Guest guest Posted June 12, 2002 Report Share Posted June 12, 2002 Guaifenesin is being touted as a cure for Fibromyalgia. Simply put Guaifenesin allows the body to eliminate from the bloodstream certain minerals that appear to be in high concentration in muscles and other tissue causing the problems and pain. When these minerals are eliminated from the bloodstream the body can then eliminate these minerals from tissue, too. This results in the cessation of painful symptoms. Whether this works for other conditions than Fibro, I don't know. I do know that the theory is extremely controversial right now. I take guiafenesin to keep my nasal and bronchial secretions from thickening up. So far, even though I do take the medication at the suggested levels by the Dr. who came up with this treatment plan, I notice no improvement in my condition. I do not think that there is any evidence it helps anyone with a spondyloarthropathy disease. For more information do a search using the following terms: Fibromyalgia, calcium, guiafenesin You should come up with many articles related to a Dr. Armand's research and other's reactions to it. Ray Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 13, 2002 Report Share Posted June 13, 2002 Connie, I am asthmatic and have chronic ear and sinus problems. I have been taking Guaifenesin since 1991. I don't believe it has helped my muscles, aches, etc.; however, it has been a God-send with respect to helping to keep my ears from retaining fluid and keeping my lungs clear. I take it in pill form that is a combination of pseudoephedrine and guaifenesin. Brand names vary. Two that I remember are Pan Mist LA and Duratuss. I believe the tabs are 80 mg. of pseudoephedrine and 800 mgs. of guaifenesin. I take them twice a day, morning and evening. I also use Meclizine 25 mg. for my inner-ear problem (vertigo). Regards! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 18, 2002 Report Share Posted June 18, 2002 Connie & : I haven't tried the stuff you are mentioning, but my dr put me on beconase AQ (beclomethasone dipropionate, monohydrate) nasal spray 0.042% two times a day (not habit forming) and it has done a WORLD of good for the sinus headaches. Just my two cents worth. Kathy from WI Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 19, 2003 Report Share Posted October 19, 2003 Yes, Maarit. But if you use a decongestant with it and reduce acidity, it works much quicker, much simpler and can relieve all symptoms. I have the medical records to prove it. Please read: Basically, what I do is: 1. Wear eye mask and ear plugs to get deep restorative sleep every night. 2. NO soft drinks because they have lots of phosphoric acid. Very acidic. NO tomatoes - in any form. Very acidic. NO lemons - in any form. Very acidic. 3. C H E W calcium tablets to neutralize Hyaluronic Acid. HA is a good thing, it's the clear, natural lubricant and conditioner that is supposed to be circulating through our entire bodies. But in Fibro folks it's a little too thick, and we have too much of it. 4. Take prescription decongestant to open the body up to normal. Take prescription Guaifenesin (expectorant) to help get the excess, neutralized acid (which is very much like mucous) out of the body. I have been on this newly-devised, prescription-based treatment for 36 months (since October, 2000) and remain free of all symptoms. These are the only meds of any kind that I take. This is not a cure or remission. I have to take the meds every day. But, I was disabled before and am fine now. As far as we can learn, this is the first time anyone had every gotten total relief from all symptoms of Severe Fibromyalgia using a prescription-based treatment. All info and details are free to the public on the web site. I answer all emails and phone calls personally. We accept no donations and charge nothing. We pay the web site, email and phone costs out of our own pockets. The only reason we have the web site is to try to help those who still suffer. Please help us get the word out. Anne Hillebrand Orlando, FL 1st of 5,000,000 by the unlimited grace of my almighty God. