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Re: Referral for rhumy in IL INFLAMMATION Info & comment to Dolo...

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What a wonderful email! I will check for the Astaxanthin and I am on mega

omega and use a LOT of garlic, cinnamon, cumin etc. But the explanation

sure does make sense and I know I must get a handle on it before something

else goes wrong. Bob did not choose to do anything alternative with his

cancer and it was difficult to stand by and know there were other

alternatives. As it is, he was literally fried by the radiation which has left


massive problems. Monday will be here soon and off I will go to check on


In a message dated 2/5/2011 5:21:15 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,

ehgooding@... writes:

Hi ,

Re your comment about inflammation I thought the below might be of help.

I've also heard that Dr. Mercola is recommending Astaxanthin for

inflammation; it's an antioxidant that's more powerful then vitamins A & C.

I know antibiotics is a major asset to our diseases and I think it's


can be supported and enhanced with dietary changes and supplements which


more readily available.

Comment to Dolores, do you think your doctor in NY would send you a

prescription for Minocin or call one into a pharmacy in NY with the

instructions to mail the pills to you? (What a radical thought El!!!).

Since he knows you so well might he be willing to come to your aid? Just a

thought --- Regards all, El

Before getting to these natural anti inflammatory herbal remedies, a brief

explanation of inflammation.

An inflammation is simply a body's reaction to an infection, irritation or

injury. It is actually usually a helpful response and shows that your


defenses are working correctly.

However, the body can learn to over rely on this response keeping the

response going past the point of need or responding with inflammation when

there is no substance to fight off (autoimmune disorder).

Improper inflammatory response is responsible for cancer, arthritis,

diabetes & more. Inflammation can lead to numerous health problems because

an inflammatory response is non specific & somewhat unpredictable.

Luckily, there are many effective anti inflammatory herbs which can help

treat any number of inflammatory-based conditions.

Best natural anti inflammatory herbs


(http://www.herbalremediesworld.com/) >


(http://www.herbalremediesworld.com/) > To go from anti inflammatory herbs to

home click here <_http://www.herbalremediesworld.com/_

(http://www.herbalremediesworld.com/) >


(http://www.herbalremediesworld.com/) > <_http://www.herbalremediesworld.com/_

(http://www.herbalremediesworld.com/) >

* Turmeric is a great herbal remedy for inflammation, including arthritis,

tendonitis & auto-immune disorders. Take 400 to 600 milligrams of turmeric

extracts (available in tablets or capsules) three times per day. Whole

turmeric is best. It may take two months for good effect so be patient. Oh,

curry mixtures usually contain a good amount of turmeric so feel free to

have lots of curried dishes if you prefer.

* Ginger is also one of the excellent anti inflammatory herbs. Take one to

two capsules (500 to 1,000 mg) twice a day with food. You can also use

ginger liberally in foods or make fresh ginger tea. Here too, you will need

to be patient for the benefits to show.

* Boswellin is a good natural anti inflammatory remedy especially for

conditions like fibromyalgia. The dosage is two capsules twice a day or

follow the product label.

* Arnica is a widely used herbal remedy for inflammation in addition to a

salve for bruises & sprains. Use as directed.

* Bromelain is an anti-inflammatory enzyme. Bromelain is found in


so eat lots of fresh pineapple. You can also buy pleasant tasting, chewable

bromelain tablets. (Take with 100-500mg of magnesium & 500 mg of L-cysteine

to enhance results.)

In the same vein, you can eat papaya since it contains an enzyme that has

anti inflammatory effects. Here too you can simply chew on good tasting

tablets several times daily.

* Devils claw is dual use: one of the better pain-relieving & anti

inflammatory herbs. Devil's claw is especially useful for arthritis.

* Licorice root is an effective, natural anti-inflammatory herb root. Note

that long-term use can raise blood pressure and lead to potassium loss.


is one-eighth to one-quarter teaspoon of extract up to three times daily.

* St. 's wort is better known for its antidepressant effect but also an

herbal remedy for inflammation. Follow label directions.

* White willow bark is also anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving. Use

supplement as directed.

