In!


<http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=856 & F=H>


<http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=856 & F=H>

BioCellular Analysis Testing Reports

From OceansLabT - Trusted By Doctors Since 2001

Buy 2 Biocellular Analysis Kits and Get One For Free - During The Holiday


The advantage of Biocellular Analysis is that this testing will indicate

much sooner than blood chemistry what imbalances and early pathology is in

progress. Balancing your foundation chemistry is the first step to see major

improvements in your health.


<http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=857 & F=H>

Fresh <http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=857 & F=H>

Deals For Miracle Mineral Solution - MMS And Citric Premix Combo Kits

From OceansLabT - Trusted By Doctors Since 2001

Buy 2 MMS Combo Kits Get 1 Free!!!

Buy 4 MMS Combo Kits Get 3 Free

Buy 6 MMS Combo Kits Get 5 Free

Buy 10 MMS Combo Kits Get 10 Free


Miracle Mineral Solution (Premium Pharmaceutical Grade)T

Premixed 50% Citric Acid Solution. New 1 to 1 mixing (instead of 1 to 5)


Support our Sponsors and keep Your Health Freedoms Healthy!

Toxic <http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=852 & F=H>

Chemical Approved for Use on California Strawberries Despite Health Risks

<http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=852 & F=H>



The chemicalmethyl iodide has been approved for use on strawberries grown in

California despite the fact that The California Office of Environmental

Health Hazard Assessment listed the type of toxicity for methyl iodide as

" cancer " in a document published in 2008 named " Chemicals Known to the State

to Cause Cancer or Reproductive Toxicity "

The Approval for strawberry growers to use this toxin has baffled scientist

who know that use of the chemical poses serious risks and also spurred

communities and advocacy groups to clamor against the use of the chemical on

a local level, taking the protection of their health and environment into

their own hands. It is unsettling when our own government allows such

harmful practices and citizens have to fight so hard to keep poison out of

our food.

Click <http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=852 & F=H>

here for more information >>>



No <http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=853 & F=H> Value

in Any Influenza Vaccine: Cochrane Collaboration Study



A remarkable study published in the Cochrane Libary found no evidence of

benefit for influenza vaccinations and also noted that the vast majority of

trials were inadequate. The authors stated that the only ones showing

benefit were industry-funded. They also pointed out that the industry-funded

studies were more likely to be published in the most prestigious journals -

and one more thing: They found cases of severe harm caused by the vaccines,

in spite of inadequate reporting of adverse effects.

The study, " Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy adults " , is damning

of the entire pharmaceutical industry and its minions, the drug testing

industry and the medical system that relies on them.

Click <http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=853 & F=H>

here for more information >>>



What! <http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=854 & F=H> No

More Happy Meals? Or No More Raw Milk?

<http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=854 & F=H>



In a recent article titled, Health Tyrants: No Happy Meals!, Walter

makes a very good case as to why good intentions by government can turn into

monumental consequences. He writes:

" Do federal, state and local governments have a right to intervene in our

lives when it comes to choices affecting our health? The San Francisco Board

of Supervisors voted to forbid restaurants from giving gifts with meals that

contain too much fat and sugar, a measure aimed at Mc's Happy Meals.

The reasoning of these tyrants is to prevent Mc's from using toys to

lure children into liking foods the board deems non-nutritious. Fortunately,

San Francisco's mayor, Gavin Newsom, by no means a libertarian, has

threatened to veto the measure saying, 'Despite its good intentions, I

cannot support this unwise and unprecedented governmental intrusion into

parental responsibilities and private choices.' "

Click <http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=854 & F=H>

here for more information >>>


The <http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=855 & F=H> FDA

Says You Have No Right to Freedom of Food

<http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=855 & F=H>


The deceptive 'Food Safety' Modernization Act is an obvious attempt to

intrude on the freedoms of US citizens by restricting the food supply which

in turn will restrict access to healthy food, giving control over this basic

necessity of survival to the FDA. The FDA is not interested in protecting

our food or health, only in controlling it and funneling profit to the large

agriculture and pharmaceutical corporations of the US. They are so

determined to succeed in this effort that they have said in defense of their

tyrannical actions that there is no fundamental right for a person to choose

their foods or freedom of contract for it.

The FDA stated this in response to a lawsuit filed by the Farm-to-Consumer

Legal Defense Fund, the FTCLDF is a 501©(4) organization which means that

it exists to promote the social welfare of its members and community. The

lawsuit was filed against the FDA for their ban on raw milk which according

to the FTCLDF is a violation of the constitution and outside of FDA's

statutory authority.

Click <http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=855 & F=H>

here for more information >>>



<http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=735 & F=H> Analysis

- How This Test Can Improve the Quality of Your Life


Have you ever been to the doctor because you were feeling something was not

right only to be told that there is nothing wrong with you according to your

blood work? Or, even worse, after the doctor listened to your symptoms, did

blood work and other tests, they gave you a diagnosis of an " incurable "

disease such as colitis, irritable bowel, chronic fatigue, high blood

pressure, fibromyalgia, or high cholesterol? You may have been relieved that

your problem was not life threatening but you left still feeling that

something is not right in your body.