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 19, 2003 Report Share Posted October 19, 2003 You'd have to read the whole thing to find this, so here's the quick version. We knew all along that acid was a problem in my situation. I read Buskilla's research article on the tests his group did on Fibro patients in Tel Aviv. Had seen a reference to it on Devin Starlanyl's web site. First time I had heard of HA. A similar study says his was all bunk. But, the first time I had taken the Entex LA (Guai + decongestant) in rather large quantity, it literally felt like Jello was melting and flowing out my limbs to my fingers and toes. My toe joints crackled and popped for several days. Felt like " Pop Rocks " candy sounds. Had been reading more about HA, and realized that must be what was missing. Before I was given Celebrex and this Fibro went full blown, I had gone to the doctor for my back. My lower back didn't hurt, it just wouldn't work. Like a dry door hinge. For years, the discs in my back had been bulged. My right knee had not worked since 1981 (knee surgery gone very wrong). My female system had not worked in 25 years. When we started on the Entex LA, everything started working. I read between about 200 to 700 research abstracts most months, many on PubMed and similar sites. Dr. Arthur O. , MD, Chief of Ethics, Clinical Pathology and Human Trials, U.S. Army, Fort Deatrick, MD was a wonderful source of info on Hyaluronic Acid. You can read what he shared on Currently am trying to figure out if the HA thickens up, as I have thought up until now, or if it is actually the correct thickness, but is not being broken down in some parts of the body where that is needed. Hyaluronidase is a catalyst that is supposed to break down HA and increase it permeability. Perhaps it is failing in some areas. I spent 72 hours with almost no sleep the first part of last week just reading and emailing and thinking about it. Well, hope that helps. Welcome any info or comments you may have on HA or any aspect of this. We know what causes the symptoms and how to beat them. We want to know what causes the syndrome itself. Look forward to hearing from you. Hope you will read the entire web site. It is amateur at best, but it's the unvarnished truth the best we can tell it. On the front page is a little red rectangle with an incredible, but true story. The link says " Testimony - an amazing story " . I really hope you will take time to read it. Sincerely, Anne Hillebrand Orlando, FL Medical Maverick Intellectual Wild Card and Rogue Grandmother 1st of 5,000,000 by the unlimited grace of my almighty God. -- Can't go to sleep or back to sleep? Tired, stiff, in terrible pain? Can't think clearly? Weight gain? Acid reflux? Tingling? Fatigue? Read about Fibromyalgia and the first ever completely effective treatment. All info is free. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 19, 2003 Report Share Posted October 19, 2003 p.s. - are you the lady who called from California? Your company had just finished first trials on a test for Hyaluronic Acid in Fibro? If so, I really need to talk to you guys. There would not be excess HA in the extremities. It would be a deficiency. There will be excess HA at and " upstream of " the tender points. My phone is 407-925-4139. Any time. Anne Hillebrand Orlando, FL Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 20, 2003 Report Share Posted October 20, 2003 Thanks, . I'll have to dig back through some things to find that other 's email address. You will want to check out the readings for pH. Below 6.0 or so is acidic. pH of 7.5 would be on the alkali side. 4.0 would be very acidic. I always remember " when the number is high, the acid is low " . Looking forward to hearing from you. You can beat this beast, kiddo. We have! Annie -- Can't go to sleep or back to sleep? Tired, stiff, in terrible pain? Can't think clearly? Weight gain? Acid reflux? Tingling? Fatigue? Read about Fibromyalgia and the first ever completely effective treatment. All info is free. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 20, 2003 Report Share Posted October 20, 2003 I use a real high-tech term - junk! ha ha. Take care Annie -- Can't go to sleep or back to sleep? Tired, stiff, in terrible pain? Can't think clearly? Weight gain? Acid reflux? Tingling? Fatigue? Read about Fibromyalgia and the first ever completely effective treatment. All info is free. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 20, 2003 Report Share Posted October 20, 2003 Hi Annie, Just for the sake of accuracy, I don't think the statement in your sig that your protocol is " the first ever completely effective treatment " for fibromyalgia is necessarily true, so it may be worth clarifying. Thanks, Luke Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 20, 2003 Report Share Posted October 20, 2003 Hi, . I usually answer questions on personal email, but if no one minds, I'm glad to do it here. You wrote: Anne, I have read over your website and here are my questions: a. why is the decongestant necessary ? If you don't open the body up to normal, the neutralized acid cannot get out. At least that's the best I can understand of how it works. b. is this treatment different from Dr. St. Amands ? Yes, quite a bit different. I only avoid a few products and foods. This treatment works very quickly. There is no cycling, mapping or record