There are many other herbs that have anti-inflammatory properties. I


that many plant based foods have anti-inflammatory effects whether we know

it or not, which is one reason why a diet rich in fruits & vegetables is

generally beneficial for health.

More natural anti inflammatory herbs & spices

The following herbs have also shown some clinical or experimental


as anti inflammatory spices & herbs. Again, use these natural anti

inflammatory remedies as spices, herbs to enhance dishes or take


as directed.

* * Black Pepper *Cinnamon * Rosemary * Basil * Cardamon * Chives


Cilantro * Cloves * Garlic * Meadowsweet * Parsley

Supplements with anti inflammatory properties include: Omega 3 fatty acids,

Vitamin B complex (50 mg three times a day) plus a separate B12 2,000 mcg

daily, Vitamin C (3,000 - 6,000 daily in divided doses), MSM, SAMe,

Bilberry, Aloe vera juice, and Olive leaf extract.


From: _rheumatic _ (mailto:rheumatic )


[mailto:_rheumatic _ (mailto:rheumatic )

<mailto:rheumatic%40> ] On

Behalf Of _Sltfain@..._ (mailto:Sltfain@...)


On that note, I better check in. I don't participate here much any more as


continue to work with my husband who is getting over colon rectal cancer if

that can be done. As for me, my scleroderma tests continue to be negative

for scleroderma since 2004. Like others, here in Montana, there is NO ONE

knowledgeable of this disease and its treatment. The doctors here in the

medical coridor continue the treatment to " prolong " what they consider

people soon to be dead. The one doctor I had here was critically injured in

a car wreck so I was without anything or anyone for such a long time. Then


was lucky enough to locate a gp here who greed to the minocycline - cannot

even get the Minocin in this entire state as the drug is contracted here.


I have done the minocycline as a prophylactic to not go backwards. In the

meantime, we did cleanup from the damage left by the scleroderma. I had a

kidney removed and then heart ablation on both lobes and the aortic valve.

Probably because of the stress - we still have two left in school and I can

tell you that a law practice pretty much shuts down when the lawyer gets

cancer - I have had some symptoms which worried me. Just because the

scleroderma is halted does not mean that the micoplasms are not rioting

again. My GP aceeded to my request to do four months of oral clindamycine

one week on, one week off. I could not have done any more ivs had I wanted

them and been able to get them as my veins are so diminished. So here I

started on Wednesday and will wait to see what kind of herx I have as I am

prone to these. I am able to continue to work with my husband and my life


just so good. But inflammation is a factor which has shown up so I know I

must now become my own best advocate. If anyone knows a better way to do


clindamycin, let me know, as I am shooting in the dark, always having had


through iv. I was fortunate to see this GP on the very day that he had just

had a newly diagnosed scleroderma patient in his office. He asked if the

gentleman could call me but I have not had that call. I did talk to him

about the protocol and will send him all the literature on Monday. He

listened carefully to me as he wants to treat this man so he continues to

live like me. This is quite a journey and I know I am one of the very, very

lucky ones. Newbies, please listen to Delores as she knows this protocol.

Love to all of you on this path. Fain






[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Thank you for all the information that came in this e-mail re:

inflammation. this one is also a keeper.  You have a wealth of info to

share.  Thank you.


As far as trying t get my doc in NY to send me an Rx, I tried that over a year

ago.  My doc would gice me all the scripts I wanted and I even called

Dr.Trentham. They also change to my new insurance and address.  The problem is

that by law, Puerto Rico will not accept any Rx from anywhere except Puerto

Rico.  Even though they are an American Possession, it is not a state and all

the rules, government included are not like living in the U.S.  In fact, we

feel like we have moved to a foreign country.  In a way it is knd of nice not

to have so many rules and regulations as there are in the states.  Yet,

there are a lot of U.S. things we miss. I have a doctor here who is helping

me fight the Insurance company and CVS is willing to get the minocin from the

states.  Mike went on line to buylow. com and we figured it would be cheaper

for me to get the 60 pills /month for $.45.00  To go back into remisssion, I

will start with Minocin 100mg twice

daily. When I think the time is right, I will add the Marshall Protocol which

includes doxy, clindy, Azith and such.  When I am satisfied that I am once

again in remission, I will cut back to $50 mg twice a day.  this is the plan I

used the first time arouns and it worked.  Let's hope it works again.  There

are no A/P doctors on this Island.  All I have is a cardiologist who is

extrememly open to A/P.  That is why he is helping me.  Like I said, the rules

that apply in the States, don't necessarily apply in Puerto Rico. And in P.R.

