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Re: Should I try T3?

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What in the world does this type of muscle weakness have to do with an

antidepressant?! Sheesh!! I have no doubt it's the CFS, alias, thyroid

disease, but an antidepressant? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

Re: Re: Should I try T3?


> ----- Original Message -----

> From: lkwetter

> This changes nerve

> and muscle response, making things kind of jerky and uncoordinated

> -------------------------------------------------------------------

> ooooh, now bells are ringing! The latest thing to happen is this:

whenever I exert any pressure on my feet, like holding in the clutch in my

car or sitting in an upright chair with the pressure on the balls of my

feet, my legs start jumping up and down quite uncontrollably. I was really

worried about this so mentioned it to my doc. His response was that it was

part of cfs (my official diagnosis) and to try another low dose

anti-depressant. I don't think so!

> Lynda (in the UK)

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>>>I also used to measure it by stools, but since I am on daily iron, can't


that--the iron makes them harder. Janie

Janie - please explain " measure it by stools " . I have not heard this

mentioned in conjunction with thyroid issues.

Thanks, joan

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>>>I also used to measure it by stools, but since I am on daily iron, can't


that--the iron makes them harder. Janie

Janie - please explain " measure it by stools " . I have not heard this

mentioned in conjunction with thyroid issues.

Thanks, joan

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>>>I also used to measure it by stools, but since I am on daily iron, can't


that--the iron makes them harder. Janie

Janie - please explain " measure it by stools " . I have not heard this

mentioned in conjunction with thyroid issues.

Thanks, joan

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Hi, ,

I don't know the answer to your question. But I was wondering, do you take


in Va.


I have found that with my very poor to none conversion I must take divided

dosages or I have horrible slumps. I have also started taking some at or

right before bedtime and find I do sleep much better with it. I am odd in

that I don't feel I convert any T4 at all. I can take it by the jar and not

feel a thing, but Armour & T3 together are beginning to make me feel good

again. I have a question... As I doubt I do any T4 to T3 conversion, is

there any reason I should continue taking T4 at all? Maybe go to straight T3

therapy? The only thing is I know there are other things in Armour that I

wouldn;t get then though, so maybe it;'s best I stay on this.

Artistic Grooming * Hurricane, WV

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I read somewhere that T4 is used in the brain. But then we know the T3 must be

used in the brain too if

it's needed to prevent depression. I wish I knew where I read that.

in Va.

Subject: Re: Should I try T3?

As I doubt I do any T4 to T3 conversion, is

> there any reason I should continue taking T4 at all? Maybe go to

straight T3

> therapy? The only thing is I know there are other things in Armour

that I

> wouldn;t get then though, so maybe it;'s best I stay on this.


> Artistic Grooming * Hurricane, WV

It seems to me that although the T3 is most usable on the cellular

level, there must be some reason that the body makes T4, SOME OF

WHICH converts to T3....I don't know all of the particulars, but the

T4 is also needed somewhere along the line.

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I tried Selenium several years ago with nothing from it, so I dropped it.

Maybe I will try it again one of these days, but with things going as well

as they are with my health, I really hate to rock the boat!

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