keeping needed. I don't have any symptoms, and don't take any pain pills. I understand that those using the Guai Protocol may need pain relief until such time as they get completely well. The Guai Protocol was developed by a medical doctor who has 40 years of his own experience with the illness. Last I heard he still had symptoms, though. I am just an amateur who was desperate. But I am free of all symptoms. Q: Are any of the patients following his protocol using a guai that contains a decongestant? I cannot speak for any of them, but have never heard of anyone doing that. c. Are you still taking Entex LA with PPA or have you switched to the one with phenylephrine ? I have taken Entex LA with phenylephrine. We tested it when it first became available from Andrex Labs. It worked just fine. As it says on our Medications page, Entex LA with Guai + PPA is no longer available. I still take it, and have for the past 36 months, all but during that test period. We want to keep me on the same thing for as long as possible. I took Entex LA (Guai + PPA) for over 17 years for breathing problems following a medical accident (knee surgery that lead to 30 days in the hospital). I have been taking it in the large quantities for the past 3 years. First as Entex LA, and more recently, separately as Guai and PPA. With 20 years of experience on it with no problems, it seems best to stay with it. We know I haven't had any adverse reaction to it. For a while I got it by buying up (with a prescription) the last of what was available at pharmacies around the country. Then, before the newer Entex LA became available and when there was no substitute, a compounding pharmacist made it for me. He did it because he knew I had to have it to live. He has since passed away and I miss him dearly. I will continue to take Guai + PPA it as long as we can get it. Now, it has to come from outside the country. I put it up in capsules myself. Can I tell you how to get Guai outside the country? Yes. Will I tell you how to get PPA? No. Guai is available over the counter in the US now, although it is much more expensive than it used to be. PPA, however, was recalled by the FDA due to death by hemmoraghic stroke in some users. d. Is Entex LA with PPA different or better or worse than Entex LA with phenylephrine ? With the 20 years of experience on the original with no problems, it seems best for me to stay with it. But for everyone else who has Fibro, it makes more since to use what is currently available. It does the same thing, but using a different compound to do it. e. I found a couple things on the Dr.Art page really interesting " ..Glucuronic acid also participates in matrix formation. We called this term ecm or extra cellular matrix. All cells sit on some form of ecm in the body. This matrix is often a part of connective tissues of the body and forms links between epithelial cells and collagen, or it may link collagen fibers together. " " " maybe this is a cause of " leaky gut " I don't know the answer to that one, . When I first got treatment, everything started working normally within just an hour or so. But the Irritable Bowel Syndrome took a few days to clear up. It seemed that the insides of my guts were just ragged and raw (from not having the natural lubricant and conditioner on the walls) and had to heal. and also " Hyaluronic acid is also involved in the immune system and in inflammatory processes. A molecule code named CD-44 is found on certain kinds of inflammatory cells and on activated lymphocytes. This CD-44 molecule specifically binds to hyaluronic acid on the surfaces of endothelial cells, connective tissue cells and endothelial cells. This interaction allows the activated lymphocyte to complete its immune maturation without committing suicide. If hyaluronic acid is missing, immune reactive cells that make antibodies cannot mature properly and may die rather than continue dividing or maturing into antibody forming cells. " maybe this is why I can't beat candida Dr. Art's comments have been a big help, and are of great interest, but saying I understand everything he said would be a lie. Candida is not something I have any experience with. Thanks for your questions, . Hope the answers help. Let me know if there is anything at all we can do to be of help to you. Sincerely, Anne Hillebrand Orlando, FL 1st of 5,000,000 by the unlimited grace of my almighty God. annehillebrand@... Ann, I have read over your website and here are my questions: a. why is the decongestant necessary ? b. is this treatment different from Dr. St. Amands ? ie. Are any of the patients following his protocol using a guai that contains a decongestant ? c. Are you still taking Entex LA with PPA or have you switched to the one with