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Flagyl - From Bell

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Hi everyone! I almost never write to the group anymore. Some of you " oldsters "

might remember me. :-) (HI, ETHEL and CHRIS!) After years of feeling pretty

decent, I am suddenly in what seems to be a flare up from hell (RA). I am

currently on flagyl for a post-surgery uterine infection. I hadn't put the two

things together in my mind. Is flagyl an antibiotic normally used for rheumatic

diseases? I don't recall seeing it mentioned. I am horribly swollen from my

fat toes to my hips.

I am 42, have had RA since 1997, and was nearly in remission by 2000 (with Dr.

Franco's help). I think I was so thrilled with having my life back that I got

lazy and dropped the ball. It started coming back on me. I also have very

brittle juvenile diabetes and, I'm starting to suspect, celiac disease. Oh

yes--and two big dogs, two big teenage boys, two 80-year-old parents with

dementia, a very stressful and demanding job (MORE than full-time), and a very

active boyfriend that would love it if his woman was in better shape.

I'm not taking my minocin at the moment, as I await the new prescription from

Canada. I wasn't sure if I've been feeling so bad because I am OFF the minocin

or because I ADDED the flagyl. The surgeon also has me on cipro and nystatin.

Words of wisdom, anyone?


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Hi ,

Sorry to hear you had to see us again for a flare but its nice to have you


Yes Flagyl can be used for rheumatic diseases. It is not normally used as

per the original doc Browns protocol.

I have had RA since !997 also. I did a course of flagyl according to the

Wayburn or something like that protocol. Its on the rheumatic/histories if

you want to read about it. Anyway I had major problems with it but after the

5 th week I had NO pain. Did the 6th week and still good. Was advised to

stop and in about a week I had a flare from hell and my first deformity.

Could never get back to no pain with the flagyl protocol. Not everyone has

this response. I was told later that I should have kept going with the

flagyl and I would have been cured. Hindsite is great!

I also have been lazy about taking my Minocin and I had a flare in my

shoulders. Doing good now.

The Cipro could be causing a flare as well as the flagyl or you could have

leaky gut from these 2 meds. Be very gut conscious when you add the Minocin.

Take probiotics and all the other things that help not get leaky gut as it

can make matters worse. Stress will add to a flare also.

I hope you can get back to where you were. Good luck.



From: rheumatic [mailto:rheumatic ] On Behalf

Of brettlisa77@...

Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2008 11:46 AM


Subject: rheumatic Flagyl - From Bell

Hi everyone! I almost never write to the group anymore. Some of you

" oldsters " might remember me. :-) (HI, ETHEL and CHRIS!) After years of

feeling pretty decent, I am suddenly in what seems to be a flare up from

hell (RA). I am currently on flagyl for a post-surgery uterine infection. I

hadn't put the two things together in my mind. Is flagyl an antibiotic

normally used for rheumatic diseases? I don't recall seeing it mentioned. I

am horribly swollen from my fat toes to my hips.

I am 42, have had RA since 1997, and was nearly in remission by 2000 (with

Dr. Franco's help). I think I was so thrilled with having my life back that

I got lazy and dropped the ball. It started coming back on me. I also have

very brittle juvenile diabetes and, I'm starting to suspect, celiac disease.

Oh yes--and two big dogs, two big teenage boys, two 80-year-old parents with

dementia, a very stressful and demanding job (MORE than full-time), and a

very active boyfriend that would love it if his woman was in better shape.

I'm not taking my minocin at the moment, as I await the new prescription

from Canada. I wasn't sure if I've been feeling so bad because I am OFF the

minocin or because I ADDED the flagyl. The surgeon also has me on cipro and


Words of wisdom, anyone?


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hi i took flagyl for 6 weeks with mino once back in late 06. i got so

sick i could barely get out of bed then my stomach burned like i had an

ulcer. will NOT try that one again. i know others who've reacted this

way to it too. it's a very strong drug.


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