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Hi Dolores

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Hi Dolores

Good to know of your improvement.

I really hope the Marshall Protocol will kill off the last of the mycoplasma..

I have increased my Minocin dosage to 100 mg, 2x a day and wonder how long it

will take to kick in, any idea? In fact, I feel better on my 3rd day ot this

regime, but that may be coincidental.

The tendon attached to my thumb seems to have swelled up, restricting

movement, any suggestions, Dolores?

Have you any convincing argument that mycoplasma causes our various

conditions? I'd love to hear it.

Lovely to hear of your escape to the Carribean last winter as Dec/Jan seem to

be the worst months for my RA. Southern California sounds very enticing, away

from those cold, northern states. keep on the outdoor pursuits, Dolores.

Please keep us informed of your progress, please, details, this is most



mike rosner <martysfolks2004@...> wrote:

Hi Ken, You are very welcome. I started on Minocin 100mg twice a day

in January 2005 and went into full remission in May 2007. Went to the doctor in

June 2007 and they could find no sign of S/D, R/A, nor MCTD. My doctors were

amazed. Since I had a lot of Minocin, I continued the medication until September

2007 and then went off for 6 weeks prior to starting the Marshall Protocol. When

I started on the protocol, I was on the Benicar blockade only until October 15,

2007 then added the Minocin at 25mg every 48 hr. Last month I increased it to

50mg every 72 hr. I will increase it in about two weeks to 75mg. every 72 hr.

and then up to 100mg. At that point, I will start Phase 2 of the Marshall

Protocol. I am still symptom free. No doctor told me to go on the Marshall. It

is of my own doing. I had to really scout around to find a doctor who would

monitor me with the protocol. The reason I am doing this is because I believe

that the Marshall Protocol will continue to

kill off the micoplasmas until there are none left and I will be totally disease

free in a couple of years. In 2005, I was bedridden for 8 months and near death.

The same docs who are amazed gave me months to live. They can't believe I am

still here and doing so well. I have absolutely no pain anywhere and do not take

any pain medication. There was a time when just rolling over in bed was agony. I

cried and cried because it hurt so much. I also had Raynaud's which disappeared

during the third month after starting the Minocin. My recovery was uphill all

the way. I just had the most fabulous New Year's. I partied, drank, and danced

for 12 hours and had the best time of my life. I am old and retired but my zest

for living is great.

There is another lady in London that I e:mail with who has S/D. She is doing

very well also.

She said it was cold in London. We are feeling a cold spell in N.Y. too. I hate

it and wish I was as far south as I can get. Last year, we went to Puerto Rico

and St. Croix. It proved to be a very expensive vacation as we were there from

December to May. I am still paying off that trip, so this year, we can't go

anywhere. I am thinking of making a permanent move to

Southern California, so I can be outdoors all the time. I love swimming, hiking,

biking, and just being able to get around without wearing heavy coats, sweaters,

boots, scarves, gloves, hats, etc: I feel so weighted down with so much clothing

on especially in the subways, and buses. So, I stay home during most of the

winter and feel like I have cabin fever. Would love to be snorkeling in the

Caribbean somewhere. Good luck to you, Ken. let us know how you make out. Take


Ken Pearson <maputo95@...> wrote:

Hi Dolores

Thank you very much. I am so glad that you went into remission after 18 months

on 100 mg 2x a day.

May I ask how long you have been in remission for and whether or not the higher

dosage had any increased side-effects.

It's so cold here in London, that I think myy joints are worse?!



mike rosner <martysfolks2004@...> wrote:

Hi Ken, Gwen is right. Steroids and the poison cocktails that are feelgood meds

at first will eventually kill you because they are immune suppressants. When the

immune system is suppressed you become vulnerable to any bacteria that comes

along. Minocin is not only an antibiotic, but an antiinflammatory as well. I

went into remission after 18 months of being on Minocin 100mg twice a day every

day. The best to you. Dolores

Gwen <gmartin4@...> wrote: Hi Ken

When I first went to the Rheumy, she had me on 65mg Steroids, plus weekly

injections of methotrexate, both of which helped at the beginning,but the side

effects where sending me to an early grave.

So trust me, do not take any, of those drugs, as they are poison.

I gave them drugs up, when the Minocin kick in.

Minocin is the only thing that works for me.

And I am living proof this treatment works.

Thank god for this support group, which has given me back my life.

My GP, has put several of her other patience's, on this drug, who are also

having excellent results.

So the word, is slowly getting out, and the drug companies will be going broke.

Regards Gwen

rheumatic from North Coast

Hello Leonie,

Please allow me to introduce myself my name is and I live near Byron Bay

in the North Coast. Like yourself I have been trying natural remedies to treat

my RA. When diagnosed in Oct'05 my RF reading was considered high at 38 by my

doctor. With my refusal to take all the toxic meds that the Rheumy suggested I

take to myself and my doctor. My latest reading in Oct'07 was 515 as you can

imagine the pain and loss of mobility that I am currently experiencing.

I receive all latest e-mails from the group but for some reason cannot post

anything for myself.

Your e-mail has caught my eye for the following reasons. After 3 months of

continually calling Dr. Mouroukas. He finally rang and explained what his

approach was with this AP therapy. Like you I also am apprehensive of taking any

more drugs that I have too.

In speaking with the doctor he has informed me that the distance between the

North Coast and Sydney would prove to be difficult in doing this AP therapy.

What I would like to know if you do not mind if you do decide to do his

treatment could you advise how the you find the therapy with living in Canberra,

how sick you actually get.

I know you haven't started yet he sounded really nice and for myself I'm quite

interested in starting as I want to get better.

Thank you



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