phenylephrine ? d. Is Entex LA with PPA different or better or worse than Entex LA with phenylephrine ? e. I found a couple things on the Dr.Art page really interesting " ..Glucuronic acid also participates in matrix formation. We called this term ecm or extra cellular matrix. All cells sit on some form of ecm in the body. This matrix is often a part of connective tissues of the body and forms links between epithelial cells and collagen, or it may link collagen fibers together. " " " - maybe this is a cause of " leaky gut " and also . " Hyaluronic acid is also involved in the immune system and in inflammatory processes. A molecule code named CD-44 is found on certain kinds of inflammatory cells and on activated lymphocytes. This CD-44 molecule specifically binds to hyaluronic acid on the surfaces of endothelial cells, connective tissue cells and endothelial cells. This interaction allows the activated lymphocyte to complete its immune maturation without committing suicide. If hyaluronic acid is missing, immune reactive cells that make antibodies cannot mature properly and may die rather than c continue dividing or maturing into antibody forming cells. " - maybe this is why I can't beat candida Thanks, Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 20, 2003 Report Share Posted October 20, 2003 As far as we can learn, Luke, this was the first time that any treatment has completely relieved all symtoms of Fibromyalgia and kept working. We have heard of people who have gone into remission. For some reason their symptoms stopped and they did not have to use any treatment after that for at least an extended period of time. I also will not dispute anyone who says they were miraculously healed. That is between them and God - not for me to question. Other reports we have had all seem to be from someone who still have some symptoms (stiffness, has to take pain pills, use massage, etc). Or they are from folks who are selling something. Do you know of anyone who has beaten all symptoms and is willing to give out their doctor's name and address? If so, is what they are doing something others can do, too? Thanks for the question. If we see that the statement is misleading, I'll change it in a flash. Anne H Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 21, 2003 Report Share Posted October 21, 2003 Hi Anne, > As far as we can learn, Luke, this was the first time that any treatment > has completely relieved all symptoms of Fibromyalgia and kept working. Yes, but others have made similar claims. There's many examples - Dr Lowe's hypometabolic theory comes first to my mind for FM, plus theirs Jim's FIR protocol and others as Ken mentions too (anticoagulants, antiviral etc). I'm following Lowe's metabolic rehab protocol at the moment for FM, as he has both published studies ( and an enormous amount of research in " The Metabolic Treatment of Fibromyalgia " ( behind him. Who knows if it will work though. My point is just that most reasonable protocols seem to work for some people, some of the time, and that while yours may be a another worthwhile protocol, its just not the first. I don't dispute your own or others experiences on your protocol, nor do I have a problem with you letting people know about it if you really think it works, I just think with so much misinformation and hearsay out there we need to be accurate as possible when making statements about these syndromes and their various treatments. All the best, Luke Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 21, 2003 Report Share Posted October 21, 2003 You wrote: Hi Anne, > As far as we can learn, Luke, this was the first time that any treatment > has completely relieved all symptoms of Fibromyalgia and kept working. Yes, but others have made similar claims. **** I've seen the claims. Lots of claims. Where are the people who have gotten complete relief? I provide name, address and phone number. There's many examples - Dr Lowe's hypometabolic theory comes first to my mind for FM, plus theirs Jim's FIR protocol and others as Ken mentions too (anticoagulants, antiviral etc). I'm following Lowe's metabolic rehab protocol at the moment for FM, as he has both published studies ( and an enormous amount of research in " The Metabolic Treatment of Fibromyalgia " behind him. Who knows if it will work though. My point is just that most reasonable protocols seem to work for some people, some of the time, and that while yours may be a another worthwhile protocol, its just not the first. ***** Am not familiar with this one. I'll read about it. How are you doing on the treatment? I don't dispute your own or others experiences on your protocol, nor do I have a problem with you letting people know about it if you really think it works, I