For example, maybe you are fatigued and your skin is not as soft and supple

as it once was. You may have noticed that your libido has drastically

decreased or you are more irritable than you used to be and your muscles get

sore more often after exercise. Our experience shows that many people fit

into this category and you are not alone. Many of us turn toward natural

supplementation to help treat our symptoms. When we do this, we are

basically one step above more traditional treatment methods which use drugs

to abate symptoms. Thankfully there is a better system of diagnostics and

treatment. It is called called BioCellular Analysis

BioCellular Analysis is an excellent metabolic biofeedback tool to indicate

whether your dietary and nutritional supplementation is detrimental or

beneficial for you. It gives specific information on what vitamins and

minerals are not being assimilated into the body's cellular structure. It

provides us feedback that helps you determine the status of your immune

system so that we can implement a plan for optimal health.

Click <http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=735 & F=H>

here for more information >>>



Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) is a powerful and selective biocide which will help

remedy oral conditions. You may also benefit from the selective oxidative

properties of ClO2. As more and more FDA approved products containing

Chlorine Dioxide such as toothpaste and mouthwash are being offered to the

consumer we are including instructions on using MMS to clean your teeth from

the book MMS Solutions, " Use 6 drops of MMS and add 2-6 ounces of water. Use

this solution to brush teeth or rinse mouth. Use a new solution every

morning. Do not leave this solution in the mouth for longer than 60 seconds.

Expect the pain of an abscessed tooth to be overcome by the immune system in

about four hours. Expect all infection and all pyorrhea to be gone in one

week. Expect all loose teeth to be rock solid in two weeks. Expect a

completely healthy mouth in less than three weeks. Keep in mind that the MMS

solution is the most powerful health solution ever developed and it will

indeed do exactly what is described here. " Chlorine Dioxide is FDA approved

for municipalities to purify water and to be use as a sanitizer by meat,

fish and vegetable packaging plants. It is quickly becoming the method of

choice for state and private hospitals not just for its superior ability to

kill all kinds of bacteria , viruses and other pathogens but also because of

Chlorine Dioxide's harmless toxicity levels. Chlorine Dioxide has been

readily available to purchase on the internet under the name Miracle Mineral

Solution or MMS. It is recommended that you buy from a reputable source such

as our sponsor www.MMSMiracleMineral.com

<http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=858 & F=H>


<http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=538 & F=H>

<http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=538 & F=H>

<http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=538 & F=H> Food

Inc.: A Participant Guide: How Industrial Food is Making

Us Sicker, Fatter, and Poorer- And What You Can Do About It

Expanding on the film's themes, the book Food, Inc. will answer those

questions through a series of challenging essays by leading experts and

thinkers. This book will encourage those inspired by the film to learn more

about the issues, and act to change the world.

<http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=536 & F=H>

Food, <http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=536 & F=H>

Inc. DVD - Hungry For Change?

Featuring interviews with such experts as Schlosser (Fast Food Nation),

Pollan (The Omnivore's Dilemma) along with forward thinking social

entrepreneurs like Stonyfield Farms' Hirschberg and Polyface Farms' Joe

Salatin, Food, Inc. reveals surprising - and often shocking truths - about

what we eat, how it's produced, who we have become as a nation and where we

are going from here.

*The DVD will be shipped upon DVD release

<http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=536 & F=H>

<http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=537 & F=H>

<http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=537 & F=H>

Food <http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=537 & F=H>

Inc.: A Participant Guide & Food Inc. DVD

With this combination pack, you can read into the specifics of what the

movie didn't include and also have the movie along side of it. This way you

can enjoy the movie without thinking that there was something left out.

*The DVD will be shipped to you upon release


We feature a report exposing the failed link between vaccines and the

reduction of childhood diseases (or flu). Indeed, the true credit for the

reduction in childhood disease is shown to be more a function of

improvements in sanitation and living with clean potable water than anything

which could be attributed to vaccines. In this report, Dr. who

served as director of NIH is quoted as saying " the only safe vaccine is one

that is never used. " It goes on to expose the dirty little secrets about

vaccines. More

<http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=528 & F=H> >>>


<http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=534 & F=H> For a

small donation get " Vaccine Nation " produced by our good friend Null,

Ph.D. This documentary film clearly illustrates the health damage suffered

by our innocent children, due to unnecessary vaccinations and gives you the

information you need to speak intelligently and forcefully on the subject of

childhood vaccinations. We only have a limited supply of these DVD's so they

are only available while supplies last.

<http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=539 & F=H> For for

a limited time receive a 2 Disk DVD set " The Future of Food " with your

donation. Shot on location in the U.S., Canada and Mexico, THE FUTURE OF

FOOD examines the complex web of market and political forces that are

changing what we eat as huge multinational corporations seek to control the

world's food system. The film also explores alternatives to large-scale

industrial agriculture, placing organic and sustainable agriculture as real

solutions to the farm crisis today.

<http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=535 & F=H> Also for

a limited time receive " Understanding MMS " with your donation. More than

200,000 Americans are using The Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS). Thousands

of lives have been saved (Over 75,000 from Malaria in Africa alone). Reports

of overcoming 'incurable' diseases are happening every day! With ever

looming threat of bio-warfare and Bird flu (and now Swine Flu), MMS should

be in every home. To read about Miracle Mineral Supplement follow this link:


<http://elist.healthfreedoms.org/link.php?M=20588 & N=954 & L=533 & F=H>

We are all invested in this fight. Each of us will be affected by its

outcome. Each of us can make a difference!

Thank you Freedom Fighters!

Cowles II

Media Director

Health Freedom Alliance

Health & Wellness Foundation




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