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Re: Flagyl - From Bell

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Some of the possible side effects of Metronidazole (Flagyl) may include one

or more of the following -- neurologic disorders, lethargy, weakness,

neutropenias, hepatotoxicity, hematuria, anorexia, nausea, vomiting and/or


Hope that was helpful,


Austin, Texas


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Hi ,

I took Flagyl for several weeks and felt really peculiar. It seemed

to affect the mood too. The dr. confirmed that it was the drug. ew


Esther Warkov, Ph.D


Founder, The Piano Connection


971.255-0388 (Portland)



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My daughter's doctor prescribed Flagyl along with the minocycline.


rheumatic Flagyl - From Bell

Hi everyone! I almost never write to the group anymore. Some of you " oldsters "

might remember me. :-) (HI, ETHEL and CHRIS!) After years of feeling pretty

decent, I am suddenly in what seems to be a flare up from hell (RA). I am

currently on flagyl for a post-surgery uterine infection. I hadn't put the two

things together in my mind. Is flagyl an antibiotic normally used for rheumatic

diseases? I don't recall seeing it mentioned. I am horribly swollen from my fat

toes to my hips.

I am 42, have had RA since 1997, and was nearly in remission by 2000 (with Dr.

Franco's help). I think I was so thrilled with having my life back that I got

lazy and dropped the ball. It started coming back on me. I also have very

brittle juvenile diabetes and, I'm starting to suspect, celiac disease. Oh

yes--and two big dogs, two big teenage boys, two 80-year-old parents with

dementia, a very stressful and demanding job (MORE than full-time), and a very

active boyfriend that would love it if his woman was in better shape.

I'm not taking my minocin at the moment, as I await the new prescription from

Canada. I wasn't sure if I've been feeling so bad because I am OFF the minocin

or because I ADDED the flagyl. The surgeon also has me on cipro and nystatin.

Words of wisdom, anyone?


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