just think with so much misinformation and hearsay out there we need to be accurate as possible when making statements about these syndromes and their various treatments. ***** Hearsay is when you don't have first hand proof. I'm walking around proof. I offer to let any reseacher run any tests they need to. With me on the meds, then off, for comparison. Or blood tests, etc. Anything they need to further the understanding of this treatment or our illness. It only takes a few hours off the meds before the symptoms show up full blown again, then only about 15 mintutes back on them for complete relief again. Sincerely, Anne Hillebrand Orlando, FL Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 21, 2003 Report Share Posted October 21, 2003 Luke, Dr Lowe is a chiropractor. He is also selling a book. On his web site it says his article is in " Medical Hypotheses " , and says it is a prestigeous publication. It is not subject to peer review, and those who put articles in it pay a " page charge " . Anne Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 21, 2003 Report Share Posted October 21, 2003 > Luke, Dr Lowe is a chiropractor. You mean he has a degree in chiropractic? He does. He also has a BA and MA in psychology too ( His hobbies include philosophy of science and symbolic logic. Does this have much to do with the research and writing he has done over the past couple of decades? You tell me! However I can't help but note the extreme irony in your statement - " oh, he's a chiro, so he probably has a kooky, unscientific, dogmatic understanding of health and really isn't worth listening to at all, much less trusted with my health " . Anne, nothing could be further from the truth - Lowe is more dedicated to the cold, hard, brutal scientific truth than anyone I've read, even if it means proving his own hypothesis wrong! Anne, I don't understand why you would want to discredit Dr Lowe? Lowe is to FM what Cheney is to CFS (or Goldstein, or whoever). I put it to you that *no one* has done more for our understanding of fibromyalgia than Lowe & co has. Lowe is by far the must underrated researcher in the field today, imo. If only people would *read* his work... > He is also selling a book. I hardly see this as a conflict of interest! Especially when its the product of several years of full time work; probably the most important document on FM written to date; and quite literally " a scientific treatise of the highest calibre. " Anne, if you really want those with FM to recover, why would you cast aspersions on the leading researcher, author and clinician in the field??? Live and let live I say... Luke... Dr Lowe fanboy #1 ;P Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 21, 2003 Report Share Posted October 21, 2003 . A decongestant is a vaso-restrictor. It makes swollen vessels and membranes shrink back to normal size so that the normal pathways in between are not squeezed closed. Anne -- Can't go to sleep or back to sleep? Tired, stiff, in terrible pain? Can't think clearly? Weight gain? Acid reflux? Tingling? Fatigue? Read about Fibromyalgia and the first ever completely effective treatment. All info is free. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 21, 2003 Report Share Posted October 21, 2003 The Guaifenesin is an expectorant. It helps transport the mucus out of the body. You may want to think of it like this: If you had oil on your garage floor - you could just sweep it around and around. You might could eliminate it eventually. But, if you opened the garage door (decongestant), put down some cat litter (Calcium) then used a broom to sweep it out (expectorant), you could get it out quickly and easily. Not the best example, but I just got off work and my brain is on other things. Esentially - the treatment I am using has 5 parts and does 4 things: Eye mask and ear plugs block out ALL light and sound - fibro folk perceive light and sound as being much more important than they are. Even a little light or sound is enough to keep us from getting deep, restorative sleep. Calcium - neutralizes the excess, thickened Hyaluronic Acid. Hyaluronic Acid is a good thing - it's the natural lubricant and conditioner in every cell of our bodies. In fibro folk it is a little too thick. It can't circulate to reach all the places it needs to. And it can't get out of the body correctly via perspiration, discharge of vaginal lubrication, out the gut, etc. Decongestant - Phenylephrine is the best one available as far as we know. Opens the bodies pathways up to normal status. Expectorant - Guaifenesin. Helps to get the neutralized HA on out of the body. No soft drinks or other highly acid foods. They just contribute to overall body acidity, which we do not need. Stomach acid and Hyaluronic Acid are not the same thing and I believe that they do not mix in the body. Write again if this doesn't answer your questions. Like I said, you can start with the non-meds " tricks " and see if you get relief just from that. Keep in touch and let us know if we can help in any way. Anne H -- Can't go to sleep or back to sleep? Tired, stiff, in terrible pain? Can't think clearly? Weight gain? Acid reflux? Tingling? Fatigue? Read about Fibromyalgia and the first ever completely effective treatment. All info is free. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 22, 2003 Report Share Posted October 22, 2003 > The Guaifenesin is an expectorant. It helps transport the mucus out of the > body. > Actually, when I went to the Dr. Amand lecture-conference about 5 years ago, he said the Guafenesin removes excess Calcium phosphates from the body or kidney. If you read the new NCF research at under newsletter link, you will also read that there is the mention of a calcium influx that I thought could be related, but am not sure. Al Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 22, 2003 Report Share Posted October 22, 2003 To Al and all. From what I am able to tell, Dr. St. Amand and his Guai users still have symptoms - most have serious symptoms. I don't. Haven't had in 3 years. The decongestant, reducing acid intake, and neutralizing Hyaluronic Acid are major differences in these two treatments. The only thing they have in common is Guaifenesin. Sometime go to the Guai Support message board and read how those people are actually doing. What symptoms they have, whether or not they are able to work, golf, etc. Their stories will break your heart. Many of them say their spouses have left, they can't work, don't have insurance, can't get around, can't think, etc. Then stop to think. My husband and I have been married 32 years. He's using the last couple of days of his annual vacation. I'm taking off to enjoy it with him. We have been chasing our Jack Terrior though the house together. Being romantic. Laughing. Doing projects around the house. Tomorrow we'll probably detail our two vehicles out on the driveway. Both 4- door Explorers. I may start doing the drywall top coat on our back bathroom. Tomorrow afternoon and evening I'm going to bake cookies and stuff with the women's circle at the Winter Garden First United Methodist Church. Without the treatment I am using, I was disabled in horrible pain and so brain fogged I could not take care of myself most of the time. As soon as I started using it, I got my life back. Then, with a little fine- tuning, I started to feel and think like 35 instead of 50 years old. I owe Dr. St Amand a great debt simply because we read only a small portion of his web site. It mentioned Guaifenesin. From there on out, it was a totally different ball game. Please read There's nothing for sale. It's a public service. Tells exactly what I am doing and taking. The only reason we keep the web site and write about this is to help YOU. We don't want fame or money, or we would write a book and charge the sox off of everyone. There is no reason you can't do the same thing I'm doing and have the same results, unless you have other health issues that won't permit it. I can't imagine why you wouldn't want to try at least the " tricks " . Anne Hillebrand Orlando, FL 1st of 5,000,000 by the unlimited grace of my almighty God. -- Can't go to sleep or back to sleep? Tired, stiff, in terrible pain? Can't think clearly? Weight gain? Acid reflux? Tingling? Fatigue? Read about Fibromyalgia and the first ever completely effective treatment. All info is free. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 25, 2003 Report Share Posted November 25, 2003 > Expectorant - Guaifenesin. Helps to get the neutralized HA on out of the > body. There is no evidence that guaifenesin reduces acid content in the body. On the contrary. The body metabolizes guaifenesin into beta-(2-methoxyphenoxy) lactic acid. In other words, guaifenesin actually introduces an acid into the body! How do you think it has a uricosuric ability to begin with? In order to compete with uric acid, you need another similar acid. The reason why salicylate acid supposedly blocks guaifenesin, is again because it's competing with an acid. So you take 1000mg of guaifenesin, you get tons of the metabolite, that gets excreted. It's no wonder that people see a difference in their urine, all that extra acid from the guaifenesin. You want a reason why people start to feel bad if they take too much guaifenesin, you don't need a cycling theory for that. You just have to look at the tons of this lactic acid which is being introduced into the body. Studies have shown that guaifenesin has very little thinning effect