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Hi All,

Has anybody experienced swelling of the feet/ankles after starting abx?

I have been taking Biaxin for 5 wks., and the swelling started about 2

wks. ago. I don't think it is related to the heat. The only other time

that I experienced this was when I was pregnant. I am also taking

Neurontin... don't know if that would cause it.

As usual, any info would be appreciated.

Thanks, Joan LI, NY

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I have never been on Biaxin, so can't answer that one, I have been on

Neurontin, but did not have swelling with that.....but when I tried Remeron,

an antidepressant, I really had a problem with the swelling of feet, ankles

and hands. I looked it up on the web and read 17 sites before I found one

that listed that as a rare side effect of the drug. I would call the

pharmacist if I were you and ask him/her, they should know if either of

these drugs are capable of causing this symptom. I called my pharmacist and

he had me wean off the Remeron for several days before I totally stopped,

and immediately upon stopping the swelling went away.

Hope this helps,


Marta NJ

From: Namkrats3@... (Joan S.)

Hi All,

Has anybody experienced swelling of the feet/ankles after starting abx?

I have been taking Biaxin for 5 wks., and the swelling started about 2

wks. ago. I don't think it is related to the heat. The only other time

that I experienced this was when I was pregnant. I am also taking

Neurontin... don't know if that would cause it.

As usual, any info would be appreciated.

Thanks, Joan LI, NY

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Hi Marta,

I will check the info that came with the RXs to see if edema is a side

effect of any of the meds that I am taking. Thought I read somewhere

that the toxins from spirochete die-off could cause edema...will have to

check into that.

Thanks, Joan

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Hi Joan,

I never heard or read of edema from the spirochetes die off, but that

could be true, I guess it depends on just how swollen you are, I was really

swollen from the Remeron, my feet looked like Fred Flintstone's and I had

trouble bending my fingers to type. It was quite obvious. If I have

everyday edema from Lyme, I can't tell very well due to the weight gain.

Thanks for you kind words, I have been trying to reach my doctor by phone

since noon, constant busy, I gave up and decided to do some mail for a bit,

better try him again now.



From: Namkrats3@... (Joan S.)

Hi Marta,

I will check the info that came with the RXs to see if edema is a side

effect of any of the meds that I am taking. Thought I read somewhere

that the toxins from spirochete die-off could cause edema...will have to

check into that.

Thanks, Joan

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  • 3 years later...
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Hi Sue,

I don't know if I count since they haven't given me a dx yet other than non discript hepatitis. My abdomen, my ankles and my left hand swells usually when my enzymes are up or I am exhausted. When it happens I stop the salt, eat smaller meals and drink lots of purified water, rest and stay cool. I have had to go on diuretics before. If I am careful I usually can manage it. It is important to tell your doc! retaining fluid isn't part of the normal scheme and can mean more than one thing. Have it checked.


Be Dead to your past, be Alive in the present and be Excited about your future! ~Sherry

>From: The Mauks



>Subject: [ ] (no subject)

>Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2003 10:08:21 -0400


>Just wondered if anyone suffers from (edema)swelling. I notice that my

>feet are so swollen in the am & quite often, by the end of the day. My

>albumin is low & I wonder if that is the reason. Anything I should be

>majorly concerned about? It seems like it is not worth mentioning

>anything to my docs, because they are only concerned if I 'really' get

>sick again. Any comments or suggestios would be appreciated! Thanks,

>Sue(from Ohio)



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  • 4 months later...

Is there anyone else out there that suffers from your tongue or gums


Like when you talk or chew that you'll bite your tongue. and has anyone

noticed that your teeth are getting spaces between them that you didn't have


I have fibro and PA.

Thanks for any help that you might have.


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In a message dated 12/13/2003 11:11:12 PM Eastern Standard Time, JNJSewing


> your tongue or gums

> swelling

Hi Jan,

Tongue swelling is sometimes an indicator of pernicious anemia (autoimmune form

of anemia where the lining of your stomach stops producing intrinsic factor,

which means you can't absorb B-12, which means you can't absorb iron). May be

worth a blood test...treatment is pretty simple, B-12 shots monthly.

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  • 9 months later...

I might be odd. :-)

I had extremely intense pain at first, with very little to no swelling.

SOmetimes I would get swelling a few days after the pain, seems the pain level

and swelling had little relation to each other at times. My casual observation

is that whatever part of me hurt, it began to have a sort of pattern, and I

would have pain for 12 hours or so, gradually get some kind of swelling, over

the next 12 hours or so, then it would begin to subside. The cycle would seem

to complete within say 36 hours and begin somewhere else.

I also noticed something else. After the pain would begin to subside, if I

would take a warm bath, the spots that caused the most intense pain would turn

bright red in the bath!