the rules change along with the situation.  There are some who will let things

slide and then there are some who are predjudiced against Americans.  I can

pass for both. So, I usually can get what I need and know when I am being taken

advantage of. Some think that all retired americans are rich   My spanish

comes in handy because my parents were born here even though I was born in

NYC,  My English goes a very

long way when necessary. But thanks for the suggestion.  Wish it were thqt

easy.   Dolores & Mike   

From: Sltfain@... <Sltfain@...>

Subject: Re: rheumatic Referral for rhumy in IL INFLAMMATION Info & comment to



Date: Saturday, February 5, 2011, 8:30 PM


What a wonderful email! I will check for the Astaxanthin and I am on mega

omega and use a LOT of garlic, cinnamon, cumin etc. But the explanation

sure does make sense and I know I must get a handle on it before something

else goes wrong. Bob did not choose to do anything alternative with his

cancer and it was difficult to stand by and know there were other

alternatives. As it is, he was literally fried by the radiation which has left


massive problems. Monday will be here soon and off I will go to check on


In a message dated 2/5/2011 5:21:15 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,

ehgooding@... writes:

Hi ,

Re your comment about inflammation I thought the below might be of help.

I've also heard that Dr. Mercola is recommending Astaxanthin for

inflammation; it's an antioxidant that's more powerful then vitamins A & C.

I know antibiotics is a major asset to our diseases and I think it's


can be supported and enhanced with dietary changes and supplements which


more readily available.

Comment to Dolores, do you think your doctor in NY would send you a

prescription for Minocin or call one into a pharmacy in NY with the

instructions to mail the pills to you? (What a radical thought El!!!).

Since he knows you so well might he be willing to come to your aid? Just a

thought --- Regards all, El

Before getting to these natural anti inflammatory herbal remedies, a brief

explanation of inflammation.

An inflammation is simply a body's reaction to an infection, irritation or

injury. It is actually usually a helpful response and shows that your


defenses are working correctly.

However, the body can learn to over rely on this response keeping the

response going past the point of need or responding with inflammation when

there is no substance to fight off (autoimmune disorder).

Improper inflammatory response is responsible for cancer, arthritis,

diabetes & more. Inflammation can lead to numerous health problems because

an inflammatory response is non specific & somewhat unpredictable.

Luckily, there are many effective anti inflammatory herbs which can help

treat any number of inflammatory-based conditions.

Best natural anti inflammatory herbs


(http://www.herbalremediesworld.com/) >


(http://www.herbalremediesworld.com/) > To go from anti inflammatory herbs to

home click here <_http://www.herbalremediesworld.com/_

(http://www.herbalremediesworld.com/) >


(http://www.herbalremediesworld.com/) > <_http://www.herbalremediesworld.com/_

(http://www.herbalremediesworld.com/) >

* Turmeric is a great herbal remedy for inflammation, including arthritis,

tendonitis & auto-immune disorders. Take 400 to 600 milligrams of turmeric

extracts (available in tablets or capsules) three times per day. Whole

turmeric is best. It may take two months for good effect so be patient. Oh,

curry mixtures usually contain a good amount of turmeric so feel free to

have lots of curried dishes if you prefer.

* Ginger is also one of the excellent anti inflammatory herbs. Take one to

two capsules (500 to 1,000 mg) twice a day with food. You can also use

ginger liberally in foods or make fresh ginger tea. Here too, you will need

to be patient for the benefits to show.

* Boswellin is a good natural anti inflammatory remedy especially for

conditions like fibromyalgia. The dosage is two capsules twice a day or

follow the product label.