on mucus itself. Instead, it appears that it's able to to open mucus pores, which thus causes mucus to flow more easily. In fact, this is likely to cause more mucus to be created. This effect is quite possibly linked to it's neurological ability to reduce neuron activity, which would relax muscles and open passage ways in the body. Many natural decongestants also have muscle relaxing ability (i.e. kava kava and peppermint oil). This neurological ability is most likely the reason why some people with fibromyalgia find it reduces their pain. In fact, other people are recognizing this ability, and are putting guaifenesin into transdermal pain patches which applied to aching areas of the body. Another researcher has discovered that this ability then increase the pain relieve effects of analgesic like tylenol. Besides which, hyaluronic acid is actually being promoted as a remedy to help fibromyalgia! See: & lr= & ie=ISO-8859-1 & safe=off & q=hyaluronic+acid+\ fibromyalgisure In any event, people taking the time released version of guaifenesin probably are seeing very little uricosuric effect. The only study that looked at this effect, used large doses of non-time released versions, and deemed it's effect not substantial enough to make it useful as a uricosuric drug. So it's no wonder that the study on guaifenesin didn't show an uricosuric effect for the time released version. When you are on time released, only a small amount of the guaifenesin metabolite appears at the kidneys at any one time. For more information about guaifenesin, and links to the studies that I mention, see: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 26, 2003 Report Share Posted November 26, 2003 Dear " Whoopandado " , Thank you for your post and the link to your document. It looks very comprehensive and I've printed it out to digest over a few days. Have you an recomendations for things that do work? With kindest regards, Annette (in London) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 26, 2003 Report Share Posted November 26, 2003 > aching areas of the body. Another researcher has discovered that this > ability then increase the pain relieve effects of analgesic like tylenol. > Hm, I didn't get the grammar correct here. It should have read " this ability increases the pain relieving effects of analgesics, like tylenol " . Basically, some propanediol drugs like guaifenesin have neurological effects, and some researchers hypothesize that this is due to an antagonistic effect on excitatory amino acids. These amino acids excites neuron receptors like NMDA, which causes pain. Other drugs used for fibromyalgia also have a similar effect on NMDA neurons. So in effect, guaifenesin is not really doing anything so different, than other drugs for fibromyalgia. It's just that people like Amand started using guaifenesin without realizing it had this effect. All he knew was that it was a uricosuric, albeit a weak one. However, it worked better than stronger uricosuric, which should have set off bells, that perhaps another effect was actually the cause, but he didn't bother to fully investigate the drug. Mark Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 26, 2003 Report Share Posted November 26, 2003 > Dear " Whoopandado " , > > Thank you for your post and the link to your document. It looks very > comprehensive and I've printed it out to digest over a few days. > > Have you an recomendations for things that do work? Note that I didn't say guaifenesin doesn't work, I just explain it differently. IMHO, fibromyalgia, like any disease, has to be treated holistically, which means identifying all the possible secondary health conditions which you may have, i.e. treating nurtritional deficiencies, immune system problems, hormonal imbalances, etc. I.e. magnesium deficiency, lyme disease, hypothyroidism. And making sure you don't have other problems like celiac, sjogren's, RSD, Chornic Myofascial Pain, osteoarthritis, etc. Changing your diet to avoid any allergens, ingredients like aspartate and MSG (and possibly salicylates!), trying a low carb diet, etc. But especially treating any sleep disorder, finding meds that will help you sleep through the night, trying meds like neurontin, especially if you have burning pain, possibly trying SSRIs like Effexor, etc. etc. Actually, the real recommendation would be to locate a doctor that could help you do all the above! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 21, 2004 Report Share Posted December 21, 2004 I know I've seen guaifenesin discussed in this group. for those who take it, how much do you take? Sandy Beaumont, CA MCTD, scleroderma prevailing Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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