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Hi Lynne,

Thanks for all your great advice about supplements etc, and I'll definitely get

the best enteric coated pro-biotics I can find. When you say NAC, do you mean

L-Glutamine ? And ALA is Alpha Lipoic Acid, right ?

It's going to be hard to stay of sugar, but I guess I'll have to be good. Have

you heard of the Three-Lac product which is supposed to cure Candida ?

Well, I'm glad you're busy doing stuff you love with your horticulture, instead

of sitting in front of the flippin computer all day like I do. One day I might

get a life too !

All the best to you,


Re: rheumatic diet and RA

Hi Leonie;

Believe me,AP works very well but you often have to fiddle with the

dosage and the different antiiotics.Anything you need to know about food

I can tell you.The thing about antibiotics id that they kill all

bugs,the good and the bad so that is why you have to take a good

probiotic a couple of hours after the antibiotic.Make sure you get the

enteric coated ones.Those that are not disolve in the stomack and the

acid will kill just about all of them.Only H Pylori and a couple other

bugs can survive stomack acid.You need the coated ones that disolve in

the small intestine.Even though you take probiotics you can still have a

yeast problem so the lower the dose of antibiotic the better.You can

usually use more antibiotic if you avoid all sugars that feed yeast.The

foods that cause inflamation are grains,other than rice, nightshade

vegetables and of course SUGAR the all time trouble maker.

I am a scientist by education,archeologist/paleoanthropologist and

because of this I had to take Pre-Med.I found food so interesting that

dietetics became my Minor.Many supplements are not of much help.If you

get yeast ALA and Milk Thistle in combination can help and so does

grapefruit seed extract but since you are on Celebrex grapefuit is not a

wise decision as it will intensify many drugs to the point they can be

toxic.NAC is good as it is one of the precursors to glutathion which is

the master detoxifyers of the body.Take it along with niacinamine...not

niacin.Vitamin C will help prevent the bruise like marks you can get

from minocin if used at high dosage for a long time.Low dose of 100mg 3

times a week probably will not cause a problem.If you are on mino for a

couple of years it is a good idea to rotate to a different antibiotic.

etc,etc,etc.If you have questions,just whistle.I am in remission from

SD and am super busy with my orchid greenhouse andpreparing for

severalupcoming shows,so I don't get to the computer for more than a few

minutes now and then.Eventually I will answer you.Oops,forgot to mention

that if you are over 40-45 you are most likely to be low on stomack acid

so make sure to take digestive enzymes with your meals to prevent more

gut problems.All of us with these crazy diseases have gut issues

wheather you know itor not. Lynne

leonie cent wrote:

> Hi everyone,

> I'm going to indulge myself and rabbit on about my situation for a few

> minutes... hope you don't mind.


> I know I've mentioned this before, but the reason I got sidetracked

> from doing the AP much sooner, was that I went down the road of

> thinking I could cure my disease by eliminating certain foods which

> were triggering the symptoms (the Leaky Gut thing) and taking

> supplements (funnily enough someone on this list told me about the

> diet thing, however I was previously a vitamin junkie anyway :).

> Also, I was paranoid about antibiotics, as I've read that they cause

> illness in the first place by mucking up the body's eco system. I

> guess the AP can help Leaky Gut by killing the bugs that cause it in

> the first place ?


> I'm sure that some foods trigger pain, but I don't know which ones and

> couldn't be bothered finding out, since it's too hard to go on

> elimination diets etc. I just try to keep things down to a dull roar

> by not eating the main offenders like wheat and dairy, but it's hard.

> When the pain gets bad, I go on a fast for a few days and that usually

> gets me back on track. I also found some natural remedies that are

> great anti-inflammatories, and have managed to keep off the drugs like

> Methotrexate etc, just taking Celebrex. I think all this will hold me

> in good stead for taking on the AP in a few weeks.


> Is anyone else on the list into the supplement " thing " ? I guess I

> still feel a bit anxious about taking antibiotics, and want to make

> sure I do the right things re diet and pro-biotics/supplements etc. Be

> good to swap notes with others.


> All the best,


> ~Leonie (Canberra, Australia)

> leoniecent@... <mailto:leoniecent%40bigpond.com>



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