* Arnica is a widely used herbal remedy for inflammation in addition to a

salve for bruises & sprains. Use as directed.

* Bromelain is an anti-inflammatory enzyme. Bromelain is found in


so eat lots of fresh pineapple. You can also buy pleasant tasting, chewable

bromelain tablets. (Take with 100-500mg of magnesium & 500 mg of L-cysteine

to enhance results.)

In the same vein, you can eat papaya since it contains an enzyme that has

anti inflammatory effects. Here too you can simply chew on good tasting

tablets several times daily.

* Devils claw is dual use: one of the better pain-relieving & anti

inflammatory herbs. Devil's claw is especially useful for arthritis.

* Licorice root is an effective, natural anti-inflammatory herb root. Note

that long-term use can raise blood pressure and lead to potassium loss.


is one-eighth to one-quarter teaspoon of extract up to three times daily.

* St. 's wort is better known for its antidepressant effect but also an

herbal remedy for inflammation. Follow label directions.

* White willow bark is also anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving. Use

supplement as directed.

There are many other herbs that have anti-inflammatory properties. I


that many plant based foods have anti-inflammatory effects whether we know

it or not, which is one reason why a diet rich in fruits & vegetables is

generally beneficial for health.

More natural anti inflammatory herbs & spices

The following herbs have also shown some clinical or experimental


as anti inflammatory spices & herbs. Again, use these natural anti

inflammatory remedies as spices, herbs to enhance dishes or take


as directed.

* * Black Pepper *Cinnamon * Rosemary * Basil * Cardamon * Chives


Cilantro * Cloves * Garlic * Meadowsweet * Parsley

Supplements with anti inflammatory properties include: Omega 3 fatty acids,

Vitamin B complex (50 mg three times a day) plus a separate B12 2,000 mcg

daily, Vitamin C (3,000 - 6,000 daily in divided doses), MSM, SAMe,

Bilberry, Aloe vera juice, and Olive leaf extract.


From: _rheumatic _ (mailto:rheumatic )


[mailto:_rheumatic _ (mailto:rheumatic )

<mailto:rheumatic%40> ] On

Behalf Of _Sltfain@..._ (mailto:Sltfain@...)


On that note, I better check in. I don't participate here much any more as


continue to work with my husband who is getting over colon rectal cancer if

that can be done. As for me, my scleroderma tests continue to be negative

for scleroderma since 2004. Like others, here in Montana, there is NO ONE

knowledgeable of this disease and its treatment. The doctors here in the

medical coridor continue the treatment to " prolong " what they consider

people soon to be dead. The one doctor I had here was critically injured in

a car wreck so I was without anything or anyone for such a long time. Then


was lucky enough to locate a gp here who greed to the minocycline - cannot

even get the Minocin in this entire state as the drug is contracted here.


I have done the minocycline as a prophylactic to not go backwards. In the

meantime, we did cleanup from the damage left by the scleroderma. I had a

kidney removed and then heart ablation on both lobes and the aortic valve.

Probably because of the stress - we still have two left in school and I can

tell you that a law practice pretty much shuts down when the lawyer gets

cancer - I have had some symptoms which worried me. Just because the

scleroderma is halted does not mean that the micoplasms are not rioting

again. My GP aceeded to my request to do four months of oral clindamycine

one week on, one week off. I could not have done any more ivs had I wanted

them and been able to get them as my veins are so diminished. So here I

started on Wednesday and will wait to see what kind of herx I have as I am

prone to these. I am able to continue to work with my husband and my life


just so good. But inflammation is a factor which has shown up so I know I

must now become my own best advocate. If anyone knows a better way to do


clindamycin, let me know, as I am shooting in the dark, always having had


through iv. I was fortunate to see this GP on the very day that he had just

had a newly diagnosed scleroderma patient in his office. He asked if the

gentleman could call me but I have not had that call. I did talk to him

about the protocol and will send him all the literature on Monday. He

listened carefully to me as he wants to treat this man so he continues to

live like me. This is quite a journey and I know I am one of the very, very

lucky ones. Newbies, please listen to Delores as she knows this protocol.

Love to all of you on this path. Fain






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