Then I would also get this swelling with little pain - mostly in my wrists and

fingers that would first swell slightly, then discolor red or purple or black,

and it would stay that way for months. I " grew ridges " on top of both hands

near my wrists for over a year before MTX. They slowly went away after MTX

began. 2 fingers on each hand the middle knuckle on each also swelled and

turned black and stayed that way for over a year. They do this now from time to

time for a week or so and then it recedes again for a few weeks and then comes

back. Very odd.

- In , " lindajbelle " <lindajbelle@y...> wrote:

> Good morning,


> I am wondering how many people had pain before the swelling and how

> long it took before the swelling occured. I have all the pain and am

> on plaquenil but the swelling is not there, yet!. However sometimes

> my fingers feel very thick.


> Thanks



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This is similar to what happened to me, too...lots of pain with minor

swelling that kind of came and went. I've still never had

the " typical " RA swelling where your joints look really red and feel

hot. Most of my swelling has been in my fingers or wrist, or

sometimes just around one knuckle. And sometimes my rheumatologist

can see or feel swelling where I can't, like in my feet or elbow.

> > Good morning,

> >

> > I am wondering how many people had pain before the swelling and


> > long it took before the swelling occured. I have all the pain and


> > on plaquenil but the swelling is not there, yet!. However


> > my fingers feel very thick.

> >

> > Thanks

> >

> >

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I had pain first. I'm guessing some minor swellling started several

months later. Not that you could see it, but I would notice my shoes

were almost too tight to get on. The morning stiffness started even

after that. Because I've been on meds from the beginning, I've only

had a few times of really bad swelling and stiffness. It's always

been addressed quickly with increased meds or new meds. But I have

experienced enough to know that if I stopped my meds my whole body

would freeze up and I'd be in bed a lot.

> Good morning,


> I am wondering how many people had pain before the swelling and how

> long it took before the swelling occured. I have all the pain and


> on plaquenil but the swelling is not there, yet!. However sometimes

> my fingers feel very thick.


> Thanks



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> Good morning,


> I am wondering how many people had pain before the swelling and how

> long it took before the swelling occured. I have all the pain and


> on plaquenil but the swelling is not there, yet!. However sometimes

> my fingers feel very thick.


> Thanks



I never had much swelling. No heat or redness at all. Pain, yes.


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Hi ,

As for your question about swelling:I felt pain in my hands 4 years ago and

told I was fine. 8 months ago was told I did have RA. I have been on Remicade

for 5 months and just quit it. Been on MTX for a month and last weekend for the

first time I had the fat swollen joints,with red and black and blue with sharp

stabbing pain. At first I thought I had hit my hand on something and bruised it

but by the end of the day my other fingers were the same and I couldnt bend my

hands to a fist.It was so painful to just lightly touch my knuckles. I have had

some bad pain before but not the swollen joints that you could see. My MRI

showed significant damage my rhuemy said but my blood work shows low

inflammation??? Its so hard to know and our bodies are so different. So I think

I have had RA for at least 5 years and now on meds I feel way worse symtoms or

it could also be that the RA has taken its time till now and just by chance has

hit full force after all this time. I sure hope the

swelling stays away for a while. Hope this helps. Take care Latisha

lindajbelle <lindajbelle@...> wrote:

Good morning,

I am wondering how many people had pain before the swelling and how

long it took before the swelling occured. I have all the pain and am

on plaquenil but the swelling is not there, yet!. However sometimes

my fingers feel very thick.


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  • 1 year later...

It is my understanding that it can grow inward, but your difficulty

swallowing can actually be caused by reflux issues including

esophogeal swelling. Have you seen a physician about this?

My goiter was large and did grow outward. But that was years ago.

I now am very hypoactive and am undergoing some massive re-

evaluation for instability!

Glad to talk to you!



> Hi I am new to this list.

> i see it is not very busy but I have a question.


> Is it possible for the thyroid to swell inward rather than outward

as in a

> goiter??

> i am haveing more and more difficulty swallowing theses days and


> Thank you

> Meg

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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest


> Hi,I am new here and I have an urgent question. I did the Optimal


> for 1 month, already with little or no dairy. Since a week I


> dairy and took supplements as well as coconut oil. I don't feel


> at all and my breasts are swelling enormously and they are hurting.

> Could that be a healing reaction? It feels very unpleasant. On the

> whole I feel bloated I think I am going to stop this way of eating.

> Please give me some thought on this.

> Thank you Magda

==>Dear Magda, yes you are experiencing healing reactions. Remember

to start coconut oil at very small amounts and only gradually

increase them every 5 days or more, to minimize healing reactions.

Also ensure you are following the rest of the diet, and taking all of

the supplements recommended - see these articles:




To understand natural healing more see these:


Also see the many Success Stories by members of this group:


The best in health, Bee

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What are you still doing that's NOT part of Bee's program??? That is

the main question you need to answer. If you read the article, " How

to Successfully Overcome Candida " in her files, you'll see exactly

WHAT you need to do and WHEN to do it. Your body will have to adjust

at first, but the strange reactions will become less and less. To do

this, you'll need tougher skin and you'll need to make your mind up

that no matter what, you're going to stick with it.

It's easy to quit. It's easy to stay sick... and before you know it,

you'll wake up 5 years from now still feeling the same way. You'll

have to fight for your health. Do you want it??



> Hi,I am new here and I have an urgent question. I did the Optimal


> for 1 month, already with little or no dairy. Since a week I stopped

> dairy and took supplements as well as coconut oil. I don't feel well

> at all and my breasts are swelling enormously and they are hurting.

> Could that be a healing reaction? It feels very unpleasant. On the

> whole I feel bloated I think I am going to stop this way of eating.

> Please give me some thought on this.

> Thank you Magda


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Thank you Bee and thank you Doug for your answers. I lowered the

coconutoil intake to 1 tablespoon. I started with 4! That gave some

problems, but I am better now.

I am still trying to figure out all the supplements:

-I already had Magnesium-aspartaat from my docter, but I guess it has

to be Magnesium citrate?

-I cannot find vitamine A in oil here(the Netherlands). I do have

retinylpalmitaat instead, is that ok? It has 4000ie.

-I do also have B vitamines with niacinamide and inositolhexaniacin.

So in addition I need to have Niacine. Does that not give to many B3?

-My docter also gave Calcium Ascorbaat 1000mg as C-vitamine. Is that

ok to use?

-I also use Cellfood for minerals. Is that allowed?

And also I see Liquid Chlorophyll is used. Is that the same as Greens

for Live?

Sorry for so many questions.


- In , " Bee " <beeisbuzzing2003@...>




> >

> > Hi,I am new here and I have an urgent question. I did the Optimal

> Diet

> > for 1 month, already with little or no dairy. Since a week I

> stopped

> > dairy and took supplements as well as coconut oil. I don't feel

> well

> > at all and my breasts are swelling enormously and they are


> > Could that be a healing reaction? It feels very unpleasant. On


> > whole I feel bloated I think I am going to stop this way of


> > Please give me some thought on this.

> > Thank you Magda


> ==>Dear Magda, yes you are experiencing healing reactions.


> to start coconut oil at very small amounts and only gradually

> increase them every 5 days or more, to minimize healing reactions.

> Also ensure you are following the rest of the diet, and taking all


> the supplements recommended - see these articles:

> http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/menu2_2_1.php

> http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/intro1.php

> http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/supp7.php


> To understand natural healing more see these:

> http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/menu1_2.php


> Also see the many Success Stories by members of this group:

> http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/success/index.php


> The best in health, Bee


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  • 11 months later...
  • 11 months later...
Guest guest

So what is with the swelling? What causes it? What can I do about it? It's my

face, hands and feet. I already don't do a lot of salt because of high blood

pressure is there anything else that will help?


Newly diagnosed with dermatomyositis and SLE

Mommy to Tyler (16), Kaylee(13), Spencer (12), and Chance (6, pACC, ONH, PHP,

BPNH, PMG, Posterior fossa arachnoid cyst shunted 06/07, Hemiplegia, diplegia,

hypotonia, autistic tendencies and the biggest blue eyes this side of the Mason



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Inflammation has a lot to do with your diet as well. Cutting out gluten, dairy

& sugar as well as watching out for preservatives (especially MSG) & nightshade

vegies helps reduce inflammation as well!


> So what is with the swelling? What causes it? What can I do about it? It's my

face, hands and feet. I already don't do a lot of salt because of high blood

pressure is there anything else that will help?


> Amy

> Newly diagnosed with dermatomyositis and SLE

> Mommy to Tyler (16), Kaylee(13), Spencer (12), and Chance (6, pACC, ONH, PHP,

BPNH, PMG, Posterior fossa arachnoid cyst shunted 06/07, Hemiplegia, diplegia,

hypotonia, autistic tendencies and the biggest blue eyes this side of the Mason



> www.freewebs.com/tknbychance






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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

> Hi Bee



> I have sever nodule lymphatic swelling,  if take even 1/2 HCL it gets

triggered,  does my liver shoot out toxins that my plugged lymph cant

handle? Its gets so bad like marbles in my neck, shoulders, side head, under

upper eylid, and really believe upper abdomen, 6 inch down left stomach.   Or is

my immune system attacking this part of my body?


> My upper abdomen is soar,  I dont get heartburn or acidity ever,  but can you

still have acidity issues? maybe it is ulcer but I dont think so.      I am

getting an endoscopy test next week to get to the bottom of it.

+++Hi ,

That's good you are getting a proper diagnosis. Let me know what it is.

Your body is smart enough so it would not attack itself.

In the meantime you should do the 9-Day Program, with clear water enemas every



Remember that IF you are not completely on this program (total diet and all

supplements), consistenly enough and long enough you will not progress like

other people who are on the program, so that makes it almost impossible to

determine what is happening with you.

When you are completely on the program your reactions and symptoms are more

predictable, following certain patterns so you and I both know you are not

getting worse and instead are progressing towards health, as explained in this

article: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/heal10.php


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